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In other news, I got tickets to Ed Sheeran, Paramore and Halsey, so that's exciting. :) 

It's officially the 25th of December here, so Merry Christmas to those who celebrate it! xo 

*UNEDITED* (One day I'll get my life together, I swear.) 


'why am i always running around in circles

between wanting you to want me

and when you want me

deciding it is too emotionally naked

for me to live with

why do i make loving me so difficult

why am i that terrified of being kept

as though someone as pure as you

should never have to witness the ghosts

i have tucked under my breast

i used to be more open when it came

to things like this my love

if only we had met when i was willing.' 

(Rupi Kaur, The Sun and Her Flowers.) 


Brinley struggled against the hands that held her. Her mouth had been gagged, as had Bellamy's, and they were outnumbered.


Brinley did, however, notice something strange about the grounders that had them surrounded. Though they were forceful, and Brinley was certain they were lethal too, their actions showed restraint - it almost seemed as though the grounders were going through the motions – as though this were something they did often.

Strange, Brinley thought.

Brinley watched Jasper startle, as he, Clarke and Octavia realised too late that they were no longer alone.

Brinley and Bellamy were shoved down on to their knees, wincing at the sudden contact with the hardened ground.

'Who are you? Why did you signal?'

Brinley watched Octavia carefully, but the girl kept a straight face. 'I am Octavia of the sky people, and I seek safe passage.'

'Skaikru, bringers of death.' The leader of the grounder group spoke with obvious disdain in his voice. 'Why should we give you safe passage?'

Octavia kept her head high. 'Lincoln. He sent us.'

'Remove their gags, free their hands.'

Brinley hastily yanked the gag out of her mouth the moment her hands were released from their binds.

'What's going on?' Bellamy whispered to Octavia hastily.

'I don't know.'

The grounder pulled out a small skin pouch, pulling out vials of strange coloured liquid and handing them out.

'What is that?' Clarke sounded concerned, rightly so.

'Safe passage.' The grounder answered cryptically.

'What does it do?' Jasper asked, sounding both intrigued and concerned.

Brinley pulled the stopper from the bottle, catching Octavia's eyes as she did so. Octavia was determined to see their mission through and Brinley knew nothing would stop her.

So Brinley raised her vial, as thought toasting to Octavia, and together the two girls down the contents in one.

Horrified sounds of protest fell from Bellamy's lips for a second before Octavia shot him a look. 'I trust Lincoln.'

'If only they drink – only they go.' The grounder warned.

Jasper needed no more prompting. 'See you on the other side.'

Brinley watched Jasper for a moment before she seemed to sway slightly, and in perfect harmony, Brinley and Octavia fell.


Everyone was hazy when they woke.

Brinley watched through heavy eyes as Octavia panicked momentarily when she realised that her sword- and all the weapons they possessed – were gone.

Brinley pulled herself unsteadily to her feet, willing whatever drug she'd swallowed to wear off soon. Octavia banged against the metal container they were being held in, the sharp sound echoing around Brinley's head.

Abruptly, the doors opened and a woman with wild, curly hair appeared through the sunlight. It took Brinley's eyes a second to adjust, but when they did, she recognised the face from Lincoln's journal.

'Luna.' Octavia breathed.

'Where's Lincoln?' The girl's voice was soft, only concern evident in her tone.

'Lincoln is dead.'

The words seemed to pain Luna, as her eyes squeezed shut momentarily before they dropped to the floor.

'Lincoln said that you would help us.' Brinley wanted to tell Clarke to shut up, to not push Luna too hard, and it must have shown on her face because Bellamy shook his head slightly at her.

'Did he?' Luna's voice had taken on a hard edge now.

'Luna, you're the last of your kind, the last nightblood.' Clarke pushed, hope in her voice.

'So Lexa's dead as well.' Luna seemed less and less likely to help them each time Clarke spoke.

'Her spirit has chosen you to become the next commander. Titus entrusted me with the flame to give to you-'

'-Then he should have told you that I left my conclave, swearing to never kill again.'

'You don't have to kill. To lead is your birth right, how you lead is your choice.'

Clarke moved forward, holding the A.I chip out to Luna.

'I recognize the sacred symbol, but what is that?' Luna seemed confused.

'This is the flame. It holds the spirits of the Commanders, of Lexa. Will you take it and become the next Commander?'

There was a lengthy pause as Luna stared at Clarke as though trying to figure her out. Then something passed over Luna's face and Brinley heard the answer before Luna had even spoken.


Luna turned and walked away, but Clarke wasn't finished yet. She ran after the curly haired girl, calling out to her as she did so. 'Hey, wait-'

The rest of them followed her, but were quickly struck with the realisation that they were all very, very far from home. The container they'd been placed in, was atop an old structure – in the middle of the ocean.


Brinley was acutely aware of the eyes on them.

Well, more specifically – her.

There was an immediate air of distrust from Luna's clan the moment the Arkadian's had stepped into view and Brinley had the feeling that both her and Clarke's presence wasn't exactly helping the atmosphere.

