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-The Break Up

Martin Raul Vincento's POV

Sitting by the pool with a beer in my hand, my mind goes back to the time Diana confessed to me here. I remember how she got fever, but by the time I came home, she was ready to give herself to me. She trusted me completely. It was one of the happiest days of my life. I can't help but think what she might be doing right now.

Diana, is it okay for me to have you back? Is it okay for us to be together?

A sigh leaves my mouth as I think about it. One thing is for sure. I know I lived life before her, but I didn't know how. It is only after I met her, I felt alive. Now... If I walk away from her, I am sure I wouldn't know how to live. I will surely not find my way back to life.

Thoughts of us both consume my mind when my phone rings. Picking it up, I see that it's from William. He must have mailed the scanned copy of the file I asked.

"Yes, did you mail it?" I ask in my business tone.

"Mr. Vincento... I..." He stutters. He never stutters

"What is it?" I take a chug from my beer.

"Diana fainted in your house." Hearing her name brought me to my senses. She fainted? Did she get hurt? Is it bad? Hoe badly is she hurt?

"What do you mean she fainted?!" I try to control my temper. "What is she doing at my house? Why did she go there?!" My voice is rising every second. I have to go! I need to go see her! Going to my room, I start packing the bag.

"I have sent her there, to pick up the file." He says and I can sense the guilt in his voice along with fear.

Fuck! "Why would you send her there?! Fuck! Fuck!" In my house? There are pictures of us in the bedroom? Did she see them? Did she remember something?

"I am sorry, Mr. Vincento." He apologizes.

"When did this happen? Is she okay now? What did the doctors say? Did she wake up?" I pace around the room as I ask him. I have to know that she is okay!

"We don't know yet. They have just completed the tests. We are waiting for the results."

Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! "Where is she admitted?"

"Mrs. Thomas admitted her. She said she will take her to the doctor who has been monitoring her since the accident last year."

It must be Doctor Brown! "Okay. Anything happens, anything she needs whatever it is that might concern her, call me. I will talk to Doctor Brown. Keep in contact with him. As soon as the results come out, give me a call."

"Okay, sir."

I cut the call and call my pilot. Oh Diana! Please be safe. Please, please!

"Get the jet ready. We will be leaving in thirty minutes."

"Yes, Mr. Vincento."

I take my bag and walk out.

"Mr. Vincento!" I hear the Maria, the housekeeper call. "You are leaving? I thought you will be staying till tomorrow."

"Yes. I have something urgent come up." My heart is racing as I think about how Diana is. The image of tubes attached to her body to breath last year because of the accident appeared in my mind. My heart dropped. I don't want to see her like that again.

Walking out of the room, I get in my car and quickly reach the airport. I try calling Mrs. Thomas, but she picks up after some time.

"Mrs. Thomas! How is she?" I ask desperately wanting to know that she is okay.

"She is fine, Martin. The doctor's have done some tests and she is all good. You don't need to worry." Even if she says that Diana is fine, I can't stop worrying. I have to see her with my own eyes and only then can I be at ease. "She is found fainted in your bedroom. I guess she saw the pictures and maybe it triggered her memory."

Does that mean she remembers everything? No! It can't be.

"But since she is not awake yet, we don't know."

"When will she wake up?" I ask getting into the plane. I want to go to her as soon as possible. It I can run faster than this plane. I would have done that. I just need to see her.

"Don't know, son. We are waiting for that too."

"Mrs. Thomas. In case, she remembers anything, let me answer her if she has any questions." I want to be the one to tell her everything. There is a pause before she answers.


What if she remembers me? Oh Diana! Please be okay. I don't want to lose! I can't lose you!

Diana Thomas's POV

"How is she?"

"Everything seems normal in the scan reports. We need to wait for her to wake up."


"Mom, do you think she remembered everything? I mean she fainted in there. She saw all the pictures and you know... It might have triggered a memory."

"I hope she remembers. I don't want to see Martin or Diana suffering. The things they are doing for each other. Oh God!"

"They both love each other so much and just... I want them to be together, Mom. I want them to be happy. Not just Diana, but Martin too."

"How is she now?"

"Don't know Kurt. She needs to wake up for us to know anything."

"Don't worry Micheal. She will be alright."

"She better be."

"I called Martin. He is coming."

"How did he sound, Mom?"

"Worried. Just why can't these both patch up."

"I know."

"I feel bad hiding everything from here. I thought if she forgot Martin and he wants to break up with her, what's the point of telling her the past if it's going to make her sad. But heart still wants Martin and Martin... Oh that boy has become my other son."

I hear the sound of beeping. A warm hand is holding mine. My eyes are still closed. I feel a little conscious.

"Diana. Sweetie, wake up. Wake up at least for Martin." It's Mom! "I am sorry for hiding everything from you."

Yes, she did hide. She should have told me everything. I feel myself getting more conscious.

"I love you."

I try to open my eyes. I am able to move my fingers. I hear a gasp.

"Diana! Are you awake? Can you hear me?"

