Chapter 2

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*Door noises*

The door finally opens, I can finally take a look of the school's inside.

Me and my grandpa were walking thru the hallway then I said "Wow! It smells like those old wooden things from old houses!"

"Yeah! I made sure that old classic scent still is in here so I didn't buy any of those spray cans that smells so strong"

"So cool! Where will be my room at?"

"You can choose whatever room you like!"

"Alright, hmm... I'll choose your section's room!"

"Oh that, that would be section B"

"Okayy! I'll start putting my stuff in that room"

"Alright, I'll go ahead and cook lunch. I'll call you when your food is ready"


The room isn't that big as I expected to be, well it's an kindergarten room what would I expect? The school has 5 rooms, I'm guessing those 5 rooms were section a, b, c, d and e. The room that I'm staying at still has those blackboards, the bed is next to the window, a little television is placed on the walls where the door is connected to and I guess the cabinet that is placed right now is used to be the lockers place.

It's just cool that I get to sleep on my grandpa's old school. I wonder what kind of memories my grandpa had in here, well he was a kid that time so probably just kid things.

As I finish putting all the clothes on the cabinet, and quickly cleans up the room my grandpa called me for lunch.

My Grandpa is smilling at me and told me "Here you go! You're favorite dish, Buttered Crabs."

I am so excited to eat the dish and I shockingly say "Oh myy goshhh! The dish that you made me back when you visited our home!"

"Yes! I thought of cooking your favorite dish as your first meal here at tokyo so enjoy!"

"Thank you so much! Arigato!"

We ate, while enjoying eating one of the most favorite dish that my grandpa has cooked for me. Not to mention, my grandpa is a chef. He currently owns a restaurant here at tokyo, I think this is probably why he can effort to buy a school.

"Hey grandpa, I forgot to tell you where is your room at?" I asked while we both are enjoying eating lunch.

"Oh my room, it's on the principal's office. By the way, if you want to watch the television or lay in the couch it's on the teacher's office right next to my room" he answered while he was about to drink water.

"Ohh okay!"

My grandpa was about to finish eating then asked me "I still don't know the reason why your mother didn't come with you, she only told me that you were coming here at tokyo by yourself"

"Oh, she told me that they have an important meeting this first week and second week of august so she can't come and august is her busiest month"

"Ohh alright, it would be even better if she is with us but oh well I mean if your mom is here you probably won't get to roam around tokyo by yourself"

I agreed and we finished eating lunch, I washed all the dishes when I saw a large certificate above the sink.

"This certificate goes to Vansu Chikafuji for becoming the 2015 top 3 best chefs in tokyo. Wow grandpa you became top 3 last year? And why is this certificate above the sink?" I shockingly asked my grandpa.

"Yeah I still can't believe I made it to top 3 last year, I decided to put in there so when I wash the dishes I can get to look at it"

I laughed and said "Hahaha! That is a great way of looking at what you accomplished."

"I know it's weird but I just get to put it in there"

I finished washing the dishes and entered my room, my phone accidentally fell on the floor then I saw a skateboard below the bed. I quickly reached out below the bed and grabs the skateboard.

"Grandpaaa!!" I yelled.


"Come here real quick"

My grandpa opens the door and asked me "Hm? What is it".

I was so suprised that he owns one and asked "Is this your skateboard?"

"Yes!! How did you find it? I was searching this for months now"

"It was below the bed, how come I didn't know you used to be a skater?"

"I bought that back when I started to work at restaurants, I used it everyday to go to the restaurant so that I won't need to go to buses."

"Oh! That's very cool! This skateboard still looks like it's brand new! The design of the skateboard is so cool too"

"Yeah I always make sure there are no damages and I always clean it because that skateboard was popular back from my day. Now that I have a grandkid, I will give this to you from now on. Please take care of it."

"What?! The skateboard is mine? Thank you but I don't know how to use skateboards!"

"Oh yes, I forgot you don't know how to use one as your mom doesn't let you go on skateboards because she thinks you will break your bone if you accidentally fell, ugh. Your mom is always about safety. Anyways, I'll teach you later how to use a skateboard on the streets, so you can get to use this skateboard."

"Well yeah I always beg mom to buy me just one skateboard for my birthday but she won't let me so she will probably be shocked that I can finally use the skateboard when I come back home! And okay! I really wanted to practice on using skateboard so knowing how to use a skateboard with you will be fun!"

"Yup! I'll start the car and we will get going to the street where there isn't much people, okay?"


I quickly left the school and put the skateboard at the back of the car. I entered the door of the car then my grandpa asked me "You ready to go?"


The car left the parking lot of the school and I finally get to see the streets of tokyo again.

"Fumiaki, I have work tomorrow so you will be alone at home. Don't worry tho! You can walk outside or even visit the busy streets of tokyo, I'll give you money. Just don't forget to message me if you're leaving the house and if you are about to go to home, get it?"

"Yes! Got it."

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