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Brinley finally managed to calm herself, a few hours later. The camp was still in full swing and she could hear people talking and laughing amongst themselves outside. She wondered how she was going to be able to face them all now. She was an outsider, an intruder in the place she was supposed to call home.

Brinley reached over to the canteen that Murphy had left by his bed. The bed, Brinley forced herself to think, because Murphy wasn't coming back. As that thought entered her head she quickly splashed her face with the cool water, trying to hide as much of the tell tale signs of tears as she could. Brinley's thoughts began to wander again and she quickly decided a distraction was in order.

From the quiet sounds coming from the tent next to hers, she deduced that Bellamy had found his own distraction for the night.

Brinley decided to find Monty and Jasper, who she was certain were in the drop ship. She opened her tent, welcoming the cool breeze as it hit her wet skin. She walked towards the drop ship, managing to remain mostly unnoticed save for the few whispers that she ignored.


Brinley was thankful at that moment that Clarke and Finn were nowhere to be seen. She didn't want to deal with either of them. 'Hey guys.'

Octavia was propped up in the corner with Monty and Jasper.

'What brings you to our humble abode?' Jasper smiled, seeing the uncharacteristic sadness on her face.

'Boredom mostly. What did I miss?'

Jasper's face fell. 'What?' Brinley frowned.

'We fried all the wristbands.'

Brinley blinked. 'Why is that a problem?'

'Some of us still have people we care about up there,' Monty said quietly.

'Shit – of course you do. I'm sorry.' Brinley rubbed her forehead angrily.

'Hey it's okay.' Monty pulled her hands away from her face.

'We'll figure out another way.' Jasper nodded.

'How are you holding up?' Monty asked, glancing at Octavia who was avoiding eye contact with everyone.

'I'm fine.' Brinley hugged her knees to her chest.

'For what it's worth, I don't think it's fair, what happened to Murphy.'

Brinley nodded. 'Doesn't matter now, our leaders threatened to kill him if they ever see him again. Well, Bellamy did.' Brinley's mouth twisted around Bellamy's name.

'Did you try to talk them out of it.'

'Course I did. But they wouldn't budge. I was going to stay with him – I would have stayed with him.'

'But?' Jasper prompted.

'Murphy told Finn to take me back to camp, so Finn picked me up and dragged me away until I managed to get free. And then Bellamy caught me and swung me over his shoulder like a rag doll and carried me back here so I couldn't go back to Murphy.' Brinley's tone was bitter.

Octavia's head perked up at the mention of her brother.

'Damn.' Jasper frowned.

'Where are Clarke and Finn anyway?'

'They took off after the wristband thing.' Monty shrugged.

'Three guesses as to what they're currently doing.' Brinley muttered and Jasper snickered beside her.

'Hey check it out!' The voice startled the group that had gathered and they each looked towards the drop ship door where an unfamiliar guy was grinning. 'Guys, you gotta see this!'

Brinley hurried out after Jasper and Monty, ending up beside Octavia. It wasn't long before Bellamy appeared on the other side of his sister, shirtless.

Brinley scowled, disgust filling her.

'They're coming to help us. Now we can kick some grounder ass!'

Some of the other delinquents cheered.

'Please tell me they brought down some shampoo.' A girl wrapped in a nothing but a blanket whined and Brinley rolled her eyes.

It wasn't long until Bellamy headed towards his tent motioning for some of the people Brinley didn't know to follow. Brinley watched the four suspiciously and Octavia noticed.

Octavia grabbed Brinley's arm, dragging her towards Bellamy's tent much to Brinley's surprise.

'If it cleared the ridge, it's probably near the lake.'

'We should get moving.' Octavia spoke, dragging Brinley behind her. 'Everyone's ready.'

'No one's going anywhere. Not while it's dark, it isn't safe. We'll head out at first light; pass the word.' He directed the last part of his sentence to the three strangers who nodded and exited the tent swiftly.

Bellamy went to follow them but Octavia blocked his exit swiftly. 'Everyone for 100 miles saw this thing come down. What if the grounders get to it first? Bell, we should go now.'

'I said, we wait until sunrise.' Bellamy left the tent, glancing at Brinley briefly as he passed her.

