7 - Consequences

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A/N Sorry this took so long, I was on holiday with my fam!
Funfact - 1 Year ago today I met Halsey - take me back plz. 

Comment and Vote - and as always this hasn't been edited so please ignore any mistakes!


Brinley thought she had managed to slip away without anyone noticing, but minutes after she'd collapsed by her bed, it became apparent that someone had been watching her.


Brinley glanced up, her vision slightly hazy and unfocused from the tears blurring her vision. She could see someone in the doorway, and as she blinked her eyes focused on the person's familiar face.

'What do you want?'

Marcus Kane eyed his daughter warily. Brinley was a time bomb and everyone who knew her knew that. One wrong move and she could explode.

'Are you okay?'

'I'm fine.' Brinley's reply was sharp.

'The commander is allowing Abby and I to join her negotiation with Clarke. I'd like you to come with us.'


'Because Clarke needs a friend right now Brinley. The two of you used to be so close.'

Brinley scoffed. 'Clarke wants nothing to do with me anymore. Especially after what just happened.'

Marcus was curious as to what Brinley meant, but he knew not to push her for answers; at least not now. 'Then come for your people's sake. Mount Weather is our top priority, you could be helpful.'

Brinley thought for a moment before she stood up, wiping any stray tears from her cheeks. 'Fine. Lead the way.'

As the two made their way back into the general population, Brinley noted that no one had left after Finn's final breaths, instead everyone seemed intrigued as to what would come next. Brinley was aware that eyes were following her, her father and Abby's movements.

Brinley could still hear Raven's cries, though she wasn't sure if they were a product of her own imagination or a real thing, reminding her that though Clarke had finished it, Brinley had been the one to put the idea of surrender in Finn's head.

Brinley knew that she had done the right thing in giving Finn a choice, but a small voice in the back of her head whispered that she'd just killed someone else. Her friend.

Brinley tried not to glance at the spot where Bellamy and Raven had been standing but her eyes betrayed her. Raven wasn't crying, instead she was staring off into space, a blank expression taking over her features.

Bellamy, along with many of the other Arkadians, was already watching her, the expression on his face unreadable.

Brinley ignored the pain in her chest as she made her way forward. Marcus and Abby were let by without any problem, but Brinley was immediately stopped.

'The commander said two.'

Brinley eyed the two grounder guards, a hard expression on her face. 'Then ask your commander if she can upgrade that number to three.'

'She's my daughter.' Marcus tried reasoning with the grounder guards. 'She won't be any trouble.'

'Two only.'

Brinley rolled her eyes. 'Alright, listen here-'

'What seems to be the problem?'

Brinley rolled her eyes as the two guards dropped their eyes in respect. 'Heda, this girl wishes to join the negotiation.'

Brinley watched as recognition flickered across the girl's face. 'You are the one who saved Lincoln.'

'Good to see I made an impression.'

The commander's face didn't change until she spoke. 'Let her pass.'

Brinley smirked at the two guards as they reluctantly let her pass them.

Brinley re-joined Abby and Marcus as they were led towards what Brinley assumed was the commander's tent, where Clarke was being housed for the moment.

The first thing Brinley registered was the shaky breathing and broken sobs piercing the quiet silence of the tent. Clarke was scrubbing desperately at her hands, which were stained crimson with Finn's blood.

Abby rushed forward, immediately reaching for Clarke. 'Let me.'

Clarke continued to cry. 'They would've tortured him. I had to, I had to.'

'It's okay. It's okay.' Abby consoled Clarke quietly.

'What did I do?' Clarke sobbed into her mother's embrace.

The tent door was roughly pulled aside and one of the guards from earlier walked in. Clarke's expression immediately changed as she wiped her tears, pulling away from her mother.

'The commander is ready to talk.'

Clarke nodded as the commander walked in, followed by her entourage.

'Blood has answered blood. Some on my side say that's not enough. They wanted the murderer to suffer as our tradition demands.' The commander announced. From the hard stare on the warrior woman standing beside her, Brinley could tell she was one of these people.

'But they do not know that your suffering will be worse. What you did tonight will haunt you until the end of your days.'

Clarke looked away.

'Still, there will be restitution. The body will be brought to the people of Tondc, murderer and murdered joined by fire. Only then can we have peace.'

'No.' Marcus spoke. 'No, we've done enough. The boy should be buried by his own people.'

