Tag 72

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Wassup people? It ya boi Wanderer, back at it again with another t a g  c h a p t e r

Oki so I can't remember who tagged me because this is from ages ago, sowwy :3

1.) Post a selfie
Heh, fine, it's been a while. But y'all aren't seeing beneath the mask ùwú

2.) Age
I'll be 17 in... 19 days.

3.) Middle name?

4.) Birthdate?

That's in the not-American date format.

5.) Where you're from?
I was born in the Capital city of Wales, in the UK.

6.) Favourite accounts?
... What like, my favourite accounts that are mine? Well like, my Wattpad is hella important, so ye. And then of course my Google account, which stores like 90% of my stuff. I got my Spotify account with all my music on it... and my Discord account which I use to talk to my frens

7.) Favourite song?
Hmm... yea I can't choose, I'm can't allow myself to have a favourite

8.) Favourite movie?
Hmm... Alien, the first one

9.) Random fact about me?
I can crack my knuckles once about every 25 minutes.

10.) Weirdest moment of my life so far?
Hard to choose, or even remember. I've had a lot of weird moments in life - they seem to happen a lot

11.) Best moment of my life so far?
... Haah :'3

Again, it's really quite hard to pick a favourite. But a moment that seems to be the most special to me is from October 11th this year

12.) Turn on's?
Mmmmn not sure if it's something I really want to discuss >///<

13.) Turn off's?
Again, don't really wanna discuss those here

14.) Best friends?
Step forward TKK, y'all know who you are uwu
Just to be clear, I have many best friends here too who aren't particularly from TKK, but specifying you all would take a while ^^'

15.) Current mood?
Relaxed, happy, yet slightly melancholy at the same time. A little tired. I miss people ;-;

16.) Celebrity girl crush?

17.) Celebrity guy crush?

18.) Biggest fear
Losing those who matter to me the most

19.) Something I like that everyone else hates?
Doing tag chapters. XD

20.) Something I hate that everyone else likes?

Speaking of which, I'm hella tired so imma go do that now.

Happy new to all of you, btw. See ya around,
~ Wanderer

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