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The first thing Brinley caught sight of as she walked back into their camp was Murphy and Wells fighting while the others watched. Wells had a knife against Murphy's throat and Murphy looked murderous.

'Wells! Let him go.' Clarke called, surprise and anger evident in her tone.

'Murphy.' Brinley was agitated but not all that surprised.

Wells let Murphy go only to have Murphy rush at him again; Bellamy intercepted Murphy's attack stopping him in place as Brinley shoved his shoulders from beside Bellamy.

'Hey Doll Face, was just having a conversation with your old friend Wells.'

'Knock it off, Murphy.'

'Octavia! Are you alright?' Brinley cast one more glance at an amused Murphy as she followed Bellamy with her eyes as he walked towards Octavia.

'Yeah.' Octavia nodded.

'Where's all the food?' Bellamy questioned.

'We didn't make it to Mount Weather.' Clarke replied.

'What the hell happened out there?' Bellamy asked angrily, concern for his sister washing over him.

Brinley had had enough of hearing what she already knew; she walked away from the crowd, only stopping to punch Murphy's shoulder as she passed him. 'Idiot.'


Octavia groaned as Bellamy wiped at the blood on her thigh.

'What the hell was it?' He asked, concern lacing his voice, as he looked at his little sister.

Brinley stood behind him, face scrunched up in pain as her own wound throbbed beneath her jacket.

'I don't know. The others said it looked like a giant snake.'

'You could have been killed.' He warned her.

'I'm fine, Bell. Brinley got it worse than me.'

Brinley almost groaned aloud as Octavia's words reminded Bellamy that she was there. He whirled around to face her. In the day they'd been gone, Brinley noticed that his hair was no longer pushed back and instead fell over his head in dark curls. It suited him more, she decided idly.

'You. You told me you'd look after her, I warned you I'd hold you to your words sweetheart.' Bellamy growled as he ignored Octavia's protests, stepping towards the shorter girl angrily.

Ignoring the pain rolling over her in waves, she met his challenge head on, staring him directly in the face as she spoke.

'I did look out for her, who do you think shoved her up out of the water? Who do you think grabbed her away from whatever the hell that thing was? Who do you think distracted the thing long enough for Jasper to be able to jump in and pull her out the rest of the way, asshole?' She spat angrily.

'If it weren't for Brinley and Jasper, Octavia would be dead.' Clarke confirmed appearing seemingly out of nowhere.

'You guys leaving? I'm coming too.' Octavia tried to stand.

'No, no. No way, not again.' Bellamy made her sit back down, shaking his head.

'He's right your leg will just slow us down.' Clarke spoke and Octavia huffed.

'You aren't going either then.' Octavia pointed at Brinley who raised an eyebrow.

'Whose gonna stop me? You?' She smirked as Octavia pouted.

Clarke nodded. 'I assumed you'd be coming. I'm here for you.' She nodded at Bellamy who looked surprised.

'Clarke, what are you doing?' Brinley asked, shooting an annoyed glance at Bellamy beside her.

Clarke ignored her. 'I hear you have a gun.'

Brinley's expression broke into one of surprise. Bellamy Blake was smarter than she was giving him credit for. He flashed his gun at Clarke who nodded.

'Good. Follow me.'

'Why would I do that?' Bellamy questioned.

Clarke stepped closer to him. 'Because you want them to follow you, and right now they're thinking only one of us is scared.'

Bellamy sighed at the clear challenge in her voice.

'Murphy, come with me. Atom, my sister does not leave this camp. Is that clear?'

'I don't need a babysitter.' Octavia complained.

Bellamy ignored her. 'Anybody touches her they answer to me.' Atom nodded.

Bellamy looked at Murphy, ignoring the brunette on his other side. 'Let's go.'

Bellamy and Murphy began walking away. Brinley turned to Octavia who was glaring at Atom.

'Hey, O?'

Octavia turned towards her, noting the use of Bellamy's nickname for her. She raised an eyebrow.

'Give 'em hell. '

Octavia grinned wickedly at her.

A hand yanked her roughly back and she shook it off. Ignoring the look Bellamy was shooting her as she darted around him, choosing to walk inbetween him and Murphy.

'Look at you, causing trouble for yourself already.' Murphy smirked, noting the tension between Bellamy and Brinley.

'Look at you, getting in fights you know you can't win.' She sassed. Murphy elbowed her side and she hissed at the pain it caused.

'How bad is it?' Murphy questioned, pointing at her injury.

Brinley shrugged. 'I'll live.'

'Since when are we in the rescuing business?' Murphy questioned Bellamy who had been silent up until now.

'The ark thinks the prince is dead. Once they think the princess is too, they'll never come down. I'm getting that wristband even if I have to cut her hand off to do it.' Bellamy's face showed determination.

'I'm going to regret letting you see me take that wristband off, aren't I?' Brinley muttered to him.

'I suppose I should thank you, you saved me the trouble of working it out myself.'

Brinley scoffed. 'You'll never get it off of her.'

Bellamy glanced at her briefly. 'Watch me.'


'... It doesn't mean we have time to waste.' Clarke said angrily as Bellamy questioned her.

'As soon as you take this wristband off, we can go.' Bellamy grabbed Clarke's wrist. Brinley rolled her eyes at his weak attempt to persuade her.

'The only way the Ark is going to think I'm dead, is if I'm dead, got it?' She pulled her wrist away from him.

'Brave, Princess.' Bellamy's words held an unspoken warning. Watch yourself.