'Enough? We were owed the pain of eighteen deaths. We were owed our righteous kill. My village deserves justice.' The warrior woman – Indra, Brinley thought her name was - looked as though she wanted to kill them all right then and there.

'You don't want justice. You want vengeance.' Abby snapped.

'You have not seen my vengeance-'

'We'll do it.' Clarke interrupted. 'But when it's over, we talk about how to get our people out of Mount Weather. All of our people.'

Lexa looked satisfied. ss'We want the same things, Clarke.'

'Good. When do we leave?'

'Now. Choose your attendants. I suggest she's one of them.' The commander stared at Brinley who stared directly back.

'Heda-' The grounder guard tried to interrupt.

The commander said something back in their native tongue that made the grounders bow their heads as they followed their leader out.

'Clarke you don't have to do this-' Abby tried to immediately change her daughters mind.

'Yes, I do. If this truce doesn't hold, I killed Finn for nothing.' Clarke left the tent without another word.

Brinley blew out a breath of air. 'Right. I'm going back.'


Brinley didn't stay to listen to her Father's protests as she followed Clarke from a distance. When Clarke stopped by Raven, who was cradling Finn's head in her hands, Brinley decided it would be best if she went around the two – avoiding confrontation for the moment.

'Brin? Hey what happened, what did she say?'

Brinley looked up, finding Octavia in front of her. Bellamy wasn't far behind, looking stressed and more than a little wary.

'Blood answered blood.' Brinley sighed. 'But that's not enough for them. They want murderer and murdered joined by fire. They're taking Finn's body to Tondc to be burned. Clarke agreed.'

'What? But Finn -'

'I know.' Brinley cut Octavia off. 'But we have to help our friends in Mount Weather and this is the only way.'

'It hasn't been five minutes and we're already doing what she says.' Octavia rolled her eyes.

'I don't like it either, O, but I've seen Mount Weather first hand... I need to get them out.'

Octavia nodded. 'I'm gonna go find Clarke, make sure she's okay.' Brinley knew she was lying, Octavia wanted to join the group heading to Tondc.

'Good luck.' Brinley half smiled as Octavia walked away, leaving Brinley and Bellamy alone.

Neither of them said anything and eventually Brinley sighed and began to walk away, until a hand gripped her wrist firmly. 'Wait.'

Brinley turned to look at Bellamy, whose grip softened when he realised she wasn't going anywhere. 'Are you going with Clarke?'

Brinley rolled her eyes and pulled her wrist out of Bellamy's grip. 'Considering she won't even look at me, I doubt it.'

Brinley began to walk away again but this time Bellamy followed. 'Hey, Brinley wait.'

'What do you want, Bell?' Brinley ran her hands over her face tiredly.

'Look,' Bellamy stepped towards her, resting his hand on her hip gently. 'You were right, we didn't give Finn a chance to make a decision for himself.'

Brinley stayed silent.

Bellamy sighed. 'I understand why you let him leave the dropship, and I don't blame you. I know, deep down, Clarke and Raven don't either.'

Brinley bit her trembling lower lip. 'I just kept thinking that if I were in Finn's position, I'd want to make my own decision, even if it meant walking towards certain death.'

Bellamy nodded. 'I would too.' He hesitated. 'Are we okay?'

Brinley smiled gently. 'We're fine.'

Bellamy looked like he wanted to say more but Octavia reappeared, this time followed by Clarke.

'Bellamy,' Clarke called, ignoring Brinley altogether. 'I need you to come with me to Tondc.'

Bellamy nodded. 'I'll be there.'

With great reluctance Clarke looked to Brinley. 'I need you to come too.'


Clarke seemed to hesitate before she spoke again. 'Don't think it's because I want you there. You are the reason I had to kill Finn. You're only coming because the commander suggested it.' Clarke looked back to Octavia and Bellamy. 'We leave in five.' And then she was gone.

'What does she mean the commander suggested you coming?' Octavia frowned.

'It means that Lexa implied that Clarke should bring me along to Tondc with her. I don't know why.'

'I don't trust her. This whole thing is a bad idea.' Bellamy was tense.

'It's our only option, Bellamy. C'mon, we have to leave.' Brinley slid her gun into her waistband as she walked towards the waiting grounders; Octavia and Bellamy following close behind.


Brinley slowed her steps as Bellamy hurried to catch up to Clarke, whose eyes were scanning the trees nervously with every step she took.

