The Fiend appears

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Today I'm in a promo and Bray Wyatt is going to interrupt me and set up a match for later tonight
Time skip to promo
Ethan- last week I outsmarted the Fiend by finding his weakness. Now me and Bray go way back to our time in NXT. But I never knew The Fiend so Fiend come on out.
Bray- sorry the Fiend isn't here today
Ethan- cut the bullshit Bray I know he's here
Bray- How bout this you versus him later tonight
Ethan- I accept
Later that night
Announcer- this match is scheduled for one fall introducing first the challenger weighing in at 265 pounds the Fiend

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Announcer- and his opponent weighing in at 205 pounds he is the United States champion the silent Assassin Ethan Bourne

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Narrator POV
The match starts with the Fiend overpowering Ethan. Bourne gets right back up only to be met with a

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Ethan tried to hit a drop kick but the Fiend moved out of the way
Ethan was in control until Alexa came out and distracted him allowing the Fiend to hit Sister Abagail for the three count. Ethan was visibly upset about the loss.
That is it for this chapter let me know what was your favorite part of the chapter. Till next time peace I'm out

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