Chapter 7

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*VROOOM!* Super fast vehicles approaching in the highway.

Fuyumi: "Alright, fumiaki is everything set?"

Fumiaki: "Yep. (●'⌓'●)"

Everyone cheered then said "YOU CAN DO IT FUMIAKI! IN 3...2...1 GO!"

I started to skate at the side of highway, just rethinking all of this.

"Omg, why did I even agree to this" I looked at everyone and katsuji shouted

"Don't look at us! Just focus on the road you are skating! Don't think that the vehicles are there! They won't kill you!!!"

I focused on the road and started to become more comfortable to it.


When suddenly a huge bus was overtaking and was about to bump it to me.


I went to the left side of the highaway to avoid the huge bus and fell down in the cliff.

(Hey guys! Kyokyu here! If you guys are wondering what fumiaki fell into then refer to the picture below. The cliff isn't super high in the real location of the story but this picture below would do.)

A few minutes has been passed and I woke up in these woods, with alot of bruises in my back but luckily I'm still alive and didn't broke any of my bones, thanks to the trees.

"Argh, where am I? It's so dark in here." I putted myself back up and walked.

I shouted "IS SOMEONE HERE? HELLO? HELP ME PLEASE! ANYBODY?" There's no hope. I'm stuck here until someone finds me. I knew it, I shouldn't have agreed with skating in such a scary highway.

I was just looking around me when a thunder strikes at my left side. "OH GOD! THAT ALMOST HITTED ME! Wait-"

I looked at the area where the thunder striked at and saw a door connected to a stone wall. "What is that? There must be someone living in there that can help me, I must check."

I continued walking and I'm at infront of the door, I noticed that the door isn't fully closed and has a gap in it. I was going to open the door when suddenly a group of people were screaming "FUMIAKI? ARE YOU HERE? FUMIAKI?"

"GUYS! I'M HERE!" I shouted so loud.

"There you are!" Everyone was so happy to see me safe and sound.

Fumiaki: "How did you guys find me in here?"

Fuyumi: "We quickly got into Naoji's car and went to find you."

Katsuji: "Yeah! Here is the first aid kit, treat your wounds before it gets worser."

Daiju quickly helped me and finally treated my wounds. I spoke "I told you guys, we shouldn't have gone in the highway in the first place. It's very dangerous"

Daiju: "Actually your doing great not until the big bus came in, it's actually the big bus' fault, not you."

Everyone agreed, when Naoji spoke "I noticed that you were in that door? What were you doing in there?"

Fumiaki: "I wasn't actually inside of it, I was just about to open it if there's someone inside that could help me but then you guys arrived."

Katsuji: "Let's go inside!"

Daiju: "What? Don't you think it's scary to go in there? Like just a door connected to stone wall, we wouldn't know what's inside of there."

Fuyumi: "Nah, let's go in there"

Daiju: "Hmm.. alrighty then ¯\_(ツ)_/¯"

We all walked towards the door and opened the door. "WOOOAHH!" Everyone spoke.

Fumiaki: "What in the world is that..."

Daiju: "It looks like a large door shaped like a circle machine"

Fuyumi: "Maybe it's a large circle window for this room?"

Kaiju: "It could also be a large fan that hasn't have blades yet?"

Naoji: "No, guys. That is a realm machine. I have read about this a month ago. There are different kinds of those machines, it could look like a door, a small one and a chair one."

Daiju: "Realm machine? What could possibly be in that realm?"

Naoji: "Who knows? There are different types of realm that you can get into. It can be alternative universes, timelines or other stuff. You don't know what to expect inside of that thing"

Katsuji: "Shouldn't we get inside of it?"

Naoji: "No, it's dangerous. As I said we don't know what to expect from that thing and besides we don't know how to turn that thing on"

Fuyumi: "Isn't there like a way to turn that thing on? Like a charger?"

I noticed a large pressure plate on it's right side and spoke "I think we have to press that plate to turn it on?"

(Refer to the image below if you don't know what the large pressure plate looks like.)

Naoji: "It could be. But we should not go in that plate thingy we don't know what could happen"

Katsuji: "We can try putting this first aid kit box into that thing"

Katsuji throwed the first aid kit box into the large plate beside the portal when a blue orb appeared and lasered the first aid kit box. The realm started to open

Then the first aid kit box exploded and disappeared, after that the realm closed again.


Naoji: "It appears to be the large plate is the key to open the portal but it's too little so it didn't work properly"

The rain started pouring and naoji's parents called to go home as it's starting to get dark.

Naoji: "Let's go home now, let's just leave that realm alone. We don't know what could happen to us if we go inside there."

Katsuji: "Yeah, alright gang let's go"

Everyone started to leave the place, then they continued to walk while using their umbrellas. I quickly closed the door but left a gap in it as I'm still curious on what this could be possibly be.

Daiju: "Hey, Fumiaki! Let's go!" I went to daiju and went to Naoji's car.

Katsuji: "Gosh, the rain is heavy today. We could have stayed in this beach side if there wasn't a rain"

Fuyumi: "Yeah, I miss this beach side."

I got curious and asked them "Why do you guys miss this beach side so much?"

Katsuji: "Oh, this was the place where we all hangout before when we haven't got the skatepark yet, but since we have the skatepark now we don't go that much in here anymore"

Fumiaki: "Ohhh, that's why."

Daiju: "Yeah, we should go back in here tomorrow if there's no rain!"

"Yeahh!" Everyone shouted.

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