Chapter 19

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Diana Thomas's POV

As soon as Martin left, I went upstaris and started pacing. I kept thinking about us. Am I really in love with him? Or am I just thinking so? Maybe I should talk with my mom. I took my phone from the night stand and called my mother. It's been three days since I called her. The last time I called, she said that my aunt is better than before. I hope she is okay now.

"Hi Baby girl!", I heard my mother's voice, instantly bringing a smile on my face.

"Hey, mom! How are you? I am sorry, I didn't call since three days".

"I am fine dear. It's okay. How are you?".

"I am fine too mom. In fact super. Like I told you before, I am in Venice now!", I said excitedly.

"Really?! So how is it?", she asked with the same excitement.

"It's so beautiful here mom! Also, I should tell you something important".

"What is it dear?", she asked with a serious voice.

"Mom... I... I am fired", I whispered slowly.


"Mom. Listen totally please", I pleaded.

"Okay. I am listening".

"I know I may sound crazy but... I am happy that I got fired. I am now Martin's girlfriend", I said wishing that she won't freak out.

"Oh... Oh... Oh God, my Baby girl is finally having a girlfriend!", I heard her squealing on the other side. That's why I love you, mom! She is the best mother a girl can ask for. So supportive. I giggled.


"Isn't Martin your boss? Anyway, I don't care. Is he treating you well or should I warn him about how to keep his balls safe?". I laughed at her words.

"Mom! No need for that. He is a very good boyfriend. Also, he treats me so good. He makes me feel special".

"He better do it".

"Anyways mom, I want to ask you something", I said changing the subject.

"You can ask me anything".

"Mom... Um... Uh...".

"What is it Baby girl?", she asked with a concerned voice.

"Mom, how did you know that... that you were in love with dad?", I asked a let out the breath that I was holding.

"What? You want to know about that? Really?", she asked with a bit of surprise and amusement in her voice.

"Yes, mom. Please tell me. I really need to know", I pleaded her desperately. I heard her take a deep breath.

"Okay", she said.

I perked my ears up to listen and sat on the bed.

"When your dad and I were dating, one day out of the blue he said that he loves me. I was shocked, cause it's only been a month since we started dating. I thought how can someone fall in love with other person in just a month. But I was so wrong. Love can happen anytime, anywhere, any minute. You should just wait for it.

The next morning I didn't find him in the house. He didn't even lift his phone when I called. I got so worried. I thought he left me cause I didn't say him back that I love him. I tried the whole day to find him, but he is nohere. Even his friends didn't know where he was. Then I started thinking of various different scenarios.

I almost went crazy. I sat on my kitchen floor and cried. Then I started thinking what is my future without. I can't imagine it without him in it. I never thought of what I would without him in the future. I just put my head on my knees and let the silent tears fall. In that moment I realized that I have been in love with him since the moment our eyes met for the first time.

But then I thought I wouldn't be able to say those magical words to him while looking into his eyes. I thought I was too late by then. Then I heard his voice. I lifted my head up and looked at him in shock. I got up and went over to him to hug him tightly. I cried on his shoulder. He asked me why I was crying, but I can't stop myself. I was crazy", she said.

I heard a little bit of laughter in her voice. I smiled at her too.

"Then I got off him and started hitting him on his chest and face harshly. He just stood there in shock. I shouted at him for leaving without any intimation and for not lifting my calls. Turns out his phone is dead and he said that he left a letter on the table in the living room. I just can't stop my anger and shouted at him and in that anger, I confessed my feelings.

That's how it happens Baby girl. We don't when where we will fall in love. It's the thing is when do we realize that we are in love", she said and her voice is almost a whisper with happiness and also a little bit of sadness.

Wow! They had such beautiful love story?!

"Now tell me, why did you want to know about it", she demanded. I bit my lip.

"I don't know mom. I just...".

"Tell me, dear. I am here to solve your problems".

"Mom, I think I am in love with Martin". I finally said.

"I knew you were!".

"What?". Now I am confused. How does she know before me?

"I knew it from a few days now. You come home every day and won't stop talking about him. It may either be scolding him or whatever. Anything. But it's all about him". Now I understand why mom and my brother keeps smiling like creeps while looking at me when I talk about Martin.


"Yeah oh", she said laughing. I laughed along with her.

"Thank you mom", I said once our laughter died.

"You are welcome dear and tell him that you love him", she said and I blushed. How to tell him?

"But how mom?".

"You are smart. I am sure you will figure it out, dear".

"Okay, mom. Bye".

"Bye Baby girl. Take care".

"You too mom".

"I will dear", she said and cut off the line. I put my phone on the nightstand and I fell back on the bed. How?... How?... HOW?!

I paced around the room and went downstairs. I walked around the whole house and came back to the room. The maid, whose name I still don't know came in the room.

"Mam, it's four in the evening. I brought you some snacks. Also, Mr. Vincento told me to make you eat them", she said while putting a tray full of food on the bed in front of me.

"Don't call me Mam. Please call me Diana. What is your name?", I asked the women who look like she is in the early thirties.

"My name is Jenna". I just smiled at her. She was about to leave when I suddenly got an idea as I looked have been kept looking at the swimming pool that is outside of the bedroom.

"Hey, Jenna!", I called out as she is almost out of the door. She turned around to look at me.

"Yes, mam. I mean Diana?", she asked smiling.

"Can you help me a little?", I asked standing up from the bed.

"Of course. That is why I am here".

I told her my plan about how to make the house look romantic by the time Maritn comes. She smiled at my plan. We both got to our work. I brought the roses to my room and spread some petals on the bed. I kept all the scented candles in the room but didn't lit them. Still, there is time for that. After that, I requested the security to go out to give us privacy.

Jenna helped me in doing everything. The is a facility that the water in the pool can be heated to make us feel warm. I went to bath and shaved all my body parts. I bathed with Martin's shampoo and soap. He loves it when I smell like him! I like it too! I wore a towel and came out. I dried myself and looked up at the wall to see that it's already six thirty.

I quickly went inside the closet and wore a light blue bikini with straps. I came out and heard the sound of the horn of Martin's car. I switched off all the lights in the car and Jenna has already lit the candles. I bit my lip nervously. Can I do it? I should do it! I can do it! I must! I went to the pool and slowly got inside. I swam to back and forth one time.

I then heard footsteps approaching and looked up to see Martin standing there looking at me. I got out of the pool, making sure that I made it more sexily and went to him. He just stood there, staring at me. He gulped once I went and stood in front of him. His eyes lustfully gazed over my body. I can see that his eyes are already turning dark with desire.

Time to put the plan into action. Time to seduce him.


Hey my lovelies!

Sorry for the boring chapter. I just wanted you guys to feel what she feels. I am sure you guys will like the next chapter because you will get to know him. Don't miss it. I meant what I wrote. It's not about when you fall in love. It's about when will you realize that you are in love. Hope you all like it.

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