14 ⚔️ Clash Duel

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Richard is now possessed by Jack and the only way to save him is by killing him, She cogitated.

Oh Really?It was Daisy. within her consciousness.

What are you doing in my brain? You shouldn't be here! She ruminated.

They were within Jessica's cognition, enabling them to delve into each other's streams of thought.

So, Jessica. Where is your sentience? I don't think you are a normal Human. You can perceive me within your cognition. Wade couldn't.

What do you mean? you tried to manipulate Wade?

Well..... He had a crush on you and there was no probability he would yearn to be with me, so I altered his mind.

He had a... What? And Didn't his Gabriel eye notice it?

That's the thing: people don't realise when they're getting manipulated. Daisy ruminated. she recollected Wade's betrayal. Although she had manipulated Wade into amorous feelings for her. She never anticipated him utilizing her. Her mother perished when she was little and she didn't want to heed Richard as he had abandoned them alone. She was too little to comprehend the reason behind it. And her insubordination towards Richard led to her inability to differentiate between what is virtuous and what is nefarious.

Jessica hesitated. She was utterly astounded. Wade had a crush on me this whole time? Daisy could control minds? Wade had a sibling who could wield dark magic? An array of questions loomed over Wade. Despite this colossal revelation, Jessica didn't withhold herself from progressing with her actions.

She launched her knife towards Richard's abdomen. But Richard seemed to have acquired Jack's powers as well. He seized the knife by the blade and disintegrated it before she could even blink. She couldn't refrain any longer. She charged up azure energy in her clenched fist and hurled it towards his visage. Richard was also locked in combat with Wade simultaneously, yet Wade refrained from retaliating.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING JACE?" Wade vociferated, endeavoring to restrain Jessica. He was dumbfounded witnessing Jessica's latent abilities. However, he remained oblivious to what they truly were.

Richard averted her punch with his forearm. However, the energy possessed an otherworldly essence. It shattered through Richard's forearm and surged towards his countenance. Richard was cognizant that his face was on the verge of obliteration. Jack vacated Richard's corporeal form promptly, knowing that Richard would assuredly perish from that colossal impact. However, Jessica had a divergent design. She attenuated the energy of her strike moments before it connected with Richard.

She refrained from shattering Richard's countenance but flung him aside, a considerable distance from his original position. Richard was no longer enthralled by Jack, but Jessica was oblivious to this fact. Once again, she charged up her assault, imbuing her fists and legs with power. She raced towards Richard in a fraction of a second, poised to vanquish him with a single strike. She was far from being an average human.

This girl!! Why did I assume Wade had weaklings akin to himself? Jack Deliberated. The sprinting guy and that teleporting girl were feeble enough, but I grossly underestimated Richard. I also had to deal with Zadar before he could take action. Daisy was also rather feeble, like Wade, but this! This girl is veritably a Human Beast. How am I supposed to combat a Human Beast while residing within an elderly man's frame?

Jack materialized behind Jessica, who was about to assail Richard. I must kill this girl before I enjoy Wade's Death, Jack pondered. He materialized a colossal blade, black as pitch, from his palm. His palm seemed to metamorphose automatically into a massive metallic blade. The weapon had sufficient magnitude to cleave through an entire human body.

Richard perceived Jack's malevolent intentions towards Jessica. I have lived long enough. My existence holds no greater significance than yours, young lady. I cannot emotionally support Wade after your tragic demise. But you can, Richard contemplated. "GET ASIDE, GIRL. WADE NEEDS YOU MORE THAN ME!" Richard shouted at Jessica.

Devoid of energy coursing through his veins, Richard summoned the strength to rise to his knees and swiftly shoved Jessica aside, placing himself in the path of the blade. He struck Jessica's waist with his elbow, propelling her away. As Jessica was fixated on assaulting him, she did not perceive the forceful thrust. She slid away from Richard and in that instant, she beheld the harrowing spectacle unfolding before her.

