Here again?

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Dad: "Oh guys. What a surprise. Come in."

My dad said after he had opened the door. We then walked in.

Dad: "Why are you...?"

He asked pointing at Jin and Yoongi who were standing still sleepily in their pyjamas.

Dad: "You took them here like that? What is so important?"

Ryo: "Dad we need to show you something."

Namjoon: "You all, that's why they are here."

Taehyung: "And since they didn't want to stand up, we had to take them here that way."

Dad: "Ok, what is it?"

The doorbell rang once again and Yon ran to get it. She then came in with her father.

Mr. Son: "You guys called me?"

Yon: "Sit down dad."

He did as his daughter told him and everyone was waiting for us to tell what happened.

Ryo: "Dad. You remember the case you got the other day?"

Dad: "Yes?"

Ryo: "I'm sorry, but I was curious, so I looked though it. But then I noticed something."

I took out the case of Mr. Gwok and showed them the picture.

Ryo: "There is a D and a V scratched into the inside of his wrists."

Dad: "Yes, I know. He is a serial killer. He did that to his two other victims as well."

Namjoon: "Exactly. The other victims had it too."

Yon and Jimin took out the pictures of the other cases.

Hoseok: "But what the surprising part is..."

Ryo: "That, as you know, we have the files from Jungkook's mother and the file of Dave."

Jimin: "But in the file of Jungkook's mother, we found this."

I took out the picture and showed them. A frown appeared on their faces. Jin and Yoongi both sat up, not sleepy anymore, and looked at the picture.

Yoongi: "The cases are connected."

The boy said looking over to my father to see his reaction.

Dad: "An imitator?"

Mr. Son: "It could be. But as far as I know the case was never published."

Jin: "Then it couldn't have just been an imitator."

Yoongi: "But what's the connection between all the victims? We couldn't find something till now and this only made everything more complicated."

Jin: "Yes, we looked at the past of these people but nobody seems to have known each other."

Dad: "I don't know. And if it wasn't an imitator, then..."

Namjoon: "That means..."

Mr. Son: "I knew it."

The man spoke making everyone look at him.

Mr. Son: "Dave didn't kill Jungkook's mother."

It was quiet when a vibrating sound made its way to my ears. Slowly my hand made its way to my nightstand in the dark. I pulled my phone and swiped it to pick up.

Ryo: "Hm?"

I said still sleepy.

Yon: "Open the door."

I frowned and lifted my head a bit as I tried opening my eyes and look at the clock. After I saw the time, I let my head fall back down.

Ryo: "It's almost 4 am. What do you want?"

Yon: "I want you to open your door. And please come quietly, not like an elephant who is walking through the house."

Ryo: "I hate you."

I said standing up and pulling away the warm blanket. Still feeling sleepy, I walked towards the front door, quietly, since my dad was sleeping. I opened the door and she walked in past me.

Ryo: "Why don't you come in?"

I asked sarcastically before closing the door.

Ryo: "So what's it?"

I asked sitting down on my bed after I closed the door to my room.

Yon: "I want him to know."

Ryo: "What?"

Yon: "I want him to know that he killed an innocent man."

Ryo: "Who killed who?"

Yon: "Jungkook. I want him to know that he killed an innocent man."

Ryo: "Hm, why?"

I asked yawning.

Yon: "My dad lost his best friend. He left his job because of Jungkook. Someone lost a husband. My then best friend lost her dad. Who did absolutely nothing wrong. He raised his killer. He raised that child, so it could grow up with his mother. Dave's wife and daughter moved away after the incident. I want him to know that he ruined the life of many innocent people. I want him to regret what he did."

She said, tears building in her eyes.

Ryo: "Yon... he is mentally unstable. I don't know if you can make him regret his doing."

Yon: "Then don't come. I will go alone."

Ryo: "I didn't say that."

I held her wrist, making her sit back down.

Ryo: "I just wanted to know how you are planning on making him believe that he killed the wrong person."

Yon: "We'll show them this."

She said taking out the files.

Ryo: "No, we can't show him the files. What if something happens? I promised my dad to give them back."

Yon: "These are not the real files. I copied them."

Ryo: "Are you nuts?"

Yon: "I am not stupid. I knew our dad's will have to put those files back into the archive."

Ryo: "We're going to be in trouble if someone finds out that you copied the real data of many cases."

I said not happy with what my friend did.

Yon: "They won't find out."

She said smiling.

Yon: "And after it's done, I'm going to burn them anyway."

She explained.

Yon: "Please?"

I let out a big sigh looking at my friend.

Receptionist: "What are you girls doing here this early?"

The woman asked a bit shocked to see us in the asylum at this hour.

Ryo: "You see this girl has something stuck in her mind which she wants to share and she won't let go till I took her here."

Receptionist: "You could've chosen anyone to tell it and you choose a psycho? Kids these days, always wanting the thrill."

The woman said shaking her head while pulling out the key. Yon shifted her eyes from the Receptionist to me only to see that I had been staring at her. She smiled at me and walked into the room. I followed her and the door closed right after. Last time, we were in the room nothing went well...

I looked at Yon waiting for her to start but I noticed she was nervous. All her self-confidence was gone within seconds. I looked at Jungkook and saw that he had his head low. Was he sleeping? My eyes left the boy and went back to my friend. I saw her looking at me, with pleading eyes. I sighed and held my hand towards her. She smiled and pulled out the files, giving them to me.

Ryo: "J-Jeon Jungkook?"

I asked taking one step closer to the glass. No reaction. What if he's sleeping? I looked at Yon who gave me a sign to continue.

Ryo: "Jungkook?"

I took another step towards the glass. His head slowly lifted and a small smile appeared. Or should I say smirk? Tilting his head, he began to speak.

Jungkook: "Here again?"


Here again? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Haha XD

I hope you like this part thanks for reading ^-^

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