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-At His House

Diana Thomas's POV

"I don't understand how you drink it." The sting of the hot coffee is fresh on my lips. I set the cup of black coffee down beside him as he types away on his computer. He takes the cup and leans back in his chair before taking a sip from the cup. He looks stressed out. There are circles under his eyes and his hair is dishelved. The tie around his neck is loosened. He has been working all day.

"Then why do you taste it every time?" He asks as he looks at me.

I shrug and sit on top of his work table, crossing my legs. It feels like we are back to us. But I know we are not. I lean forward and run a hand through his hair. He closes his eyes and relaxes at my touch. I just look at him and stare. He opens his eyes and they meet mine. My hands stop moving and I am in a trance like always.

The man I love. The man of my dreams. The man that owns my heart! My one and only!

I just stare and stare. All the thoughts leave my mind. There is only one emotion flowing through my body and my veins and I know that as I am looking into his eyes, that he is feeling the same.

Just... Love.

I want to take his hand and just walk away from everything. Just us both... Hand in hand... Against the world... He takes my hand and brings it to his lips. His tender lips feel soft against mine. He doesn't kiss, but just... rubs my fingers against his lips and then places a kiss against my ring finger. He looks back into my eyes with this overwhelming emotion and I feel like my heart is flooding with love for this man.

"You love me." He chuckles at my words and it looks like he is really amused by them.

"Yeah, I do." His admits holding my hand and runs this thumb over the back of my hand. That magic when we both are together comes and we just stare at each other. The fear of what might happen if he leaves after this week looming in the back of my head and eating me. The knock on the door causes me to look away and stand up from the table immediately. "Come in." He says as he sips his coffee.

"I wanted to discuss with you about the house you wanted to rent in LA and about your facilitation in the LA office." Micheal says coming in. He brings his laptop along with him and looks up at Martin once he bears the table. His gaze shifts to me who is standing beside his boss. "Diana." He gives me a nod acknowledging my presence. He looks back and forth between me and Martin.

They are going to discuss about Martin's accommodation and him moving to LA. I can't hear this. This is pure torture. This will only make it more real for me. He is not going to leave. That's it! I won't allow him to!

"You knew all along that his ex-girlfriend is me?" I ask him even though I know the answer to it.

He stutters and opens and closes his mouth like a fish. "I-I..." He looks at Martin for help.

"He knew, Cara." Martin says from beside me. I look at him angrily.

"Don't call me that ex-boyfriend!" I nearly yell and turn back to Micheal who is now looking at me with wide eyes, probably in shock that I just yelled at his boss and my boss. He immediately composes himself. I sigh and look back at Martin. "I am going home." I am angry.

"Cara Mia." I hear him call as I open the door. I turn back and find him standing near his chair, ready to follow me out.

"Don't!" He moves to come to me. "Seriously, don't. Go to LA. I don't care!" I say as the door closes and walk to my cabin. Angrily, I pack all my stuff and come out of the building. I think about how I reacted. Fuck! I should not be thinking about what happened. I should think about what I have to do to get him to stay. Urgh! Martin! How can I get you to stay?! He clearly stated that he made up his mind! Fuck!

My mind is all over the place. What should I do? Today is too much. I have to face my boyfriend who wants to leave me because he loves me. How fucked up is that?! I had to face the reality that he is actually not letting me change his mind. He is being stubborn. I don't even know what to do to make him stay. This whole time his assistant, Micheal knew that I was his ex-girlfriend. This is crazy.

I just want to go home and make a plan for tomorrow. I have only five more days. I was about to call a taxi when my mind suddenly strikes a plan. I should be going home tonight. But not Mom's. A devilish smile traces my lips.

"Cara, what are you doing here?" He looks at me in shock. Of course he would be. I give him an innocent smile. I am in his house and in his bed in his shirt and my pyjama short. I lay there in the bed pretending to read a book as he came in to find me there.

"Oh, hi, Baby." He looks like he is still in shock. "I am just reading a book." I hold it up for him to see. He has already taken off his coat and is only in his white shirt and black pants. He. Looks. HOT! Okay, concentrate! You should win this! He comes and stands beside me.

"You know what I am asking." His hands are on his hips. I wrap my hand around his wrist and pull him down. He sits beside me. He is so close to me. He looks tired. Since he is wrapping things here, he has been busy the whole day.

