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In the Year 2112,

The sound of Kids Playing and giggling, woke Randy up. Randy was a thirty six year old man whose wife passed away, leaving him and his son : Jack, alone. This inspired Randy to adopt kids whose parents have died when the asteroid hit the earth. He adopted a little boy named 'Virat' and a little girl named 'Jiya'. All three kids had a pretty strong bond with each other.

Randy stood up from the bed and stepped out of a small house, mostly made up of wood. It was just concrete and wood. The house was in village. That village wasn't located in Spoll, but instead in Asia. It was so small that no maps recognised it as a place where people could live.

The village was abandoned and very few people lived there. Only about five to six. The Asteroid fell just several kilometres away from the village, which was the actual cause of the massacre of the village. He had a tremendously large - empty ground beside his house.

He exited the house and entered the ground. Where Virat, Jiya and Jack were talking to each other.

"Hey Kiddos!" Randy Started

"Hey, uncle randy" Jiya Spoke

"Hey." Wade added

Jack didn't say anything but just waved at him

Randy got near them. The children were not very little anymore.

"I can't believe : how much you guys have grown" Randy Said

"Come - on dad, we're just fourteen" Jake Replied.

Randy just replied with a smile

"It's the last day of our training, remember?" jiya softly added

"So, what will you guys planning to do afterwards?" Randy inquired

"I am going to help stray animals, and give them shelter so that people don't mistake them for beasts" Jiya replied

"I'm gonna join The Beast hunter Org" Virat spoke

"I'll protect people from other dangers. Like : Robbery, theft, etcetera." Jack said

"That's good" Randy said, "you guys remember the asteroid which fell near the village? I found an amazing ore in it! That ore absorbs all the energy it comes in contact with!"

"Really?" Jiya asked

"Yeah. And i don't have enough of that metal so i will only be able to forge five weapons from it" Randy said while looking at the katana tied on his waist belt.

"I have forged five weapons, which are:" He said while looking back at the kids, "Absorbant Sword", he tapped on the gilt of the katana, "Absorbant Axe, Absorbant Spear, Absorbant Hammer, and Absorbant Dagger."

"Nice! Can we try them?" Jack said

"Of course not, you guys aren't mature enough" Randy smiled

"What do you mean?" Jack said

"Come - on, Jack!""Jiya Added Randy's right. We aren't mature enough to handle a weapon. What if we accidentally harm ourselves?"

"Okay" Randy Finally agreed, "I'll give it to you. But don't unsheath the sword. or else.."

"Whatever, just hand it over" Jack said.

Virat was staying silent, during this whole conversation, his only focus was on jack. Jack and Virat didn't like each other, even if they pretended to. Just to satisfy Randy, they were talking to each other like cassual friends. They could never get themselves to love each other, and accept their friendship. Jack was always jealous of virat because no matter what he tried: he always failed against virat. Jack was very powerful but he could never compete against virat.

"Afterall, you guys are the Decandants of Gabriel!" Randy said

Randy's son, jack was a gabriel's decendant. Not by blood, but he had Almighty knowledge, or the knowledge of Gabriel. Gabriel possessed Almighty knowledge. So did jack. When Gabriel died, his main ten powers got divided in ten people. Others got his side abilities while the ten people got his main ones. Jiya, virat and jack were three of them. Jack had gabriel's knowledge. Jiya had gabriel's arm. And virat had gabriel's eyes

Even though jack had infinite knowledge, he couldn't beat virat. Because virat had gabriel's eyes which would guess every move of jack before he even did it. Gabriel's eyes had so much power that they could predict the enemy's move, or identify anything just by looking at it.

"I believe : that virat is the most mentally mature amongst all of you. Therefore i shall give my absorbant sword to him, for him to possess this power." Randy declared while handing him, the sword.

"That's my Pleasure" Virat spoke, while grabbing the sword with one hand on it's gilt and the other on it's sheath.

