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I hope you guys all had a fantastic Easter! (If you celebrate it!)
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'He's not even given a gun anymore.'

Brinley turned to Miller who was looking where they'd last seen Jasper with narrowed eyes.

'I didn't realise how much of an impact Maya's death would have on him, I-'

'Why would you?'

The snarky reply came from Bellamy who had a hard expression on his face as he stared at Brinley, preparing for her usual sarcastic reply, ignoring Gina's wide-eyed expression all the while.

But to Bellamy's surprise, Brinley's retort never came.

Instead it was Miller's words that caught Bellamy off guard.

'Octavia never told you about Jasper then?' Miller ignored Brinley's warning look as he spoke to her.

'Octavia? Why would my sister tell you anything?' Bellamy had tensed, the hand that had rested on Gina's waist dropping to his side again.

'Because Octavia's known where Brinley has been this entire time.' Miller sounded like a sulky child as he spoke, ignoring Brinley's narrowed eyes. It was clear that Brinley's lack of contact had hurt Miller more than he'd initially let on.

'Of course she has.' Raven rolled her eyes. 'That's why she was going outside the gates so much, even without Lincoln.'

'You need to stay away from Octavia.' Bellamy was in defensive mode, moving so he was closer to Brinley, and though his form towered over her, somehow, he felt significantly smaller as she turned her dark eyes on him.

'Haven't we had this discussion before?'

Miller and Raven exchanged a wary look, able to see the ticking time bomb waiting to explode between the former couple. Gina had a frown etched onto her face as she watched her boyfriend confront his former lover, with much more passion in his voice that she'd ever heard in the entire time she'd known him on the ground.

'I mean it this time.' Bellamy growled out.

'Oh give me a break Bellamy! We both know Octavia does what she wants regardless of what either of us say. You have no reason –'

'No reason to what?' Bellamy's voice became dangerously low. 'No reason to want you to stay away from her? I'd have thought the answer is obvious.'

Brinley forced herself to meet Bellamy's gaze, suddenly aware of how much closer he was to her. If she stretched out her arm she could almost-

'-You could end up killing her in a moment of selfishness. Octavia thinks she can rely on you, but she can't. None of us can. You've already left us once, what's stopping you from doing it again?'


Brinley ignored the hurt that Bellamy's words caused, and though she knew his words were true, there was no way she would let Bellamy Blake get to her. Not again. Not with Raven, Miller and Gina waiting anxiously to see how the argument unfolded.

Bellamy hated the bitter taste the words left in his mouth, but he hated the unchanging expression on Brinley's face more. His words hadn't touched her, and her expression hadn't changed even slightly. She was entirely emotionless towards him.

He hated it.

He hated her.

Or atleast, he wanted to.

'Here's a piece of advice Bellamy; human beings are the most unreliable, selfish creatures on the planet. You have to learn to expect the lowest of people, even the people you think you can trust. I have never claimed to be reliable, or trustworthy or even a remotely decent person, I never claimed to be anything other than myself and shame on you for ever believing otherwise.'

Bellamy swallowed. 'Stay away from me and Octavia.'

Brinley mock saluted Bellamy. 'Yes sir.'

Brinley brushed past Miller as she made her way to the door, stopping briefly to say one last thing to Bellamy. 'Just because I said I'd stay away from Octavia, doesn't mean she'll stay away from me.'

Brinley left the room with a lump in her throat and fingernail marks on the palm of her hands from her tightened fists.

As Bellamy made his way back to Gina, Raven and Miller exchanged a glance.

Here we go again.


Octavia found the whole situation amusing.

Brinley had been right and it hadn't taken long for Octavia to seek her out, and after Brinley had relayed the short argument to her friend, Octavia had scoffed and left Brinley by her old room, saying something about finding Bellamy as she disappeared.

Brinley's looked just as she'd left it, impersonal and neat. It was apparent that no one had inhabited the room in the months she'd been gone, and a fine layer of dust had appeared over everything.

Everything was as she'd left it right down to the clean bandages and the small blue pill container Abby had left her for her recovery. With hesitant hands, Brinley opened the small wardrobe in the far corner of the small room, her hands finding the familiar worn jacket, numbly tugging it from it's place.

The jacket belonged to John Murphy, the small J.M on the tag told her as much, though she'd recognise it anywhere. It had been one of the only things Murphy had left behind after he'd scrambled off into the unknown with Jaha. Brinley clutched it to her tightly, fighting the wave of sadness that hit her.

