18. Result[Part Two]

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Bit by bit, he slinks in, until at last his hips are flush with Wei Wu Xian's ass, hands tightening enough that he will leave finger-shaped bruises on one side of Wei Wu Xian's exposed body.

He leans upright, gazing down at the moaning man before him, his eyes fluttering and wrists twisting at the ropes behind his back. Similarly, Wei Wu Xian's legs and thighs are also writhing in their bonds, his feet curled with pleasure, sweat slicking his skin.

Wei Wu Xian's head lolls towards him, eyes hazy with pleasure, and Lan Wang Ji gasps as Wei Wu Xian clenches around him. He pulls out and slams back in, earning another shriek, and brings his left leg up onto the table for balance as he begins a harsh, pounding rhythm Wei Wu Xian's ass growls rumbling from his chest.

Lan Wang Ji releases Wei Wu Xian's ass to push his chest down flat against the bed, body contorting to follow Lan Wang Ji's unspoken commands before jerking with Lan Wang Ji's thrusts.

Wei Wu Xian's hands are no longer fists, instead opening up like a flower to tremble and flex with every hard thrust from Lan Wang Ji, grappling in the air as he slides up and down the table freely, no grip to still his movements.

Wei Wu Xian's continuously whimpering now, high-pitched moans and broken whimpers, sounding like something from a Terran erotica video. It arouses Lan Wang Ji, to see his husband lacking control so severely, succumbing to Lan Wang Ji's firm command, and hard movements that drive into Wei Wu Xian's core.

Lan Wang Ji can barely think over the slick, tight heat of Wei Wu Xian's ass, and can feel his orgasm build rapidly. Wei Wu Xian's not far off either, if his increasing pitch and constant clenching is anything to go by.

Lan Wang Ji swoops down, grinding his cock in one slow, rolling movement - cock rubbing ruthlessly against the human's prostate, and takes the back of Wei Wu Xian's neck in his teeth, biting down hard. Wei Wu Xian moans, something high and utterly submissive, and begins to shake as his orgasm tears through him.

Lan Wang Ji rides through Wei Wu Xian's orgasm, rolling through the fluttering of his hole, until Wei Wu Xian's long moans turn into overstimulated whimpers.

Lan Wang Ji drinks in the overwhelmed sounds, Wei Wu Xian's high "ah, ah, ah!" following him as he falls into his own orgasm, pumping into his husband till his knot secures in Wei Wu Xian's hearing another appreciative whine from the man in question.

Minutes pass as his knot still fills Wei Wu Xian's ass with his seed. Below him, Wei Wu Xian is panting, eyes closed, a hitch with every breath. He is still shifting slightly, slowly rolling his bounded legs and tied arms together, as if hanging on to the warm glow spread throughout his body.

Some more time passes when the knot finally shrinks and only a soft cock is left behind. Lan Wang Ji hums, and pulls out, stroking Wei Wu Xian's back at the whimpered response, before sliding his hands to Wei Wu Xian's face and lightly caressing.

Wei Wu Xian sighs softly, still shifting, pressing his face back into Lan Wang Ji's touch. Lan Wang Ji smiles softly, feeling his heart flutter in his side, before drifting both his hands down to the set of the ribbon around Wei Wu Xian's wrists and arms, and begins to slowly untie them.

Lan Wang Ji removes the ribbon and shifts Wei Wu Xian's legs away from where they are pressed tight against his chest, and brings them down to a more natural position. Lan Wang Ji helps Wei Wu Xian to stretch out his entire lower body.


"You lie here and I will clean the both of us."

Lan Wang Ji said after he was sure Wei Wu Xian was comfortable enough to lie on the bed. He was then feeling a lot better.

Lan Wang Ji quickly wore the outer robe and went to fetch all the things that he needed, that is a wet cloth with a bowl of water, clean clothes for both of them, some ointment for Wei Wu Xian, drinking water.

After making sure he had everything, he went back to their bedroom. Wei Wu Xian laid there with his eyes closed.