Wade sprinted towards Richard, bellowing something. Regret welled up within Jessica's eyes as she remained on her knees. The world seemingly decelerated. Wade inched closer, remorse for her impetuous decisions overtaking her. Jack, without hesitation, impaled Richard's abdomen with the gargantuan black blade.Jack could have withheld, yet he opted to vanquish Richard first. His intent to kill Richard was immutable.

I yearned to lay eyes upon you one final time, Miko. I apologize for failing to fulfill my promise of returning home. Ultimately, I was not a powerless beast, but rather an insignificant one. I yearned to return home and gaze upon your countenance one last time, Miko. Just once more. How I wish I could, Richard exclaimed somberly. He plummeted to the ground, vanishing amidst clouds of dust with his lifeless body.

Jessica remained fixated on Richard's lifeless form, consumed by remorse for her actions, her decisions, her mere presence. If you know what you're doing, Don't hesitate. Her existential purpose was called into question. I intended to kill Richard, yet he sacrificed himself to preserve my existence! Tears streamed down her cheeks as she glanced over at Wade, who also knelt there, tears cascading down onto the sand. She had never witnessed Wade shed tears before. Wade gazed down at the sand beneath him, the droplets echoing in the grains. Wade blinked again. He saved my life when he scarcely knew me. And now, I couldn't save him despite knowing him so well! I will take revenge, Wade vowed.

He thrust his palm into the ground, using it to support himself and rise to a standing position. He conjured his blade, rekindling his resolve. Wade recollected that he hadn't utilized all of the absorbed beings within the sword.

With the swiftness of a seasoned warrior, Wade's mind traveled back in time, reliving the moments when he had called upon the fiery fox, the wise tortoise, and the swift bunny. Yet, there remained one entity left, awaiting his command.


The beast tightened his grip on her neck. In an instant, Wade sprang into action. He drew his sword and lunged at the beast, slicing off his head with a swift stroke. The beast's body crumpled to the ground, kicking up a cloud of dust.

As Jessica sobbed with relief, she approached Wade slowly, gripping him tightly. He wasn't used to being held, but he felt a strange sense of comfort in her embrace.


Wade's mind churned with the memory of absorbing the essence of another fearsome being, a human beast whose formidable powers he could now wield against the treacherous Jack. Jessica sat nearby, her gaze fixed upon the lifeless body of Richard, while Wade's fingers tightened around the hilt of his blade, ready to employ the formidable abilities bestowed upon him. The sword's blade emitted a frigid, azure glow as he channeled the energy of the human beast into his limbs.

In the blink of an eye, Wade found himself within striking distance of Jack. He unleashed his sword, hurtling it through the air, only to witness Jack's bare hands deftly catching the blade, the sharp edge cutting into his palm. Though pain coursed through his body, Jack endured, withstanding the raw power emanating from the unyielding blade. It took but a moment for him to snap the formidable weapon, seizing the advantage given his superior reach.

With a swift, merciless motion, Jack hurled the broken blade towards Wade's chest. The hilt of the shattered sword slipped from Wade's grasp as the jagged tip pierced his flesh, penetrating the left side of his chest.

A sinister smile forming on his lips, Jack taunted, "Ah, it seems I may have missed the heart."

Yanking the broken blade from Wade's body, Jack ensnared him by his collar, preventing any escape from his clutches. Driving home the attack, he plunged the luminous blade back into his victim's chest, crimson lifeblood spilling forth from Wade's mouth.

Jack reveled in the sight before him, relishing the torment endured by those who had sworn to vanquish him. Poised for another strike, he retrieved a fresh blade, but fate inadvertently intervened, for he had unwittingly evaded Wade's heart twice. Activating his Gabriel eye, Wade tapped into the essence of the human beast within him, harnessing its power. Energizing his hand, he unleashed a devastating punch upon Jack's jaw, leaving Jessica astounded by the sight of Wade engaging in a battle waged with powers akin to those of a human beast.

