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' You wanna start a war '

The 48
Season 2 episode 1

It's been days, hell I guess even weeks and I've been here in the same room this entire time and I'm going crazy. I want to get out of here, I have no idea who these people are.

And why they have us in Quarantine?

We got rid of the grounders. But we now they are mountain people, or whatever Anya said when we were attack with smoke grenades. I want to know if my friends are safe, I know Monty is alright.

I need to know about the others, if they are alive. And I need to learn how to get out of here, I need to know if it was the ark that fell. Clarke said it was. I need help, I need help from- my head snapped to my hand and the watch my dad gave me was gone, I no longer had it.

They took it from me while I was out. I got up and began to bang up the door but I didn't see no one coming making me let out a groan. Being inside here is driving me crazy, I need to get out.

I began to bang on the door and I realize the room where Monty was, he wasn't there anymore. He was gone, the bed was made the door was open.

That's when I gasp making me jump was I saw someone in a blue suit looking through my door window. Before they went to Monty's room making me scream.

"Hey!" I said banging the door as they cleaned the room.

"Hey. Hey." I kept yelled and banging but the didn't even turn to me.

"Where's Monty! Hey!" I yelled angrily at them, I banged the door harshly trying to get their attention.

"What the hell did you do to him?" I said my voice breaking but they didn't even bother to listen making me scream before I turned around and looked for something that can break the glass window on the door.

"Fine! If you don't want to listen then you'll have to listen to me in another way." I said a si grabbed the metal pole as I walked up to the door where there is a camera and I used the pole to break it before breaking the glass harshly.

I threw the pole and used one arm to unlock the door from the other side as I got a cut in my arm before pushing it open. I grabbed a broken glass from the floor and I looked at the cover in a blue suit before going after them. I turned them around and took off the mask from them as I saw a girl she looked at my arm before looking at me.

"What are you doing? I'll be contaminated." She said to me as she took her earphones off, I didn't let her finish when I shoved her against the wall placing the broken glass in her neck harshly, glaring at the girl.

"Where's my friend?" I asked her harshly as I saw how scared she was.

"He's fine. You don't understand. Okay?" She told me as I spin her around and she was in front of me with the glass on her neck.

"Take me to him." I told her.

"I can't." She said to me as I pushed her harshly.

"It was a I can't suggestion. It is a harshly request." I said to her as she made a left turn as I followed her behind. We made it out to the horrible driving me crazy room as she made a right turn.

"Madison, you're bleeding." She said as i turn face her.

"How do you know my name?" I asked her again.

"It was in your chart." She said to me as I asked her once again.

"How do they know my name?" I asked her making her cry.

"I don't know. Please don't hurt me." She said to me.

"You wanna live?" I asked her as I stopped and saw a door but it was locked.

"Do exactly what I say. Got that?" I said making her nod at me. She was trying to grab something making me push her against the wall.

"I don't think so." I said to her, she was scared.

"Hey card. I just need my key card." She said to me as she grabbed her key card and used it to open up the elevator as I shoved her inside and pushed her.

"Which level." I said to her, she pressed the button to which ever floor she did I didn't pay much attention.

"Who are you people? Answer me. How many of my people you have here? Where are they? Say something, before I shoved this into your neck!" I said angry at her as she cried in front of me.

"Arrived. Level five." A recording said as I grabbed her, waiting until the door opens as I walked out seeing how it looks exactly as the floor I was in. I turn to my left and I stopped when I saw like full of table of people sitting down and talking to one another. As they passed each other food. A old lady got up as he pointed to me with panic.

"Containment breach." She said shaking making me frown when everyone looked at me, the girl that I had pushed me as she ran off and alarms began to go off and everyone panicking and running off. I began to panic myself when I saw those people running away like they were afraid of me.

"Where the hell am I?" I asked myself. As guards came with guns pointing them to me.

"Where the hell am I?" I asked them as they didn't speak to me, they just pointed the gun at me that's all. I tried to run but they were more guards behind me as the others grabbed me as I tried to run away but they were to strong.

"Son of a bitch! Let me go!" I yelled angrily as they took me god knows where to.

"Let me go!" I yelled again.

"I need to know if they are okay!" I yelled as they put me in a room that looks like a clinic. They restrained me in one of the beds as I just sat there.

"No. Let me go." I said but they walked away as a women came and tried to patch me up.

"You have to let me take care of that. It will get infected." She said to me making me roll my eyes.

"I can handle a small cut." I told her.

"Let me do it. I'm trying to help you." She told me softly before I hesitated but I let her treat me.

"What's your name?" I asked her as she cleaned up the blood.

"Avery." She said nicely making me nod.

"What's yours?" She asked me.

"Madison." I told her as I didn't even felt when she stitched me up not feeling anything.

