Chapter 25

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Chapter 25

Diana Thomas's POV

"Thank you", I said laughing while trying to get down.

"Here, let me help you", Kurt said while holding my waist. He is a really nice guy. Or should I say gay. Just after Martin and his father left, Kurt elped me get on the horse and walked for a distance as I wanted to ride it. In the process, I came to know that he is a gay. The thing I asked him was if he is single. Much to my happiness, he is. I can set him up with David.

"Thank you", I said giggling like a school girl and he smile down at me.

"Welcome". I smiled back at him. I hesitated before deciding to ask him.

"So, Kurt, are you ready to be in relationsh-". Before I can finish, I was cut off.

"Diana", I heard a very familiar voice which had a little warning and anger in it. I turn to look to my right and found Martin. He has his emotionless face. He came to me and put his arm around my waist before giving me a peck on my lips. I am shocked. What the heck? Why did he do it suddenly? His grandpa and Kurt are watching! He pulled away and turned back.

"Martin?", I whispered his name. I am still in shock and my cheeks turned red in shame.

"Martin, son, this is Kurt. He looks after our yarn and the horses", Martin's Grandfather explained. Martin's hand is still around my waist, holding me in place.

"Is looking after others girls his job too?", Martin asked with a tint of anger in his voice and I looked up at him in shock. Gosh, him and his jealousy! It really blinds him!

"Martin!", I called his name warningly. He looked down at me and raised an eyes brow. "Stop it", I whispered. Grandpa and Kurt laughed at Martin and he looked at them confused. "Let's go inside. I need to go to the washroom", I said a little out loud with a fake smile.

"Come, dear. I will show you", said coming to us. He passed us and started walking to the house.

"Bye Kurt. See you again". I smiled at him and felt a hand over my shoulder turning me around.

"No need of that", Martin said and I fake glared at him. He held my hand and turned me around before pulling me along with him. I walked along with him trying to make a pace along with him.

"Martin! Slow, please. Why are you so angry?", I asked while walking quickly. He suddenly stopped and turned around looking at me. I gave him an innocent look. My wrist is still in his hold.

"You really don't know?", he asked with a serious face. I pouted my lips making my eyes wide to look like I have no clue what he is talking about and shook my head. He looked at my lips and then at my eyes for a minute before turning away his face and sighing. I can't stop the smile that appeared on my lips. Of course, I know why he is angry.

"I know that you know why I am angry. You are innocent acts are not going to work on me now. You just come inside", he threatened and started pulling me along with him again. I jerked before walking along with him. Once we reached into the house Martin stopped.

"The washroom is in the room upstairs. That's you mother's room", Gary said and before I can say thank you, Martin spoke.

"Thank you grandpa", he said pulling me again. God, this man!

I gave him a smile while walking with Martin. We went upstairs. Once we were near the room, Martin opened it, quickly pulled me in along with him and closed the door before pinning me against it and putting his hand beside my head and one on the other side of my waist.

"God you infuriating woman!", he said as he leant down near my lips. My heart is beating fast as I felt his breath on my face. "You know I am a jealous man. Then why do it?!". I raised my brow at him and folded my hands near my chest to infuriate him.

"I didn't do anything. I just got on the horse. I wanted to ride it and he helped me. Besides, Kurt is hot-". That was the end and Martin must have reached his peak. He banged his fist on the door and I gasped. "Martin, what if something happens to your hand?", I asked angrily taking his fist in my hands.

His took his hand away from my hold and lifted me up by my waist and took a few back steps towards bed before sitting on it. I squealed in surprise and he settled me in his lap along with him as he sat and I straddled him with my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck. My face straight to his. I looked at him in shock.

"Martin!", I gasped in shock as it all happened in seconds.

"So, he is hot, huh? Then what about me?", he asked and pulled me much closer. He put his lips on my neck sucking on it. I bit my lip trying to stop the moans. His lips feel so good against my skin. They are so addictive, so intense and so.... so sensual. A moan escaped my mouth. His kisses got rough, yet gentle. "Answer me, Cara". He commanded.

