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'Calling Ark Station. Ark station. Please come in. I'm on the ground with the hundred. We need you.'

Brinley faintly heard Ravens voice as she made her way to the drop ship.

'No luck?' Brinley asked as the other girl glanced at her.


'You'll get there.' Brinley squeezed her shoulder gently as she made her way to Clarke.

'You needed me?' Brinley heard Raven start trying the radio again.

'Yeah, if Raven can't-

'This is a restricted station. Who is this? Please identify yourself.'

The blonde and the brunette glanced up at the voice crackling through the radio.

'This is Raven Reyes. I- I'm from Mecha Station. I'm transmitting from the ground. The hundred are alive. Please, you need to get Doctor Abby Griffin. Doctor Abby Griffin. Now.'

'Hang on Raven, we're trying to boost your signal.'

'Raven? Are you there?'

Clarke's expression filled with vulnerability as she stepped towards the radio. 'Mum? Mum, it's me.'

'...Clarke?' Abby's voice was filled with hope.

'Mum, I need your help. One of our people was stabbed by a grounder.'

'Clarke, this is the Chancellor. Are you saying there are survivors on the ground?'

'Yes, the earth is survivable. We're not alone. Mum, he's dying. The knife is still in his chest.'

'Clarke, is my son with you?'

Brinley glanced at Clarke whose eyes filled with pain.

'I'm so sorry. Wells – Wells is dead.' Clarke's voice shook.

'Clarke, what about my daughter?' Clarke glanced at Brinley whose hands had balled into tight fists as she looked away.

'Brinley's fine, she's right next to me, Councillor Kane.'

Brinley heard him sigh in relief. 'Brinley-'

'No.' She cut him off. 'I'm not doing this right now. Finn's dying, he's our priority.' Brinley's voice was hard as she turned to Clarke. 'You've got your mum now, call me if you need me to hold him down or something.' Clarke nodded at her as she walked away.

'Hey – where are you going?' Octavia bumped into Brinley as she made her way back to Clarke, holding a coil of wire.

'Out for a walk or something, I haven't decided.'

'You shouldn't go out there, it's dangerous.' Brinley could hear the storm tearing through their camp, but she just shrugged.

'Your brother isn't anywhere to be seen, either.' Octavia wouldn't meet her gaze. Brinley sighed.

'Go give that to Clarke, I'll be fine.' Brinley walked away before Octavia could say anything else.

Brinley walked out into the storm, almost instantly regretting it as her clothing became saturated. She could barely make out anything directly in front of her, so she jumped backwards as a hand grabbed her arm.

'What are you doing out here?'

'What are you doing out here, Blake?'

'Get back inside.' The rain was easing enough for Brinley to see her surroundings.

'What did you do?' She gasped as Bellamy stepped in front of her, trying to conceal the blindfolded, beaten grounder from her.

'It's none of your business.' He snapped before looking at the others. 'Get him in there.'

Brinley automatically followed Bellamy. 'She's going to be so pissed at you for-'

'I don't care.' Brinley rolled her eyes at his reply.

'They're back!' Someone called as they saw Bellamy and Brinley heading towards the drop ship.

Octavia was just coming down the ladder as Bellamy entered, the unconscious grounder not far behind.

'Bellamy! The hell are you doing?'

'It's time to get some answers.' Bellamy was soaking wet but he didn't seem to care.

'Oh, you mean revenge?' Octavia scoffed.

'I mean intel.' Bellamy corrected. 'Get him upstairs.'

'Bellamy, she's right.' Clarke appeared in front of Bellamy as static came from the radio.

'Clarke, okay we're ready, can you hear me?'

Brinley caught the flash of fear on Bellamy's face before he replaced it with an emotionless mask.

'Look, this is not who we are.'


Bellamy looked from Clarke, to Octavia, to Brinley. 'It is now.'

Brinley made her way to Octavia. 'Your brother's an idiot.'

Octavia rolled her eyes. 'What gave you that impression? Here.' Octavia held out a container of what Brinley assumed was Monty's moonshine in progress. 'Sterilize your hands.' Brinley did as she said.

'Everyone upstairs! Now!' Raven yelled at the hovering delinquents.

'The last thing we need is this bastard getting free because you screwed up!' Brinley had followed Octavia up the ladder to the level where Bellamy was barking orders as the grounder woke up.

Brinley watched in awe as the grounder stopped struggling when Octavia appeared.

'Octavia, get out of here.'

Octavia ignored the boy who tried to get her to leave.