The tightening grip of shock loosened its hold on him as he witnessed Jack stumble backward. Sensing an opportunity, Wade readied himself, charging his fists, legs, and eyes with potent energy. Through his Gabriel eye, he glimpsed the vulnerable points within Jack's body, ready to strike. Anticipating Jack's imminent resort to teleportation, he knew he could not abandon his wounded comrades unguarded, compelled to act swiftly.

With a great exertion, Jack rose from the ground, his eyes seething with anger as he fixated on Wade. Preparing himself for a counterassault, his intention to strike was foiled by an astonishing display of power emanating from Wade. The alluring tendrils of his abilities mirrored those of Jessica's, leaving Jack astonished and acknowledging the tremendous challenge before him. Within the span of a heartbeat, Wade appeared at Jack's side, his fists becoming an unstoppable barrage of blows.

The rapidity of Wade's strikes defied comprehension, landing with a resounding impact upon Jack's body. Jessica, roused from her daze, stood once more, her presence an unwavering testament to her unwavering loyalty and unwavering determination. Jack recognized the magnitude of the battle she would wage alongside Wade, grappling with the formidable task of contending with two adversaries who possessed powers befitting human beasts. Hindered in his utilization of magic, Jack clutched the blade tightly, contemplating the advantage of teleporting to Jessica, striking her down before she could act. Drawing upon his Almighty knowledge, he discerned the precise location of her heart, ensuring no miscue this time.

In an instant, Jack materialized before Jessica, launching the deadly blade toward her chest. Wade, foreseeing Jack's move, employed the human beast's power to teleport alongside him, intercepting the blade's deadly path just in time. The twisted irony of the situation was inescapable as the blade impaled Wade's chest, his life now teetering on the brink. Jessica's thoughts raced, her heart heavy with despair. She knew that action was imperative.

Resolute, she chose to unleash her full potential as a human beast. A small vortex of sapphire took shape beneath Jack's feet, propelling him away from Wade's weakened form as he crashed to the ground near Jessica's ethereal presence. Seizing the moment, she unleashed her arm, transforming it into a colossal hammer poised to descend upon Jack's head. Without hesitation, she released the hammer, allowing it to unfurl its wrath upon its target. Swiftly, she restored her arm to its natural state, scanning the scene before her for signs of Jack. But he was nowhere to be found.

Unbeknownst to Jessica, Wade, utilizing the powers of the human beast within him, had teleported Jack once more, positioning him directly in front of himself. Jack's body slammed into Wade's, the blade penetrating deeper within him. Anguish washed over her as she realized that Wade, too, faced the specter of death. The haunted question lingered on Jack's lips as darkness encroached upon him.

"In this final moment, I trust you will speak the truth," Jack entreated.

Wade met his gaze unwaveringly, a solemn resolve emanating from him. "I would. What do you wanna know?"

A glimmer of curiosity flickered in Jack's eyes as he posed his query with a veneer of politeness. "Did you really kill dad?"

A shard of regret pierced Wade's heart, memories of Uncle Randy's affection flooding his consciousness. With a voice tinged with palpable emotion, he responded, "That has been my truth all along. I have always loved Uncle Randy, and I would never Kill him."

Seizing upon this revelation, Jack pressed further, his thirst for understanding unquenched. "Then, who was that bastard?" A sense of urgency underscored his words, driven by the Almighty knowledge that periodically seized control of him.

"I believed you held the knowledge," Wade replied tersely, aware that the truth loomed agonizingly close.

"That's the thing, Wade. I can't control what I want to know and what I don't. I could never figure out the truth, so I assumed that it was because I already knew the truth"

A moment pregnant with tension passed, and then the deluge of knowledge consumed Jack's consciousness. The Almighty knowledge, ever fickle and capricious, had deemed this the opportune moment to unveil the truth, to reveal the identity of Randy's killer. Resigned to his fate, Jack recognized his inability to alter the course of events, even as he cinched his knowledge-tainted grip on Jessica, now fully aware of the killer's identity.

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