Tag 64

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Mmmnyaah I'm sleepy

Oh oh but y'all see that brilliant artwork up there? That's not by me, I repeat, is not by me
Credit goes to Alpha_Sapphire_, thanks again for the artwork Saph :3

Alright kids, it's gonna be a pretty big tag today
So find a chair
And a drink
And whatever the hell else you might need

Also, was tagged by Angel_snowflakes_, so thanks to her

1.) Name?

2.) Height?
6"1 when I last checked

3.) Age?
I'm 16 (naht old)

4.) Sports?
This is a word, not a question. But ye, I like some sports - Rock climbing, mountain biking, swimming, surfing... but I don't like team sports, such as football, rugby, etc

5.) Colour(s)?
Ehhh... actual question format would be appreciated
But ye, my favourite colour is blue

6.) Hair colour?

7.) Eye colour?
Like... mostly black, I think they're meant to be brown

8.) Best friends?
Can't pick any favourites, but TKK be my best friends as well as some others from another group, y'all know who you are UwU

9.) Grade?
I'm in year 12... what grade does that translate to?

10.) Pattern?
Seriously, what's this asking me?
I like... idk, stripes

11.) Current mood?
Sleepy... but happyyy

12.) Self harmed?
Uhhhh... you know I wish tags didn't ask me this
As usual:

13.) Subject?
Favourite is physics I guess

14.) Depressed?

15.) Been depressed?
Heh you have no idea

16.) Someone I can trust?
I trust a lot of people, but I won't list them

17.) Candy?
Mmn. Candy

18.) Food?
Favourite food is either lasagna or chicken burgers or something

19.) Youtuber?
My favourite YouTube channel is probably Vsauce1

20.) Celebrities?
I don't like celebrities

Oh no wait actually, Keanu Reeves

21.) Like school?

22.) Worst day ever?
It exists only in my mind

23.) Dream job?
Honestly, as much as I'd like to work with science, I feel like my dream job would be professional content creation/streaming

24.) Best day ever?
That only exists in my mind too, I don't really remember or have a 'best day' of my life

25.) Bf/gf?
Uhh no

26.) Dream day?
It would be meeting y'all and messing around with TKK. UwU

27.) Dream date?
Just... idk, I feel like stargazing is on the list... otherwise, I really don't know. I guess I'd just go with the flow.

28.) Disorders?
Probably more than I even know of, but depression is one of them, along with a handful of other mental health disorders

29.) First kiss?
Hasn't happened yet

30.) Animal?
My favourite animal is a doggo, woof

31.) Pet names?
Don't have any pets ;-;

32.) Ever volunteered?
Mmn yes, with some things

33.) OTP?
Sun x Lillie

34.) Book?
'The Martian' by Andy Weir

35.) Author?
Hmmm, not sure

36.) Movie?
Ehhh... favourite movie might be 'Alien'

37.) Actor?
I don't have a favourite actor, I don't even know many

38.) Video games?
Yes I love them, yes I play a lot of them, no I can't choose a favourite

39.) Social media?
Mmn I use quite a bit, but not stuff like snapchat and Facebook

40.) Am I bored?
Mmn... a little bit,

41.) Am I tired?
Of life, yes

42.) Am I from the South?
South Wales, yes

43.) Am I from the North?
The northern hemisphere of the planet, yes

44.) Parents divorced?

45.) Number of siblings?
Just one younger sister

46.) Superhero?
Favourite superhero is Iron Man


47.) Believe in gay marriage?
Hell yeah, why wouldn't I?

48.) Sexual orientation?
I'm heterosexual, which is an interesting way of saying 'straight'

49.) Cake or cookie?
Hmmn... cookie :3

50.) Dark or white chocolate?
I thiiink I prefer white over dark

51.) Tea or coffee?
I think... coffee, but both are good

52.) Bath or shower?
I take showers, but baths are nice uwu

53.) Cold or hot?
I prefer being cold

54.) Instagram or Twitter?
Twitter, personally

55.) Vine or YouTube? (The numbering on the tag messed up here)
YouTube. I mean, vine is dead anyway XD

56.) Celebrities or Youtubers?
Youtubers, of course

57.) Bands or solo artists?
Oooh, ehh...


Bands, I think. Although seriously, some solo artists are incredible

(Least favourites)

58.) Subject?
Maths (but I still took it for A level lololol)

59.) Colour?
Hmm but I like all colours ;-;

60.) Celebrity? (Yeah, I really don't know what happened to the tag numbers at this point)
I don't really know any celebrities, but I don't like most of them uwu

61.) Person?
Least favourite person... hmm, idk, I hate most people equally

62.) Store?
Mmn I mean like, Boots or something? (It's nothing personal Boots, I'm just not all about cosmetic/beauty products and stuff like that)

63.) Flower?
Mmn I don't really have a reason to dislike flowers

64.) Candy?
I don't like Bounty's actually
Like, the chocolates with coconut in them

65.) Food?
Mmn... mushrooms. I can eat most things just- not mushrooms

66.) Animal?
My least favourite animal... Again, I don't really have a reason to dislike animals

(Have I ever)

67.) Smoked?

68.) Done drugs?
Only prescribed ones

69.) Touched a snake?
I have touched different species' of snek uwu

70.) Failed a test?
... nnno, actually I haven't

71.) Lost a loved one?
Yes, multiple.

72.) Been in a car accident?

73.) Broken a bone?
I have broken various bones :3

73.) Stayed up 24+ hours?
Many times

74.) Fallen in love?
Heh, yea

Aaand that's all folks
Thanks for making it to the end, once again, y'all may now have cookies 🍪
Moar chapters coming soon to a city near you

See ya :3
~ Wanderer

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