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1 ~ The End

Quite often, death is the end of a story. When a life fades, it passes from this world. There is no way for it to continue.

The is what the intruder thought as he disappeared into the darkness.

-- Written for the January 2020 writing prompt for BGCommunity. It won second place in the contest :D

2 ~ Fox Hunt

"They won't hunt me down, I promise," he whispered to the fox. "Your sacrifice won't be in vain."

-- Written for the February 2020 prompt for the Monthly Gemstone Awards by TreasureCommunity

3 ~ Summoner

An unusual shape was carved into the wood. When Kayla peered closer, she could see that it formed a sort of bird. Wings spread out, beak stretching upwards as it cawed silently. She felt its scratched-out feathers. Clearly whoever had painstakingly etched the bird into the desk had extreme patience and talent.

-- Written for the April 2020 prompt for the Monthly Gemstone Awards byTreasureCommunity. It came first place :D

4 ~ Of Thunder Pelt

Then, slowly, beautifully, it began to spread. A warm gold-yellow, full of the sun's light. The colour felt so welcome compared to the misty darkness of the sky.

A Thunderwylf.

-- A Shadewylf bonus oneshot featuring Lexi's ceremony and the reveal of her Pelt. Spoiler free!

5 ~ Dreamers And Wolves

I lived in a place called Dreamland. True to its name, everything was fairly close to ideal: no evil, no fighting... and only the weather we wished for. Certainly none of us wanted this awful wind.

Something was wrong, and I needed to fix it.

-- A goofy tale written in honour of DreamlandCommunity, where I am a part of the writing clubs and discord server, for my first Wattpad anniversary. Mostly a bit of fun featuring a few server jokes xD

6 ~ Saying Goodbye

For the last couple days, he had been certain of that. He'd been certain, even, that he was content to leave this place. Maybe it did mean seeing Josh a lot less often, but he trusted his brother to visit.

So why, mere minutes before he and his parents were to be portalled back home, was he running away?

-- A fanfic for The Dragon's Scale by Cross-Warrior, focusing on Eli (and featuring Boomer). Contains entire book spoilers, so all the more reason to go read! :D

7 ~ The Boat

The ocean swells and roars, in the same way his eyes used to when he was angry, when he was hurt, when he told her he had to go. But this voyage was for him alone. It seems a model boat was the closest they could get to something eternal, and even that now lies broken.

-- Written for a practice exam question for school, except I found a way to make it angst

8 ~ The Cursed Forest

The man continued. "For too long, a terrible curse has plagued you. A monster, lurking in the shadows of the tallest mountain around, sent by the darkest of demons and the cruellest of deities. It has killed your men, your children, your livestock. But no longer!"

-- A Touch Of Darkness bonus story. Contains only vague spoilers :D

9 ~ Alone

Yet another lie. But the lies would always be more dependable than truth. He could trust this one to guide him onward.

-- Written for a short story contest held by avadel, during 2021 October's theme of lies, in the form of an A Touch Of Darkness bonus oneshot. Read up until at least Chapter 15 of AToD to avoid spoilers!

10 ~ The Shadow

The scuffling is back, a shift of movement that doesn't cease this time as she reaches the closet doors. She clicks the safety off her gun. Deep breath. It should be nothing. She'll prepare for the worst regardless.

Bracing herself, Tory kicks open the closet and aims into its depths.

-- Another for avadel's short story contest, this time for 2021 December's theme of light

11 ~ Crimson Red

"Just wait until the sun gets a little lower." She tilts her head back, the breeze toying with her wispy curls. "With any luck, the sky will turn a wonderful crimson red."

-- More for avadel, for 2022 February's theme of anger. Focusing on Nathan, so minor spoilers for A Touch Of Darkness :D

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