Octavia, Lincoln and her father were walking together. It seemed that Marcus Kane had changed from the man who wanted power and status to someone who wanted nothing more than peace with those who only hours earlier, wanted to slaughter them. It was a vast change to the cold and distant man Brinley had known growing up – and the thought was both terrifying and slightly comforting.

Maybe there was hope for them yet.

Bellamy and Clarke stayed side by side for the duration of their walk, leaving Brinley to walk behind, directly in front of the commander and her guard, whom Brinley had learned was named Gustus.

Unbeknownst to the two behind her, Brinley was listening in on their conversations, and slowly she was able to piece together some of their language. Heda seemed to be grounder for Commander and Skaikru, judging from the contempt in Gustus' voice when he said it, seemed to be sky people; her people.

Eventually, as night fell the group set up camp outside Tondc for the night. It quickly became clear that though they were soon to be allies, there was still a clear division between them, and to Brinley's surprise, Lincoln seemed to be grouped in with her own people.

Clarke broke the invisible line, choosing to set up camp on the unspoken grounder side of the camp, much to Bellamy's obvious distaste.

Brinley had torn her eyes from Bellamy and Clarke, deciding to find Octavia and Lincoln, when Gustus appeared in front of Clarke and Bellamy catching Brinley's attention.

'The commander wishes to speak to you.' Gustus announced, staring directly ahead, obviously not agreeing with Lexa's decision.

Clarke nodded. 'Okay, I'll-'

'Not you.' Gustus sneered. 'Her.'

Gustus was staring directly at Brinley now, who immediately squared her shoulders and stared him defiantly in the face.

'Fine.' Brinley snapped. 'Where is she?'

'Follow me.'

Brinley began to do so, Bellamy stepping forwards also, only to be stopped by Gustus. 'She goes alone.'

'No. No way.'

'Bellamy-' Clarke tried.

'It's not happening-'

'Bellamy.' Brinley interrupted. 'It'll be fine. Go get some sleep.'

Brinley hurried after Gustus who had begun walking again, until they came to a sudden stop.

'Heda.' Gustus bowed his head.

'Thank you, Gustus. You may leave us.'

Gustus nodded, albeit reluctantly, walking out of earshot but still lingering close, his eyes on them.


Brinley knew it wasn't an invitation, but an order. She sat beside the other girl reluctantly. 'You wanted to speak with me?'

'Yes. I want to know about Clarke.'

'Clarke? What about her?'

'Is she trustworthy?' Lexa was sharpening her sword idly, not looking at Brinley directly.

'Yes.' Brinley answered immediately. 'My people trust her enough to make a deal with you, don't they?'

The commander nodded. 'They do. You are Marcus' daughter, correct?'

'Yes.' Brinley frowned, instantly suspicious. 'Why?'

'You are not much like him. You aren't much like any of them.'

'What does that have to do with anything?' Brinley defended herself, not sure where the conversation was going.

'Just an observation. It was you who convinced Finn to surrender to us, was it not?'

'I didn't convince him to do anything.' Brinley answered hotly. 'I gave him a choice-'

'You are the reason we are here. You gave Finn a choice and in doing so, you may have just saved your people. Take pride in that, Brinley.' Lexa seemed approving, and it angered Brinley more.

She wasn't like them.

She couldn't be.

'Someone died today because of you, one of my friends-'

'You have the makings of a warrior. Do not let your feelings get in the way of that. I see it in Clarke, and in you. If we are to take the mountain, you must be smart.'

Brinley pursed her lips, her blood simmering with rage.

'You may leave. Just remember this.' The commander stood up, placing her sword against Brinley's throat. 'If any of you dare harm my people I will wipe you out. You say I can trust Clarke, but can I trust you?'

Gustus, who was staring coldly at her, roughly shoved Brinley away from the commander the moment Lexa finished speaking. 'Leave.' He commanded and Brinley mock saluted him as she walked away, her hands shaking with unconcealed rage.

'What happened? What did she say?' Clarke began asking questions immediately, her anger forgotten for the moment, as Brinley re-joined the group.

'Wanted to know if she could trust us, if she could trust you.' Brinley growled out angrily, idly realising Bellamy had disappeared.

'That's it?'

Brinley whirled around to face Clarke. 'Did you tell her?'

'Tell her what?' Clarke frowned.