Brinley missed the smug male much more than she was willing to admit.

'Fucking asshole.'

Brinley stuffed the jacket back into the wardrobe, distracting herself by shaking out the blankets on her mattress and fluffing the pillows. She tugged out the small braids running through her hair, running her fingers through the strands in order to untangle it, changing into a pair of loose fitting black pants and a simple sleeved cotton shirt.

The sky had darkened considerably and the people of Arkadia were settling in for the night. Tomorrow, Abby, Marcus and a handful of guards would set off for the summit in order to ensure peace with the grounders. Brinley, much to her disgust, hadn't been cleared for the journey to the Summit, something she was sure she had her Father to thank for. That left her stuck with Bellamy, who also hadn't been cleared by Abby, Gina, Octavia and Raven. They were heading back into Mount Weather; something Brinley was less than thrilled about.

Octavia had insisted Brinley come, for her own sanity.

Brinley lay awake, staring at the ceiling in the darkened room for longer than she cared to admit, until she began to see unwanted faces in the darkness. After the third time the soldier from Mount Weather leered at her from across the room, Brinley shot up out of her bed, tugging on her usual attire as she left the cold, lonely room.

She wandered around for awhile before hearing an out of tune song drift towards her. She recognised the voice, and decided to make her way towards it, ignoring the wary looks the few guards on patrol gave her as she passed them.

'Don't shoot, shoot, shoot that thing at me,-' The voice continued to sing, growing louder as she got closer.

'You know you've got my sympathy-'

Brinley stopped walking as she entered the garage, hearing the voice cut off at the sound of her footsteps and eventual entrance.

'What do you want?'

Brinley took in Jasper's appearance, hearing the slurred speech and seeing his hazy eyes staring back at her; it was easy to tell that he was drunk. And even though Jasper had clearly communicated his feelings on Brinley's return – he was familiar, and for the most part, safe.

'Mind if I join you?'

'Go ahead.' Jasper gestured with wide arms after a brief moment of consideration. 'You always do whatever you want anyway.'

Brinley ignored the obvious dig at her, settling herself beside Jasper, who after a moment of staring handed her the bottle of amber liquid he was holding.

Brinley didn't hesitate to take it, swallowing down a large mouthful of it and feeling the burn it left behind, grimacing as she handed the bottle back to her damaged friend.

Jasper took a large mouthful before he began babbling again, slurring out his question as he passed the bottle back to her. 'Why are you here?'

'Couldn't sleep.' Brinley drank and handed the bottle to Jasper again.

'Join the club.' Jasper snorted, and then added. 'You're not gonna question me, are you?'

Brinley thought for a second and then replied. 'Not tonight.'

Jasper nodded, and handed her the bottle.


Brinley woke to someone shaking her shoulder.

Reflexively, Brinley's hands searched for the sword she kept by her side at all times, and when she was unable to find it, she panicked for a brief moment until she remembered where she was, blinking the sleepiness from her eyes as she focused on her surroundings.

'What did you do Brin, drink the whole liquor supply?'

Brinley rolled her eyes at Raven, pulling herself to her feet somewhat unsteadily. 'I'm pretty sure that was Jasper.' Brinley's eyes went to her companion, finding him passed out not far from where Brinley herself had been sleeping. 'Boy can drink.'

Brinley could feel the judgmental stares of Raven, Bellamy and Gina on her. But she rolled her shoulders and fluffed her hair up with her fingers, shooting a smile at Octavia who was the only one not staring at her as though she had lost her mind.

''You shouldn't be encouraging him.' Raven added, eyes moving to Jasper's still form.

'You know what they say, if you can't beat 'em, join 'em.' Brinley shrugged, though she already knew that drinking with Jasper hadn't been a brilliant idea on her part, but she needed it. And besides, if Brinley could worm her way back into Jasper's good graces, maybe she could help repair some of the damage she had caused.

She had promised to look after Maya, after all.

'Brinley-' Raven started.

'Raven, go pack the rover.' Bellamy spoke for the first time, arms crossed tightly across his chest.


'Now.' Bellamy's tone left no room for arguments.

'I'll help you.' Gina's voice was quiet as she followed after Raven who'd moved towards the rover the group was taking to Mount Weather.