"He is a gay Martin". He suddenly stopped for a minute and I was about to pull away and look down at him before he resumed kissing me. I bit my lip again and felt him grow harder beneath my core. I suddenly feel all hot and bothered. My body is responding to his kisses too. His lips travelled from my throat to the back of my ear before nibbling on my ear tip.

"You like teasing me, don't you? You like testing my patience. You like making me run behind you, hmm?", he asked all the while still kissing me. His hands roamed my back as my fingers fisted his hair. Suddenly my back is pressed against the soft mattress and his lips are pressed against mine. He didn't me the chance to pull away.

His tongue plunged into my mouth and he started kissing me deeply. I can't stop myself anymore and I kissed him back. We kept moaning loudly. His lips went back to my jaw as I took time to breathe air in and arched my back up as he sucked on my soft spot. My fingers tugged his hair and I brought his face closer to mine to kiss him again.

My lips pressed against his and soon I opened my mouth as his tongue invaded in. We are both kissing so wildly, rawly and passionately. I kissed him back with same force and tried to dominate him, which only resulted in losing him. This was heaven. My legs are still wrapped around his waist. I can feel his hardness against my core and moaned.

"Son, stay for dinner. I ordered my cook to make dinner for you both", we heard grandpa's voice and I stopped kissing him as he kept kissing my cheek and jaw as I tried to sit up. Shit! What are we doing?! I tried to sit up. But he is blocking me.

"Your grandpa is calling you. Say something!", I whispered as he tried to push me down on the bed as I sat up. He sighed.

"Okay", he responded and pressed his against mine again. God, he is never going to stop!

"Stop", I pushed him away gently.

"No", he leant down again, but I put my hand on his chest to stop him.

"Not now. We have to go down and I have to go to the bathroom", I said moving out of the bed and standing up, but he held my hand and pulled me down before holding my face in between his hands and placed a full mouth kiss on my lips. I am shocked and felt shy at the same time. He quickly pulled away and I stared down at him.

"I thought you have to go to the washroom. If you want to continue, I am totally okay with it", he said and was about to pull me down, but I escaped him and ran to the bathroom before shutting the door. I stood with my back against the door as my heart kept beating loudly that I can hear it in my ears. I put my hand on my chest to feel it and calm it.

That was intense!

I took a few deep breaths in calm myself down and sighed. My hands pushed my hair out of my face and I went and stood in front of the mirror. I looked at myself and an unknown smile appeared on my face. My fingertips touched my lips and my smile widened. I recalled the way we kissed and the blush on my face deepened.

God, Martin! What are you doing to me?!

"You know, you can even come out and blush", I heard him say from the other side of the door. I let out a laugh and shook my head at myself as my blush deepened even more. Even though I don't have to go to the washroom, it was just an excuse get away from him for a minute. I did my job in the washroom and took a deep breath.

Come on Diana! You kissed your boyfriend. It's nothing wrong or it's not something that you should be ashamed of. Go out!

With that, I held the door handle and opened it before coming out. I came out with a shy smile and looked up at the bed to find it empty. I frowned and looked up to see him looking at a picture on the table. He is looking at it with so much concentration. I went to him and put my hand on his shoulder. He turned to me and put the photo frame down.

I look at the frame and found a woman in her young age. He face seemes familiar. I look back at him.

"That's my mother when she was young", he said and then it clicked. I saw a picture of his mother in his house. He looked around the room and touched small things in the room like books, cups and other things. It feels like he is cherishing them. "My mother lived here", he whispered more to himself. I can feel that he is happy. My eyes pooled with happy tears.

I went to him and hugged him from behind. He put his hands on my arms. he turned me around and kissed my forehead.

"I am sure she will be happy that you are the first woman I brought here", he said looking into my eyes. "Or maybe more like you brought me here. Thank you for coming into my life", he said kissing my cheek and hugging me to him. This hug made me feel so complete. I hugged him back and he kissed the crown of my head. His words made me complete.

