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' You wanna start a war '

His sister's keeper
Season 1 Episode 6

"Octavia!" I yelled but I could find her anywhere. So I ran up to Bellamy who was looking inside all the tents.

"Bellamy!" I yelled making him turn around.

"I can't find her," I said to him breathing heavily.

"You're up?" I said looking at Clarke who was sitting in her tent while Jasper sleeping beside her.

"Yeah. Knowing that hundreds of people might be dying on the ark makes it pretty hard to sleep." Making me roll my eyes at her.

"Relax, Raven's flares will work," I said to her.

"Her radio would've worked better," Clarke said making Bellamy change the subject.

"Have you seen Octavia?" Bellamy asked Clarke.

"No. It's Octavia. She's probably chasing butterflies." Clarke said.

"Clarke, we've checked the camp. She's not here." I said to her before she spoke up.

"Ok. I'll help you find her," Clarke said walking away making Bellamy and I follow behind.

"Let's check again," Clarke said.

"You go to the dropship," Clarke said to Bellamy.

"I'll check the rest of the tents," Clarke said before making me frown.

"What about me?" I asked making them stop.

"You'll check with me," Clarke said making me roll my eyes.

"I'm not staying here looking through the tents. If Octavia is out there I'm going." I said angrily before going to my tent and packing some stuff.

"You can't go out there alone. Not when it's dark." Bellamy said making me turn around to look at him.

"Oh, yeah. Watch me." I said before pushing my way out of Bellamy and Clarke and grabbing some weapons.

"Madison!" Clarke said grabbing me by my arm.

"Look, I get you guys to want me to stay here, but Octavia is out there and I'm not leaving her there so either way we do it the easy way or the hard way," I said before Clarke let go of my arm before I glance and Bellamy who glared at me and that's when Bellamy broke the silence.

"Thank you," Bellamy said to Clarke while I walk behind them.

"Don't thank me. I'm not doing this for you. I'm doing it for Octavia." Clarke said before walking away and into the camp while Bellamy and I walked into the woods.

"We'll meet back here," I said before walking away.

"Madison!" I heard Bellamy say to me making me stop in my tracks.

"Now, what," I said to him.

"I don't like the idea of you going out there by yourself." Bellamy made me look at him surprised.

"But be careful. Please." He said to me making me nod.

"I will," I said before walking away and into the woods to find my best friend. 'Hope she's okay.' I said to myself.

"Damn it, Octavia! Where are you?" I said to myself while looking for her around the woods which I can't that's when I heard a crack.

"Hello?" I said looking around but there wasn't anyone so I turned around and began to walk away reaching for the knife I have in my pocket. I felt like someone was behind me so I turned around and tried to stab them with the knife but they grabbed my hand before the knife cut them.

"Let go of me!" I said to whoever held me but they covered my mouth and dragged me to wherever.

I can't see much it's too dark to see where they're taking me. I started to talk while they had their hand still on my mouth. That's when I fell to the ground.

"Bitch." I said letting out a groan before looking around and I saw a body on the ground. I took a closer look until I realized who it was.

"Octavia?" I said crawling next to her and turning her around. She was hit on the head.

"What did you do?" I asked him but he didn't say anything to me. I heard a gasp making me look down.

"O," I said letting out a sigh of relief that she was alive.

"Thank god you're okay," I said placing both of my hands on her face.

"Madison?" Octavia said making me nod.

"Yeah," I said giving her a smile that she couldn't see.

"Hey, slow down," I said to her while she checked the side of her knee.

"He fixed it?" Octavia said to me before I looked at her.

"I think he grabbed me so I could come and find you," I said without realizing that he was helping me get to Octavia.

"Come on. We have to get out of here." I said to her helping her up on her foot. When she grabbed a large bone and held it up.

"Come on, O," I said holding her up tightly.

"Which side did you come in." She asked me.

"I don't know it was pretty dark to see it," I said to her when she fell to the ground.

"Octavia, come on. You have to get up before he comes back." I said to her while she lets out a groan.

"I-I can't." She said wincing.

"I know but, if you don't we'll probably be dead. So get your ass up and let's get out of here please." I said to her before she wrapped her arms around my shoulder and I picked her up carrying her.

"Wait," Octavia said to me,

"What?" I said to her and she pointed to the rocks.

"What about them?" I asked her before she started to dig in and try to pull the rock out and make it drop to the floor.

"Look." She said to me and I looked seeing that there was another way out.

"Okay. You go first." I told her and she nodded. I helped her get up to the whole.

"Be careful," I said to her as she climb in.