'I have something for you.' Octavia tugged at Brinley's arm while Bellamy was distracted, handing Brinley a small pot of black face paint. 'Lincoln told me to give it to you, said to consider it a welcome home gift.'

Brinley was touched by the kind gesture, she hadn't been sure how she'd get her hands on more now that her every move was being monitored and scrutinised again, and Lincoln had just solved that problem for her.

'Remind me to thank him.' Brinley smiled at Octavia gently and Octavia smirked back at her, pulling a small mirror out from the pocket of her jacket.

'Figured you might want to use it.' Octavia shrugged. 'Want me to braid your hair?'

Brinley smiled and nodded gratefully at Octavia, immediately setting to work, applying the dark makeup in her signature look while Octavia twisted her hair away from her face.

Bellamy watched the transformation from the corner of his eyes, watching the sleepy doe eyed beauty transform into a fierce, strong looking woman, grounder makeup standing out in contrast against her pale skin.

Brinley screwed the top on the container of makeup, shoving it into her jacket pocket while Octavia took the mirror, discarding it onto one of the tables scattered throughout the garage.

'Everyone in the rover!' Bellamy ordered, and Brinley had barely a moment to sit a water container by Jasper's head before Octavia was tugging her towards the rover.

'You sure you don't want to take the horses?' Octavia questioned Brinley, noting the wary look Brinley cast the vehicle.

'No horses.' Bellamy had evidently been listening in on their conversation, his jaw tense as he looked between Brinley and Octavia, who rolled their eyes at his unwanted input. Octavia had told him in no uncertain terms that just because he and Brinley weren't on good terms, didn't mean that she couldn't still be friends with Brinley. She'd also reminded him that he had no control over either of them or their actions.

As if he didn't already know that much.

Bellamy watched the two girls climb into the back of the rover, his eyes shooting up to meet Gina's when she softly called his name.

'I'm riding up front with Raven, that okay?'

Bellamy nodded, a gentle smile smoothing out his tense face as he leaned in, kissing her cheek quickly, being rewarded with a small flush across Gina's face as she climbed in next to Raven.

Leaving Bellamy in the backseat with Octavia and Brinley.


The drive to Mount Weather was far longer than was comfortable.

Bellamy was seated behind Gina with Brinley opposite him, sitting beside Octavia. The drive made Brinley uneasy, but the trip was far easier than the first one she'd taken on the way back to Arkadia.

'You sure you're ready for this Brin?' Octavia questioned in concern the closer they got to the mountain.

'O, I'll be fine, really.'

Brinley hoped the words were true, the sword pressed into the sheath on her back reassured her that she was prepared if anything were to go wrong. If the grounders thought they were colonising the mountain-

She didn't want to consider the outcome.

Eventually, Raven jerked the Rover to a stop, Octavia immediately pushing open the doors, complaining about wanting to take her horse.

'Hey, the summit delegation will be fine.' Gina's soft voice drifted into Brinley's ears as she stood by Octavia. She wasn't trying to listen in to the conversation, she just happened to be standing within earshot.

'I should be there.' It was evident that Bellamy wasn't happy with being grouped along for such a mundane assignment.

'Then you wouldn't be here with me.' Brinley could hear the smirk in Gina's voice and she forced herself not to roll her eyes at the sappiness of it all.

'You make a good argument.'

Brinley ignored the feeling that shot through her at Bellamy's reply, choosing instead to busy herself with retrieving her pack, Octavia following her closely.

'Hey guys, did I ever tell you guys how I saved Sinclair's ass on the ark?' Raven struck up a conversation.

'Please don't.' Octavia gave her input, causing Raven to smirk as Gina humoured Raven with a reply.

But Brinley wasn't paying attention; instead her gaze was on the doors of Mount Weather, the place where she'd lost friends, where Jasper had become almost unrecognisable, where she'd almost died –

- and where she'd lost a piece of herself somewhere along the way.

The doors alone sent a horrible shiver down Brinley's spine; in truth she'd hoped she would never have to step foot into the place again, and yet somehow that's exactly what she found herself about to do.

Almost as though her body recognised her surroundings, the scar from the bullet wound on her stomach gave a painful twinge, and Brinley unconsciously pressed her hands against the still pink scar through her clothing, remembering Octavia's teary face and the way Bellamy's hands had pressed against her desperately as he'd tried to stop the bleeding –

'You okay?'