After some time we pulled away and he held my hand before we both walked out hand-in-hand. We both came down to the living room. It's already evening. Gary is sitting on the sofa waiting for us.

"Why don't you both go for walk. You can also see the farm. If you walk for fifteen minutes, there is a pond nearby too. Since it's already evening, you guys will feel relaxed", Gary said and I jumped at it.

"There is a pond here! I want to see it!". In my excitement, I held Martin's left arm with both of my hands and gave him a huge smile. He looked amused for a minute.

"Okay, we will go there", he agreed. I squealed and looked back at Gary who is grinning at us.

"Seems like you have never seen a real one before", he said and I gave him a grin,

"Only in movies. Come on, let's go!", I said pushing Martin outside and heard Gary's laugh from behind.

We walked holding hands. The cool breeze hit my face as we kept walking through the farm silently. The silence between us was so comfortable. I looked up at him a smiled. He just gave me a half smile. I frowned.

"Why are not smiling even when we are alone?", I asked him giving him a pout. He gave me a wide smile which lasted for a second before turning his face away. I poked my tongue out at him thinking that he is not seeing me.

"I saw it", he said smiling lightly. I smiled too.

"I like the climate here. It's cool but still feels nice".

"Maybe it's because I am beside you". I raised my eye brow at his words.

"No. Maybe it's because of Kurt-". Before I can even complete I am hanging over his shoulder. I squealed loudly. How did I get here? When did I get here? I felt a sting on my butt. Did he just spank me?!

"Martin! Put me down! Fuck! Did you just spank me?!". I wriggled on his shoulder. I punched his back and slapped him. Unintentionally while slapping, my hand landed on his butt. Oh no! Oh shit! Oh God! Why do things always happen to me?! Why am I so clumsy?! He stopped walking. I bit my lip in anticipation. What is he going to do?

"Ma-Martin, I-I-I am really sorry. I-I didn't mean to um.... you know.... slap your tight butt". Why does my mouth have no control?! Control Diana! Control yourself! "I-I am sorry I didn't mean to say-". My panicky explanation was cut off by him.

"What you didn't mean to slap my tight butt?", he mocked and I closed my eyes tightly in embarrassment before opening them. He resumed walking along the farm. I think we are close to the pond.

"I-I didn't mean it like that. I mean, I didn't mean it like it was a bad thing. I was just saying that in a positive way. I mean you have a good, nice butt, which is in shape". Fuck! Stop talking Diana! Just stop! Or just die in the pond once you see it! Where are you going to put your face now! How are you going to show him your face now! Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!

"What do you mean?", he asked and I can hear the amusement in his voice. He is clearly enjoying this.

"I mean.... I mean.... I just. Oh please put me down!", I said trying to change the topic while hitting his back once again, but again my hand hit his butt.

"I don't think I should, cause you are clearly enjoying it there, huh?". I sighed at this words. There is nothing I can say now. It's just better to shut my mouth before I say something that puts me in a shameful position again. "Why aren't you answering?", he asked slapping my but again.

"Why are you slapping my butt then? It seems like you are also enjoying the view. Oh, and you know what I am enjoying the view here too!". That's it! That's it, Diana. Jump now and run somewhere before you kill yourself in more embarrassment!

"Oh, I am definitely enjoying the view. You like it that much then", he teased.

I just stayed silent. I am not going to speak.

"What happened? Why is my Cara silent?".

"It's because she doesn't want to embarrass herself anymore. Martin, please take me back. It's been a long day and I don't know what I am saying", I pleaded. He suddenly stopped and let me slide from his shoulder before letting my feet touch the ground carefully with his hands still on my waist. His eyes bored into mine.

"I love it when you say things without thinking. You speak the truth", he said kissing my nose while pulling me closer as his hands went around my waist to my back, enclosing me in his arms. I put my face on his chest feeling embarrassed.