'I told you, he was protecting me.' She frowned at Bellamy as he stood in front of her. 'You didn't have to do this. '

'This isn't about you. I'm doing this for all of us.'

'You did that for all of us?' She asked in disbelief.

'I did that for Finn and Jasper, and Diggs and John and Roma.'

'It wasn't even him!' Octavia defended.

'You don't know that!' Bellamy yelled. 'We need to know what we're up against. How many there are and why they're killing us. And he's gonna tell us, right now.'

'No, Bellamy please!' Octavia tried to pull him back, but Bellamy easily fought her off.

'Miller, get her out of here.'

Miller made his way to Octavia. 'I was there! I... Hey, get – get off of me!' Octavia shoved him away as Brinley stepped in front of her. 'I don't even think he speaks English. He won't understand you.' Octavia spat as Brinley continued watching carefully as Octavia made her way down the ladder.

'Oh, I think he will.'

Brinley looked up, noticing Bellamy watching her. 'You need to leave.'

Brinley scoffed. 'No. I don't have to do anything that you tell me to, or have you not figured that out yet?'

Bellamy looked at Miller again. 'Her too.'

Miller advanced towards her, almost nervously. 'Touch me and I'll castrate you.'

Miller gulped and stepped back, shooting a nervous look at Bellamy.

'I said, leave.' Bellamy's shoulders tensed.

'And I said no.' Brinley held her ground, acutely aware of their audience.

'Fine. If Miller won't do it, I'll remove you myself.'

'What are you gonna do Bellamy? You gonna force me down the hatch?'

'If it comes to that.'

Brinley scoffed. I'd like to see you-'

In her annoyance, Brinley missed the look Bellamy gave Miller, who quickly pinned her arms behind her back as Bellamy walked towards her.

Brinley felt panic bubble up inside her. 'Hey – no stop! Stop!'

Bellamy almost hesitated as he watched her face and body language change as she began fighting against Miller.

'Bellamy-' Miller started.

Bellamy understood as he grabbed Brinley around the waist, lifting her to the still open hatch.


Raven appeared at the bottom of the ladder, looking impatient, scared and annoyed all at once. 'Kinda busy down here, shooter.'

Bellamy nudged Brinley forward gently enough that she wasn't hurt but hard enough that she caught the ladder to break her fall. 'Keep her out of here.' Bellamy pushed Brinley's shoulders, forcing her to go down as Miller started closing the hatch behind her, making any potential fight impossible.

Brinley was breathing quickly.

'Three millimetres Clarke, got it?' Brinley looked at Clarke who looked nervous.

'Got it. Here goes.'

'Steady hand, Clarke. You've assisted me on trickier procedures than this. Once that knife is out, the hard part is over.'

'All right, extracting now.'

Raven stood beside Finn and across from Clarke whom Brinley was next to, watching as Clarke began pulling out the knife. Finn began moving almost instantly.

'He's waking up!' Raven cried.

'Hold him still.' Both Raven and Brinley complied. 'Finn, I'm gonna get that knife out of you, okay?'

'Good plan.' Finn rasped.

'Finn, you can't move, you got it?'

'Okay.' Finn grunted.

'Here it goes.'

'Nice and slow, Clarke.'

'Finn, do not move. Almost got it. Hold still.'

Brinley could see that Finn was trying with all he had to not move from the pain.

The drop ship shook violently and Raven, Clarke and Brinley were all thrown backwards, the knife slipping out of Finn roughly as he was thrown to the ground too.

'Clarke! Clarke, what's happening? Clarke, can you hear us?'

Brinley looked up, finding the bloody knife right beside her hand. Brinley picked it up, her hands now covered in crimson.

'It's out.' Raven called in shock. 'She did it.'

The three girls quickly stood, gently lifting Finn back onto the table so Clarke could stitch the wound shut.

'Do you have anything to cover the wound?' Abby asked as Clarke announced she was done.

'We'll make do. Like always.' Clarke muttered.

'Should he be this pale? Warm too?' Raven looked at Finn who had fallen unconscious again.

'He's lost a lot of blood Raven. But if your boyfriend's anywhere near as tough as you, I'm sure he'll be fine.'

'Wait Mum, she's right. He's feverish and his breathing's uneven.'

'You need to give him some time to recover, let me know if he gets any worse, but I think, I think he might just be out of the woods.'

'Well down here, there's nothing but woods.' Brinley rolled her eyes at Clarke's snarky reply,

'I need a break.'

