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' You wanna start a war '

The calm
Season 1 Episode11
Part 1

"You don't want the fire too big." Octavia told one of the guys as he putt wood into the fire.

"So maybe just try to knock it down with some wet leaves." Octavia said as the boy smiled.

"You get that from your boyfriend. Grounder pounder." He said making Octavia as I glare at him, god, makes me wanna punch him in the face.

"She's right." Murphy said making me roll my eyes at him.

"A hot fire is not gonna preserve the meat as well." Murphy said to the guy.

"You can't take the heat, got out of the smokehouse. Should be kissing our asses for being allowed back in this camp. Just keep working." He told him making me roll my eyes at them.

"What a dick." I mumbled to Octavia.

"Your brother couldn't get you a better job? He Would think anything would be better than working in the meat furnace." Murphy said to Octavia as I tried to ignore him.

"Oh, probably. That just mean someone else would have to do it." Octavia said not taking on glance at Murphy as I heard his footsteps leaving the place.

"God, he makes me want to punch his face, right about now." I told her making her laugh at me.

"So.." she said to me with a small smile.

"So what?" I asked her making her glance up at me with a slightly smirk.

"Stop with that look." I told her as she laughed.

"What look?"

"The look you always give me when you know something." I told her making her laugh once again.

"You and Bellamy-," she said but she was cut off when an explosion happened.

"Octavia, Madison." Murphy said as he pulled me and Octavia out of there before everything started to fall making me and Octavia cough. As we made it out as we landed in the floor.

"Hey, are you guys okay?" Bellamy said a he knelt down to check if we were okay.

"Y-yeah, we're fine." I said to him.

"This is all your fault. We told you it was too much wood." Murphy said attacking the guy,

"get the hell away from me." He said trying to push Murphy away from him. Bellamy got up and separated both of them from killing each other.

"Hey! Hey! Hey stop! Save it for the grounders." Bellamy told them as Octavia got up from the ground and so did I.

"Well, now what the hell are we gonna do?" Octavia told her brother.

"That was all the food." Octavia said to him.

"Some fucking dick, didn't listen to us and added more wood." I said turning to the boy as he let out a scoff.

"What the hell did you just call me." he said walking up to me making me walk to him too.

"I called you a fucking dick." I said as he was about to walk up to me before Bellamy stepped in and stood in between me and him.

"Back off." Bellamy said glaring at him.

"Watch your back, princess." He said giving me a warning making me roll my eyes at him.

"Well, guess we starve to death." I mumbled before glaring at the guy who already kept glaring at me. I walked away from them as I ignored everyone around me.

"Madison." I hear someone yell my name.

"What, now." I said turning around.

"What happened in there?" Clarke asked me.

"The fucking dick twat kept feeding the fire and Octavia and Murphy kept telling him not to but bitch didn't listen and now because of him we have no more food." I said to her crossing my arms between my chest.

"This is getting out of hand." I said to her as she gave me a nod.

"Yeah, it is. Look, I'm going to talk to Bellamy okay?" She said making me nod.

"Yeah, okay." I said as I walked away and head to the drop ship to take some rest since I could sleep last night so now I'm going to take one and if anyone bothers me I'm going to beat them up.

"Has Finn and Clarke come back from hunting?" I asked Murphy but he shrugged his shoulders. "He's probably with Clarke, but on their way back," he said making me nod.

"Have you seen Bellamy or Octavia. Anyone!" I said as everyone ignored me and went off to hunting. I may be a scary little blonde princess but I could kill, but they want to protect and I don't want to be protected.

"Haven't seen Octavia. Bellamy should be in his tent." He said to me as I walked away before I stopped in my tracks.

"Wait, hold up. You said Clarke and Finn aren't back yet? The rest of the others are back, why not them? Did they go alone?" I asked him. "Uh, no. They went with Myles." He said to me making me nod. "Uh- thank you." I said before walking away from him.

"Bellamy!" I said as i entered his tent, but I stopped in my tracks when I saw a naked Raven and a naked Bellamy together. And here I thought he wanted to take this slow.

"I-uh- sorry." I said before letting out a scoff running off not wanting to spend another minute with him.

"Wait! Maddison!" I heard him yell as he grabbed on to me making me pull away from him.

"Don't fucking touch me!" I said to Bellamy.

"You piece of shit!" I said hitting him in his chest repeatedly.

"Madison wait! Let me explain."

