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-One Hour and One Kiss

Martin Raul Vincento's POV

Closing the door quickly, I start putting away the pictures of her and us together that are around the house. There are a few small frames and my bedroom has a bigger one above the bed. I don't want to remove that and it will take time to remove it. She should not come into the bedroom. Once I am out of the room, I close the door.

Why is she here? Isn't it Saturday today?

I can't even think straight. My head is aching and I feel feverish. Going to the front door again, I open it catching her gaze as soon as I do. Her expression as shy as always. I feel her scan me again. "It was a little messy, had to clean it up." I explain about suddenly closing the door on her face. "Come on in." She smiles walking in behind me. "What brings you here?" I turn around as I ask that and I am mesmerized as I see her.

There she is. The sunlight falling on her making her look bright as ever. Her golden hair shining in the light. She illuminates the room and her smile. Don't get me started on that. I have imagined her here many times in these past few months. But I never thought it would become real. She is not supposed to be here unless it's an emergency. Only William is allowed. Not that I am complaining. She basically turned my headache around and my day is going to be interesting.

Since she is here. I will... miss her less than I do every weekend. Weekend are the hard to get by usually. Weekdays I can see her at the office. But this week will be different.

That last week, I even visited her at the hospital, she was sleeping. My heart dropped once I heard that she is admitted there. I had to rush to her. Staying away and thinking if she was not okay or not kept worrying me. I had to and want to be close to her. That's why she is upgraded from HR department to my Personal Assistant. Also, I didn't want to work hard which would in turn affect her brain. William will be doing most of her work as she monitors it.

I am not going to let anything happen to her. My Diana. I will keep you safe.

"I... Um..." She looks here and there. She is nervous. She doesn't have be nervous. Not around me. But I can't tell her that. It would mean me emotionally getting close to her. I want to stay beside her. But not form a relationship with her. It would only bring doom to her. "Oh yes, I wanted to give you these files. About the new deal." Going to her, I take the files that she hands out before opening to look at. These are not urgent. I could have even looked at them on Monday. "Also, I wanted to ask, how are you? William told me that you passed out in a bar." She is here for me. She looks so concerned. I want to pull her close to me and hold her like I used. I am fine, Baby.

"I am fine. You didn't have to come this far just for this." I reply coldly. She is not supposed to feel concerned about me.

"I know. I just..." She trails off. Oh, Cara Mia!

"If that's it, you can go." I want her to stay here. I don't want her to go. I want to hug her. Feel her in my arms. I missed her smell. I miss the way she perfectly fit in my arms. At the moment, all I can think about is her in my arms. I need to look away from her. I turn around to put the files on the table.

"Oh God! What is this?!" Her panicked voice confuses me and soon her fingertips are on the back of my shoulder.

"What?" Turning around, I am met with her concerned face again.

"You have a bruise there?"

Bruise? How did I get it? She reaches up and presses the back of her fingers on my forehead. Oh, how I missed her touch.

"You even seem to be having fever. I think you should call a Doctor."

"I can manage. You should go."


"Ms. Thomas, I can take care of myself. I don't need your concern." I had to be strict with her, even if it might hurt her a little.

"I can see how you are taking care of yourself. Also, when I got hurt in your office two months ago, you helped me. Think of it as me returning the favour. I am not leaving." She folds her arms near her chest with determination. I want to smile. My girl! "I-I mean... I will go down and bring the medicines for you." With that she turns around to leave, but turns back to me again. "I think it's better if you put on a shirt." Then she is out of the door.

"Oh Diana!" I can't believe she is here. Running my fingers through my hair, I go to put on a shirt. Her wish is my command. Seems like I am spending my day with her. At least the morning. I stare at the huge photo of us both that's above the bed post. Even after all these months, I didn't have the heart to take it down. I just can't. It's a picture of us both when we went to Venice. I should make sure she doesn't come into this room. Coming out, I lock the door and open the guest room. It's better to use this room for now.

Whenever I look at her, I just want to tell her everything, bring her close to me and never let her go. But I can't do that to her. Being near her is enough for now. Knowing that she is safe and happy is what I need.

As I sit my living room, waiting for her to come back, my mind goes back to the time we worked together these past few days. A smile appears on my lips. My sweet Diana!

But I can't believe she flirted with William yesterday. The way she laughed with him forgetting everything. I wanted to bang William's head on the floor.

"I am back!" Diana's voice breaks my thoughts. She places the cover with medicines on the table and goes into kitchen to bring water. "I have brought some medicines and some instant soup powder. You seem to have cold too." She speaks while opening the cabinet of glasses and filling it with water.

