so this is what's happening

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uh heyo so i've got a wip on wattpad which will be published in my writing dump if i ever finish it

i've also got to do a thing for someone's contest which is not on wattpad but if that finishes then i might also post it in aforementioned writing dump

i'm still pretty dead here though

like i said before i'm not that interested in warriors anymore, the new books aren't very good. i did leave my old account and make this one in order to try to get to know some new people, but i think most of the new people i got to know via wattpad who i somewhat regularly interact with died except for twilightbreeze-

i still want to write non-warriors stuff, but for now i'm unpublishing any games i have of warriors since i won't be updating them


as for real life updates:

the first week of school just finished, hoo boy

i don't think a lot happened but i did get the fun chemistry teacher and i got a math teacher who did nothing the whole lesson

my friend group from this school are roasting the school and i am not opposed to anything they're saying because my school is pretty not good

i sent mail to a few of my irl friends and out of three letters only one [ letter #2 ] has arrived and i sent a fourth out this morning and am concerned it won't actually reach its destination because letter #1 was sent three weeks ago but it's apparently lost or sth

i've also got moon water just sitting in the fridge in case i need an exorcism [ jk, i'm not a phantasmophobe ]

ok i think that's all, me and my book of shadows bid you adieu ;3

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