Brinley opened her eyes, not realising she'd shut them as she stared at the person who'd spoken, but Bellamy wasn't looking at her, rather looking at the entrance to the mountain as Gina and Raven's laughs echoed behind them.

Brinley dropped her hand from her stomach, looking away from the man beside her. 'I'm fine.'


'Welcome! Come, join us!'

Brinley's eyes took in the dining area, filled with inhabitants of Farm Station. Charles Pike was walking towards their small group, a welcoming smile on his face as he greeted them.

'Must be thirty of them in here.' Octavia commented to Brinley.

'Thirty-six, but the more the merrier.' Pike laughed good-naturedly as Bellamy shook his hand.

'Thirty-six, wow, the grounders are gonna think we've moved in.' Octavia's tone wasn't unkind but it was obvious that she didn't agree with Pike decision to move his people into the mountain that had caused so much trouble for them.

'Well, there was no room at the inn.' Pike remained polite though his eyes went to Bellamy as though waiting for him to step in, which Bellamy did the moment Octavia opened her mouth again.

'And this is your option-'

'O.' Bellamy warned.

'I'm outta here.' Octavia handed her supplies over to Raven, and Brinley handed hers to Gina who gave her a small smile.

Both Brinley and Octavia visibly relaxed as the exited the mountain, feeling the warm sunshine beating down on their skin. The mountain was claustrophobic, and tainted with death and suffering and both girls were glad to be free from it's clutches.

'You think it's stupid right? Them living here, it's not just me?'

'Definitely not just you, O.' Brinley agreed easily, climbing up so she was sitting above the door they'd just exited. It made her feel slightly better, as though she were above the mountain and the people that willingly inhabited it.

Octavia climbed up beside her and the two girls sat in silence for a moment before Octavia broke the quiet that had settled over them. 'I really hate this place.'

'You and me both.'

'It changed everyone. I don't think I ever told you... I thought you were dead, when I found you in that corridor. I thought you were gone.'

'There was a moment there I really thought that was it, that everything was over for me.' Brinley agreed. 'It didn't last long, what with you blubbering and crying all over me.'

Octavia snickered. 'Shut up.' Her expression turned serious again. 'I'm glad you're back, regardless of the circumstances. You sneaking up on me every once in awhile just isn't the same.'

'Atleast I kept you on your toes.'

The two girls smirked at each other, their conversation stopping as the door beneath them opened and Bellamy appeared. It was as if he felt their eyes on him as he looked over his shoulder, finding them sitting above him, faces wiped of emotion.

'You okay?'

The words were meant for Octavia, who nodded. As Bellamy started climbing up to them, Brinley stood up. 'I'll be over by the Rover, yeah?'

Octavia looked like she wanted to protest, but upon seeing the tension in Brinley's body she nodded in acceptance.

Brinley passed Bellamy, feeling the tension between them as she breezed past him, scaling down the ladder and making her way to the rover, climbing up onto the roof of it, feeling the gentle breeze fan across her face.

'This is such a mistake, the grounders will never accept it.' Octavia spoke to Bellamy, who shook his head lightly.

'We're not the mountain men, O. Nyko and Lincoln will make them see that.'

'How?' Octavia challenged. 'Lincoln has a kill order on him, he can't even leave camp without risking his life, and even Brinley has a target on her head.'

As if Bellamy needed reminding. 'The summit will take care of that.'

'Then we can finally get out of here.'

Bellamy looked to Octavia, who seemed to realise what she had said. 'I'm sorry, Bell. But I don't fit in here.'

'If you need to leave... I get that. But you'll always fit in with me.'

Octavia squeezed Bellamy's hand gratefully, thankful that for once, Bellamy understood. Bellamy smiled at the contact, his smile dimming slightly as his gaze travelled to Brinley, perched on top of the rover, sitting very still.

'You should talk to her.' Octavia leaned back slightly as she watched her brother watch Brinley.

'O, don't.'

'What? You miss her, don't you?'

'I don't... I have Gina, you like her don't you?'

Octavia rolled her eyes. 'Of course I like her, she's nice. But Bellamy, you and I both know you don't need a nice girl.'

Bellamy's eyes drifted back to Brinley, his body tensing when he realised she was on the ground again, hand on her sword as she stalked towards the tree's surrounding them.

Not a moment later, the tree's moved and two farm station guards appeared, holding someone tightly between them.