"Push me a little more." She said and I let out a sigh bruise pushed her more and she let out a groan of pain.

"I'm almost there." She said and I smiled.

"Okay, good. Keep going." I said to her as I waited to go out.

"I'm out!" I heard Octavia say to me.

"Okay," I said to her before I crawled into the hole making me squeamish.

"Come on," Octavia said to me.

"I'm going, it's too small," I said to her.

"You almost there." She said to me making me take a breath before I began to crawl to the other side. That's when I saw a light making me let out a sigh. I crawled out of the hole and rolled to the ground. "Oof," I said breathing heavily.

"I made it," I said looking around before getting up.

"Okay, come on," I said getting up and pulling Octavia with me.

"I can walk." She said to me.

"Not like that," I said making her roll her eyes at me.

"What is that," I said before I heard screaming.

"It's a scream," I said before I backed away along with Octavia.

"Let's go," I said to her before someone wrapped their hand around my mouth along with Octavia's and pulled Octavia and me behind a tree covering our mouths I couldn't see their faces but what I did see was one of the girls from camp,

Roma, she was running away until a stick went right through her making me gasp. That's when the guy pulled us away and we left the area.

"Where are we going?" I asked but he just kept walking without saying anything.

"He isn't a talker I see," I said to Octavia who was up against the tree.

"Uhh. My leg." Octavia said making the guy turn around.

"I need to rest." She said making me let out a sigh that's when he walked to Octavia and picked her up and making her gasp.

"Okay, then," I said to myself making Octavia look at me before looking at him.

"Thank you. You saved my life." Octavia said to him.

"That girl back there, we knew her, so, if she's here, then so is Bellamy. Octavia's brother. Please, you have to help him, too. They'll kill him." I said to the guy but then again he didn't even talk or took a glance at either one of us making me let out a groan.

"You don't understand us, do you? Great." Octavia said mumbling the last part.

Well, then we have someone who didn't know what we were saying making it more complicated.

That's when we stopped in our tracks as he placed Octavia to the ground and he pushed a door making us look down.

"Not again," I said to Octavia. The guy made Octavia go down first then me and then he came down picking Octavia up once again.

"Why are you helping us?" I asked her but he didn't say anything.

"Why are you taking care of me?" Octavia asked him too.

"You found me at the bottom of that ravine. Fixed my knee." Octavia said touching her knee when he started to chain me and Octavia.

"What the hell are you doing?" I asked him angrily trying to take the chains off my wrist.

"Please. Don't do this." Octavia said.

"Aah! Stop it! No, stop it!" Octavia and I said letting out a scream.

"Stop please! Please don't do this." I begged him with tears in my eyes.

"No!" I said before putting my hand on my head and crying.

"Help!" Octavia said screaming trying to get someone to listen to her. That's when we both heard the horn.

"Wait!" I said sniffling.

"You hear that," I said to her and she frown.

"The horn what does it mean?" She asked me.

"Acid fog," I said to her.

"Bellamy is out there," I said to her.

"I know. But we can't get out of the stupid chains." She said to me trying to take off the chains.

"Wait," I said to her placing my finger in my mouth and telling her to be quiet.

"Listen," I whispered to her and that's when we heard footsteps, I looked around to see anything near me and I saw a small rock and grabbed it before handing it to Octavia.

"You know what to do with it?" I asked her and she nodded. That was when he came as I had my head on the wall and Octavia facing me.

He knelt and grabbed Octavia's shoulder and that was when I gave her a sign. Octavia turned around and smack the living hell out of him before doing it once again.

I got up and looked at him lying on the ground before my eyes caught the key in his hand. I grabbed the key and showed it to Octavia,

"come on. Let's get out of here." I said to her while I tried to unchain us. That's when we heard more footsteps.

"Madison! Hurry up!" Octavia said,

"It's done," I said to her before we heard the footsteps closer.

"Bellamy?" I heard Octavia say making me turn around looking at Bellamy, Finn, Jasper, and Monroe.

"Octavia. Madison?" He said looking at both of us.

"Monroe, watch the entrance." He order her as he helped his sister up. Octavia wrapped her arms around her brother tightly.

"Madison," Finn said making me smile.

"Hey," I said walking up to him and hugging him.

"Nice to see you again," I said to him.

"How'd you get here?" Bellamy asked me as I pulled away from Finn.

"When I went out to look for Octavia, out in the woods when I felt someone cover my mouth and I tried to scream but I couldn't until they dragged me down here and that's when I found Octavia unconscious on the ground," I told them as I felt dizzy almost falling to the ground.