'Ugh.' Octavia scoffed. 'Can you believe him?'

Brinley stayed silent. Octavia sighed.

'I – I owe you an apology. I've been a bitch to you and you don't deserve it, especially after the way you kept an eye on my brother today. So, I'm sorry, I miss talking to you.' Octavia looked at Brinley straight in her eyes.

'What changed?' Brinley whispered.

'I realised that even after what you told me, after what you did for Atom, you're still the same girl who defended me on the drop ship, even though you didn't even know me.'

Brinley sighed and when she spoke her voice trembled in an uncharacteristic display of vulnerability. 'I need a friend right now, O.'

Octavia's eyes watered as she hugged Brinley tightly. Brinley wrapped her arms around the smaller girl just as tight in an unusual display of affection.

'You wanna talk about it?'

Brinley shook her head. 'No, I uh, I just don't want to be alone. Not right now.'

'You look exhausted, do you want to go lay down for awhile?'

'No, I don't think I could sleep if I wanted to.'

'I have somewhere we can go.' Octavia grinned at Brinley.

'Should I be worried?'

'Maybe, maybe not.' Octavia laughed as she dragged Brinley out of camp.

'If your brother catches us-'

'He won't, and besides who cares, he'll yell and then he'll get over it.'

The girls walked for a while before Octavia stopped and turned to Brinley. 'Stay still okay.'

'Okay.' Brinley recognised the area, it wasn't far from the lake and the strawberry patches she'd explored.

The two girls stood still and a few moments later, Brinley gasped. 'Oh my god.'

The fluorescent butterflies swarmed around them, glowing beautiful colours that Brinley wished she could describe. 'How did you find this?'

'Atom and I found it, and now I'm sharing it with you. I know I told you about them but I figured you should see them.' Octavia smiled at Brinley who smiled gently back.

'I know you said you don't think you can sleep, but lay down and watch them with me.'

The two girls lay down on the ground, ignoring the chill as they watched the butterflies swarm around. It wasn't long before Octavia looked over at Brinley, realising the girl had fallen asleep, exhaustion finally catching up to her.

A while later, Brinley woke with a sharp jolt. 'Brin, Brin wake up! Look!'

Brinley rubbed her eyes, squinting at the light that hit her eyes. 'What?'


Brinley looked. 'Is that Bellamy?'

'I can't believe him.' Octavia stood up, running after her brother leaving Brinley to follow.

'Bellamy!' Octavia called and Brinley noticed Bellamy tense.

'What are you doing?' Octavia asked suspiciously.

'Go back to camp, it isn't safe.'

'You lied to everyone. You lied to me.' Octavia scoffed.

Brinley stood beside her, not saying a word. Bellamy glanced at her, their eyes meeting for a second before he looked back at his sister.

'You just want whatever's in that pod!"

Bellamy shoved Octavia roughly and Brinley reached out to stop Octavia shoving Bellamy back.

'Just go home! Both of you!' Bellamy yelled.

'You always want to play big brother, huh? Well, guess what? Jokes on me, you're just a selfish dick.' Octavia spat.

'I did this for you! To protect you. If the Ark finds out we're alive, they'll come down. And when they do...I'm dead.' Bellamy swallowed.

'What did you do?' Octavia asked, her voice shaking slightly.

Bellamy glanced at Brinley again who quietly began backing away until Octavia reached out and stopped her. 'Whatever you have to say to me, you can say in front of her.'

Bellamy sighed. 'I shot him. I shot Jaha.'

A second of tense silence passed.

'What?' Octavia gasped and Brinley covered her mouth in shock, pity filling her at the regretful, scared look that crossed Bellamy's face briefly.

'I found out they were sending you to Earth. I couldn't let you go alone. Someone came to me with a deal. Do this, kill him, and they'd get me on the drop ship. And I did it.'

'You killed the chancellor?' Octavia gasped.

'He floated our mother, he locked you up. He deserved it.' Bellamy crossed his arms.

'I didn't ask you to do that.' Octavia gaped, horror colouring her tone.

'You're right.' Bellamy agreed. 'I made the choice. This is on me. Whatever they sent down, I'll take care of it.'

