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-Break up Ring/Promise Ring and Jealous Boss/Ex-Boyfriend

Diana Thomas's POV

"Mom, I am late. I will have this on the way. Bye!" I take the sandwich and take a bite of it. Mom comes and hugs me. Okay, what's this? She hugs me like I am never coming back. I hug her back. I look at Micheal from her shoulder and he shrugs.

"Goodbye." She says once she pulls away. What?

"Mom, did something happen?" She wipes the tears from the corner of her eyes.

"Nothing, Sweetie! I am just happy you are here. Remember, any decision I take is only to see you happy."

"Okay. I know you love me and I love you too. But this is getting weird." I have to confess.

"Go, you will late to your office otherwise."

I kiss her cheek. "Bye, Mom!" Taking another bite of sandwich, I go to the front door.

It's been a month since the accident. Martin, Mom and Micheal were there for most of the time. Martin left for two days to settle everything in LA to come back here. He is doing everything he can to get me back. What surprised me was Mom was so angry at him for leaving me, I don't know how he convinced her to like him back. She is back to calling him 'Son' like she used to.

Is he a wizard?

He winks at me after that and tells me I am next. Yeah, like that's going to happen! His handsome face, hot body and loving attitude are not going to melt me down! Okay, I am melting again! Cold, Diana! You should be stone Cold!

Micheal is still a bit angry at him. I have been discharges last week and I am starting office from today. I am feeling good today. Martin is back in the city. Our fight is nearly over. My heart is no longer broken I am feeling happy. Everything is in place. But I am still angry at him.

I open the door and gasp. "What are you doing here?!" He standing there, leaning against his car with his arms folded near his chest in his dark grey suit, looking Hella Hot! He gives me his charming smile. Okay, I have to be honest.

Am I angry at him? Yes, I am. I was. During all the time I spent with him at the hospital, he took care of me and it just... the anger just evaporated.

Am I going to give in? No. He broke my heart. He left me. He then came back and says he wants me. I am not a doll!

He has to work for it if he wants to get me back. But he is making it incredibly difficult!

I mean, imagine your man, standing at your door looking like that, waiting for you to take you to work. My poor heart is like, I want him! Urgh! It's hard to resist.

"I am came to pick you up for work." He answers opening the door for me.

"No. Thank you. If anyone sees us together, there will be rumors flying in the office." I walk past him.

"Please, Cara Mia. Let me take you to work." He pleads and my heart is flipping. There is another thing, where he is doing this thing saying please and it's not healthy for me, that I know.

"No." I turn around to walk away. Suddenly I am lifted into air by my waist and I am being carried to the car. "What are you doing?! Stop! Martin!"

"I am taking you to work." He says with finality and makes me sit in the passenger seat. He closes the door. I try to open it, but it's locked. Urgh! Martin! He comes and sits in driving seat. "Open the door." I order.

"Cara." He says looking at me. "We both know, I am not going to. There is no point in trying." I know. There is no winning with you. "Now, sit back, relax and enjoy the ride." I sigh. He leans towards me and I thought he is going to kiss me. He reaches over and pulls the seat belt. His lips lights touch my cheek. Okay, he is doing it intentionally! I take in a moment to breath his scent. Oh my God!

Just like that, he is back I his seat as he buckles my seat belt. He smiles. Oh, he knows what he is doing! You sly bastard! "Okay. Stop that smile! I have seen it in a lot of movies and it's not working!"

"Oh, yeah? Then why are you blushing?" He smirks. He knows it's working! Why does he have to be so charming?!

"I am not. Just drive!" I look out the window trying to hide my red face.

"Another thing." He says and I look at him. He pulls a little box out of his pocket and looks at me. "Give me your hand." I do and he smiles before opening the box and taking out whatever is in it. He pulls out a light pink diamond ring. It's huge. It's huge! He takes my hand and slips it on my ring finger. "I know it's too early." He starts. I look at him in shock. "But, this is a promise ring."

"What?" I am still in awe.

"A promise that I will get you back."

I look at the ring and then back at him. No! No! No! I try to pull it off. "You are not getting me back with a ring!" He stops me as I try to pull it off.

"I know. I know."