'What now?' Both Octavia and Bellamy hurried to their feet, rushing towards the new additions.

Brinley recognised the girl as a former prisoner of mount weather, the name Echo came to mind, which was confirmed, as Bellamy demanded the two members of farm station let her go.

'She threatened the summit.' One of the guards commented.

'I was trying to help!' Echo corrected loudly.

'Shut up!' The farm station man kicked Echo, forcing her to collapse onto the soft grass beneath them.

'Leave her alone!' Octavia tried.

'I said get your hands off her.' Bellamy spoke again.

Brinley moved, slicing the binds from Echo's hands, though she still eyed the girl warily.

'What are you doing, she's a grounder!' The man protested, but one glare from Brinley shut him up entirely.

Echo stood up, moving towards Bellamy immediately.

'What are you talking about?' Bellamy questioned.

'The summit's a trap, the assassins already there. At sundown, your people will die.'

Echo's alarming admission sent the people of the Ark into battle mode, everywhere Brinley looked people were assembling guns and sorting through ammunition. The glares of disgust towards Echo never ceased and the current inhabitants of the mountain stayed as far away from the Ice Nation girl as practical.

'I was with the Queen's army, heading toward Polis. The war chief talks too loud.'

Brinley pursed her lips at the answer Echo gave them when asked how she knew the information she'd relayed to them. The answer was believable, but something about Echo's calm exterior set Brinley on edge.

'You're one of them, so why are you telling us this?' Pike had no trust in the grounders and it was obvious in the nasty tone he used when speaking to echo.

'We abandoned Skaikru in the battle for the mountain. It was wrong.'

'And won't they miss you?' Pike's eyes narrowed even further.

'Maybe, that's why we need to hurry.'

'Pike,' Bellamy interrupted whatever Pike had been going to say. 'She saved my life, we can trust her.'

Bellamy started giving one of his infamous speeches when Sinclair, Gina and Raven appeared. Brinley stepped towards Octavia, isolating herself from the new arrivals and Pike who had dragged Echo off presumably towards the rover.

'Do you trust her?' Octavia asked without looking at her.

Brinley sighed. 'No, I don't.'


The journey to the outskirts of Polis was disorienting to say the least.
Bellamy drove at a considerably faster speed than Raven and Monty, and more than once, Brinley felt nauseous. The only thing stopping her from losing what little she had in her stomach was focusing on the important task at hand.

It wasn't hard to focus on considering the burning gaze she could feel coming from Echo.

Eventually the rover stopped and Brinley was the first out of the vehicle. Brinley had refused the gun Pike had tried to hand her, something that didn't go unnoticed by Bellamy and Octavia, opting instead for the sword strapped to her side.

'Where are the guards? Protocol would be to leave someone behind.'

'They did!' Octavia unsheathed her sword in one fluid movement as Brinley came upon the two guards, throats sliced clean open.

'This was your people!' Pike rounded on Echo.

'Screw you.'

'Hey, she warned us. This is proof she was telling the truth.' Octavia defended Echo, much to Brinley's surprise.

'We don't have time for this the attack is at sundown.' Bellamy interrupted.

Octavia stared at the sign prohibiting weapons. 'I'm not leaving my blade here.'

'None of us are.' Echo agreed, and Brinley felt alarm bells go off in her head, though she stayed silent. Any person who entered the city was required to follow by the rules, and Echo not respecting the laws of her own people worried Brinley. 'We go in through the tunnels, the entrance is this way.'


'How much further?' Bellamy questioned as the group made their way through what felt like an endless amount of tunnels.

'We're almost there.' Echo replied, eyes darting warily around the darkened path. 'The elevator shaft is just ahead.'

The group pressed themselves into the concrete walls as they heard the unmistakable sounds of footsteps. Bellamy was the one to peer around the corner, reporting back to the rest of them.

'Two guards.'

'They raise the lift. The elevator shaft is our only way in. We have to climb.'

'I got left.' Pike moved before any of them could stop him, and both Bellamy and Brinley hurried after him. Pike struck first, delivering a killing blow.

It was Bellamy's movement that surprised Brinley. He didn't even hesitate as he ended the life of the guard, shoving the body off of him roughly.

'What is wrong with you? You didn't have to kill them!' Octavia protested in disgust. Above them, Abby and Kane were trying to make peace with the grounders while Bellamy and Pike had just slayed two of them where they stood.