"You want me to leave?" he opens his mouth to answer my question, but I cut him off. I look outside and it's dark. "Now?" I look back at him putting on my most innocent face. "It's dark outside." It is only 8PM. "You are going to throw me out at-"

"Okay. That's it." He stands up. I am still holding his wrist. "I know what you are doing."

"You do?"

"Yeah." He nods his head. "I know when you get cheeky and that innocent look, you are up for something." He runs a hand through his hair. "It's not going to work."

"But, I am not doing anything, Baby. I am just reading a book." I hold it up again. I go back to reading it, at least pretending to read it.

He sighs. "Fine. Let's play it your way."

I give him a shrug and he goes into the bathroom. I smile to myself as I flip the pages of the book. I took a cab and came to his house, punched in the password. Now I remember that the password is the date we met, the date and month. My heart warms at that. I come in and cook him food and prepare everything making it seem like the time when we were together.

That's the plan. To spend time with him like the old times. Old, sweet times. Have him see how stupid his idea of leaving is.

He comes out of the bathroom in his sweat pants and t-shirt. No boxers? He looks like my Martin. "Are we going to keep it PG-13 today?" I ask as I look at him. He chuckles and shakes his head.

"I will be sleeping in the guest room, Cara." He brushes his hair looking in the mirror as he says that. I close the book and put it aside.

"Why?" I slid on the bed and roll around. The shirt comes up near my waist and I lay on my front. "You don't want to sleep here, in bed with me?" He just stares at me. From my legs to my thighs to my ass to my waist, to my raised shirt, to my face, to my lips and meeting my eyes. "Come here, Baby." I call him in the voice I do when I want to cuddle with him. He comes to me like a spell is cast on him.

I extend my arm as I say that. He walks to the bed and I give him a smile as I get on my knees on the bed. He comes to me pulls my hair out of my face and it felt so good. I missed this! His touch! He used to do it all the time! I close my eyes and savour the moment, the fear that this might not happen after a month suddenly jumps in my mind. I immediately open my eyes just to look at him, to see that he is here.

Without letting another second go to waste, I crash my lips to his. He meets mine half way. There is love, passion, belongingness, trust and everything in the kiss. I kiss him fiercely. I show him how I missed him, but he takes over. I can tell he missed me so much. It must have been hell for him to see me every day and not recognize him.

My lips suck on his and our tongues are dancing in rhythm. Fuck!

"I missed you." I confess as we pull out of the kiss for a second, his lips are back on mine.

"Not as much as I did." He kisses me back with such fierceness. I can feel his emotions in the kiss.

I put my legs around his waist and he lays me on the bed. My fingers grasp his hair and I let him take control. I want him to devour me. I am his! He is mine! His hands are round my waist. He is hugging me close to his body. After what seems like an hour, we pull away to catch our breath. We are breathing hard. My heart is hammering against my chest.

Oh my God! This happened! This really happened!

He keeps kissing my jaw and goes to my neck.

"You smell like me." I am wearing his shirt and I used his soap when I showered before he came.

"I know you like it." He keeps kissing my neck and starts sucking on it. My hands are on his head. I moan and let him do as he pleases with me.

"I love it." He confesses and goes back to sucking my neck.

"Martin!" I moan his name. He slowly stops sucking and just puts his head in the crook of my neck, just laying there, hugging me. I put my arms around him. He is careful to not put his weight on me as he lays there. He is on top of me.

It's back to reality time. Tears nearly pool my eyes. It's just that... This kiss... It brought back everything. We just lay there in silence as I cradle his head like I am holding a baby. I lean down and kiss his forehead holding his hair back. His legs are covering mine. Our breathing slows down and I just want to kiss him more. I want to feel his lips on mine more.

He moves and gets up. No! I don't want to go back to reality! I hold out both my hands wanting him to come back in my arms.

"That's tempting, Cara." He holds one of my hands and pulls me up making me stand. He leans down still holding my hand and whispers. "You are like a drug, you know that?" He asks before kissing my cheek.

And you are mine.

"I know." He says and I look at him in surprise. He chuckles. "You said that out loud." I quickly cover my mouth and he laughs. And Damn! That's the sexiest thing ever! "Thank you." He smiles. "Is my smile sexy too?"

Did I speak out again? "No, it's not." I look away. Blush creeps out on my cheeks. "You are so cheeky. Urgh!" I sigh.

"Only with you. Come, let's have dinner." He pulls me along with him to the dining room. He looks at me once he sees the setting there. "You did all this?"



