tagged by @Blossomwhisker

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1. yes

2. don't have one lol

3. none of them, i'm a couch potato :D

4. that's a- not a loaded question, but impossible to answer irl since my friends either don't want to choose a best friend or have best friends

but it's onlyryan on wattpad lol

5. myself

6. i don't go by nicknames irl? eh online i'm usually bubble

actually no in one friend group i go by fries because weird thought processes™

7. call me either and i'll slit your toes :)

8. she / her

9. thankfully, no

10. uhhhh


i don't give love much thought

11. aight it's time to list the ways people can piss me off, this will be fun

i. telling me what to do, especially if i was already going to do it

ii. acting like you don't care about something that i'm very clearly passionate about [ ok idk if this counts as a pet peeve since pet peeves are supposed to be... small things... actually by that logic, the previous one won't count either ]

iii. hanging the toilet roll backwards :D yes i'm a forwards person, so sue me

12. no lol i will take all my emotions and throw then in an incinerator and 93.5% of the time it works just fine

13. hecc

i also swear a lot


[ i'm joking, guys ]

[ tbh i can't really think of any characters with whom my personality is similar to, but i'm not... bisexual ]

comment below guys what fictional character am i

15. yeah because that's totally legal-

hold up shut up

i love this fucken episode

16. jeez, if i had a money for every time some interviewer asked this question, i'd be rich depending on how much money

insert generic answer here, i hate this question

17. no

18. well it's not you, peggy, even though you keep seeing yourself in every innocent character who never did anything wrong, and it sickens me because you're not like them and you want to be but you're not

or maybe i hate you because we clash and the whole toxic thing idfk

if you're actually reading this, i've told you to get off at least twice before, why don't you ever listen

answer: no one, i just hate people on varying degrees

19. laughs in aromantic

20. hecc

don't murder me ig

i should honestly just be tagging inactive people, that's what i should do


there's ten, and i'm too aversive towards annoying people to do any more

anyone who reads this, feel free to do this, and remember to use anime characters instead of actual pictures of real people

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