Brinley sat beside Bellamy, an impassive expression on her face. Tension was radiating from Bellamy, and a clear look of desperation was written all over Clarke's own face. Octavia had adopted an expression similar to Brinley's and Jasper just looked... bored.

'Everywhere I looked, there were fins, and teeth, and blood-'

One of the grounder women was telling her story of survival, and though Brinley was sure it was an enthralling tale – she couldn't bring herself to look the slightest bit interested. She was on edge, and nervous.

They'd been counting on Luna.

'What's wrong?' Bellamy's lips barely moved, and he wasn't looking at her, yet Brinley still knew that the words were meant for her.

'We're trapped. That's what's wrong.' Brinley answered. 'We can't do anything – go anywhere - unless they decide it.'

Before Bellamy could reply, behind them the heavy wooden door opened.

'She's here. Maybe she changed her mind.' Bellamy looked at Clarke as the two stood up and made their way to Luna immediately.

Brinley squared her shoulders and stayed put, catching Octavia's watchful eyes as she schooled her expression back into one of disinterest.

Luna broke away from Clarke and Bellamy, breezing past where Brinley was positioned without so much as a wary glance, her eyes locked on Octavia. Jasper took one look between Luna and Octavia and hastily moved away.

Brinley felt, rather than saw, Clarke and Brinley return to their original positions.

'What did she say?' Brinley's tone was bored.

'She's letting us leave at nightfall.'

Brinley snorted. 'Fantastic.'


Nightfall, it turned out, was a lot further away than any of them thought.

Octavia, Clarke, Brinley and Bellamy had moved to be seated around a fire on the ground. Jasper had opted to sit further away from them and was now speaking to the girl who'd been telling the story hours ago – with a genuine smile on his face.

'Jasper's actually smiling.' Bellamy commented, breaking the silence that had settled.

Clarke glanced up briefly at Bellamy's words, before her attention drifted to Luna, who was sitting some distance away. A thoughtful expression crossed Clarke's face that sent alarm bells off in Brinley's head.

'Clarke, let it go.' Bellamy seemed to pick up on Clarke's expression too.

'We can't just leave.' Clarke protested.

'It's not like we have much of a choice.' Octavia added roughly.

'Maybe we do...' Clarke sounded almost hesitant.

'What are you talking about?' Bellamy was frowning now.

'I'm talking about putting this into her head without asking.'

Brinley's eyes widened at Clarke's admission, and Octavia immediately looked around to see if anyone else had overheard Clarke's statement.

'No way Clarke, This isn't like Emerson! He was trying to kill us!'

'You think I don't know that?' Clarke shot back.

'Clarke, we don't have to do this. We can fight and go back to Arkadia. We arm up-'

'Fight who? It's an army of our own people. I don't like this anymore than you do. But if Raven's right, and the code on this thing can stop A.L.I.E...' Clarke paused briefly. 'Give me a better idea.'

Brinley looked between the three with a look of disbelief on her face.

'We'll stay here. It's the only way they'll leave you alone with her.' Bellamy gave in to Clarke's idea.

'What the hell is wrong with you? You can't take away her decision! You don't get to violate someone's mind without permission.' Brinley couldn't hide her disgust at Clarke's suggestion and Bellamy's consequent agreement. 'We can come up with something else, we always do.'

'Brin, we have no other options. Luna is taking the flame whether she likes it or not. We can't let A.L.I.E win.'

'Even A.L.I.E gives people a choice.' Octavia sided with Brinley.

'We gave Luna a choice.' Bellamy reminded them. 'She said no.'

Brinley shook her head rapidly. 'This isn't going to work. I want nothing to do with this.' Brinley stood up.

'Brin-' Bellamy recognised the disappointment, anger and unease in Brinley's expression and tone.

'Don't. If you want to get yourselves killed – go ahead. Luna's smarter than you're giving her credit for.'


Brinley made her way outside not missing the suspicious looks she received from the grounders as she passed. For the first time, Brinley was thankful that they were up so high, because Luna felt no need to station multiple guards. If anyone tried to get into the establishment by sea they'd be seen immediately and if anyone tried to escape...

Well, it was a long way down into unstable, murky waters.

Brinley released her hair from the braid she'd tied in out of boredom, shaking it out and letting it whip around in the cool ocean breeze. Brinley could smell the saltiness of the water as she inhaled, trying to clear her head and reduce her anger.

Brinley may not have known Luna, she may not have even liked the girl – but Luna still deserved to have an opinion about what someone else wanted to do to her body and mind, and as much as she wanted to save the people she cared about from A.L.I.E's clutches... this wasn't the way to do it.

She had to warn Luna.


Brinley tensed, her lips pulling into a thin line at the familiar voice at her shoulder.

'Shouldn't you be helping Clarke figure out ways to corner Luna?'

'Keep your voice down.' Bellamy responded quickly, stepping closer to her.

'Why? Afraid someone might stop you?'

'I don't like this anymore than you do.' Bellamy insisted. 'But we have no other choice here.'

'You don't know that, Bellamy.' Brinley turned around to face him. 'As usual, you're jumping to Clarke's defence and siding with her, regardless of the probable consequences.'

'What the hell is that supposed to mean?'