"We have broken up, Martin." Hurt passes his eyes as he hears me say that. Well, you broke my heart too! I am sorry! "I can't!" He stops me again.

"You can have it as a break up ring then."

I look at him like he lost his mind. "What?" He pauses for a moment before he speaks.

"It is a break up ring. If you ever take it off that means we are back together."

"That's ridiculous, Martin!"

"I don't care. You can take that ring off, if you want and I will take it that you are ready to be my girlfriend." He smirks. Fuck! He got me!


"Yes, Baby?"

"That's not how it works!"

"That's exactly how it works for me." He shrugs like that's really how it works.

"Who gives a break up ring?!"

"I do." I sigh and lean back in my seat. He starts driving and keeps his hand on my thigh like he always does. I remove it, but he places it again. This continues for a while. I get tired, but I know he is only enjoying it. No point! He is just so stubborn!

I let him be and look at the ring, HUGE ring on my finger. He can buy me a ring, but this huge... Something is off. I don't understand why he wants me to wear it that much. I think about it and my memory goes back to the time we spent in the hospital last month.

I remember flirting with a male nurse there and even gave him my number just to provoke Martin. That was the day I got discharged. For some reason, he never even messaged, not that I was looking forward for that. The whole time, I was flirting with him, Martin remained calm. His normal self would usually freak out and go possessive over my ass, but this time... he was surprisingly calm, very calm in fact.

I gasp as I look at the ring. This is not a promise ring! This is not a break up ring! This ring is to not let any men near me even if I flirt with them! That way he doesn't have to get jealous!

"Martin." This is stupid.

"Yes, Cara." He looks at me as he stops the engine. We have reached the office cellar. I nearly shove my hand in his face as I lift it up.

"Is this because I flirted with that nurse in the hospital?"

He doesn't answer for a minute. "No. But the idea of the ring started then."

"Oh, yeah?" He nods his head at my sarcastic question. I try to remove it.

"Oh, you want to get back together already? Thank you, Baby." He tries to hug me. I push him away.

"No! No!" I put the ring back. "See, I am wearing it." I sigh and sit back.

He reaches and pulls some pills out from the cover in the back seat. "You didn't take your tablets yet." He takes my hand and puts two pills in them and shoves a bottle in my other hand. I don't even ask where he got it from. "You always forget them." He scolds me and I just take them before giving the bottle back. "You are coming back to work as my PA?" He asks. He usually never asks. It's always his way.

"No, Martin. I want to continue working in HR department."

He looks away. "I am not going to force you." He suddenly turns to me and pulls me in for a hug. "I love you." Oh my God! This is going to be hard! Hearing him say those words never gets old. My heart flutters.

"I love you too." I hug him back. We just stay there like that for I don't know how long.

"Whoa! Let me see!" Tina takes my hand in hers. "I wish I had a boyfriend who gives me a promise ring like that." She says checking out the ring on my finger. Nick is thrusting his mouth with french fries beside me. We are in the canteen having lunch.

Yes, I told her that it is a promise ring. I don't want to call it a break up ring. I don't have the heart. I know he is trying and that we will be going back being together eventually... I mean... It's only natural. Even though I act like we are not together with him, in my heart we are not broken up yet. No one in the office knows whom I am dating though.

All through the morning, I have done but think about us both. Martin has called me two times in between reminding me to take my medicines. He has been calling me with his old number. The MM number and for some reason, my heart is all rainbows and unicorns about it. I am so stupid! He has asked me to join for lunch. But this is my first day back and I don't want to miss lunch with my work friends. It would only make them more suspicious. I told him I would join him late.

So, here I am, gushing about my promise ring or more like break up ring. Oh Martin! You Handsome Man!

This is going to be so tough!

Martin Raul Vincento's POV

"I can't believe this!" She says going into the bedroom. She is angry, which is expected. "How did you convince Mom to get her to let me stay with you?" She asks sitting on the edge of the bed cross legged. Her pencil skirt rides up giving me the view of her lovely thighs. Oh, it's been so long since they have been wrapped around me! "Martin, up here." She points at her eyes and covers her legs. "I know I have sexy legs, but can you please concentrate!" She opens her hair from her bun and... God!