'Clarke, Clarke wait! Raven, Brinley... could you give us a few minutes?'


'No, no. Stay with Finn.' Clarke nodded at Raven and Brinley raised an eyebrow, following Clarke who was heading towards the ladder to the level where the grounder was being kept.

Brinley followed Clarke silently, smirking as one of the boys stood in front of the blonde. 'Get the hell out of my way.'

Brinley snickered at Clarke's response, drawing Miller's attention. He gave her a pleading look as though begging her to leave but she just smiled innocently at him.

'It's okay. Let her through.' Bellamy motioned to Clarke.

Miller looked towards Bellamy and then back to Brinley, determination written on his face.

Don't do it, Miller. Her eyes widened, Miller sighed, his eyes flicking back to their leader.

'Bellamy.' Miller motioned to the seething brunette. 'Dammit Raven.' Bellamy muttered to himself, and then to her 'I told you to stay away.'

Brinley shrugged. 'I'm a rule breaker, I thought you were aware of that.'

'Well, if he didn't hate us before, he does now.' Clarke remarked upon seeing the grounders bloodied face.

'Who cares.' Bellamy dragged Clarke back over towards where Brinley was still standing. 'How's Finn?'

'Alive. His people will care. How long until they figure out where he is? And what happens when they do?' I mean, when they come looking for him? They will, Bellamy.'

'Relax, princess. No one saw us take him. He was chained up in that cave the entire time, and thanks to the storm, we didn't see a soul on the way back.' Bellamy rolled his eyes.

There was a loud thud and Bellamy sighed angrily, pulling out a notebook and handing it to Clarke. 'Okay, in case you missed it, his people are already killing us. How many more of our people need to die until you realize we're fighting a war?'

'We're not soldiers, Bellamy. Look at him. We can't win.' Clarke shoved the notebook back at Bellamy.

'You're right. We can't. If we don't fight.' The two stared at each other, refusing to give in.

'Clarke, he's seizing!'

Brinley's eyes widened as Raven's voice drifted towards them. 'On my way!' Clarke called as she ran to the hatch.

'You too.' Bellamy motioned to Brinley, whom walked determinedly forward, coming to stand in front of him.

'Oh, I'm not going anywhere.'

'You aren't going to help Clarke?'

'She knows more than I do.'

Brinley could hear Raven and Clarke's panic from below them, but she stayed where she was.

There was a loud bang on the hatch door. 'Hey!' Clarke called. 'Open the door!'

Brinley turned before Bellamy could react, pulling open the hatch.

Clarke walked towards the grounder as Octavia snuck towards Brinley. 'What's on this?'

'What are you talking about?' Bellamy questioned.

'He poisoned the blade!' Clarke snapped. 'All this time, you knew Finn was gonna die no matter what we did! What is it!' Clarke yelled in the grounders face. 'Is there an antidote?'

'Clarke, he doesn't understand you.' Octavia snapped.

'Vials.' Bellamy breathed in realisation.


'It's gotta be here.' Bellamy rummaged through the tin box.

'You'd have to be stupid to have a poison around this long without an antidote.' Clarke mumbled.

'Which one?' She asked the grounder who remained stone faced and silent.

'Answer the question!' Bellamy yelled.

Brinley frowned at the grounder who continued to remain expressionless, giving no indication he understood what they were saying.

'Brin, Bellamy won't stop.' Octavia whispered.

'We'll make him stop if it comes to it.' She whispered back, blinking rapidly as Octavia's form went in and out of focus.

Octavia frowned. 'Brin?'

Brinley opened her mouth to reply, but shut it again as she realised she couldn't push the words out.

She couldn't breathe.

With that thought, her legs gave out as she collapsed onto the drop ship floor.

'Brin!' Octavia yelled in panic, drawing the attention of everyone else in the room.

'Brinley? What's wrong?' Clarke questioned, but to Brinley it sounded as though she was a million miles away and underwater. Octavia kneeled down beside her.

Octavia watched as her friend seemed to hyperventilate, drawing in short sharp breaths of air, blinking rapidly all the while, her head rocking from side to side. 'Brin' She asked, worry in her tone. 'Brin, what's wrong?'

'Whose blood is that?' Bellamy frowned, noticing the red staining the brunette's hands.

'It's Finn's, she picked up the knife after I dropped it.' Clarke answered in confusion.

Bellamy and Clarke crouched down beside Brinley, whose head was lying in Octavia's lap, her eyes wide and unfocused as she clawed at her throat.

'She can't breathe.' Octavia realised, her mouth opening in horror. 'Clarke, she can't breathe!'