"I am sorry". My voice came out muffled. He put his finger under my chin to raise my head up.

"Look at me", he ordered. I slowly raised my gaze to look at him and bit my lip. His gaze fell on my lips. He looked up at the sky and let out a long breath before looking at me again. "You really like teasing me, don't you?", he said pulling my lip from under my teeth. "You don't have anything to be sorry about. In fact, I love it. Keep saying things like that".

"Martin!". He smiled widely and my eyes widened at the sight. He is so handsome when he smiles. I just stared at him. He smiles very less and when he does, I don't want to miss it. His smile soon disappeared. "You should smile often. You look more beautiful when you smile". He just stared down at me at my words.

"Not as beautiful as you", he commented.

"Come on. We should go to the pond". I took his hand while saying that and tugged at it. He stopped me and I gave him a confused look.

"Turn around", he said and I frowned before turning around. I gasped at the sight. We are already at the pond. It was beautiful. It is a natural pond, but it seems Gary made some adjustments to it, to be more comfortable. There were small bushes around the pond. The sun is about to set which means only some light is left, but still it's beautiful.

"It's beautiful", I said in almost a whisper.

"What? That's it? I thought I will again get to seeing you jumping in excitement. I have been waiting for that", he said from behind me. Turning around I gave him a fake glare which made his corners twist up, causing me to smile along with him. I moved away from his hold and twirled around slowly to look around the place.

"Come on, sit down", I said as I sat down on the grass beside the pond. He came and sat down without complaining. I stared at him in shock. He looked at me and a very small frown took over his face.

"What?", he asked. His hand placed on my waist, pulling me closer.

"I didn't expect you to sit down on the grass simply", I said and he gave me a confused look before the meaning sunk in.

"Did you forget that I worked in military?", he asked I then the bulb in my mind dinged.

"Sorry". I apologized immediately. How little I know about him.

"What are you thinking?".

"Just that.... I don't know much about you".

"Really? You are the only person whom I ever let this close", he said pulling me in his lap and making me sit side ways. I gasped and he kissed my nose as we were face to face level.

"Tell me about your military life". That must have shocked him as he frowned for a second.

"You want to hear that? Believe me, it's boring", he said making me almost laugh in process.

"I am not asking you to tell me a story. I just want to get to know you better". He just stared at me for a few seconds.

"You really are a charm my life you know", he said and I can't stop the blush that raised to my cheeks.

"Tell me now", I ordered.

"You are the only person who can order me and that too very cutely".

"Martin! Stop it now! Please". I almost whined while playing with his shirt buttons.

"Okay. But what I said is really true".

"Then I am honoured". I smiled while saying that and gave him a kiss on his cheek before blushing.

After that, he started explaining why he wanted to join in the military and how his father died due to cancer. how he has to come back and take over the company. Everything. Slowly we lay down on the grass with our back against the grass. I put my head under my hand and he supported his head with his elbow and put his cheek on his palm to talk with me.

Then we just lay there silently. It's already night and we both kept staring the sky. Taking a deep breath, I turn my head to look at him, only to find him looking at me. Our eyes met and it's a sweet melody again. he put his hand on my cheek. Just a single touch from him, make the ends of my hair stand for attention.

"You are so beautiful". His lips pressed against mine lingeringly. I closed my eyes and smile appeared on my face as I felt his lips against mine. My heart feels so light and peaceful. "You are the reason why I took the courage to come here. You are the reason why I am happy today", he said cupping my face. He stared into my eyes deeply. "I love you".

His words struck me like a thunder. I didn't expect him to say this. My heart came out of my chest and is beating so loudly. I sat in up in shock and looked at him with wide eyes. This is the first time he ever said that he loves me. I am so happy. I want to stand on the edge of a cliff and shout loudly that he loves me so that everyone can hear me.

He loves me!


Hey my cute dumplings!

Please tell me what you think of the chapter. THE STORY HAS JUST BEGAN. So, please don't think it's an end.

Please VOTE and COMMENT.

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