Tag 80

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Woop woop

I'm back, and sat in my house doing nothing because we not allowed to go outside and stuff

Hope y'all staying safe in this time of shittyness

I bacc with another tag to keep you all entertained, this one is from -CrazyMazey so thanks to her uwu

1.) Post a picture of myself
Myea, okay

2.) The most recent lie I said?
I remember the last joke lie that I said
Like, the sarcastic one

3.) Name of your crush?
Alpha_Sapphire_ obvs
Ye, can't say her real name so you'll all have to settle with that
Also go follow her account

4.) Post a pic of my crush?
Pfha nah I'll get killed

5.) I want to travel to?
Many places, eventually. But definitely the Netherlands again

6.) Last movie I saw?
Uuhhhhh... I honestly can't remember

7.) If I could eat one thing for the rest of my life, it'd be

8.) I can't live without...
My friends and girlfriend

9.) Favourite food?
I have a few, stuff like chicken burgers, pizza, lasagna...

10.) The best joke I've ever done
Haaah it's impossible to choose the best uwu

11.) What colour is my house?
It's like a light yellow

12.) How my room looks like?

This is the view from my bed uwu

13.) What I wore today?
Jeans, black shirt and black hoodie

14.) Post an old pic of me?
Nah, you've already had a pic of me today

15.) Favourite TV show?
Doctor Who

16.) My Tumblr crush?
Don't have one?

17.) Places those who have travelled..?
This question doesn't make much sense

But I've been to many places, I have this name for a reason

18.) Favourite movie?

19.) A phrase you never will forget?
Is personal

20.) My lucky number?

21.) Name of my ex?
Not gonna name

22.) Pic of my pet?
No pets ;-;

23.) Name of someone I hate?
I don't hate anyone

Anyways, that all for now
Stay safe
Bai bai

~ Wanderer

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