"No! I'm done! I'm really done with you. All of what you said to me was a lie. God, I knew i shouldn't have said anything. Fuck! I shouldn't have gone to your tent but I did." I said before walking away from him before stopping and turning back.

"I'm going out there to find Clarke and Finn. You can stay here and screw Raven whenever you want." I said to him as I walked off, I'm so stupid for this, I really am. I can't. Everything he said was a lie and I fell for every word. I wiped the tears off my face and was stopped by Octavia.

"Hey, what's wrong." She asked me.

"Nothing," I said making her scoff.

"I know you. What did he do?" She asked me making me laugh.

"Walked in on him as he and Raven were naked. I believed every fucking goddam word he said." I said letting out another laugh.

"I'm sorry," she told me.

"Not your fault, I'm done with him. Now that you're here. I need you to come with me to look for Finn and Clarke tell Monty to come to."

"Finn isn't back yet?" Ravens voice said from behind me making me roll my eyes.

"You've got to be kidding me." I mumbled as Octavia looked at me.

"Find him and I'll meet you in the front gate." I said to her before walking off not daring myself to feel the urge to cry once again.

"Madison." Raven said as she stopped in front of me making me roll my eyes.

If it's not Bellamy it's Raven stopping me.

"What do you want?" I asked her.

"Look, I'm sorry. I didn't know you guys were-a thing." She said told me making me laugh.

"Yeah-of course you wouldn't because we aren't. You can screw him whenever you want I would give a damn fly about it. So will you excuse me I have to find Finn and Clarke." I said to her pushing her out of the way making my way to the drop ship to find a gun and a small knife to put it on my boot. I tied up my hair into a ponytail and I was all ready to go and find Finn and Clarke hope they are okay.

"Are you ready?" I asked Monty and Octavia as. They had their guns prepared.

"Yes." They said as we walked out.

"I'm coming with you." Raven said making me roll my eyes.

"Sorry, we don't need more." I said not looking at her as Monty and Octavia gave me a look.

"Uh-we k-kinda do." They both said as I gave them a deadly glare.

"Nothing." They said to me looking away.

"Finns out there." Raven said making me laugh.

"So, now you care." I said to her.

"As much as you hate me right now, I'm going whether you like it." She said making me roll my eyes.

"Whatever, but stay away from me." I said glaring at her as I walked away from her.

"Here let's spread out and keep communicating with the radios." Monty said to me making me nod as I grabbed one.

"I also called others." He told me.

"Alright. Gather up and spread out. No one comes back without them." I order all of them as they all picked their weapons and spread out throughout the woods.

"O, Monty you guys come with me." I said as they nodded.

"Monty goes with Raven." Bellamy said making me scoff.

"Fine whatever. Let's go Octavia." I said walking off not wanting to spend one minute with Bellamy or Raven. I actually thought I could've had something but I get I can't. Everything is a lie just like how my family is.

"How can I see without lights." I mumbled to myself as I walked further into the woods trying to see if there's any sign of Finn or Clarke.

"Where did y'all went out to?" I said to myself.

"Relax they will be fine." Octavia said to me making me laugh.

"For sure." I said to her.

"My brother did a dick move." She said making me laugh.

"Yeah, well he is a dick. A dick I hate very much and can't stand near him." I said to her before realizing what I said.

"Sorry, shouldn't have said that. He's your brother." I told her.

"It's alright, you have every right and it's true. He shouldn't have said those things to you and then run off to screw Raven," she said to me.

"I'm over it. I could do the same. And plus, it's not like I was in love with him or anything- we weren't even officially together so I don't have a right to be mad. I could blow off some steam and just screw someone too." I said shrugging my shoulders.

"True. You could just hook up with a grounder." She suggested making me look at her before laughing.

"No thank you." I said to her.

"God, why do I feel offended." She said making me laugh.

"It's a joke. Probably would because it would be like a one night stand and I wouldn't see them ever again." I said to her as she laughed with me.

"Or probably we could be dating and having grounder babies. I will be like you and Lincoln." I said to her with a laughter.

"Can you guys be quiet please." I heard Bellamy say making me roll my eyes.

"Since when did you decide to follow me and Octavia." I said walking forward and not turning to look at him.

"And leave you two walking around in the woods alone. No thank you." He said to me making me roll my eyes.

"No one asked you to anyways." I said to him.

"Anyways, ignoring dickhead over here. How are you and Lincoln by the way?" I asked her.

"Great." She said making me nod.

"Totally forgot. So there's someone in camp who wants to talk to you." She said to me.

