5 ⚔️ Way Of Life

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But it was as dark as a black hole. Wade Stepped inside, he saw the laboratory, which he thought was a house.

"So where actually do you live?" Wade questioned

"my personal room is upstairs" Daisy answered

"Okay, i don't want to see your room, or in the depths of this laboratory. Just show me my room" Wade said

"Okay, follow me" She said

Wade followed daisy, daisy was walking through the hallway upstairs, it seemed like she was walking through a complex maze and she somehow seemed to know exactly where to go. Wade walking just behind her, he could see the hallway from above her head as daisy was short enough to reach his shoulders. It wasn't like daisy was short, but wade was tremendously tall.

The hallway wasn't lit with LED's but instead, with yellow lamps on the ceiling. The hallway was filled with cabinets on the right, and three - four doors on the left.

"Here we are" She said

"Okay thanks, i can go by myself from here" He replied

She reached for the last door on the hallway, at the left. She grabbed the iron rounded handle, and twisted it to the left. The door pushed itself open. This door looked normal, unlike the main door.

"You can go, i'll leave." She stated

He leaned forward and peeked inside. There was a wooden bed, along with a wooden side - table with two drawers. And a green lamp with two strings hanging out of it at its bottom was kept on the side table.

There was also a shoulder leveled brown - cabinet with a mirror on one door, the cabinet was on the left and bed along with the side table, on the right. The room was decorated the same way as the laboratory. But there were books and alarm clocks, instead of the potions and medicines on the shelves, beside the door.

He stepped through the door, and looked around. He found an empty shelf - long enough to fit his katana. And he gently placed his katana there. He took off his coat, and hung it on the hook behind the door, he was wearing inside a dark - green shirt, and a black pant. He sat on the bed, and hauled himself in a sleeping position. He was quite awake, but needed some rest, as his head was hurting so bad, because of the amount of alcohol consumed by him. And the screeching sound of the main gate was still playing over and over again in his head. He was also recalling the worst moments of his life, like a normal person always would. He thought of the time "when he was little and his friend....." "When fell from the cliff, and lost all of his hope of surviving" "When he fell from the horse's mount, and led stupidly on the ground" "When he got drunk and thought it was apple juice, and cracked some unfunny dad jokes."

After about half an hour, Daisy called him from downstairs,

"Wade?" She yelled in a familiar tone "Come down.. if you're not tired enough"

The tone was a familiar one, wade heard her, and remembered his mom, she always used to call him when he was very little, she used to shout his name "Virat" In a soft - friendly tone, to wake him up. He found a sense of comfort in her voice. He heard the same voice tone again - after more than twenty years.

"Wade?" She yelled the same way again, "Are you coming or not?"

"I am!" He yelled back, "Wait for me!"

He got up in a hurry. Grabbed his katana and got out of the room, he pulled the door from its handle and locked it. He walked through the hallway while trying to hang his katana on his belt. While climbing down the stairs, he realised he forgot to wear his coat, which was missing the gray straps, so it could slip off, any minute.

"So what's the plan?" He inquired

"Let's go, hunt some beasts! After all, I wanna see the Wandering Blade in action" She replied

"Right now?"


"Ohh, let's go then"

He finally stuck his sword in his belt, after several tries. He climbed down the remaining 2 steps, and went behind her, she was opening the front door with one hand, and she had a sniper rifle on her other hand. She stepped on the white - pebbled Smooth - pathway, And walked forward. He also followed her.

After closing the main gate, trying not to make the screeching sound. They walked several meters, trying to find a beast. They found a beast in the distance, sleeping in its native size, and not super large. It was a Brown kangaroo, it was hard to tell its powers, but from its movements, it seemed like it could do karate. And wade as a master of hand - to - hand combat, and close - combat.

"Show me what you've got, Wade!" Daisy ordered

"Sure M'Lady" He smiled

She grinned as she couldn't figure out, what he was trying to say, could he be mocking?, could he be serious?, could he be joking?, it was hard to tell by his evil smile that he was joking. He could be mocking, but according to daisy, wade might be a serious minded person as he never joked. At least when daisy was around.

He ran towards the kangaroo with his katana aimed towards the kangaroo. He was getting closer, and closer every second, but the kangaroo didn't seem to care enough as it didn't even flinch.

When wade got close enough, that he could just extend his hand from the elbow to stab the kangroo, right away. But the kangaroo was a tough one, it didn't even flinch, and jumped from its native position. He stepped one leg on the blade, but wade didn't feel any weight as the kangaroo was an expert fighter, as it was its power, at least that's what it seemed like.

It pulled back its leg back from the blade and kicked wade at the back of his head. The katana slipped from wade's hand. and he fell on his knees, as the kangaroo softly landed its feet on the turf. Wade moved his eyes on the left, without his head as it was hurting really bad from the kick, trying to look behind. Just to find out that the kangaroo was now after daisy.