Lan Wang Ji first patiently, lovingly, gently cleaned Wei Wu Xian, then applied the ointment before putting his night robe on.

He then cleaned himself and dressed in his white night robe. After all those cleaning and everything back in its place, Lan Wang Ji made Wei Wu Xian to drink some water.


Lan Wang Ji finally lay down on the bed, his Wei Ying quickly cuddling with him. Wei Wu Xian kept his head on Lan Wang Ji's chest and their legs intertwined.

Lan Wang Ji had a secured protective arm wrapped around Wei Wu Xian stomach and under his head. Lan Wang Ji kisses his forehead. Wei Wu Xian sighed before opening his mouth.

"Do you think it will work?"

Lan Wang Ji kissed his forehead again before answering.

"Of course it will, my Wei Ying."

Lan Wang Ji smiled at the end and Wei Wu Xian could not help but smile and pray that it will work.

The two bonded people then slowly fell asleep. Sharing the same dream of a happy family.




"Will you stop doing that for a second?"

Jiang Cheng finally said to his brother-in-law.

You see, for the last few days, Wei Wu Xian is feeling nauseous, is extremely tired the whole day, and is craving weird food stuffs.

Lan Wang Ji, unable to see his love hurt, called for the doctor. However when the doctor saw how impatient Lan Wang Ji was becoming, he scolded Lan Wang Ji and made him go outside and wait.

Jiang Cheng had taken leave from his duty for a few days and came to visit his own lover but when he heard what happened to his brother, they were all waiting for what the doctor had to say outside Lan and Wei's Room.

Still, Lan Wang Ji could not stay still and was pacing around. It was as if he had never practiced on controlling his emotions for years. It was a funny sight for any outsider but Jiang Cheng could no longer tolerate his behavior and finally snapped at him while snuggling with his Lan Xi Chen.

"He is right brother, wait for some more time, the doctor will come out any moment now."

Lan Xi Chen smiled just a little while saying that to his brother. Lan Wang Ji made an expression which could only mean he was glaring. Sighing, Lan Xi Chen could only hope for the doctor to come out faster before Lan Wang Ji became the reason for everyone's headache.

The wait was finally over. The doctor came out with a smiling face. Everyone consisted of Lan Wang Ji, Lan Xi Chen, Jiang Cheng, Lan Yuan and the other boys( no one knew where Lan Qi Ren was). Lan Wang Ji broke the silence and asked the doctor.

"What happened to my Wei Ying? Is he alright? Will it affect him in any way? Can I see him now? Do you think I should go now or wait?"

"Chill, will you, Lan Zhan? The doctor is here to tell us that only, remember?"

Jiang Cheng told again and sighed. The doctor who was still smiling thought it was time for him to open his pretty mouth for the audience to listen.

"Don't worry, Hanguang Jun. He is alright, more than that."

"What does that mean?"

Lan Xi Chen could not help himself but ask. The doctor who was looking at Lan Wang Ji, answered.

"I guess congratulations are on your way, Hanguang Jun."

Lan Wang Ji never in his life felt so happy and he needed to confirm it again, he raised one of his eyebrows as if for some more confirmation.

The doctor happily nodded and asked for his leave. Lan Wang Ji could no longer and entered the room. Others present outside the room, suggested that congratulations can still wait.



Lan Wang Ji entered their room to find Wei Wu Xian drawing circles on his stomach while a big smile was on his face. Wei Wu Xian turned his head slightly to see his hubby coming towards him.

"Too bad, I thought I would be the one to break the news."

Wei Wu Xian said, still smiling. Lan Wang Ji smiled and shook his head, not stopping his movements.


Wei Wu Xian asked softly.

"Anything for you, love."

Lan Wang Ji replied back. And arranged everything to cuddle with his husband. He climbed on the bed, Wei Wu Xian moving towards him. Finally, they found the most comforting position and settled down.

Both of them sharing the same dream of a family with their unborn child.

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