"You don't feel it?" She asked me making me shake my head.

"I've been through worst. I had and arrow in my leg and I pulled it out just like that." I said to her making her nod.

"You're a brave young lady." She said making me laugh a little.

"I try. I try to be brave. But sometimes I can't. I lost friends. I-uh I lost some people closer to me I cared for. I lost the boy I liked." I said to looking down not wanting to feel the urge to cry.

"I'm-I'm not brave. I just put a brave face for my people." I said to her softly.

"You're a brave girl. You risk yourself for your friends, your people. You got hurt braking out of the room to find you people. That my friend is brave." She told me with a smile making me laugh.

"Thank you." I said to her as the door open and like that every was already done patching up my wound.

"Hello, Madison. How is your arm?" A lady said to me as she walked in the door with an old man behind her, she came walking to me as I didn't respond to her.

"Not much of a talker, is she?" She asked as the old man spoke up.

"A skill picked up from the sad, no doubt." He said to her.

"That's fine." He said before I saw the girl I attacked.

"Maya had something to say first anyway." He said to me before she looks at me but she was away from me, she was still scared.

"You were the next one to be cleared through quarantine. Another ten minutes and you would have-," she said to me angrily before the interrupted her.

"Ahem." The old guy said making her be quiet before looking at me.

"I'm not pressing charges." She told me, as I tried to laugh.

Is this some kind of joke?

"Thank you, Maya. You can get your treatment now." The old man said to her as she nodded.

"Okay, let's go." The women said to her as they walked away together.

"Restraints aren't necessary." He said to the guards.

"Yes, Mr.president." The guard said to him.

There's presidents here?

Wow. Really old ones.

The guard took off the restraints off my wrist as I didn't pay much attention ss I looked at the girl. "Dante Wallace." The old man said putting his hand out. I grabbed his hand and I looked at it oddly.

"Oil paint. Heh. Your friend Clarke paints too." He said to me making me get up from the bed.

"How do you know that?" I asked him.

"Your people did. They also said you were their leader along with Clarke." He said to me.

  my friends are alive. Yes.

"Looks like you and I have a lot in common, kiddo." He told me but I didn't really care much the only thing I care about is the watch my dad gave me so I could ask for help.

"Where's my watch?" I asked him as nicely as I could.

"I'm sorry... but we can't let contaminated items inside Mount Weather." He said to me making me look away.

"We couldn't risk it. Our protocol is very strict, Madison." He told me as I saw a tube inside the girls chest before looking away.

"How many of us did you capture?"

"Forty-eight, including you. But, Madison, you've got it wrong. You're not prisoners, we saved you." He told me making me nod softly.

"So, in that case you wouldn't mind if we leave?" I asked him.

"If there are forty eight of us here, we still have people out there." I told him as I tried to leave this weird-creepy place.

"Patrol brought in who they could find."

"What about the Ark? It came down last night-,"

"we saw it. There were multiple crash sites over hundreds square miles. If they're were survivors, we will bring them in too. You have my word." He told me but every word he said I didn't buy it and I won't, I don't trust this place at all.

"I want to see my people." I asked him as he nodded.

"Course you do. I would too." He said to me before he turned to two guards as they can in with a huge case making me frown. The president stepped aside as the guards open it and it revealed bunch of clothes, shoes, accessories and more.

Wow, never had that in my life.

"Change and meet me in the hall." He told me before walking off.

"Come on, let's go. Let's give the girl some privacy." He said as they left the room leaving me with that. They all looked beautiful and I like them, the shoes, the heels, the dress and everything.

As I want them I didn't. I grabbed some regular clothes and grabbed one of the heels and broke the bottom off. I immediately changed and ignore that the girl Maya was here, I've changed in public before and I didn't care much. I put on a blue shirt and a sweatshirt and some jeans and the shoes. I was done changing,

"let's get this over with." I said walking out and seeing bunch of guards.

More guards great.

Well my plan failed, he figured I had the freaking heel so I couldn't do anything about that, he also said 'welcome to Mount Weather.'

It's not like I'm planning to stay here. I need to find a way out of this hell hole and find my friends. The guard led my back to the sam place where I was at the beginning when I was bleeding and had the girl Maya with a blown glass around her throat.

"Your pacer contains everything you need to know about Mount Weather. Which, I promise, is not as confusing as the map on page one makes it out to look." I hear a women say as I looked at them.

"You can from level three, which houses our medical facility, including quarantine-," she said cut out when Clarke called out.

"Madison!" She said running up to me and I saw Monty too. She hugged me harshly making me laugh.

"Hey, Dr. griffin." I said to her as I pulled away and hugged Monty.

"Hey, M." I said to him hugging him tightly.

"Hi, you're okay." I said as he gave me a smile as Jasper came up to me to.

