12 ⚔️ Almighty Magic

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He recalled his childhood with Wade, Jiya, and Randy. And Wade Left the house after Randy's Death.

*The Next Day After Wade Left the House and Randy Died*

"Successfully abandoned your one and only brother. What Now?" Jiya Cried

Jack climbed on the bed, and sat beside her, in his room. The room was made out of wood and concrete. Several paranormal paintings hung on the walls, along with some shelves holding his clothes, just beside his side table. He grabbed a white glass cup from the table and wrapped his palm around it. The cup was hot and had hot coffee in it.

The Emoji of the Coffee cup was printed on the cup. He took a sip from it, with a sigh.

"Whenever you feel like you need to take revenge," She started softly while landing her hand on his shoulder. "Just remember one thing"

"And what's that?"

"That Violence Is Never an Option. Just wait for karma to do its thing"

"I don't believe that shit"

"You'll have to"

"MY DAD believed in God, and died in the hands of his own adopted son!"

"Why are you not getting it, Wade Didn't Kill -"

"You don't need to defend him. I already know the truth"

"But -"

"Dad believed in a god that doesn't mean I'll have to do so"

"Come on dude, you've got the Almighty knowledge"

That sentence echoed Jack's mind. He thought about every possible outcome before replying: "I'm Aware of what I'm doing"

He jumped out from the bed and stretched his hand above the shelves. He reached for a bag and opened its zip ragefully. He pulled the clothes from the hooks and the shelves and threw them into the bag. He also threw his mobile and the mobile charger in her lap. She caught it. He gripped the long strap on the middle of the capsule - Shaped bag and hung diagonally on his left shoulder across his stomach.

She knew he was going to do something nonsense or stupid again, but she was wrong. Jack raced toward the door, and ragefuly pulled it open. The door struck the wall and made a loud sound. They both were fighting the urge to expect someone to ask what was the sound, but they knew no one would. As they were alone - in the whole town.

"Where are you going?" She found herself speaking the sentence in less than a second.

"Don't try to communicate with me, while I'm Gone," He looked behind him over his shoulder with a sigh, "I ain't going to explore the world, I - I'm going to explore something much deeper"

"And what's that?"

"I don't think I'll tell ya," He said while looking back at the door, with the words echoing in his mind, Come on dude, you've got the Almighty knowledge.

He shut the door behind him and exited the Room. No sooner than that, he found himself exiting the town. He Strolled through the forest, and many abandoned cities, trying to find Wade.

After Around three Months Of Exploring abandoned Cities, towns, Villages, and Various natural places like jungles, mountain ranges, and Water Bodies: He got nowhere. He finally decided to take a rest overnight, under a massive cave he found in the Himalayas. The Cave was tremendously large and it felt unnatural for all the beautiful vegetation like algae and different glowing plants and fireflies sticking on the smooth - Wet - Stone Walls.

The cave was shaped like a hemisphere. There was a beautiful pond at a corner, the water was unnaturally blue and also had glowing plants in it. It all felt unreal, Dreamy, Almost - Magical. He dropped his bag at the entrance and looked around the cave. His eyes were tired, but his brain was restless. He went near the pond to see if there was any drinkable water in it.

The water was almost Translucent, he couldn't see the bottom. He thought it might be dirty water. Okay... It's not drinkable. He thought Though I can take a cold bath in it. It will relax my body. I don't see any flaws in taking a bath in a natural pond.

He opened the zip of his bag and pulled out a white towel. The towel was furry, and almost rough, though strangely comforting. He placed the towel on the floor near the pond. He removed his dirty T-Shirt with dirt stuck to it. The smell of dry sweat along with blood, seemed to have faded inside the cave. He slid his pants down and threw them on top of his T-Shirt.

Wait... Did I forget to wear my underwear? Oh Yeah, I remember I removed them to put them in the bag because I peed in them when the tiger was sniffing me, while I played Dead. He Dived into the Pond naked, with his legs first. The water was hot. Woah! I thought It would be cold. But it's not that I don't like it.

It was very unreal for the Water to be warm when the whole cave was flushed with coolness. And again - It was summer so it was also unreal for the cave to be cold. Jack was lying in the pond with his body sunk into the water from his chest below. His arms were spread on the border of the pond.

It seemed all unreal but natural. He sunk his feet, but there was no floor underneath. He understood that the pond wasn't shallow. He decided to dive into it and see how deep it was. Although somewhere at the back of his head, it felt like a bad idea. He blocked his nose with his finger and thumb, and dived inside the Pond, he hesitated a bit before opening his eyes.

The Water was crystal clear now, he thought it would be dirty but his eyes felt like an underwater camera. He could see the walls of the pond, and his body, which he couldn't see before. He looked down to find the bottom. It wasn't very far. The pond was only about ten feet deep. The bottom wasn't normal at all.

A naked girl was lying at the bottom, with her eyes closed, and her hair stuck behind her body. Jack was shocked to see a dead body lying under a pond. It must've been a murder, he thought. Like, What else could be the reason for someone to throw a body under a pond, inside a cave of a mountain, in the middle of the whole mountain range?