'The knife...' Clarke whispered. 'Brin, did you get cut by the knife?'

Brinley couldn't reply as she choked on nothing.

Bellamy reached for a scrap of material that had been discarded nearby, holding one of Brinley's hands as she struggled. 'Calm down sweetheart.' Bellamy rubbed the material across her blood stained hand, his expression grim as he noticed the cut across her palm. 'Clarke.'

'No.' She whispered, just as Brinley's body stilled.

'Brin?' Octavia breathed in fright.

Clarke reached towards Brinley's body with a shaking hand just as Brinley jerked violently, her entire body contracting in waves of pain.

Octavia flinched away, as Brinley's head jerked off of her lap, hitting the floor. Bellamy lifted Brinley up, resting her against his chest, tilting her body slightly sideways as foam bubbled up Brinley's throat.

'Which one is it!' Clarke yelled, filled with a new sense of panic, rushing towards the grounder. 'Our friends are dying! You can stop it!'

Bellamy tried to keep Brinley still as her body convulsed. 'O, O, I need you to take her.'

'Bell, I can't – '

Bellamy sighed as he noticed his sister's expression. 'Miller.'

Miller took Bellamy's place as Bellamy stood up. 'I'll get him to talk.'

'Bellamy, no!' Octavia yelled.

'He wants Finn to die! He wants Brinley to die! Why can't you see that!?'

'Do you want them to live or not?'

'Clarke, you even said it yourself, this is not who we are! He was protecting me, he saved my life!' Octavia whispered.

'We're talking about Finn's life! About Brinley's life!' Bellamy yelled.

'Don't act like you care about her!' Octavia screeched. 'You ruined everything for her! You banished her best friend and now she's suffering so don't you dare act like you give a damn about her!'

Clarke glanced at Brinley, who had stilled save for the small jerks every thirty seconds. 'Do it.'

'Clarke, no!' Octavia stepped towards the grounder. 'Just tell us!'

Bellamy cut through the grounders shirt, slicing one of the seat belts off of the seats. 'You're gonna show us the antidote or you're gonna wish you had.'

Bellamy wrapped the seatbelt around his hand.

'Bellamy, no.' Octavia begged. 'Please.'

Bellamy hit the grounder, noting the horrified looks on Clarke and Octavia's faces. His gaze drifted to Brinley, whom at this point would have been physically fighting him, had she been awake, and his resolve hardened.

Bellamy struck the grounder again.

Clarke rushed forward, placing the vials on the ground. 'Please, which ones the antidote?'

'Just tell them.' Octavia whimpered.

Behind them, Miller was unconsciously rubbing soothing circles into Brinley's skin, checking her breathing every minute or so. It was irregular, but at least she was breathing now.

Bellamy reached forward, gripping Clarke's shoulder. 'Clarke.' Clarke stood and moved out of the way.

Bellamy struck again, this time harder.

'Enough!' Octavia yelled as Bellamy repeatedly hit the grounder. 'Please, stop!'

'Clarke, he's getting worse!' Raven called.

'We're running out of time. Which one? Which one is it? If you tell us, they'll stop. Please tell us which is the antidote and they'll stop this!"

Bellamy threw the seatbelt in anger. 'If that doesn't work, maybe this will. Clarke, you don't have to be here for this.'

'I'm not leaving until I get that antidote.'

Bellamy repositioned the spike. 'Last chance.' He warned the grounder before he shoved it clean through his hand.

'What's taking so long?' Raven called coming up to ladder, first seeing Octavia's terrified face, Bellamy's regretful one and Clarke's panicked expression. She also noted Brinley's still form. 'What did you do?' She looked to Bellamy, pointing at Brinley.

'The same poison in Finn's veins is in hers.' He answered shortly, unimpressed by her accusatory tone.

'He stopped breathing.' Raven turned to Clarke.

'What!' Clarke panicked, stepping forward.

'He started again, but next time he might not.' Raven stopped her from rushing down to Finn.

Miller looked down at Brinley, taking comfort in the rise and fall of her chest, assurance she was still alive.

'He won't tell us anything.'

Bellamy had crouched beside Brinley and Miller, also checking her breathing after Raven's announcement.

'What are you doing?' Bellamy stood up again as Raven pulled two cables out of the wall, rubbing them together to create friction as they sparked.

'Showing him something new.'

She jammed the cables against the grounder as the power surged. 'Which one is it?' She repeated the process. 'Come on! He's all I have.' Raven sobbed as she shocked the grounder again.