The kangaroo jumped on daisy, it scared the shit out of daisy, that she wasn't even Able to move even an inch. The kangaroo hit her forehead with its two lower limbs. And swiftly landed back.

This lit wade's anger. 'No one should be hurt even a bit, in my presence' he thought. He was a responsible beast hunter. He was a rogue who didn't belong from Spoll, but he thought of hunting beasts as a duty and made it fun for himself, to do it most efficiently.

Wade slowly stood back up on his knees and grabbed his katana's grip, tightly. He turned to the kangaroo. The kangaroo's eyes expanded as it saw wade's left eye, which started flickering. The kangaroo leaned backwards, after being scared a little bit, because it saw the evil look of wade. It seemed like there was a demon inside wade, which was waiting to be unleashed.

"Hurting someone in my presence is like challenging me to a death battle!" He said angrily

Then He ran towards the kangaroo, he jumped when he got close enough to it, and aimed to land on the kangaroo's head, while stabbing it. Perhaps He can't control the circumstances, the kangaroo teleported behind wade, before he could stab it. And wade stabbed the ground. While landing on the turf

Wade pulled out the sword, and jerked behind. Just to find out, that the kangaroo was unconscious.

"What? What just happened?" Wade Asked Daisy

"I neutralized it with my sniper rifle" She replied

"Isn't the rifle supposed to kill it?"

"It's my customized rifle, containing special bullets, it doesn't kill people"


Wade again turned to look at the deer, and he saw that the deer wasn't fully unconscious, it was trying to lift up its eyelids. Its eyelids seemed as heavy as a car for it. Wade pulled his katana again and slowly reached for the kangaroo, lying on its back.

He dragged his sword on the kangaroo's belly and stabbed it. The kanagroo didn't scream at all, like other beasts. Instead it made a face which seemed like it was smiling. Wade felt like a monster, as he didn't wish to kill the deer but he had to.

Daisy noticed wade's right eye. It was normal, but the scar across his right eye, seemed to glow in blue color. She was confused at first, because she didn't know where the scar was from, and why did it start pulsing in blue color for just two seconds.

Wade pulled back his sword as the beast got absorbed in the the sword. He turned to daisy and started walking towards her, while dragging his katana back into its scabbard.

They started walking in another direction. They were walking towards north but now they decided to go towards east. They were walking into the forest between Daisy's Lab and Richard's Hut.

"So," He said while walking with his hands inside his pocket, "Is there Any way i can get to the other side of the Serpentine Cliffs?"

"Fortunately, there is" She replied


"You see, there are mult -" She hesitated, "wait, why do you want to go back?"

"Why shouldn't I?"

"Your friends think you are dead, don't they?"

"Yeah, but i don't want them to think that until i'm actually dead"

"I understand, but...." She continued after a pause, "don't you wanna stay here with um - us?"

"I do, but I also wanna stay with my friends on the other side."

"You Know you can't stay with both, don't you?"

"I do. That's why I am confused"

"Okay, forget it. Continue telling me about your friends on the other side of the Serpentine Cliffs"

"They're actually at the Sling Forest for now"


"Yeah, and there was only one person left to talk about."

"And who's that gentlemen?"

"She's actually a girl. Her name is Jessica"

"That's a cool name"

"I know right, not just the name but the person herself is also cool"


"Yeah 'cause she was the first one of that group, whom I met" He looked up in the sky, "She was a wildflower, growing unapologetically in the cracks of the concrete jungle. Her petals were delicate and soft, yet her roots were strong and resilient. She was a symphony of contradictions, with a spirit that could not be tamed and a heart that was full of love. Her presence was a burst of color in a world that was often dull and grey, and anyone who was lucky enough to Stay in her Heart changed by the warmth of her glow. It was Like Love at First Sight"

"WHAT?" She cringed, "You Love her?"

"She's my crush, she doesn't know it though" He looked back at daisy, "why are you making a face?"

"What? No I'm not"

"Yes, you are"

"What's WRONG with you? I said I'm not making a face"

"Okay, calm down M'lady"

"Don't call me that" She said without looking at him.

"Okay, I won't ; M'lady"

"Can you STOP doing that?"

"Okay, chill! I was just kidding, don't be so Vexed"

"I am not vexed, i'm jus-"

"You are angry, i can tell that by your Face!"

"Okay, maybe i am, now stop messing with me"

"I ain't messing with you. I just wanted to know why you were angry"

"I told ya, i'm not angry"

He felt that he might've said something that he shouldn't have. He couldn't figure out what it was. He recalled the whole conversation in his mind, and assumed that she got angry when he started talking about jessica. He wasn't sure, but it would be the most likely thing.

"Is it about jessica?" He asked

"Of course not"

"Then, tell me what is it? I'm worried"

"I Already told you several times, i'm fine"

"Is it because i have a crush on Jessica?" He assumed this because that's when she made a face.