He picked her up and swam up to the surface. He dragged her out of the pond. His body was warm, and although it was a warm pond, her warmth told him that she was alive. He picked up her hand and checked her pulse, She's Alive. He thought.

He went near the pond again to pick up the towel. He laid the towel on top of her to cover her body, from chest to thighs. He reached into his bag and reached for his clothes. Although Jack was a psychopath, he never had the slightest drop of lust in him, and he wanted to help everyone. He Wore another T-Shirt, and another pant. He pulled out a pair of matching Shirts and jeans from his bag and placed them beside her.

As her eyes slowly grew wide, she saw The Sun's rays flooding the cave, and a Man was sitting at the entrance, eating something. Jack was sitting there, with a half-eaten apple in his hand. She glanced beside her, the blue shirt with white checks on it, and a pair of jeans pants lying there folded and piled upon each other. She noticed the towel on her. She knew the guy had rescued her.

She slowly got up, trying to make as little noise as possible, as she didn't want him to look at her naked - Again. She reached for the shirt, slid her arms into the sleeves, closed the buttons, and reached for the pant. She shoved her legs in the tight sleeves of the jeans and got to him. She sat beside him and looked at his face. He wasn't shocked or astonished at all, Instead, He was full of questions.

The Questions are gonna rain like a hailstorm she thought, he glanced at her with ease. Offered her the apple through a gesture 'Want it?' She shook her head left and right to deny it.

"Thanks for rescuing me," She said with a dry throat, trying to sound pleased instead of rude. Which she failed miserably.

"Don't thank me, thank you luck, that I decided to dive into the pond?" Jack said while not looking at her but at the sunrise, "I could've just bathed in the pond and gone forward on my journey"

"Right," She said, naturally sounding pleased this time.

"Well, tell me about yourself, how did you end up in that pond?"

"That's the thing. I don't remember. I do remember that I was the witch of my village, they were pleased to have me, as I used my Dark Magic to protect them from the beasts, and then - then - I don't remember any further".

"Okay, cool"

"Tell me about yourself"

"I was cursed with Almighty knowledge, my dad adopted a guy with Gabriel's eye, and he killed my dad. Now I'm here, trying to explore what I can do with my Infinite Knowledge"

"Gabriel's descendants, I see. Gabriel's powers aren't a curse to you if you get rid of them before you die. Or else, they'll be stuck with your soul, wherever you are reborn. And I don't think there are any painless methods of getting rid of those powers."

"Is that so?"

"Yeah. I can teach you dark magic, which will help you control your knowledge"

"How do you -"

"Shh" She put her finger on his lips, "I'm a Witch, remember?"

"Are you gonna -"

"Shh!" She put her whole claw on his lips trying to shut him up when the door of the cave slowly dropped, but the lighting of the cave wasn't affected at all. The glowing plants and the fireflies kept the light, just not as bright as the sun.

She flew up from the ground, lifting him with the grip of his jaw. She tightened her grip as he felt the glance of betrayal in her eyes. I shouldn't trust people very often, he thought. She charged up her forearm with the dark magic, purple particles lighting up her arm, she clenched up her fist and threw it at his face. In a matter of milliseconds, Jack's infinite knowledge kicked in, and now he was the master of Dark Magic himself. He held out his hand and caught her punch before it could hit him.

He generated a long sword blade from his palm and struck her waist, cutting her body in equal two pieces. He landed on his feet, the blade fading slowly and he was gasping quickly. He looked at the two pieces of the witch's body turning to ashes and flying away, while the same happened to the door of the cave.

The sunlight again flooded in, he turned around toward the entrance, and saw the witch again, standing there clapping her hands and cheering him. His eyes widened in astonishment.

"Don't attack me" She chuckled, "I wasn't trying to do it either. I was just testing how fast your Almighty knowledge is"


"Yeah. Your conscious mind doesn't control your knowledge, your subconscious does. Which is better? Because your Almighty knowledge will kick in your mind at the right time and save you from potential dangers"

"Well... I didn't know that"

"You just mastered the art of dark magic in a matter of milliseconds. Astonishing"

"Okay and?"

"My name is Syria, and I have decided that I will be with you for the rest of your life"


"Because you saved mine"

"See, I'm not in search of a girlfriend right now - "

"Neither am I. You can think of me as a friend or a sister"

"What will I get in return?"

"I think I should be the one asking that"

"You're right"

Then Jack finally Found Wade, and after stealing his eye, he applied to become a Beast Hunter. His application got approved, he passed the entrance exam, and poisoned Wade at the Shelgar Market.


The flashing finally stopped as he hit the ground. Wade looked at Richard in surprise as he was unaware of the strength Richard possessed. Jack's eyes grew wide, and he glanced at Richard And Wade.

"Are you there?" Syria spoke again on a Bluetooth communication device of Jack.

"I'm Injured" He replied, while he struggled to move with his elbows.

It was just when He glanced at Richard, the glimpse of fear was seen for the first time in his eyes. It wasn't the fear of death or the fear of getting injured by Richard, It was something else, he saw something inside Richard. Something Richard didn't even know.

Richard's eyes were filled with rage and wisdom, and wanted to kill Jack. Wade was standing there, questioning Richard's unnatural strength and his prejudice towards Jack inside his mind.

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