'Hey, why don't you find your own nickname?' Finn to the rescue, Brinley thought sarcastically.

'You call this a rescue party? We should split up - cover more ground. Clarke, come with me.' Clarke nodded at Finn.

Murphy and Brinley trailed off to the side of Bellamy and Wells, Brinley listened intently as they spoke.

'Guess we got a lot more in common than meets the eye, huh?' Bellamy commented offhandedly.

'We have nothing in common.' Wells denied.

'No? We both came down here to protect someone we love. You're secrets safe with me. Of course for you it's worse. With Finn around, Clarke doesn't even see you. It's like you're not even here.' Bellamy shrugged.

Brinley had had enough. Wells had loved Clarke for as long as she could remember and she could tell that Bellamy's comments were making him uncomfortable. She made her way in between the two males, leaving Murphy alone.

'Of course, there are also many differences between the two of you. Wells is selfless for one, whereas you...' She looked at Bellamy. 'You're the most selfish person I've ever met. We're switching partners Wells, go keep an eye on Murphy, okay.'

Wells shot her a grateful look, even though he had to deal with Murphy, Atleast he wouldn't be dealing with Bellamy and his observations.

'Selfish? How the hell am I selfish? Everything I've done I've done to protect Octavia!' Bellamy was seething with rage as Wells disappeared.

'There it is. You keep using the same tired excuse for every little thing you do. What the hell did you do to get down here, Bellamy?'

'I don't know that I like your tone.' Bellamy hissed through clenched teeth.

'I don't know that I like yours.' She shot back. 'Why are you trying so hard to stop the rest of the Ark coming to the ground?'

'It's none of your business, sweetheart.' He hissed.

'No, but it sure as hell is Octavia's considering you keep using her as an excuse!'

'How do you know that she doesn't already know? That I haven't already told her?' He fired back at her angrily.

'Have you?' She countered, false curiosity in her voice as she tilted her head mockingly.

His silence was all the answer she needed.

She scoffed. 'You're spineless. It's easy to run from your problems pretty boy, but facing them is what takes real courage, something you're clearly lacking.'

Bellamy's hand twitched towards the band of his trousers, almost itching for his gun.

Brinley laughed. 'Go ahead, try and shoot me. I'll guarantee you'll come off second best.' Her words were low.

'How do we know this is the right way?' Murphy's voice drifted towards the pair, as he and Wells got closer.

'We don't. Spacewalker thinks he's a tracker.' Bellamy put as much distance between himself and Brinley as he could.

'It's called cutting sign. Fourth year earth skills. He's good.' Wells defended Finn.

'You want to keep it down or should I paint a target on your backs?' Finn questioned sarcastically as they got closer.

'See, You're invisible.' Bellamy spoke to Wells. Whose face hardened.

The group heard a pained moan from somewhere near them.

'What the hell was that?' Murphy asked warily.

'Now would be a good time to take out that gun.' Clarke spoke to Bellamy.

As they made their way into a clearing they soon found the source of the moans. Jasper was strung up to a tree, in obvious pain, a poultice on the entrance wound from the spear.

'Jasper? Oh my god.'

Clarke instantly began to make her way to Jasper, Wells and Finn calling out warnings to her.

'What the hell is this...' Bellamy muttered.

As Clarke and Bellamy got closer to the injured boy, the ground disappeared from beneath Clarke. A strangled scream left Brinley as Bellamy caught Clarke's wrist.

Brinley could see the indecision on his face, wondering if he should drop her or not, his eyes glancing at the wristband. Without a second thought, Brinley threw her own body onto the ground beside Bellamy, gripping Clarke's other wrist tightly.

'Pull her up! Quick, Help!' She called to the others. Wells grabbed Bellamy's waist, helping him pull Clarke up while Murphy held tightly onto Brinley's. Finn grabbed Clarke under her arms as he helped Brinley pull the blonde up.

'You okay?' Finn questioned.

'Yeah. We need to get him down.' Clarke nodded at Jasper breathlessly.

Finn ordered Murphy to help him get Jasper down, leaving Wells to look after Clarke.

'Medicine? Why would they save his life just to string him up as live bait?' Wells questioned Clarke.

'Maybe what they're trying to catch likes it's dinner breathing.' Bellamy suggested.

'Or maybe what they're trying to catch is us.' Brinley muttered darkly.

'Hurry up Murphy.'

'Be careful!' Clarke called.

All of them froze as they heard a loud growling.

'What the hell was that?' Murphy questioned, fear in his voice even though he was safer in the tree than those on the ground.

'Grounders?' Bellamy questioned though it didn't seem likely.

A black streak made its way toward them through the long grass.

'Bellamy, gun!' Clarke called. Bellamy reached for his gun only to find it not there.

'Bellamy!' Clarke called in panic.

Gun shots rang out as Wells shot the animal dead.

'Now she see's you.' Bellamy nodded at Wells who promptly looked away, avoiding Clarke's curious and confused stare.

Before any of them could move, another, angrier growl was heard and Wells pulled the trigger on the gun, aiming at the second animal coming towards them.

'Wells!' Clarke yelled.

'It's jammed!' Wells panicked hitting the gun repeatedly.

'It's coming straight for you!' Finn yelled from the safety of the tree.

Before the others knew what had happened, two gunshots rang out across the now silent field. Brinley lowered her gun with a steady hand.

She looked at the shocked faces staring at her. She frowned at them as she tucked her gun back into her shirt. She smiled innocently at their shocked faces.


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