Chapter 17

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Diana Thomas's POV

"Thank you", I said as I took Martin's hand and carefully put my foot in the boat.

"You are welcome Cara Mia", he said and I smiled at him.

He carefully made me sit on the wooden bench with dark blue cloth and a soft pillow on it. He put his hands around me and I leaned back into his chest. Then the old man who stood at the other side of the boat turned to look forward and slowly the boat moved. I looked around everything. The water is so pure. They are in blue colour. There are five floored buildings on either side.

Martin didn't bring any security with us. He said he wanted to spend time with me alone. Also, I am happy that he didn't allow security. They will be like a walking shadow where ever we walk. We had our lunch already and Martin showed me some places. Everything here is so beautiful. At two O' clock, he took me to shopping. I didn't want to buy anything because I already have what I want.

He insisted that we have to go. While we shopped, many women flirted with him. He seemed unaffected by them. I don't know if he knew they were flirting with them, but I burned with jealousy the whole time.

He bought me a watch, which I should say is really beautiful. I fell in love with it the minute I saw it. It has diamonds in it. Also, the dial is made of silver. I tried to return it back to him and told him to return it back to the shop where he bought it from, but he warned me that I should wear it, right then and there.

We walked around for some time and he took me the popular places of Venice and I love everything about it. I felt so happy. Most of all I felt and am feeling happy because it is Martin with whom I am watching everything. I never thought I will watch the city I love with the person I lov-no no like so much. Di for a minute I say I love him? No. I think it is not love. I can't fall in love with someone easily.

"Cara Mia, where are you? What are you thinking about?", his concerned voice brought me out of my thoughts.

"Nothing. I was just... thinking".

"About what?", he asked looking into my eyes. About us.

"Umm... Nothing", I said shaking my head while looking down.


"Really. Now, where are we going?", I asked looking around.

"It's a surprise", he said while pushing a piece of hair behind my ear.

"What? Now?! It's already six in the evening!".

"Yeah. So what? Is it a problem?".

"No. Nothing like that".

"Good", he said and kissed my head.

I looked forward and we came over a small bridge. It is a whole new experience to me. I never went on any trips, even at school except if it's for grades. Soon the boat stopped and we stopped near something that looked like a hotel. Martin got out first and helped me out. He took my hand and entwined our fingers before pulling me closer to him.

I saw a man came out and greeted Martin. Martin just gave him a curt nod with a serious look. I rolled my eyes at him.

"We arranged everything the way you asked sir. This way", he said gesturing me with his hand. I smiled at him genuinely. He gave me a small smile back and we walked inside. The hotel inside is so wonderful. The interior is so nice. We walked the other side of the hotel and instantly my hand flew to my mouth. I saw Martin brushing his hand off in the air and the man left.

"Do you like it?", he asked as he wrapped his hands around my waist from my behind.

"It's so beautiful!", I exclaimed. How can I not like it? There is only one table with two chairs this time. There are candles around the table. It's so romantic! Who knew a man like him has a romantic side like this?!

"Not as much as you", he whispered in my ear before kissing on my shoulder. He pulled away and pulled me with him to a chair. He sat in a chair and I was about to go and sit in other chair when he tugged my hand fastly and I fell in his lap.

"Martin!", I squealed.

He did say anything. He just smirked.

"Don't you think this is getting old?! You should stop doing this!", I said trying to get out of his lap.

"Sit here", he ordered.

"Oh and then why have a chair there? You should have made the management keep only one chair like last time", I said sarcastically.

"I thought the same but, last time you almost fought with me about it. So I made them keep two chairs for formality", he said and I gaped at him.

Is he for real?

He saw the look on my face and just shrugged. I shook my head at him. I put my hands around his neck.

"You are crazy".

"Yes. Only for you", he said and I grinned at it. I don't know why though, I just did.

"Don't you think it is a little too cheesy?".

"It is? I don't care", he said looking at me.

We started talking. I kept on talking and talking. After a while, the sunset and the moon came up. I tried to get off his lap in the middle, but he held me tight. He kept kissing my cheek to my neck like he is seducing me and I closed my eyes liking the feeling of his lips on mine. They are so tempting.

"Really. Thank you", I heard him say and opened my eyes.

"What?", I asked him with a confused look on his face. He is looking into my eyes.

"You just complimented that my lips are so tempting. I never knew you thought that about me. Well, I feel same about you. Not just about your lips. About every part of your body", he said in a lowly sexy voice with his Italian accent dripping in it. He is doing this intentionally!

"Did I say it out loud?", I asked with a red face while biting my lower lip. Of course, you did, you dumbass! My conscience shouted at me.

"Yes you have", he said looking at my lips. He pulled my lip from my teeth that are assaulting it and we are both looking at each other's lips. He slowly leaned in. I leaned down and the air around us became electrifying. His touch raised the desire in me. Our lips met and sparks shot up my body. He plunged his tongue into my mouth and avenged it like it's his territory.

His tongue travelled around my mouth having a pleasure tour and I just let him do it enjoying the sensation of his tongue in my mouth while trying to kiss him back. The kiss is full of passion and something... something more. Much more than I can understand. After a while, we pushed away slowly and looked into each other's eyes. His eyes held so much emotion.