"Very mature of you" Randy added

This made jack even more jealous. 'How can he be proud of a stray boy he adopted, and not his own son!' Jack thought.

"When combined with your eye," Randy told virat, "this sword would me tremendously powerful. As one of the gabriel's eye ability is that: you can store literal beasts inside your eyes when you absorb them. A normal person wouldn't be able to weild such weapon without such power." Randy turned to jack, "You might be aware of that, Jack."


"Then why did you ask to get the sword?"

"'Cause i wanted to know the feeling of holding a weapon. You never led me hold any weapon"

"I already told you the reason"

Jiya was just there thinking about: 'animals, why people like to eat them. Why don't people, just become vegan. Animals are the important parts of nature. I would never eat a dead animal! What monsters would eat meat. Why do people even eat meat, knowing that where it comes from.'

"Okay virat, don't hand it to anyone else. They might not be able to possess the sword's power. Keep it in safe hands."Randy said while walking backwards and maintaining eye contact with virat, "I'mma be right back"

Randy went inside the House, and left the kids in the ground.

"Gimme that damn sword, bastard" Jack said while trying to get a grip on the sword.

"No way" Virat backed while grabbing his wrist.

"I don't like to repeat my words" Jack said angrily while looking at virat.

"Neither do i" Virat replied with a smile.

This sentence lit Jack's anger, he was resisting and fighting his urge to fight with virat since he was given the sword. He dragged his leg and kicked virat's knee, which made virat kneel down in his knees. Before even virat could look up, and punch landed on virat's face. The punch was as strong as concrete and was hit with a firce of thousand elephants. Blood started spitting out of virat's mouth why he was lying on the ground.

"STOP IT, YOU TWO!" Jiya cried after a gasp

Virat didn't hesitate but punched him back in the face. Although jack dodged it, and punched virat in the stomach. Virat felt like a ten ton hydrolic press had punched his stomach. Virat had the sword in one hand which he couldn't let go, and he only had to fight with one hand. He had no other option but to use his powers.

"Gabriel's eye!" He muttered under his breath.

His eyes turned blue and displayed a symbol with three lines. The three lines were of black color in his virbrant blue eyes, the lines were arranged: all three of them originated from the pupil's centre and extended towards three different directions.

His vision upgraded. He could now predict each and every move of jack. He dodged all jack's upcoming punches, and threw his punch on jake's jaw. Jake's tooth fell out as he looked down from the side, and blood started flowing out of jake's mouth.

"I didn't want to do this" Wade sighed, "but you left me no choice"

"Wait.... Virat!" Jiya yelled, but she was too late.

Wade had already hit jake's head with the bottom of the gilt of the sword, and it didn't take long for jake to pass out immediately. Jake was lying on the ground unconsciously.

"Please be my witness" Wade looked at jiya, and gave her a look of hope,

She saw the compulsion and hope in his eyes whoch she didn't want to break. Both wade and jiya were waiting for randy to come out of the house, but he never did. They waited for too long. The sun started to settle down, and coulds turned into hues of orange and yellow, but randy didn't come out of the house. The kids didn't have the audacity to step inside Randy's househouse as they knocked out his son, and he still hasn't woken up.

"Jack should've been conscious by now" Jiya said

"I know, i didn't hit him that hard" Wade said

"We've gotta see inside the house! Because what are we gonna do if he doesn't come out until tomorrow morning?" Jiya told virat

"You're right. Let's take the risk" Wade said before he started walking towards the house.

Jiya made a slow run to catch up, and they both went near the door. He knocked on the door and leaned forward, while putting his ear on the door, to clearly hear what is going on, inside. It was now slowly turning dark, and as always, the lights of the houses where people lived: turned on. Leaving some abandoned houses in shadows. The sun was now completely hiding under the blanket of the terrain. And moon started to shine bright on the sky, along with some stars. It was early night, so not that much stars were visible, but the ones that were: were the brightest ones.