"Who?" I asked her but she wouldn't and couldn't tell me the name since theres a fly with us who can't seem to unstick himself from us.

"Right. Well, I would love that." I said to her with a smile.

"Shut up." He said to us a low whisper making me turn to the side when I heard something or someone behind the bushes.

"Guys, there's someone in the bushes." I whispered as i began to walk closer to it.

"Madison." Octavia said but I ignored her and walked more until I hear a loud gasp and saw Myles on the ground injured.

"Oh, my god. Myles." I said putting the gun to the side and kneeling down.

"Wheres Finn and Clarke?" I asked him as I placed both hands on the wound.

"G-Grounders took them." He said to us as he kept bleeding out.

"Shit, um. Okay. It's okay. Um B-Bellamy take him back to camp. Octavia put pressure on the wound." I told them as Bellamy helped him and Octavia putting pressure to it's.

"You guys head back. I'm going to keep searching the woods."

"Madison, what?" Bellamy said.

"You can't go alone."

"Yes, I can. Finn and Clarke were taken by the grounders. Okay? So I'm going to get them back. And I don't care what you says because nothing that you say will stop me." I said to him.

"So, go." I said before turning away from them as he called out my name but I ignored him a left him. Finn and Clarke were taken by the grounders because of the stupid bomb that we did.

And now I don't know if they are alive or-or if they even are injured all I know I have to fix it no matter what even if I have to go there to do it. As much I didn't want to do this I have to. For all of our sakes. I can't stand watching my people die because of something we did. I need to find them and make sure they are safe. I heard creaks of branches breaking making me look around.

"Clarke? Finn is that you?" I asked softly feeling like someone was watching me.

And with that I felt someone grabbing me from behind. I tried to fight back, I tried I hit them in the rib as I tried to shoot them but only to miss them. It was one of the grounders as dark as it was I could see anything, i couldn't scream all I could do was just try to muffle screams as he had my mouth covered. I could see what direction we were going but all I know it was leading us somewhere, somewhere I don't know.

As he grabbed me and pushed me harshly to walk I almost tripped but he grabbed me tightly by the arm making wince in pain.

Geez, grounders do have a strong grip. Better than us or say men in our camp.

I saw a shadow coming in front as he came straight towards me, he stopped in front of me observing the light since he couldn't see me, but after he tied my hands hard making me since again. If I was stronger then them I would kill them.

But I'm not.

They'll kill me first so yeah.

As we made it I saw a small bonfire and three horses tied up and two men fighting against each other. And after that, I saw the grounder. The one I tried to make alliances with, Anya. She was sitting alone until I saw Clarke tied up making walk but they stopped me making me roll my eyes.

But whatever Anya said to them they pushed me towards Clarke as I ran up to her with my hands tied and sat besides her.

"Oh, thank god. A-are you okay?" I asked her.

"I'm fine." She whispered quietly as I watched Anya looking at me with a face like she knew who I was like-if I knew her for a long time.

"Your left flank is vulnerable." A man said appearing from no where making me look up.

"My archers are in the trees with orders to kill anyone hostile. You're not hostile, are you, Tristan?" Anya said to this Tristen guy she's talking to as he walked down from the rocks and head in our way as he stopped his tracks in front of me and Clarke.

"So this is who's beating you?" Tristan said looking at me up and down.

"She looks exactly like him." He said making me frown extremely confused to what he said. I was going to ask but didn't feel like it instead I said something else.

"Who are you?" I asked him.

"I'm the man sent ti slaughter your people." He said to me making me turn to Clarke with fear and scared.

"The commander sent you?" Anya asked him as he turned to look at her.

"Your unit is mine now. My rangers are hungry. They're at the river go feed them." He ordered the other grounders as they obeyed him and wandered off.

"We march on the invaders' camp at first light. I'll make quick work of what you failed to do, starting with these two." He said taking out a knife making me and Clarke try to move back.

"Anya, look! Over there." A man said as she turned to look at them.

"A signal fire." Anya said as they looked more further from the woods.

"Reapers." Tristan said to her.

"Let them know we see it." Anya ordered the man as they began to set a fire as a signal.

"I'll send the fasted rider to warn the commander."

"No. There's no time. Kill the prisoners. Get to the river." Tristen said before walking away as another one came covered in mask.

"Is the boy dead?" Anya asked him making me frown as he nodded.

Do hate me for Bellamy and Maddison. How do you guys like this so far?


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