'No more!' Octavia yelled, holding the poisoned knife in her hand.

'He's letting Finn die!' Raven screamed.

'And Brinley.' Clarke added quietly. Octavia glanced at her friend and a new determination filled her face.

'He won't let me die.' She sliced down her arm with the knife Clarke had bought up.

'Octavia! No!'

'Octavia, what the hell did you-' Octavia shrugged her panicked brother off.

'This one?' Octavia held up vials to the grounder until he nodded at one. 'Go, take it.'

'Thank you! We'll save some for you and Brinley.' Octavia nodded and Raven and Clarke left.

Bellamy reached down to Octavia. 'Don't touch me.' She snapped.

'Uh Bellamy, She's not breathing.'

Bellamy turned to Miller, noting the look on his face.

'No, no, Brin!' Octavia screamed.

Bellamy took Brinley from Miller. 'Octavia, we need that antidote, now.'

Octavia was staring at Brinley with wide eyes.

'Octavia! The antidote.' She barely nodded at Bellamy as she left.

'Come on sweetheart, where's that famous Brinley Kane fight now, huh?' Bellamy muttered.

He could barely admit to himself that he was more than a little scared that the younger girl was going to die, right there in his arms. His fingers pressed against her wrist, searching for a pulse.

He couldn't find one.

'Get Clarke.' He nodded at Miller as he shook Brinley. 'Wake up, come on. You don't get to die today.'

'Bellamy?' Octavia appeared at the top of the ladder, Clarke behind her. Bellamy ignored his sister, who was now holding the antidote.

'I can't find a pulse.' Bellamy's voice was rough.

Clarke immediately made her way to Brinley, her fingers expertly seeking pulse points, her heart rate quickening as she couldn't immediately find it.

'Oh no.' Clarke breathed.

Tears spilled down Octavia's dirty face. 'No.' She breathed.

'Clarke, how can we fix it?'

Clarke scrambled for words. 'Bellamy, I –'

'Clarke, how?'

'I don't know if we can.' Clarke's voice broke.

'Clarke, you didn't give up on Finn. Don't give up on her.' Bellamy said sternly.

'I've seen my mother use defibrillators, electricity to steady an irregular heartbeat. '

Octavia's eyes widened. 'Raven's cables.'

Bellamy wasted no time carrying the girl to the cables that were still spitting electricity dangerously.

Clarke grabbed one, placing it against Brinley's chest, which convulsed at the current pulsing through it.

'Again.' Bellamy nodded, not feeling any pulse.

Clarke complied. 'Bellamy?'


Clarke shocked Brinley again. 'Anything?' She practically begged.

'Nothing. Again, Clarke.'


'Clarke, keep trying.' Bellamy ordered.

Clarke did as he asked, and then she waited.


Bellamy breathed out in relief. 'It worked.'

Octavia let out a choked sob. 'Her breathing's still irregular.'

'Antidote.' Clarke reminded her. Octavia nodded, forcing the substance down her friends' throat.

'Why did the poison affect her so much?' Octavia choked out, running her fingers through Brinley's hair.

'My guess is that because the poison was already active in Finn's bloodstream and there was still residual remains of the original poison on the knife, she got somewhat of a double hit of it. The poison wasn't in your system long enough to have any effect, luckily.' Clarke explained to the younger girl.

'We should get her somewhere comfortable.' Clarke whispered.

'No, just let her sleep here.'

Octavia frowned at her brother and Clarke spoke up. 'You trust him now?' She eyed the grounder.

Bellamy shook his head. 'No. I'm staying here, anyway. I have to keep an eye on him.'

Clarke nodded. 'I have to check on Finn, Octavia, you should get some rest too, make sure everything is out of your system, even with the antidote.'

Octavia nodded. 'If anything happens to her, come get me.' She whispered to Bellamy without looking at him.

'I will.'

Bellamy watched them leave, before he looked to the girl who was now only sleeping peacefully against him. He picked her up again, sliding himself down the drop ship wall across from the grounder, pulling his jacket off of the floor and placing it over Brinley.

He thought about how pissed she would be when she woke up to find herself sleeping on him and he smiled to himself. For the first time ever, he found himself almost looking forward to another day filled with her insults and challenging attitude.

Bellamy swallowed at that thought. He didn't know when it had happened, but somehow he had grown to care for Brinley Kane, he didn't know how deep that feeling ran and he wasn't sure he wanted to.

He cared for her – and it scared the hell out of him.

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