'I didn't ask for any of this.'

Octavia turned to leave dragging Brinley away from Bellamy who began walking in the direction he was originally headed in.

'O, wait.' Brinley stopped. 'I'm gonna go with him.'

'Why?' Octavia asked in confusion.

'I'll keep an eye on him, I'll let you know what happens.'

Realisation crossed Octavia's face. 'Murphy.'

Brinley cringed. 'If there's a chance I can see him-'

Octavia nodded. 'Go.'

'Will you be okay?'

Octavia scoffed. 'Of course. Be safe okay?'

Brinley nodded. 'I'll come find you later!'

'You better!' Octavia called as she walked away.

Brinley hurried to catch up to Bellamy who frowned at her. 'What do you think you're doing?'

'Coming with you.' Brinley answered simply.

'No. Go back to my sister.'

'She's already gone. If I follow her, I'll just get lost.'

Bellamy groaned. 'Don't get in my way.'

'Wasn't planning on it.' She shrugged.

The two walked in silence for a while, Bellamy trying his hardest to bite his tongue, eventually curiosity won out over false politeness.

'How are you?'

'What?' Brinley narrowed her eyes at him.

'After last night...' He trailed off.

'I wish people would just stop asking me that. I'm fine. No thanks to you.' She muttered. 

'You didn't seem fine last night.'

'I was processing, alright? You were literally carrying me away from the only person who gives a damn about me.' Brinley snapped in annoyance. 

'That's not what I'm talking about.'

Brinley paled. 'Then I don't know what you're talking about.'

'If you say so.' He shrugged.

'Lets talk about you, hmm? How are-' Brinley squealed as she tripped over something and Bellamy turned around.

'Oh my god, get it away from me.' Brinley gasped as she looked at the decaying body.

'Looks like you found Pascal.' Bellamy pulled Brinley up as she backed away, her ankle screaming in pain.

'You aren't going to throw up are you?'

'I don't know.' Brinley was pale.

'C'mon, let's keep going.'

Brinley nodded, trying to follow Bellamy but she was considerably slower, wincing every time she put weight on her ankle.

'Why are you- what did you do?' Bellamy caught a brief flash of pain across her face.

'I think I sprained my ankle.' She admitted.

'Well how bad is it?'

Brinley put her full weight onto it and her knees buckled as she caught hold of a tree just in time. 'Moderate.' She squeaked.

'Can you walk?'

'Obviously, I'm just slower is all. If I keep using it, it should get easier.'

'We don't have time for this.' Bellamy came to her side.

'What are you -?'

'I'm helping you. We aren't far away and the sooner we get there, the better.'

Bellamy wrapped his arm around her waist. 'You have to help you know.'

Brinley's shoulders tensed before she sighed and wrapped and arm around Bellamy's shoulders.

She hated to admit it, but Bellamy was right, they moved faster and her ankle hurt less as they walked together. It wasn't long until they broke through the line of trees and the pod became visible.

'Stay here. I'll be back.' Brinley nodded as she lowered herself onto a log as Bellamy disappeared. Brinley had been keeping an eye out for Murphy but so far, she hadn't seen any sign of him.

It wasn't long until he returned from the pod, looking very relieved as he did so.

'You satisfied now? Found whatever it is you were looking for?'

'Yeah. I also found these.' Bellamy held up a wad of what looked like bandages.

'Medical supplies?' Brinley gasped.

'Just these, I don't think they were supposed to be there.' Bellamy answered as he sat beside her. 'Give me your ankle.'


'So I can strap it, obviously.'

'You shouldn't waste-'

'I'm not. Stop complaining.'

Brinley gave in, twisting her body towards him.

Brinley watched him strap her ankle expertly, tugging it as tight as he could before he looked up at her.


'Where did you learn to do that?'

Bellamy stared at her. 'Cadet, remember?'

'Oh, yeah, sorry.'

'Ready to go?'


Brinley stood up, testing her ankle. 'You good?'

'Yeah, thanks.'

The two began walking, but almost instantly Bellamy began asking questions.

'My sister forgave you then.'

'Guess so.' Brinley's tone hardened.

'Did you give her an explanation?'