Nothing but Silience was heard in reply of the knock. They both turned to each other and wade pushed the door, but to their surprise, the door wasn't locked and it smoothly slid open. They again turned to each other in surprise. Wade stepped inside the house while crouching a little bit, to make minimum noise. Jiya was following him in similar manner. Again to their surprise, all the lights were turned on, and everything seemed normal. Except Randy, lying on the wooden floor, with a little puddle of blood around bis body, and a deep - Horizontal incision on his neck: from where all the blood was flowing out.

They both gasped, and backed. Their eyes were locked on randy's body, and the only questions in their minds were "How?" And "Why?". Wade walked forward towards the body, while getting straight, as they both forgot to Uncrouch, and jiya also Uncrouched when wade did. Both if them stared at the body for several minutes, when suddenly a familiar voice was heard.

"WHAT DID YOU DO!" Jack said

"Jack.... " She continued with a pause, "it's not what it looks like"

"Oh, don't interfere jiya!" Jack said while shaking his head and giving wade: an angry look, "I know exactly what's going on"

"Control your emotions and try to understand the situation, jack" Wade said

"Well - Well, look who's talking?" He said angrily

"Let's not fight, guys" Jiya said convincingly

"Oh no, i ain't gonna fight" Jack said, "but i will take revenge!"

"I DID NOT KILL HIM!" Wade cried in rage

"Get the FUCK OUTTA HERE!" Jack yelled angrily, "how do you even have the AUDACITY to show your face, right now?"

Wade didn't try anymore to convince jack, the truth; but he just gazed down and left the house, in Silience. He walked out of the house from the same entrance he entered, beside jack. Jack didn't even look at him, as his eyes: holding a lot of tears, were locked on Randy's body.

After wade left the house, Jiya told jack, "We found uncle Randy's dead body when we entered the house, and when we -" She stopped suddenly with a gasp, as jack put his forefinger on his lips, saying, "Shh"

Jack got near the body, and knelt down on his one knee, and dragged his hand over Randy's eyes, and closed it. He then dragged the same hand on Randy's neck, where the incision was.

"Definitely a metal Blade" He predicted, by looking at the incision.

Meanwhile wade had totally left the village, and was walking restlessly without watching where he was going. He had walked so far that his legs startes to tremble, and his stomach tightened because of hunger, his throat was as dry as a desert, when he decided to finally take a rest. When the sun was unwrapping the darkness of night by flowing the golden sunlight on the earth, wade finally sat under a tree, thinking about the incident again and again, and how jack wouldn't even listen to him. All the misery wasn't Enough that he saw something in distance. some kind of water body. He decided to go towards it bit he was too tired. He decided he would visit it once he recovered his strength to even walk.

After Around two years: in 2114,

Wade had already set up a camp: which was a nice little house enough to fulfil his needs, as it was near the river, with fresh water; and some fruit trees were marked by him so that he can pick fruits from them to eat. The sun unwrapped itself from the blanket of darkness, and once again: a beautiful morning appeared in the bright sky.

He smelled something, it was the smell of burning. His eyes grew wide as he jerked in a sitting position. He looked around: but nothing was wrong, except the whole tent was on fire, and it looked like someone had lit the fire from the outside of the tent. He grabbed his katana and unsheathed it before stabbing it into the tent. The fire was extinguished and got absorbed inside the sword. Wade had figured out exactly how this sword worked, because of his Gabriel eye.

He exited the tent and looked behind the tent: it was Jack. Jack was giving Virat: an evil toothy grin.

"I told you I would take revenge," Jack said

Jack wasn't looking like he did before. He was giving off a different scent and look. It was like someone had washed his brain with a sock: wet with hair spray. Wade didn't even hesitate this time to activate his Gabriel's Eyes and Point the sword towards him: ready to fight.