"Woah," Finn said catching me before I touched the ground.

"Your bleeding," Finn said touching my forehead.

"I'm fine," I said to them before pulling myself up.

"How'd you find us?" Octavia said hugging Jasper.

"Following him." He said as he pointed to the guy on the ground.

"We should go. Now. Before he wakes up." I said to them.

"He's not gonna wake up," Bellamy said before grabbing one of the weapons the guy has. "Bellamy. Stop." Octavia said to her brother.

"He didn't hurt either of us. Let's just go." Octavia said to her brother.

"True. He didn't hurt us." I said to Bellamy.

"Finn. Move." Bellamy said to Finn who was on the ground.

"Foghorn," Finn said right before the guy got up and stabbed Finn making me gasp.

"Finn!" I said running towards him, Bellamy started to attack him but he fell to the ground.

"Come on, Finn. Stay with me." I said adding pressure to his wound.

"Stop! That's my brother!" Octavia yelled but he didn't listen. Until Jasper hit him on the back of his head making him fall to the ground.

"Come on. We have to get him out of here." I said to them as I grabbed Finn.

"Madison, I'll help. Move." Bellamy said as he took my place and took Finn back to camp with the others.

"Clarke! Where's Clarke?" Jasper yelled as we made it to the camp,

"get Clarke now," I said to one of them,

"hey. I'm here. What's up?" She said running up to us as I turned around and saw Bellamy carrying Finn,

"Finn. Finn?" Clarke said running towards him.

"Oh, my god. Oh, oh, my god." Clarke said and she started to check on his pulse.

"He's alive." She said as I let out a sigh.

"Bellamy wouldn't let me take the knife out," Jasper told Clarke.

"No, that's a good call. Get him in the drop ship now. Go!" She ordered them as they carry Finn away.

"Clarke, can you save him?" Raven asked her.

"No. Not me. I need my mother. I need to talk to her." Clarke said to Raven.

"There's still no radio," Raven said,

"Raven, fix it! Go!" Clarke told her as she took off.

"Hey, you both ok?" She asked Octavia and me.

"Yeah, just a scratch that's all," I told her and Octavia told her the same.

"Just go," Octavia told her as Clarke ran to the dropship to help Finn.

"Let's go," I said to her as we started to walk out of the camp.

"Hey. Hey." Bellamy said as we both stopped.

"Why were you defending him?" Bellamy asked Octavia.

"Because he saved your sister's life. And mine. That spear that hit Roma was meant-," before Bellamy cut me off.

"No, you're both wrong. I saved your life. For all you know he was keeping you alive. to use you both as bait for one of their traps." Bellamy said to us as I bit my inside cheek.

"No. I don't think so." Octavia told her brother.

"You don't think, O! That's the problem. They killed three of our people today. And if you would've let me kill him when I had the chance, Finn wouldn't be in there dying right now." Bellamy said to Octavia.

"Stop it! Stop blaming Octavia for every fucking mistake you made. What happened to Finn wasn't her fault. We wanted to leave, so if Finn dies in there, that's on you. Not on Octavia and I." I said to him angrily poking him with my index finger.

"Everything that's gone wrong is because of you. You got me locked up on the ark. You wanted me to go to that stupid dance. You got mom killed!" Octavia told her brother. Bellamy turns to face me before facing his sister.

"Me? Mom was floated for having you. She's dead because you're alive. That was her choice. I didn't have a choice. My life ended the day you were born." Bellamy said making me speechless as Octavia tried to take off.

"Where do you think you're going?" Bellamy asked Octavia.

"You can't keep me locked up in here forever." Before pulling away from her brother and walking back inside.

"Octavia," I yelled but she took off. I turned to face Bellamy.

"What the fuck?" I asked him.

"Why would you say that to her? She didn't deserve any of that." I said to him angrily.

"Stay out of it." He said to me as I cross my arms.

"The hell I am. She's your sister and you tell her it's her fault that your mother died. You can't blame her." I said to him.

"Look, it's not your business. Why don't you go insult someone else." He said to me.

"You're a dick," I said to him,

"and your just a fragile girl who can't take care of herself or keep her emotions in check," Bellamy told me as I looked at him in shock that's when I had enough and slapped him across the face.

"I-I may be a fragile girl but, I was the one who was there for Octavia when she needed you the most. I was her only family since they locked her up. So don't ever say something like that to Octavia ever again." I said before walking away with tears in my eyes.

I'm a fragile girl.

I can't keep my emotions in check, I was never loved by my parents they sent me down to the ground. I'm broken.

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