'That I was the reason Finn handed himself in, that I'm somehow responsible for it. Did you tell her?'

Clarke frowned. 'No, Brinley, I-'

'If you didn't then who the hell did?' Brinley growled.

'No one, I-'

'They're watching us. They've always been watching us. We can't trust her Clarke!' Brinley lowered her voice, but her anger was still evident to the blonde.

'We have to. They're our only hope.' Clarke sounded desperate, and Brinley supposed she was.

'Screw them. If we can get out of that damn mountain, we can get back in.'

This seemed to bother her friend more than it should have. 'You sound like Bellamy.' Clarke rolled her eyes.

Brinley, who had begun walking again, stumbled slightly. 'What?'

'Bellamy wants to go into Mount Weather alone. Says we need an inside man.'

'What? No!' Brinley gasped, 'That's insane. He's insane!'

'The both of you are.' Clarke seemed almost amused for a moment. 'I told him no, and now I'm telling you no too.' Clarke shrugged as her emotionless mask fell back into place. 'Get some rest.'

Brinley's eyes scanned their small group as Clarke walked away, her eyes landing on Bellamy who was standing warily against the tree line, his eyes finding Brinley's immediately.

Brinley walked towards him, and before he could even speak she had shoved him firmly. 'Are you out of your freaking mind?'

'What?' Bellamy, who had barely been affected by her sudden assault, crossed his arms defensively.

'You want to go into Mount Weather alone? Are you insane or just fucking stupid?'

Bellamy's face tensed. 'Someone needs to get inside.'

'We have people inside Bellamy, remember? That's the whole point of this!' Brinley gestured to their odd company.

'I could get in there and help them, they have no idea-'

Brinley cut him off. 'No, Bellamy, you have no idea. They'd either kill you on sight or string you up and drain you dry.' Brinley shook her head. 'Clarke's right, you aren't doing it.'

'How many times do I have to tell you and Clarke that I don't take orders from either of you?'

'I mean it Bellamy. No.'

Bellamy stared at her for a moment before immediately changing the subject. 'What did the commander want?'

'Lexa wanted to talk about Clarke, get information about me, to show me whose in charge. Everything is a power play to these people. I don't trust them Bellamy.'

'That's one thing we can agree on Atleast.' Bellamy relaxed his arms. 'Now c'mon, we should get some sleep.'


'The sky people march with us now, anyone who tries to stop that will pay with their life.'

Brinley stared suspiciously at the villagers who had angrily yelled at Lexa. They wanted the people of the ark dead. Brinley could already tell that this alliance could cause trouble on both sides.

'Warm welcome.' Bellamy commented as their group followed the commander into the familiar camp.

The funeral pyre was ready, bodies lined up all the way round. Brinley forced herself not to look away as Finn's body was dumped on the very top of the heap.

The commander began speaking in grounder language, which thankfully, Lincoln translated.

'People of Tondc, in fire we cleanse the pain of the past.'

Brinley swallowed thickly.

'Clarke.' The commander was holding out the burning torch, offering it to Clarke. The watching grounders began getting restless as murmurs arose amongst the group.

Clarke, as though in a daze, lit the pyre, and the air began filling with the scent of burning flesh.

'Yu gonplei ste odon.' Clarke murmured, startling the villagers.

Eventually, when the fire went out and the bodies were reduced to ashes, the group found themselves in an underground room, where a feast had been spread out for them, Brinley entered last, shoved in by Gustus, whom Brinley had decided she loathed.

Brinley's Father, the newfound peacemaker of the group, handed a bottle to the commander. 'Please, accept this gift commander, we drink this at special occasions. I believe this qualifies.'

Lexa nodded at Gustus who took the bottle from Marcus.

'Thank you, Marcus of the sky people.' Lexa sounded sincere and Brinley couldn't tell if she was acting or not.

'You're welcome, Lexa, kom trikru. Just don't drink too much of it.' Marcus smiled.

'Clarke, let us drink together.'

'It would be my pleasure.' Clarke managed a small smile.

Two cups were filled, one was handed to Clarke, and the other was held by Lexa.

'Heda, allow me.' Gustus spoke from beside Lexa.

Brinley watched as Gustus made a show of sipping at the liquid, testing for poison, Brinley assumed, and when nothing happened, he handed the cup back to Lexa.

'Tonight we celebrate out newfound peace. Tomorrow, we plan our war. To those we've lost, and those we shall soon find.'