"I told you it wasn't about your Crush" She made the same face again while ending the sentence.

He figured out it was about jessica and about her being his crush, he couldn't figure out the reason behind it, but he knew it was about jessica for sure.

"You see - We can't live alone, we always need someone. And i don't have a dad like you: to love. I have to find someone else. This is the Way Of Life: being with someone you can love, and trusting someone with your heart that they will be with you - your entire life. What is wrong if i like someone?"

She knew that he had figured it out, even if she didn't want him to.



"That's 'cause I Love You"


"Yeah, i didn't want to tell you this way. But it's true"

"Why didn't you want to tell me that? As i said it's the Way of Life: its okay to like someone"

"You're okay with that?"


"I've been waiting to tell you this, from the moment i saw you! You were lying on Richard's bed. And i was so happy after finding out that you have no girlfriend"

"I don't think i'm strong enough to convey my feelings to jessica, and it's not like i hate you"

"So... "

"Yeah. I'll be yours"

She couldn't unhear the words. They returned after the sunset, wade once again had to suffer from the main gate's screeching sound. Wade went his room, freshened himself up, and laid down on the bed. Meanwhile daisy chaged to her nightdress, which was blue colored shirt and a blue colored pajama, both with different kinds if flower drawn on them. She also laid herself down on the bed. But she couldn't fall asleep, as wade's words were still playing again and again in her head. 'I think diverting my mind to something else would help me fall asleep' she thought, but it wasn't as easy as she thought.

Wade's room's door slowly opened while emitting a faint shriek. Wade was happy with the gentle, soft sound and relieved that it wasn't producing the main gate's ear-piercing, high screaming noise. Wade moved outdoors in silence. and carefully shut the gate behind him while attempting to minimise noise.

Rats had nibbled on the bottom and the borders of his coat, which he was wearing as he strolled softly through the corridor. 'Thank God,' he thought, 'they didn't eat the whole coat. or at least they didn't try to.'

He climbed downstairs, just to find out, That daisy's laboratory was lit with the LEDs and it looked like someone was there, just a minute ago. He looked around and found out that the main door was open. And there was some yellow light comming from outside. The curiosity teared his chest apart. He had to see where the light was comming from.

It was dark outside, as it was 2 AM. But there was a yellow light comming from the Regolithed garden on the right side of the pathway. He peeked out, ready to fight, with his hand on his katana's grip. He leaned forward and peeked out of the door towards the light source, but immediately loosened his katana grip and stepped out, as he realise it was a campfire. With one log beside the fire and the fire was right in the middle of the garden.

Daisy, in her blue - flower patterned - Night dress was sitting there on the log. With a book in her lap, and a blue pen in her hand, along with some small piles of paper lying on the ground and the log. It felt like she was doing some sort of calculation.

He slowly approached her, put his hand on her left shoulder. She couldn't see him comming as she was sitting on the wall, facing the opposite way from the pebble pathway. She turned to look at him, she was surprised that he was wearing his coat and had his katana with him. She had so many questions in her mind 'why are you awake?', 'why do you have a sword on you?', 'were you sure when you said "yeah. I'll be yours"?' But she could only ask one at a moment.

"Why are you awake, so late?" She finally asked after gazing at him for about two seconds

"I couldn't fall asleep, i thought of having a walk, then i found you here. So i thought of asking what you were here doing so late?" He replied shortly

"I also couldn't sleep, i thought of diverting my mind so i am doing some chemistry paper work."

"Ohh, i see"

"Why are you carrying you sword?"

"Because, it's my only weapon"

"Ohh." She continued after a pause, "i know its a stupid question... But were you actually sure? When you said Yeah. I'll be yours?" She tried to mimic his voice.

"Hell yeah, i was" He said while lifting the pile of paper on the log and putting it on the ground before sitting on it.

"Then, what about jessica?" She asked

"You think i'll cheat on you?"

"No, but -" She was going to complete the sentence 'no, but if you like her, its okay, i don't wanna force you to love me' but was interrupted by wade

"Come-on" He said while hauling himself in sleeping position on the log, with his head in her lap, on top of all the paper, "Forget It, I already told you, its not like i hate you"

She looked at him. It was unusual, she never had a person sleep in her lap, abd also it was her crush. She got flustered and blushing at the same time. She didn't know what to do. She was in the same situation, wade was when jessica hugged him. But from daisy's point if view. She put her pen aside, but didn't know where to put her hands. She always used to keep her hands in her lap while sitting, but where could she fit her hands in her lap when there was the head if wade resting on it. She put one hand on the small portion of her lap above wade's head and decided to pet her other hand behind her back, supporting her, by pushing at the log.

"Tell me about your dad" He said while looking at her

"I don't think there's nothing left to know about that old man" She replied while deciding wether to look at wade, campfire, or the sky.

"I mean - i wanna know about the old man's prime"

"When he was younger?"


She started, "ok, So —

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