She is here! In my house! She remembers everything. I have done so many wrongs! I have broke her heart breaking mine as well! Yet she is here! Nothing is stopping us now. Except for the fact that I was an ass!

Seeing her in the hospital in coma and her not waking for three days... It was all pure torture. I can't live without her. But she is willing to give me a chance. That's all I need. I will do anything. She is my world, she is the one, she is it and there is no doubt in that. There is no doubt in that since the beginning.

It was really hard to convince Mrs. Thomas. She was angry at me. So angry. I mean, I deserve it. But, I have talked to about how I feel about Diana and about me, about how things have changed and she said 'Her happiness lies with you. I can't deny her of that, but I won't tolerate you hurting her again. She has suffered enough.' She is right. Diana has suffered enough. She deserves happiness and I am going to give all of it to her.

"And this?" She shows the finger with that pink diamond. Ah, the promise ring. She has the audacity to flirt with that male nurse. No way. She can do all the she want to torture me or get me back, but I can't see her flirting. It is definitely a promise ring. I wanted to get her one, but bigger once just to keep men away till agrees to be my girlfriend, maybe even after that. "Let's get a smaller ring please." She is giving me those eyes.

"No." I loosen my tie and remove my jacket. She falls back on the bed.

"This is too much you know. Everyone in the office is asking me about it. They are asking who my boyfriend is." I got to her and lay beside me supporting my head on my palm. She looks so enticing.

"Tell them I am your boyfriend." I put my leg over hers, she pushes away.

"Don't try anything, ex-boyfriend." She gets up. That tag hurts. I pull her back on the bed and before she can get up, I put my arms around her not letting her escape. She struggles to get out, but her cheeks are turning that lovely shade of pink again. She is loving this! I kiss her cheek. "Stop it." She turns away. I kiss her more just to embarrass her and because I want to.

"Make me." I kiss all over her face and she giggles.

Two Weeks Later

Come to my office, Cara Mia.

Not now, I am busy.


No. I am not supposed to meet my ex-boyfriend secretly at work or anywhere.

Do, I have to use the boss card?

Use whatever card you want.

I sigh. It's been two weeks since she is back to office and she is immune to everything that I try to do. We come and go to work every day together. I won't lie, we made out... a lot. I have tried seducing her into giving in the other night. She is super strong this time. I get how hurt she is but my selfish ass just don't want her away.

I pick up the office phone and immediately call Chris, the HR department head.

"Yes, Mr. Vincento?"

"Have Ms. Thomas deliver those files that I asked you about to me right now."


I cut the call. Now you can't escape, Baby. I know she is going to be angry at me for this. Just as I expected, five minutes later, the door burst open and in walks my girl. She comes to be and slams the files in front of me.

"Wipe that smug smile off your face." She says angrily and is about to leave, but I hold her wrist and pull her down on my lap. "Don't. Move." She struggles to get up.

"No. Did you take your medicines?" She stops and looks at me. She blinks her eyes rapidly.

"I-I was about to." She is lying. I shake my head at her and move her comfortably in my lap. She sits happily.

"Have them." I command. I would plead her about anything, but not about her health. She pull outs the drawer to her left where I keep her medicines and take two pills before taking them.

"Happy?" Sarcasm is clear in her voice. "Now if you will excuse me, I have some work to do." She is about to get up, when I hold her in place.

"It's lunch time anyway. Stay. I asked William to bring our lunch." She sighs.

"Fine. I wanted to ask you something." She says and I start kissing her neck. Her hands are in my hair.

"Go ahead." I don't stop kissing. I can't. These days, I just want to tie her to me.

"Do you remember David from accounting who asked me out one day when I was working as your PA and still didn't have any memories about us?"

I do. I do remember him and I remember how I wanted to punch him when I saw him asking her out. "Yeah."

"I heard that he got transferred to your office in LA last week and that he got a promotion."

I am too busy kissing her. "Mm-hmm."

"Everyone in the office said we would make a cute couple. Diana and David-Ah." I realize that I bit her neck lightly. It's going to become a hickey. "Martin. Easy!" She moans as I suck on that spot. "Do you have anything to do with it?" She knows?

