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Yon: "But... but... this can't be. We didn't do anything."

Officer1: "You guys will find out everything when you will come with us."

We were still standing there, processing what is happening.

Officer2: "Will you guys come or do we have to take you in handcuffs?"

Quickly we started moving, following the officers out while being watched from the whole school. This is so degrading. I thought. We haven't done anything.

The boys wanted to come with us and thankfully, the cops allowed them to. We arrived at the station after a silent ride. Walking in, I saw my dad together with his team running towards us after they had seen us. However, they were held away by the other cops.


He screamed, as he tried pushing the other officers away.

Mr. Son: "YON?! YON! WHAT IS THIS?!"

Yoongi: "Why did you arrest them?!"

Jin: "They didn't do anything!"

Officer: "They are suspects of Jeon Junkook's escape."


My tears started to appear seeing everything happening wrong.

Officer: "They did."

Everyone had stopped working and started looking at what was happening. My dad's team were trying to get through to us while the others kept them away and in the middle, there was my friend and I with officers who held our arms.

Mr. Son: "LET THEM GO!"

With that, we were pulled away into another room, away from our family. My friend and I were separated from each other and brought into an interrogation room. The man locked the door after he went out.

I looked around the dark room, which only had a light over a table, with two chairs on both sides, in the middle of the room. There was also a mirror on the wall, from where the others could see into the room from the other side of the mirror.

I didn't know if I should cry or not. We didn't do anything. My confused and scared self, went to the corner of the room and sat down while curling up to a ball. I didn't do anything.

After what felt like forever, the door opened. A woman and a man walked in.

Woman: "Please sit on the chair. We only have a few questions."

I did as I was told and slowly sat down on the chair.

Woman: "As you know, you are here because of being a suspect."

Ryo: "I-I didn't do anything."

Man: "Before Jungkook's escape, you and Ms. Son were there to visit him. Is that true?"

Ryo: "Yes."

Man: "You were there really early in the morning?"

Ryo: "Yes."

Man: "After your visit he escaped."

I stayed quiet.

Man: "He never really got visit before you and your friend started visiting him. After your second visit, he was gone. Why?"

Ryo: "I don't know."

Man: "Why did you visit him?"

Ryo: "At... At first we visited him to have an interview."

Woman: "Why?"

Ryo: "We got this project at school and we took his case, where he killed the best friend of Yon's father. And... and we thought it would be cool to have an interview with the killer."

Woman: "That was the first time you visited him?"

Ryo: "Yes. But, it didn't go well. He is a psycho, what did we expect? So... we just went home and thought of something else for the project."

Man: "And what was the reason you visited him a second time? Early in the morning?"

Ryo: "Because... because Jungkook killed an innocent man."

Man: "Who?"

Ryo: "Dave. The one he killed. He was innocent. And, my friend wanted to tell him, that he ruined the life of many people around Dave. Dave was innocent and he didn't deserve that after raising Jungkook."

Woman: "Why did you go so early in the morning?"

Ryo: "My friend came to me. She told me about how she really wanted to tell Jungkook. She asked me to go with her. I-I asked her if she really wants to go so early and she did so I accompanied her."

Woman: "You then told Jungkook? Did he believe you?"

Ryo: "He said, we're lying but I think he did start to believe it..."

Man: "So you made him think that the killer of his mother is still out?"

I looked down. It was obvious that they won't believe us. But I started to realize what my friend and I had done by telling Jungkook the truth.

Ryo: "I'm sorry."

I let out almost like a whisper.

These two are arrested, Junkook escaped and the Killer is still out there.

What will happen next? ^-^

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