"Oh I see, you wanna fight?" Jack said

Just after activating his eyes, Wade realised that Jack had something hiding inside him. It wasn't very clear. But something was roaming around inside Jack's body. It wasn't his heart, but it was pulsing like one. Wade was confused about what that was until he saw a black flame on Jack's hand. He understood that Jack had used his knowledge to learn black magic, and now was more powerful than him.

Jack learned black magic through his knowledge and now was an excellent user of black magic. As he could memorise any spell he wanted. On the other hand: Wade had mastered the use of an absorbant Sword. He had been training and living alone to be able to fight well and master the use of the sword. He had captured many beasts inside his sword and learned to use their powers as well. Wade was able to use the powers of any beast he had absorbed.

Jack made the black flame turn into a black fireball and threw it at Wade, meanwhile, Wade was ready this time. He Struck against the fireball with his sword's blade. The sword absorbed the ball. Jack's eyes grew wide in fascination, his eyes were locked on the sword as he threw multiple fireballs at once, but Wade already saw that coming, so he dodged every single one. Wade generated the same fireball in his hand and threw it at Jack. But Jack was prepared for the throw since Wade absorbed it. Jack teleported behind Wade and generated a black metal knife from his hand and launched his hand to stab him, but Wade was quite aware of every move of Jack.

"Oh clever fella," Wade said before he dodged the knife.

Wade attacked Jack with his sword aimed at his neck, as Jack was close enough to be attacked by a close-range weapon. But Wade stopped his hand when the blade was about to strike Jack's neck. Wade turned around as if he knew that Jack was standing there. He was fighting with a clone of Jack: this whole time.

He dragged his katana forward and aimed it forward, whilst he started to walk towards Jack. When he reached just a step further from his native place: the clone behind him, stood up and grabbed Wade's collar from behind and dragged him back. While dragging him back, the clone made sure to keep a foot in the way for Wade to trip on the clone's leg and fall to the ground. Wade fell on the ground, and before he could even react:

"Gimme that eye!" The clone said with an evil grin.

Wade's sword had slipped from his hand when he fell, he had nothing to protect himself, but his hands and skills. The clone was too fast for Wade to even react to what he was doing. The clone again pulled a black metal knife from his hand and ripped Wade's right eye. Before Wade could even raise his hand to defend himself: the clone launched his other hand, grabbed Wade's eye, and pulled it out of his body while still grinning. Wade's hands finally reached the clone but before Wade could touch him; the clone disappeared. Wade screamed in pain whilst pushing his palm on his right eye which was missing: to prevent further blood loss. He immediately stood up and saw that the clone had teleported beside Jack and the clone handed him the eye. Jack grabbed the eye and used the clone's knife to put a cut on his own eye. Jack grabbed his eye and pulled it apart from his body. Wade's eye grew wide in disgust, as his scream slowly turned into short-loud breaths.

But it seemed like Jack wasn't feeling any pain at all. Jack then dragged Wade's blue Gabriel eye, near his own slot of the eye where he put the cut to remove his own one. And the eyes got sucked into that slot with a visible force that seemed like some sort of black smoke. Wade figured out with his other eye: that Jack used black magic to instantly heal while keeping his eye near the slot, which made the eye fit like it was always there.

"Thanks for the eye, mate." Jack smiled evilly, "I think leaving you in such pain would be worse than killing you. And I prefer the worst!"

Jack teleported away while locking his eyes on Wade until the last of his atoms: teleported. Wade gasped and grunted in pain, while he stood up. He leaned down to grab his katana and used it as a support to walk. He reached his tent and got inside to check the damage. He looked around in the tent. He reached into his bag, pulled out a piece of cloth, and tied it on his eye, to prevent blood from flowing out.

He grabbed his bag where he had stored all his stuff, the bag was made up of large leaves tied together with some threads. It contained some fruits, and some stone weapons, like a small wooden bow and a bunch of arrows with pointy stones tied on sticks. The bunch of arrows were tied together with a thread, barely holding it in place.