I try hard to open my eyes this time and I succeed. My vision is blur as I open my eyes. The light is too much. I see my mom's face come into vision. Blinking a few times, I look at her again and her face becomes clearer.

"Micheal! Come inside!" She calls and I hear the door open and close.

"Mom, what ha- Diana!" He comes to the other side of the bed.

"Call the doctor." She tells him.

"Yes." He says going out again.

"Diana, sweetie, look at me." She looks worried, tired and a bit happy, maybe because I am awake. I move my lips to talk, but my mouth feels dry. I try again.

"Why did you hide the truth, Mom?" I finally ask and she looks at me in shock. She looks stunned and doesn't move for a second.

"You remember?" She asks.

I nod my head. I feel betrayed. Betrayed by my family, betrayed by my lover. Many questions are running through my mind. Why did Martin behave like he does not know me? Why didn't he just tell me the truth? What happened after the accident? Why are they all hiding the truth?

Oh Martin! When will you come?! I am so angry with you! Why did you have to behave like a stranger?! You can't be away from me, so you became my boss again? Then why?!

"Ms. Thomas!" I hear the doctor come in. He comes to me and mom moves aside to let the doctor check. "How are you feeling?" He asks. How am I feeling? I am feeling like I want to slap someone!

"Well," I try to speak but I can't. They give me a glass of water. I drink the whole glass before speaking. "I feel angry." He looks confused at my answer. My mom looks guilty and brother is looking confused as well.


"I remember the part of my life that I forgot after the accident." Micheal look shocked. He looks at mom and she gives him a nod.

"That's a good news." He says. I scoff. If only!

"What is the last thing you remember about the accident that happened a year ago?" He asks. Mom and Micheal looks at me with curious eyes.

"I remember my boyfriend firing me from his own company. I mean I asked him to fire me and we were about to catch a movie. I got out of the car, waiting for him to park it got hit by another car."

My mind goes back to that day. I remember it clearly. I was so happy. We were so happy! What exactly happened after the accident?

"I want to talk to Martin." I say looking at mom.

"He is on his way hear, Sweetie." She says coming to me and putting her hand on mine. I take my hand away. I am so angry at Mom and Micheal. She doesn't say anything.

"Ms. Thomas, you are completely fine, but now that you have gained your memory back just let us run a few more tests to make sure everything's alright. How does that sound?"

I nod my head. I just want to see Martin! I don't care about any other thing!

"Mrs. Thomas. Please come, I need to talk with you." The doctor says and mom goes out to before giving me loving look. I am alone with Micheal in the room.

"How could you guys?! Why?!"

"I am sorry, sis. You need to talk to Martin."

"Oh I will! I will not just talk though. I am so angry with him! With all of you!"

"Diana, you need to understand we love you. Whatever we have done, it's for you own good." He comes near me.

I laugh with no humour. "My own good! Then you wouldn't have hid it from me!" He stays silent. "I mean... We were together. We were in love. Why would he hide it from me? Did the doctors tell you guys to not force any memory on me? Is that why he didn't say anything? That must be it, right?" He looks me.

"Martin will be here soon. You guys should talk."

"Micheal! Tell me what happened when I was in coma that time. I want to know. I need to know."

"Don't panic, Sis. Please. You just became conscious, I don't want you to faint again."

"I can't stop thinking. I mean, he clearly still loves me. I have seen all the pictures in his room. Then... then why?!"

"Shh! Diana, control yourself, please." He pleads holding my hand.

"Control myself? Micheal, I just woke up to my family and boyfriend hiding the fact that he is boyfriend. How am I supposed to live with it?!"

"He is not your boyfriend." His words shock me. I look at him in shock.

"What? What do you mean?"

"He..." Micheal trails off.

"Tell me, please. I want to know. Tell me at least now. What happened after the accident?"

Micheal stays silent holding my hand.

"We broke up." I look at the door from where the voice came. The very familiar voice. The one that stirs my heart every time.

There he is! He looks tired. His five O' clock shadow is growing. His hair is dishelved. It looks like he ran his hand through it a few times. But, Damn, he looks sexy. The Handsome Man. My Handsome Man. Suddenly all the past comes knocking in front of my eyes. How he felt in my arms, how safe I felt in his arms, how we loved each other and every other detail. He hid all that from me. He hid everything.

I am so angry at him.

"Martin." His name leaves my lips involuntarily. I feel it again. My heart is doing flips. I sure loved him before and after my amnesia. But as I look at him walking to me, I see him in a whole different light. I realise how different our chemistry was then and now. He comes to me in two long steps and engulfs me in his heavenly arms. Oh fuck! I am home!

"Diana!" He whispers holding me tightly. I waste no time in holding him back. "Cara Mia." Then my mind clicks. Cara Mia! That's me! His ex-girlfriend! That's me! Wait! Ex-girlfriend? When did I become that? Why did I become that?

Why don't I remember the break up?


Hey my cute dumplings!

Oh my! They are in each other's arms! Finally! Believe me, even I have been waiting for it. #Mariana. Also, I have changed the cast. Don't miss the next chapter. Tell me what you think.

Please VOTE and COMMENT.

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