I take both of his hands into mine. He turns to me. "I know you decided to leave after a week." I can't even say those words. Saying them out loud only makes them more real and that's breaking my heart thinking that he might not be here. I won't let that happen. "But, these remaining days, I want to stay here, with you." I look straight into his eyes as I say that. "Please."

"Okay." I grin and get on my tippy-toes to kiss him.

We have dinner. Both sitting beside each other. His hands are on my thighs. This takes me back to the time, we sat in his balcony with me in his shirt and his hand placed on my thigh just like now. He wouldn't let go even when I tell him. My heart fluttered and I was like a teenage girl who is sitting beside her crush.

"Why are you smiling?" He asks as he eats his food. I shake my head. I don't even realise that I am smiling. "Tell me." He urges. I look up at him and bite my lip feeling shy. "You are blushing? Now I want to know." He puts his spoon down and turns to me completely. He runs his fingers on my thigh where it feels ticklish. I giggle.

"I was thinking of the time when I first slept in your house."

He looks like he is going down the memory lane. "I remember. You were wearing my shirt and leaning on that balcony." He points to the one behind me. "That's when it all started, officially though." He adds. That's true! So many wonderful memories.

The remaining of the dinner just goes by. I don't bring the top of him leaving anymore. I don't want to. It's haunting. Once we are done, I walk to his room, waiting for him to follow, but he stops outside the bedroom. I look at him in confusion.

"Good night, Diana. I will sleep in the guest bedroom." He is about to turn around.

"No, stop!" Guest bedroom?! "Why?"

He just shrugs. I go to him. Come on, Baby! You were so close, now don't go away! "It's better this way."

"For whom?" I ask immediately. "For whom is it better?"


"Don't!" I take his hand and pull him into the bedroom. "We are sleeping here. I don't care what your reasons are. Sleeping in the same bed with me wouldn't kill you." I look at him. "Or me. Besides, if you are worrying that something might happen between us, don't worry. I am up for it." I give him a teasing smile. "I missed you." I push him on the bed. "Oh, you giant man!" He chuckles at me.

"That's true though. I can never control myself around you." He pulls me in. "But, no. We won't be doing anything today." I pout. "Sleep." He snuggles me in and pulls the blanket over us. I lay comfortably in his arms. His arms. My true home. Out legs are entwined. I feel warm. We lay there in each other warmth. But the threat is looming in my mind.

"I can't live without you." I confess. "I can't so it." Tears are starting to pool my eyes. I don't know how to change his mind.

"Diana." He calls my name. His hand is smoothening my hair.

"You seem to be calling me Diana these days." He is calling me that more after the memory loss.

"You don't like that?"

"I don't know. Sometimes I do. Sometimes I don't. I feel like you are talking to the memory loo version of me when you call me that. I am jealous of that." He chuckles.

"You are jealous of yourself? Cara, only you can say that."

"Well you make me say things like that." I look up at him.

"I love you in any way you come." He places a kiss on my forehead as he tightens his hold around me, but not too much. We stay silent for a few seconds.

"Do you have to go?" I may be asking him this question the hundredth time. Every time I ask him, I hope that he will say no. But he doesn't.

"I do."

I close my eyes stopping the tears from falling. You stupid!

"I am." He says. I look at him. "You said it out loud." He clarifies. "Sleep, Cara Mia." We snuggle closer, if that is even possible. My ear is against his heart. I fall asleep listening to his heartbeat.

The next day, we both come to the office together. I try everything to make him jealous. He in fact gets angry and nearly yells at Micheal, because he is the person I flirted with. I feel bad for him. The whole day just went by with no progress whatsoever. Like he said, "I will be provoked till this week ends." "Play all the games you want to play with me." But I can tell that it is going to last only till this weekend.

After the day ends, we both come home and I snuggle into his arms. He doesn't protest. Not that he protested yesterday. We lay there in his bed, but sleep doesn't come to me. There is this feeling... That I can't describe. I hold on to him tight. He places a kiss on my forehead. I can't fall asleep. I think about what to do yesterday. That's when I remember, tomorrow is Martin's mother's death anniversary.

My heart drops. He will not be coming to the office tomorrow. I need to be here for him. No more plans for tomorrow.

Oh Martin!


Hey my cute dumplings!

So how is the chapter? I know not a lot of progress, but don't miss the next one. Things are going to go crazy. Tell me what you think

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