As Clarke and Lexa raised their cups to their lips, Gustus jolted forward, coughing and gasping for air.

'It's poison!'

Bellamy slapped Clarke's cup from her hand immediately as everyone looked around in shock.

'It was the sky people!' Someone accused.

'This wasn't us, you have to know this wasn't us!' Clarke pleaded as Bellamy stood in front of her, shielding them all from any on coming attack.

'No, no we didn't do this!' Clarke tried again.

The grounders had begun grabbing people, searching them for any concealed poisons or weapons.

'Gustus warned me about you but I didn't listen.' Lexa was seething with rage, any civility gone from her expression.

'Lexa, please-'

'Tell me something Clarke, when you plunged your knife into the heart of the boy you loved, did you not wish that it was mine?'

Clarke said nothing.

Brinley struggled as she was grabbed roughly, hands searching her pockets. Brinley was incredibly uncomfortable, continuously calling the grounder nasty names as he violated her personal space.


'That's not mine!'

Brinley looked around, seeing Raven looking panicked and surprised.

'I'm telling you that's not mine. He put it there when he searched me.' Raven was pleading with someone – anyone – to believe her, fear and panic in her expression.

Brinley felt the grounder holding her hostage release her. 'Heda, there is another one.'

Brinley looked up in shock seeing a vial of poison, similar to the one Lincoln had carried, in the grounders hand.

Brinley was shaking her head. 'No, no fucking way was that on me.'

Lexa was enraged, eyes narrowed at Brinley. 'I asked you yesterday if I could trust you, it seems as though I can't.' Lexa looked around the room as she roared, 'No sky person leaves this room!'

The grounders left, following Lexa, and after Lincoln failed to convince Indra of something, they were alone.

Raven was staring at Brinley. The two girls hadn't spoken since the dropship and yet as they looked at each other, they could see the innocence in each other's eyes.

They were being framed.

'Raven, I need to know the truth-' Clarke had seemingly decided to interrogate Raven first, a bad move.

'I'd step back if I was you.' Raven snapped at Clarke.

'You wanted me to kill Lexa yesterday, If you tried to poison her, I need to know-'

Raven punched Clarke in the face, and Brinley couldn't say that Clarke didn't deserve it.

'You're the only murderer here.' Raven's eyes slid to Brinley for a moment but she made no further comment.

Bellamy was by Brinley's side. 'Who did it?'

Brinley was relieved Bellamy wasn't accusing her of anything. 'I don't know, I really don't. I know that wasn't on me when we got here.'

'I know.' Bellamy rested his arm around her shoulder, kissing her head gently.

Clarke and her Mother began arguing and Brinley could see her own Father watching her, yet he never made any move to approach her and for that she was thankful.


Raven's eyes were searching the room. 'We have to get out of here.'

'I know.' Brinley nodded, as did Bellamy. 'I don't understand who would do this. Why frame both of us?'

'Someone doesn't want us here.' Bellamy's voice was hard.

The door opened again and Nyko and Indra appeared followed by more warriors, no Lexa in sight.

'How's Gustus?' Marcus asked.

'Gustus will live.' Nyko answered reluctantly.

Indra commanded something and the warriors began advancing on Raven and Brinley.

'Wait, wait what are you doing?' Marcus asked.

'They didn't poison anyone!' Bellamy yelled angrily.

'I argued for all of you to die.' Indra spoke angrily. 'But the commander is merciful. She want's only one.'

One? The word echoed through Brinley's mind.

'They're innocent-' Lincoln tried.

'I don't care.' Indra ignored him. 'The commander will agree to take one life if one of them takes responsibility.' Indra seemed displeased.

Raven and Brinley stared at each other. Raven nodded at her and Brinley nodded back as she stared at Indra, a dangerous smile on her face.

'Screw you.'

This seemed to enrage Indra even further. 'Take them both! They move, they bleed.'

Brinley cursed as Bellamy was torn away from her as both her and Raven were shoved outside.

The two were bound to posts side-by-side and stripped of their jackets. Brinley could hear Raven's shaky, terrified breathing.

'It'll be okay.' Brinley tried to reassure Raven, though her own voice shook slightly.

There was a very real possibility the two were about to die.

'I take no joy in this, but this time justice will be done.' Lexa announced as she stepped towards them. Brinley's eyes were drawn to her friends, who had emerged from their prison, unguarded and free.