"Jasper!" I said hugging him back. As I saw everyone here making me pull away from him.

"Bellamy and Finn?" I immediately asked them as their smile faded away and they didn't say anything to me.

"Madison, they, uh..." Clarke told me as I looked at her.

"They didn't make it." She told me, but I couldn't believe them not yet.

"We don't know that." I said keeping my hopes up and being brave.

"What about Raven?" I asked them but they didn't say anything to me.

"Welcome Madison ." The lady who was speaking came up to me interrupting us.

"If you have any , I'm Keenan." She said handing me a book as she walked away from me, opens it and the first page was like a blue print.

"I know, I was thinking about that, too." Clarke said to me making me nod.

"We need to get out of here." I told her as the others walked away.

"Yeah, we need a plan." Clarke told me.

"Yeah, I know. This could help us." I told her as she gave me a nod.

"Okay, um... everyone's going to eat right and we need to be there and not be suspicious. We take a seat next to Jasper and Monty tell them about the plan." Clarke told me making me nod as we headed to the table where I saw Jasper and Monty playing.

"Oh. Hey, guys." Jasper said to us.

"Sit down and pretend you're happy to see me." I told them as Monty sat down.

"We are happy to see you." Monty said as I know the old man is watching us. He had a name but old man sounds better for me.

"We have to try the chocolate cake." Monty told me making me shake my head no.

"It's Good actually." Clarke told me.

"I'm not eating their food." I said to them as I made eye contact with the old man.

"Look." I said pointing to the page.

"They gave us a map with no exits. I need you to tell me everything you've seen. Every room. Every hallway. Every way out." I finished off.

"Way out." Jasper said making me nod a yes.

"Look around you, there's no one hunting us here. First time in our lives we're not hungry. Why would we leave?" Jasper said making me bite my inside cheek.

"Because Jasper we have friends out there who need our help." I told him.

"They're looking for survivors." Monty said to me.

"And they're way better equipped to find them than we are." Monty said to me making me shake my head.

"This place is too good to be true." Clarke said to me.

"You're bumming me out. I'm gonna get more cake." Jasper said to me as he got up and walked away. I turned around and saw the Maya girl with Jasper talking.

"If I go up there do you think she's gonna run off?" I asked them making them frown.

"Um, I attacked her trying to know if you guys are okay." I said as they shrug.

"Just go apologize." Clarke said making me laugh. "Okay, mother." I said to her as I gave her a smirk as I walked towards her.

"Hey." I said as she looked up at me as I placed the book on the table above her key card.

"It's Maya, right?" I asked her a she looked frightened.

"I just wanted to say sorry for this morning. I was scared and worried about my friends. I hope you can understand that." I said nicely as I patted jaspers back.

"Enjoy the cake." I told him with a smile as I grabbed the book at the same time with the key card and walked off with Clarke.

"You got it?" She asked me making me laugh.

"I did." I said to her as we walked together. We walked away from the area and ran off together.

"Okay, we have the key card and try to find the exit." She said to me as I nodded. Do you know where you're going?" I asked her as she gave me a nod.

"Yeah, I do." She said to me making me nod.

"Alert. Code five." The alarm went off making me groan in annoyance.

"They found out." I said to her as we both looked at each other.

"I'm not a prisoner, huh?" I said before I ran off beside Clarke.

"Lying old man." I said running as Clarke looked at me.

"Old man?" She asked me.

"Yes old man." I said as she stopped me when I saw guards coming from the other side of the hall.

"Crap, we are trap."

"No we aren't." She said as she pulled me to one side as we ran and I saw a big door as I used the card key and scanned it. We opens the door as I saw huge stairs making me groan.

"Um, we're stuck again." I said but she fried the wires and we pulled to the stairs and ran up.

"What if there's no exit?" I asked her.

"We have to find out." She said opening the door and it was led to another level as there was a door.

"Clarke there." I said pointing to the door.

"Come on." I said to her as she tried to pull the lever down but it wasn't working.

"Try something else." I said looking around when I walked up to the door as saw a wheel on the door.

"Look try this." I said to her as we tried to turn around and we did but until we were stopped.

"Guys." Jasper said as I turn around.

"Jasper go!" I told him.

"If you open that dió people will die." He told me. "I can't be here." I said to him.

"Don't make me shoot you." Maya said. "Hold up." He told her.

"Come on Madison." He told me.

"We're safe here. This because of you guys that we are safe." He said to me making me shake my head.

"Not all of us." I said referring to Bellamy and Finn.

"They're gone." I said to him.

"I did the exsplosion." He said to me.

"He's dead." I said to him.

"You don't have to do this." He said to me before I let go and hugged him as I cried.

"I'm sorry." I said to him.

"They're she is."

What do you think about this Madison? I love her!!


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