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When I was a little girl, I used to look up at the winter sky with sheer helplessness. I never really liked the cold that seeped into my bones and turned me into a mess. The absence of warmth inside my core so used to press. Press hard at my being with all its force and left it black and white like a complicated game of chess.

The chill of the weather would sometimes kiss me and leave me all trembling outside my humble abode. Everywhere I went, it felt like I had come across a bend in the road. To escape the frigid gusts of wind, I wish I had a magical code. But all I ever heard was the winter's mournful ode that left me all lonely in the middle of a horde.

But one of these winters, I miraculously came across you. You filled me with an ardor and the warmth of a blissful hue. How easily you caressed my pale face and lips so cold and blue! You made me adore the woolen mittons, the dry fruit and the fire in the hearth burning so new. Oh darling, in the middle of all the cold, you gifted me with a love so true!
So how come such warm moments lasted for days so few?

The cruelty of fate intervened and made us part. Amidst the freezing air, it left me displayed like a broken piece of art. Could you listen to the sound of my shattered soul falling apart? Breathing in the snowflakes, had I met the end or did it ever start? I might never know this, for darling, I still can't seem to befriend the winter...
in my heart.

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