'She didn't ask for one.'

'You still owe me one.'

Brinley scoffed. 'Excuse me?'

'That night, in the cave remember. I told you that if you told me why, I'd tell you what I did to get down here, and now you know. So tell me.'

'I'm not telling you anything.'

'I will figure it out.' Bellamy warned her.

'Considering the only people that know the truth are either dead, or banished from camp as of last night, I wouldn't bet on it.' She smiled at him sarcastically.

'Why are you so scared of people knowing what you did?'

'Because everyone will look at me differently.' Brinley choked out, avoiding his gaze.

'So? Since when have you cared about what other people think?'

Brinley didn't answer.


The two turned to the voice coming from behind them, and Bellamy rolled his eyes.

'Where is it?' Clarke demanded.

'Hey, princess, you taking a walk in the woods?'

Clarke scoffed. 'They're getting ready to kill three hundred people up there to save oxygen, and I can guarantee you it won't be council members. It'll be working people. Your people.'

'Bellamy.' Finn shoved Bellamy. 'Where's the radio.'

Brinley frowned.

'I have no idea what you're talking about.' Bellamy denied as he shoved Finn back.

'Bellamy Blake? They're looking everywhere for you.'

It was then Brinley noticed the pretty brunette girl who had joined them. Brinley frowned, not remembering seeing her face before.

'Shut up.' Bellamy spat at her sharply.

Clarke watched the exchange. 'Looking for him, why?'

'He shot Chancellor Jaha.'

'That's why you took the wristbands. Needed everyone to think we're dead.' Clarke muttered in realisation.

'All that 'whatever the hell we want?' You just care about saving your own skin.' Finn added

Bellamy shook his head, grabbing Brinley's wrist as he began walking them away.

'Why aren't you surprised by that Brinley?' Clarke asked.

Brinley stopped and turned to her. 'Because I already knew.' She rolled her eyes.

'What? Since when?'

'Does it matter, it's nobody's business but his.' Brinley pointed at Bellamy who glanced at her their gazes meeting before Brinley looked back to Clarke.

'C'mon.' Bellamy motioned for her to follow him.

'Hey shooter! Where's my radio?' Raven got up in Bellamy's face.

'Get out of my way.' He sounded bored.

'Where is it?' Raven snapped back at him.

'I should've killed you when I had the chance.' Bellamy muttered angrily. She was in the pod. Brinley realised Along with a radio.

'Really? Well, I'm right here.' Raven got closer to Bellamy and Brinley felt annoyance fill her as she watched the two.

Bellamy grabbed Raven, pushing her into a nearby tree. Raven pulled a knife on Bellamy and Brinley couldn't help but be slightly impressed. 'Where's my radio?' She asked again.

'Okay, stop it.' Clarke cut in as Bellamy released his hold on Raven.

'Jaha deserved to die. You all know that.'

'Yeah, he's not my favourite person either, but he isn't dead.' Raven shook her head in amusement.

'What?' Bellamy asked in shock.

'You're a lousy shot.' Raven laughed without humour.

Clarke approached Bellamy. 'Bellamy, don't you see what this means? You're not a murderer. You always did what you had to do to protect your sister. That's who you are. And you can do it again by protecting three hundred of your people. Where's the radio?'

Bellamy looked at Brinley and Clarke followed his gaze. 'It's too late.'


Finn and Bellamy made their way back to camp to find more people who were willing to help them search for the radio Bellamy had stolen from Raven's pod. Brinley chose to remain with Clarke and Raven, even after Bellamy ordered her back to camp.

'So you're Brinley Kane.' Raven sat beside her on the log her and Bellamy had been occupying before.

'That's me.'

'Your dad and Abby are going crazy up there. They think the two of you are dead. Well, Kane does at least.'

Brinley frowned. 'Why do they care? They sent us down here knowing we might die from radiation at any moment.'

Raven laughed. 'You didn't see Abby when Clarke's wristband went out. Abby told me your dad didn't want to believe it. He's lost all hope but Abby... she loves both of you.'

Brinley shook her head, choosing not to reply.

'So, what's between you and shooter?' Raven asked curiously.

Brinley frowned. 'What? Bellamy?'