I don't ever want to look away from those eyes. I want to be lost in them. I want that emotion right now I am seeing in his eyes to remain there forever.

"Martin", I whispered his name. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath before opening them and looking at me.

"Say my name again", he demanded in the same voice like I did. I held his face in my hands and leaned my forehead on his. We both closed our eyes. His hands are around me.

"Martin", I whispered again.

We stayed like that for a few minutes. Everything is silent around us and I can hear my heartbeat. We pulled away after a while and looked at each other for a minute. My heart swelled at the way he is looking at me. The way I always wanted him to look at me. Then there was a small smile on his face. A smile! A real smile! I know it is small, but he smiled! I grinned at him.

We ate after it. The thick air around us slowly cleared and we fed each other. We got up and walked out. We started walking and his hand is over my shoulder. The air is a little colder and I wrapped my arms around me. He observed this and pulled me closer. I looked up at him and smiled for his sweet gesture.

We are walking in silence when his phone rang. We slowly stopped as he pulled out his phone and looked at the caller ID. He excused himself and answered it while taking a few steps away to talk. I am sure it's his business call. I stood there watching him talking on the phone about some land he wanted to buy. He turned around and kept talking.

Then suddenly I feel a hand on my mouth, stopping me from screaming and I felt myself being pulled. I tried to look behind but the person stopped me. I started kicking with my legs. I held his hand and tried to bite it.

"Don't shout Baby. Make it easy for us", a man's voice whispered in my ear. Us?! How many are there?! And what should I make easy?!

I tried to scream loudly which came out like muffled sounds. I felt the man carrying me and someone stuffed a cloth in my mouth. Tears started to form in my eyes. I wiggled in the man's arms.

"Stop it brat!", he said and carried me fastly to somewhere I don't know. They stopped near an alley and placed me back on my foot.

I wiggled again and another man put my hands back. Fear is evident in my eyes. Tears are furiously flowing down my eyes. Then the man that covered brought me here smiled at me evilly. I cringed at him. The is big and buff. I looked behind at the man who held my hands and he is the same with tattoos. They looked like they are in their mid-thirties.

"Guys! We brought the women to fuck tonight!", he said cheerfully and my heart stopped beating. No! NO!, my mind kept shouting. Martin! MARTIN! I tried hard and got the cloth out of my mouth.

"NO! MARTIN! MARTI-", the cloth is stuffed back in my mouth and I felt a sharp sting on my left cheek. My head flew to a side and I fell on the ground. I held my cheek where he slapped me. The man who held my hands before is laughing at me. Everyone is laughing at me. The man who slapped me bent down to my level. His face is almost in mine. His red eyes looked so scary.

"Listen clear bitch! Don't make a sound! We will be fast! Everything will end fast! So stop brating and let us have fun!", he sneered on my face as he tugged my hair harshly. It pained badly as I felt like my roots are being pulled out. Tears are flowing non-stop. He raised me up by my hair. He pushed me against the surface of the engine of a car and pressed my cheek against it hard.

I want to shout! I want to fight hard! I tried to wiggle my legs and tried to get out of his hold again. He pressed my face more into the surface of the car engine. Martin! MARTIN, WHERE ARE YOU?! HELP ME! PLEASE MARTIN! GOD HELP ME! MARTIN!, I prayed in my mind continuously.

Then I felt the man that is holding me is lifted off me. I heard a loud thud and I stood up. I turned around and looked behind. There he stood.

"Martin", I said in a bare whisper. He turned around and looked at me. He saw me and his eyes filled with rage as he turned back to them. The man who fell down tried to stand up.

"AHHHHAAA!", Martin shouted in anger and hit the man on his face harshly with fist. The man fell down as blood oozed out from his mouth. Another man came to attack Martin, but he took his hand and twisted it back and the man shouted to stop it. I cringed at it. Martin is looking like a beast that is inside him came out and it is ruling now.

He kicked a man and he fell down. Then he twisted his leg and the man kept shouting.

"How dare you?! HOW DARE YOU THINK OF HURTING HER?!", he shouted and twisted it more. I feel myself getting consumed by dizziness.

"Martin", I tried to call out.

"I WILL FUCKIGN KILL YOU!", I heard Martin say. Another man ran away and Martin tried to chase him.

"Martin", I called out a little louder and he turned around to look at me. He looked back at the direction the man ran away and cussed something before he came and held me in his arms. I felt safe the instant he hugged me.

"Cara Mia. Diana. Look at me. Cara!", he called out in panic.

"Martinnnn...", I trailed off before darkness consumed me and heard him calling my name as he held me. I let the darkness consume me with a smile on my face with the happiness that I am held in his arms while I heard him calling my name with a concerned voice. Whatever it is, but one thing I am sure about.

Martin is my hero. I am in love with him. I love Martin. I knew it the moment I leaned my head against his in the restaurant a few minutes ago.


Hey my cute dumplings!

Tell me how you feel about the fight and what do you guys think about Martin. The story didn't end. It just started.

Please VOTE and COMMENT.

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