'We didn't do it. How is that justice?' Raven asked unevenly.

Lexa raised her knife slicing Raven's arm.

Bellamy, watching the scene unfold, panicked. 'We have to do something.'

'We can't.' Marcus stopped him for advancing towards the two girls.

'Your daughter is up there-'

'She's strong.' Marcus was pale, but his voice was firm. 'They both are.'

Raven screamed as pain spread across her arm.

Lexa turned to Brinley. 'I warned you.'

'Go to hell.' Brinley spat in Lexa's face.

Lexa raised her knife again, cutting into Brinley's bruised skin. Brinley clenched her teeth as pain spread across the area.

Indra had stepped forward, slicing right across Raven's stomach, a sick look of satisfaction on her face.

Then it was Brinley's turn and Indra lifted up Brinley's shirt, placing her knife along the barely healed scar there, digging her blade in, dragging it across slowly, causing as much pain possible.

Brinley bit down on her lip so hard that she drew blood.

Bellamy was helpless as he watched not only one of his friends, but one of the girls he cared about most, second only to his sister, begin to be sliced open.

Raven's screams were torturous, but he couldn't stop the flash of pride that Brinley was being so strong, even as blood trickled down her lips and onto her chin.

The villagers had begun taking turns and it was becoming harder and harder to stay silent as Brinley and Raven's blood began to stain the ground.

'Clarke what are you doing, you'll get yourself killed-'

Bellamy's voice drew Brinley's attention for a moment until the next villager had his turn at marking her skin.


The cool metal left Brinley's skin for a moment but the pain remained.

'Let her pass.' Lexa commanded.

'One of your people tried to kill you Lexa, not one of mine. I can prove it.'

Brinley watched through sleepy eyes as Clarke gulped mouthfuls of liquid from the supposedly poisoned bottle.

Nothing happened.

'Explain.' Lexa growled.

'The poison wasn't in the bottle, it was in the cup.'

Gustus said something and Brinley watched the man curiously. She began to laugh quietly, piecing the puzzle together. Bellamy noticed her amusement, his eyes flicking between the two seeming to realise what she had.

'It was you.' He realised, looking to Gustus. 'He tested the cup, he searched Raven.'

'And he shoved me into the room.' Brinley wheezed out.

'Gustus would never harm me.' Lexa denied.

'You weren't the target. The alliance was.' Bellamy countered smartly and Brinley felt a flash of pride.

'We didn't do this and you know it.'

Lexa spoke to Gustus who seemed resigned suddenly. 'This alliance would cost you your life, Heda. I could not let that happen.'

'This treachery will cost you yours.' Was Lexa's simple reply, though her voice sounded tense.

Bellamy, Abby and Marcus immediately moved to Raven and Brinley.

Raven was cut down first at Brinley's request and when she was released from her binds, Bellamy moved to Brinley, slicing the rope around her.

Brinley almost collapsed but Bellamy caught her, holding her up. 'It's okay, you're okay.'

'Thanks hot shot.' Brinley mumbled out, spitting blood onto the ground.

At Octavia's request Nyko bought the two girls blankets and bandages, which Brinley reluctantly thanked him for.

Abby ran a gentle finger across Brinley's lower lip after she had finished binding her wounds. 'It's deep, but I don't think you'll need stitches.'

'Good. The last thing I want to deal with today is needles.' Brinley joked.

Abby smiled gently as Marcus cane up beside her.

'Are you alright?'

Brinley nodded at her Father. 'I'm fine.'

'I wanted to stop it-'

'I'm thankful you didn't. It wouldn't have helped anyone.'

Marcus nodded, smiling at Brinley who returned the gesture before Abby pulled him away.

Brinley and Bellamy stood side by side, watching with blank expressions as Gustus suffered the fate that not an hour earlier, should have been Brinley and Raven's.

Brinley glanced at Raven who looked sick.

'This would have been Finn.'

Brinley watched as Clarke and Raven exchanged a look of understanding.

Lexa stood in front of Gustus now. Gustus choked something out, blood leaking from between his lips as Lexa unsheathed her sword.

'Yu Gonplei ste odon.' And then her sword was in his body, and Gustus moved no more.


As daylight faded away, the group made camp again and this time, the atmosphere was lighter, almost pleasant.

'How did you know it was Gustus?'