How does she know the cabinet where the glasses are kept?

She works around the kitchen comfortably. Not that I am complaining. She comes to me with the glass of water and puts it on the table. "Let's check your temperature first." Pulling out a thermometer for the bag, she checks my temperature. It's nice to have her care for me. It's just nice to have her here, this close to me. "Here. Have it." She places two tablets in my hand and gives mw the glass with water. I chug them down without question.

"I am done now. You can go home."


"I am not a kid, Ms. Thomas. I can handle myself well. This is not my first day."

"Okay." She sighs. "I will just make you the soup and leave."

Going to the kitchen, she pulls out the pan and ladle without asking me where they are. Does she remember where they were places? I watch her as she boils the soup. It sounds creepy, but I can't stop. Diana is here, taking care of me. I wish I had the fever long before.

No! I should not think like this! She needs to be away from me!

"Okay. The soup is done."

She brings the bowl of soup to me. All the while I can't help staring at her. Having her here is so calming. She is the cure I need.

"Here." She puts the tray down in front of me. "Have some. It will help you feel a little fresh." She gets up and takes her bag. She is leaving. I don't want her to go. I wouldn't hurt to have her here for one day, would it? At least for one hour.

"Ms. Thomas." Just one more hour. It has been a few months since she is in this house. I don't want her to leave now. "Pass the file that you brought earlier." I taste soup once I speak. She looks confused.

"Now? But, Mr. Vincento, you need to rest."

I also need you here. "I know, but this is more important."

She opens her mouth to say something, but stops herself before bringing over the file to me.

"I need to discuss few things about this. Sit down."

She looks shocked, but puts her bag down and comes to sit beside me. I can't help the want to touch her. She listens to me attentively and notes down a few points on her phone. As she types furiously on her phone, my hand itched to pat her hair and pull her close.

"Make a presentation will all the points and get it ready by Tuesday. Also, look at these clauses once again on Monday-"

"Good afternoon, Martin." I look up to find Martha. She works as my maid.

"Good afternoon, Martha." Oh God! She has seen pictures of Diana. She might recognize her. She looks beside me and damn right. She did. "Oh you-" Before she can speak any further with Diana, I cut her off.

"Martha, this is Diana, my Assistant." She looks at us with confusion but smiles at her.

"Hi, Martha," Diana greets her.

"She will be staying for lunch." She can be here one more hour, right? Just one more. Only, one more.

"I will be?" Diana asks.

"Of course. It's lunch time. You can go after having lunch."

"Okay. Lunch for two then." Martha goes into kitchen.

"I didn't know you have a maid." Diana says.

"You don't know many things about me" You used to know me more than anyone in the world.

"Yes. Also didn't know that you are a flirt." Her voice came out as a whisper, but I heard it.

"Flirt?" What is she talking about? You are the only person I ever flirted with.

"You enjoyed it when the interviewer was flirting with you yesterday." The jealousy was clearly evident in her voice. I can't help the little smile that trying to break on my lips.

"I must tell you, I didn't enjoy it. What is it to you even if I enjoy?"

Her face suddenly becomes sad. No, Diana. Don't have feelings for me. "It's nothing. Let's continue." She takes back the file. I want to pull her close and kiss her forehead. She is jealous.

We continue with the work.

"Okay. Anything else?"

Oh, we are done with it so quickly. When did the time pass by so fast? "That's it." She closes the files and puts them aside.

"Um... Where is washroom?"

"Come. I will show you."

She gets up along with me and follows me to the guest room. "You have a nice house."

"Thank you. You can use this washroom." I point her to the washroom in the guest bedroom.

"Okay." She goes in and I let out a sigh. She will leave after having lunch. I can't stop her.

Soon she comes out and walks to me, but trips over her own feet and falls right on me, holding my hands. I hold her before she can fall. She looks up at me with those big eyes apologetically. I just want to kiss her. For a moment I forget that she doesn't remember our past. I forget that she doesn't remember me. The feel of her back in my arms like I have been dreaming of these past few days is happening right now.

My are comfortably placed on her waist and I bet she can feel the chemistry between us. My eyes scan her beautiful face.

"Cara Mia." I miss you so much. One kiss wouldn't hurt. Right? My lips lower down to hers and I feel lost in the kiss once I meet her lips.

I miss you.


Hey my cute dumplings!

Here is Martin's POV. How is it? Tell me what you think.

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