"Why are we talking about him?" I kiss up to her lips. Her hands are in my hair gripping it as I kiss her lips. I don't want to talk about freaking David!

"Tell me." She asks pulling my head away while gripping my hair and makes me look at her.

"You know me." There is no point hiding anything from her. She understands what I did and gives me the I-knew-it look. "I gave him a promotion. He is good at his job and I want him gone."

Before she can say anything, my lips are on hers and I kiss her hard. She kisses me back. My hands travel down her thighs and I pull her close. We kiss so hard that we are out of breath. I pull away from her lips and kiss her jaw line, then her neck. My hands come back to her shirt and I unbutton the top two buttons. She lets me and moans louder as I kiss her.

She smells like me since she is using my soap. I love it. I kiss the top of her breasts and press them with my hands. She is pushing my head down on her wanting more. "Be mine, Cara Mia." I can't help it.

"Oh Martin!" She moans.

"You know I am yours." I don't stop kissing her. I can't.

Just then the door opens and she quickly hugs me to cover herself since her top is open. I hug her and look at the person who just entered. It's William.

"Martin, I brought your-" He looks up and stops mid sentence.

"Get out!" I yell loudly and throw the pen stand at the door. Just when I am about to make her mine.

"Sorry." He quickly leaves and closes the door. The pen stand hits the door and falls down.

"He is gone." I say and she looks up at me in my arms. Pushing me away, she quickly gets up and buttons up her shirt.

"Thank God that it's only William. We nearly got caught!" She adjusts her hair and puts it in a ponytail. I take her hand in mine.

"Be mine, Diana." I say in a pleading way. She sighs and looks away pulling her hand out of my hold.

"Martin, no."

"I can't stay away from you anymore. I learned my lesson Cara Mia."

"No. You haven't!" She suddenly bursts. I pull her and she leans against the table. "Martin, you walked out of my life two times without telling me." Tears start gathering in her eyes. No, don't cry. "You didn't let me have a say in this relationship. There will always be a fear in the back of my mind that you might leave and I can't... I can't come back to you with all these doubts." Tears are now rolling down her cheek.

I just stare at her. She is right.

"I want to. Believe me, I do. But you are just controlling the situations too much. Even now, when I said I am busy, you called my boss to have me come here." She takes my face in her hand and stares right into my eyes. "I am happy and very proud of you that you have conquered your fears, but now... I have my fears. We love each other, but this is..." She trails off. I messed up.

"What can I do to gain your trust back? What can I do to get you back, Cara Mia."

She just stares at me for a few seconds. "Well there is one thing." She says after a few minutes. Anything! ANYTHING!

"I will do anything, Cara Mia. Tell me what is it?" Hope sprouts in my heart.

"Well... I have been thinking about it and let me tell you, it doesn't mean that if you do this, I will get back with, but I will definitely put in effort to trust you again." Fair enough.

"Tell me what I should do, Cara. You know I will do it." I urge her.

"I want you to get therapy."


She sighs. "I want you to get therapy for your fears. Yes, you have overcome it, but I know that it's still lurking somewhere. I want you to therapy for controlling issues as well." She leans down and kisses my forehead. I pull her close by her waist. "I love you and I want this to work, Baby." Oh God! It's been so long since she called me that. There is nothing I wouldn't do for her.

"Will you come back to me, if I seriously do therapy?"

"I will consider it." She kisses me on my lips. "But, you know I can't resist you as well. I will come back to you." She kisses me again.

"I will take the therapy and I will take it seriously. Not just because I want you back, but because it will help you to trust in me." I pull her back into my lap.

"Thank you." She says smiling with tears in her eyes. I wipe them away.

"I don't want to see them anymore unless there are only because you are happy. I love you." I kiss her lips and she kisses me back. I can make this work. We can make this work.

Anything for my Diana.


Hey my cute dumplings!

I know, it's too much and I hope you guys like it. I just wanted to give you guys the sweet punch of Martin and Diana since it's nearing completion. Yes, that's right! Since you guys might miss them, added a few extra romantic scenes. Tell me what you think.

Please VOTE and COMMENT.

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