Brinley was sitting beside Bellamy, her head resting on his shoulder as she fought to keep her tired eyes open. Octavia was half leaning against Lincoln across from her, Clarke and Lexa were talking and Raven was hidden in her tent.

'He'd do anything for her - to protect her. Just made sense.'

Brinley, half asleep and unable to see his face, missed the glance Bellamy sent her as he spoke. But Octavia, who was watching the exchange, didn't. A small smile tugged at her lips as she watched her brother and best friend fall for each other more and more every single day.

'Look at the thanks he got.' The smile fell from Octavia's lips as she spoke.

'Guys!' Raven came running towards them, drawing Clarke and Lexa's attention.

'What is it?' Bellamy was immediately standing and Brinley hurried to stand too, suddenly wide-awake at Raven's almost excited tone.

'Listen to this!'

There was a crackle of radio static as a voice began broadcasting through the speaker.

'Forty six of us are trapped inside Mount Weather – '

'Jasper.' Brinley breathed, relief filling her chest.

'Talk to him, say something!' Clarke interrupted.

'We don't know how much time we have left. Please hurry.'

Raven shook her head slightly. 'It's repeating.'

'They're alive.' Octavia sounded hopeful.

'This is Jasper Jordan. We need help-'

'We need to do this now. We've got the alliance, now is the time to use it.' Bellamy was in full planning mode, and Brinley could almost see the cogs turning in his brain.

Clarke squared her shoulders. 'First we need an inside man.'

Brinley's stomach dropped. 'Clarke-'

'You were right.' Clarke continued as though Brinley hadn't spoken. 'Without someone on the inside to lower their defences, turn off the acid fog, an army is useless. You should go.'

'I thought you hated that plan? That I would get myself killed?' Bellamy questioned.

'I hate that plan – Clarke – ' Brinley hated the note of pleading that entered her voice but Bellamy had no idea what he would be walking into -

-and Brinley couldn't lose him too.

'I was being weak. It's worth the risk.'

'Clarke no, let me go, I know where I'm going-'

'No. I need you here.' Clarke looked sympathetic as she handed Bellamy a folded piece of paper. 'My map of Mount Weather. Find a way to get on that radio and talk to us.' Clarke swallowed. 'Good luck.'

Bellamy nodded, trying to ignore Brinley's violently trembling hands gripping onto his arm.

He had to do this. He had to help his friends.

'Bell, how are you gonna-' Octavia began asking questions.

'I can get you through the tunnels.' Lincoln volunteered and Bellamy nodded.

'He can't go back there, not yet – ' Octavia instantly worried about Lincoln.

Raven looked between Lincoln and Bellamy. 'Let me show you what to look for.'

Bellamy nodded and tugged his arm out of Brinley's grip gently.

Octavia and Lincoln were talking quietly but Brinley took no notice, rooted to the spot, panic and fear clawing it's way up her throat.

Bellamy and Raven returned, Bellamy looking more determined than ever.

'Bell, please don't do this.'

Bellamy ignored the way Brinley's quiet voice made him feel. Once upon a time Bellamy would have been selfish, would have stayed with Brinley and his sister and put their lives above everyone else's – but Bellamy wasn't that person anymore - he had to help the rest of his friends no matter the cost.

'I have to. I'll be fine.' Bellamy squeezed her hand gently.

'Then let me come with you, I know where I'm going-'

'No.' Bellamy denied her immediately. 'You're needed here.'

'I am not! I – '

'I need you here. Please.' Bellamy's voice was tense and he didn't give Brinley time to reply as his fingers wound into her hair at the base of her neck, kissing her quickly, but long enough to leave her breathless.

'May we meet again.'

When Brinley blinked, both he and Lincoln were gone.

'May we meet again.' Brinley murmured quietly.

Octavia and Raven smiled sympathetically but sensed that Brinley needed time alone.

But being left alone was exactly what Brinley wanted; if she was left alone she could plan and stategise without any distractions and suspicions – Atleast for awhile. Brinley knew that having someone inside was the only way to help her friends – but Bellamy being the one inside scared the shit out of her. He was reckless and impulsive – and he was going in blind.

Even if Lincoln and Bellamy reached Mount Weather first – Brinley knew her way around while they would be fumbling in the dark, relying on a map with no exits for help. Brinley was an advantage – even if no one else could see it.

The fate of her friends and Lexa's army was hanging in the balance, but one thing was for certain;

Brinley was going back to Mount Weather. 

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