'Yeah. You got a thing for him?'

Brinley laughed. 'No, no way.'

'Are you sure, cause that's kinda what it looks like.' Raven admitted.

'No, ask Clarke. Bellamy and I don't get along. I hate him, actually.'

Clarke heard her words and turned to Brinley. 'You two seem to be getting along fine now, even after yesterday. You were out here alone with him.'

Brinley swore. 'No, Raven, it's not like that. I'm friends with Bellamy's sister. He doesn't like me and I don't like him. We have a mutual dislike.'

Raven shrugged. 'Whatever you say. He's kinda hot though, too bad he's an asshole and I'm taken.'

'You're dating someone?'

Raven frowned at her. 'Yeah, I'm dating Finn, have been for awhile.'

Brinley's eyes widened. 'Oh, right.'

The awkward atmosphere was broke by Finn and Bellamy's return with a small group of delinquents to help search the water for the radio Bellamy had carelessly tossed away. Brinley narrowed her eyes at Finn who sent her a strange look, watching as she stood up.

Bellamy came to stand beside her. 'You should be resting.' He didn't look at her as he spoke.

'No, I should be helping them find that radio.'

'Why? I thought you didn't care?' Bellamy looked at her.

Brinley avoided eye contact. 'I don't.'

'I think you do.' Bellamy offered his opinion.

'Look, Monty and Jasper have family up there. I need that radio to be found for their sakes.' Brinley started to walk away but Bellamy stopped her.

'You don't think we'll find it.'

'I don't know what I think.'

Brinley sighed and Bellamy ran a hand through his messy hair.

'I can't be the only one seeing this.'

Raven looked up at the odd words, looking up at whom she recognized to be Nathan Miller who was frowning.

'Seeing what?' Both Raven and Finn looked at him strangely.

'Bellamy and Brinley.'

The three glanced at the two standing apart from everyone else, watching as Brinley began to walk away before Bellamy reached out and tugged her back gently.

'I asked her about it, she told me they don't like each other.' Raven shrugged.

'Usually she'd be yelling at him or trying to hit him or something.' Miller shook his head in disbelief.

'After yesterday, I'm surprised she's not.' Finn muttered.

'Yesterday?' Raven asked in confusion.

'A twelve year old girl killed Wells Jaha, and Bellamy hung Murphy for it before realising he was innocent, Murphy went after her and Charlotte ended up jumping off a cliff and then Bellamy and Clarke banished Murphy, who was – is, Brinley's best friend.' Finn summed up briefly, before realising Miller was listening. 'Keep all that to yourself.' Miller nodded.

'And here I thought Earth would be boring.' Raven uttered sarcastically.

'Hey I found it!'

Everyone made their way to Jones, clearing a path for Raven who took it from him quickly.

'Can you fix it?' Clarke asked

'Maybe, but it'll take half a day just to dry out the components to see what's broken.' Raven shook the waterlogged device.

'Like I said, it's too late.' Bellamy crossed his arms.

'Do you have any idea what you did! Do you even care?' Clarke asked incredulously.

'You asked me to help, I helped.' Bellamy snapped back.

'Three hundred people are going to die today because of you!' Clarke exclaimed angrily.

'Hold up, we don't have to talk to the Ark. We just have to let them know they're down here, right?' Raven looked at the group.

'Yeah, but how do we do that with no radio?' Finn was frowning.

Raven smiled as she began ordering people around, leaving both Brinley and Bellamy to their own devices.

'You're scared, aren't you?' Brinley said quietly.

'They're going to kill me for what I did.' Bellamy's voice was rough.

'Maybe they won't. He didn't die.'

'No, he lived which is worse, because he'll be the one handing down my punishment not someone else.' Bellamy's voice was hard.

Brinley reached up, hesitantly squeezing his arm reassuringly, ignoring the heat that fanned across her cheeks 'You'll be fine, Bellamy.'

Bellamy swallowed the lump that had formed inhis throat. 'I hope you're right.'     

Brinley looked at him from the corner of her eyes. 'I still hate you.' She reminded him.

At this, Bellamy shook his head, a smirk forming on his face. 'Wouldn't have it any other way, sweetheart.' 

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