Bellamy looked to Pike. 'Yes I did.'

'How many floors? Bellamy asked Echo, who was watching the interaction with careful eyes.

'All of them.'

The climb was long and the group was tired by the time they finally reached the topmost floor. Bellamy and Pike rushed ahead, Octavia following closely but Brinley stopped just outside the doors they had burst through, causing a commotion inside.

Brinley whirled around, eyes scanning for Echo, who had followed her up the elevator shaft.

Echo was gone.

A horrible feeling settled in Brinley's stomach as she moved into the room her friends had just entered.

'How did you come by this information?' Lexa's voice was strong and it was obvious that she was angry.

'Where the hell is Echo?' Octavia mumbled to her brother who looked around wildly.

'What's going on, where the hell is she?'

'Bellamy, maybe we were wrong about this.'

Brinley entered the room with her sword drawn, the people nearest to her backing away with hatred filled expressions on their faces.

'Echo's gone. She was lying to us the entire time.' Brinley was seething with rage. They'd given the girl a chance and she'd thrown it back in their faces.

The next time Brinley set eyes on Echo, there would be hell to pay.

'I don't understand.' Bellamy's eyes were wide, as if he couldn't comprehend the betrayal.

'Stand down.' Brinley watched her father walk towards Bellamy, who immediately handed over his gun without argument.

'Bellamy, Bellamy come in. The grounders attacked Mount Weather.'

Raven's voice crackled through the radio, and Brinley felt her heart sink at the obvious distress in her friends voice.

'What are you talking about?' Bellamy looked at Lexa and Clarke as he spoke in to the walkie.

'It's gone. It's gone, they're all gone. Sinclair and I are the only ones left. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry.'

Ravens cried echoed throughout the room and Brinley watched as one of the Ice Nation men stepped towards Marcus and Bellamy. Brinley moved forward, seeing the sick satisfaction on the man's face.

'You should have never moved your people back into Mount Weather. The Ice Nation did, what Lexa was too weak to do.'

Brinley struck out at the man, slicing a deep gash along his chest. The attack sent him stumbling, two of Lexa's warriors capturing the man in their iron grips as he reeled backwards.

'This is an act of war. Sentries arrest the Ice Nation delegation, including the Prince!' Lexa's command was loud and clear. Brinley watched the man who had captured Clarke, who Brinley had just realised was in the room, be led away.

The Ice Nation Prince. Brinley filed that away for future reference.

'We need to get home. If they attacked Mount Weather, Arkadia could be next.' Abby spoke to Marcus but those remaining in the room heard her as though she were shouting.

'I agree.'

'Go. Marshal your forces.' Lexa agreed. 'We'll avenge the attack together.'

'I'll escort them.' Indra offered, nodding at Marcus in respect as she made her way to Octavia. 'I hope you kept up your training. You'll need it.'

'Clarke, we need to leave. Now.' Bellamy's voice was rough as he stared at Clarke.

'We need an ambassador from the thirteenth clan to stay here in Polis.' Lexa stated, not leaving Clarke much of a choice.

'It's not safe here.'

'Clarke will be safe here under my protection.' Lexa assured Bellamy, who looked as though he didn't believe a word coming out of Lexa's mouth.

'I have to stay.' Clarke spoke directly to her mother.


'I have to make sure she keeps her word.' The words were whispered but Brinley caught them.

Clarke looked from Abby to Brinley, her expression softening at the sight of her oldest friend. Brinley embraced Clarke firmly, the blonde squeezing back just as tightly.

'Be safe.' Marcus spoke to Clarke as she released Brinley.

'You too.'

Bellamy took the chance to speak to Clarke, ending up beside Brinley. 'She left us to die in that mountain. She will always put her people first. You should come home to yours.'

Brinley caught Lexa's eyes, the commander nodding at her slightly as though in approval. Brinley nodded sharply back, turning her attention back to Clarke.

Clarke squared her shoulders as she looked at Bellamy, whose eyes pleaded for her to come home with them. 'I'm sorry.'

Bellamy dropped his gaze and immediately turned and walked away.

Brinley grasped Clarke's hand tightly. 'Be safe. I hope you know what you're doing.'

Clarke nodded slightly at the words before Brinley turned and hurried in the direction Bellamy had gone, overcome with the feeling that somehow, everything was about to change.


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