He lifted the bag on his shoulders and left the tent. He was lifting his bag in one hand and the other hand was gripping his katana. He reached the nearest hospital and asked for treatment. The hospitals now had no lust for money, as most of things weren't available with money now. The hospital provided free treatment to Wade and gave him a new eye. They couldn't get rid of the scar on his eye, but he was grateful that his eye had recovered. Although he couldn't activate his Gabriel eye on the new eye implanted by the hospital.

And Jack couldn't deactivate Wade's Gabriel eye. Both of them had one eye of Gabriel. With the same powers like seeing through things, the instant recognition of anything they see, predicting the enemy's moves, understanding what the other person is thinking, understanding someone's true intentions, and knowing anyone's powers just by glancing at someone.

After around six months, Wade fully recovered his eye and decided to leave Asia. The hospital was near the seashore. When he got discharged from the hospital, he met a group of people, who claimed that they were from Shlogan Civilization.

"So you're telling me: that you're from a small island that no one knows but still is home to over five hundred people?" Wade inquired to the group

"Yeah, and it's cooler than you might think" A dude from the group spoke

"Okay then, I'm In!" Wade exclaimed


Wade jumped in the small boat after the group did. The boat was fully made of wood, and there was a shining metal motor at one end of the boat, with a metal fan attached to it. The group only had four people, and the boat had a capacity of six people. Wade sat beside a guy who was pulling the generator string. He pulled it several times before the generator started and provided electric energy to the motor to turn on. The motor turned on and they were off.

"How long will it probably take until we reach Spoll?" Wade inquired

"Probably like four to five hours," Someone from the group said

"Cool," Wade replied.

Wade was quite aware of Spoll. But he didn't know in detail and told this group that he had no idea it existed, so they would tell him everything about it. He wanted to go to the Beast Hunter Organization, which was located in Spoll. And he wanted to qualify as a beast hunter because that's what Randy wanted him to do. He was training alone for two years, to be able to qualify as an Official Beast Hunter. Just as expected, the group told Wade, everything about Spoll, that he wanted to know; or should have known.

After four hours of discussing everything about Spoll, they finally reached their destination. They all jumped out of the boat, and went on their way, as Wade went towards the exit of the town. After exiting, he looked for The organization building. The group had also given Wade: a map of Spoll, which helped him easily find the building. After spending a night somewhere on the ground: without a tent, he again left for the building in the morning and reached it in the evening.

He entered the building and closed the door behind him. The whole waiting room was empty. He went a bit forward and reached the door with the text 'Selection Room' on the metal plate. He pushed the door open and stepped inside while pushing the door shut behind him.

"Name?" The man on the desk asked

"Virat" Wade replied

"Age?" The man inquired again


The man was going to ask him about his powers but didn't, as he realised that Wade was sixteen and the minimum age for becoming a Beast Hunter was Eighteen.

"Don't you know the qualifications you need to become a beast hunter?" The man said in an ignorant manner

"I do, but there might be some qualifications, that I might be unaware of." Wade replied calmly, "Please, enlighten me"

"You have to be at least eighteen to be a beast hunter," The man said neutrally

"Ohh, okay then. I will return after two more years, then" Wade said

"You can't. It's a one-way system. You can't apply again and again. If you're rejected, you can't hunt beasts anymore" The man said

"Oh shit" Wade muttered

"You can leave"

Wade stood up from the chair he sat on, and left the room. It didn't take him long to exit the building. Wade was upset that he couldn't be a beast hunter. And he was going to go back to Asia. But then he remembered Uncle Randy's last wish: he wanted the sword to be held by Wade and make Wade, a beast hunter. Wade couldn't give up on Randy's last wish, so he decided to hunt beasts anyway. Even though the organization declined him. He decided to go to the Sling Forest and hunt the beasts. Because the Underground Beast Hideout was near the forest, the organization wouldn't have a clue if someone was unofficially hunting beasts from the depths of the forest.

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