'It means that you and Clarke are so tied up in making sure that the other person doesn't feel guilty about making shitty decisions that you can't look past what you think you need to do, to see what you should be doing.'

'Then give us another option, Brinley. None of us want to do this.'

'Fine. We leave and go back to Arkadia. A.L.I.E and the flame are both pieces of tech. Raven and Monty are two of the brightest people we know, they can find a way to stop A.L.I.E without forcing a chip into someone else's body unwillingly.'

'We don't have that much time, Brinley. We have to stop this now.'

'I know that Bellamy, I know we're running out of time! I don't need reminding.' Brinley's lips pulled into a thin line. 'I don't care who Luna is, I will warn her not to trust Clarke.'

Bellamy watched her for a moment before he spoke. 'Have you been sleeping?'

Brinley narrowed her eyes at the subject change but played along. 'Have you?'

Bellamy cracked a small smile at her attitude. 'Fair point.'

'Why did you follow me out here, Bellamy?'

'Just wanted to check on you, I know you're upset.'

'Mhmm.' Brinley hummed, turning to face the ocean again, resting her hands on the metal barrier.

Bellamy mimicked her movement, resting his own hands close to Brinley's.

'It's beautiful, isn't it? There's something calming about it. If I knew that we could trust Luna's clan, I'd almost find it peaceful here.'

'Maybe one day we'll be able to enjoy it.' Bellamy commented back, watching Brinley watch the water all the while.

'Maybe one day.' Brinley sounded doubtful as she turned her eyes on Bellamy, their gazes catching.

'One day you won't have to always be looking over your shoulder Brin, I promise.' Bellamy tentatively rested his hand over hers, and after a moment of hesitation, Brinley laced their fingers together and squeezed his hand gently before she released it.

Hope filled Bellamy's chest as he felt the gentle pressure on his hand. As Brinley pulled her hand away, Bellamy gripped her hip gently, pulling her towards him slightly, and Brinley allowed herself to relax at the touch.

'Brinley, I-'


Bellamy's brow furrowed. 'You don't even know what I'm going to say.'

'You're right, I don't. But I have something to say before you do.'

'Okay?' Bellamy was thoroughly confused, the hope he briefly felt flickering as though about to go out

'Do you think I'm stupid Bellamy?' There was a note of sincerity in Brinley's tone.

'What kind of question is that?' The lines in Bellamy's brow deepened.

'A valid one.' Brinley's gentle expression had disappeared, and the awful emotionless mask that Bellamy hated was back in place.

'Of course I don't think that Brinley.' Bellamy hand had dropped to his side.

'Really? Because it sure seems that way. Why else would you think that this plan of yours and Clarke's would work?'

'What plan? What are you talking about?'

Brinley laughed, frustration in the sound as she took a more direct route. 'Where's Clarke, Bellamy?'

Bellamy's gaze shifted from her face and Brinley knew she'd won.

'She was inside when I left.' Bellamy answered honestly.

'And if I go back in there right now, she'll still be there?'

Bellamy swallowed. 'I don't know.'

Brinley let out a humourless laugh. 'Un-fucking-believable.'


'What the hell Bellamy!?' Brinley shoved Bellamy away from her.

'Brin, c'mon.'

'You didn't come out here to check on me, you came out here to distract me so Clarke could corner Luna, so that I couldn't find her first.'


'How the fuck am I supposed to trust you when you continue to give me reasons not to?' Brinley was all fired up and her eyes were shining with tears of frustration. 'I'm trying so hard to see past everything you've done, to see the person I know you are but it's like you've made it your mission to prove the opposite.'

Bellamy's heart sank at Brinley's words.

'And whatever you were going to say – don't. Because it doesn't mean a damn thing when it's done in a deceitful manner.'

'Brinley, I l-'

'I hate that you can make me feel this way.' The words were quiet, barely audible through the salty ocean wind.

'Sweetheart-' Bellamy choked out.

Brinley just shook her head and walked away from Bellamy, leaving him alone.


Clarke's plan hadn't worked.

Luna was smarter than she'd given her credit for, and had Luna been more like the other grounder leaders – the Arkadian's would have lost their heads. But Luna was kind, in her own way, and was still allowing them to leave. She'd taken the flame to stop Clarke attempting another sneak attack.

Brinley hadn't been able to keep the smirk off her face as Clarke had returned looking defeated. The blonde girl wisely avoided Brinley's gaze. It was only when Brinley caught Luna's watchful gaze that she wiped the satisfied look from her face.

Brinley iced both Bellamy and Clarke out, choosing the only speak to Octavia in the following hours. Jasper was spending his time with the grounder girl he'd taken a liking to.

Finally, Luna and her guards arrived to take them back to the shipping container they'd arrived in – to take them back to the mainland.

'Where's Jasper?' Bellamy asked the group quietly as they moved.

'Saying goodbye to his new friend.' Octavia's voice was tense.

Brinley saw a chance to be away from too many eyes. 'I'll go find him.' She broke away from the group, only to be stopped by a menacing looking grounder.

'Let her pass.' To Brinley's surprise, it was Luna who spoke up, nodding at her in understanding. Brinley had the strangest feeling that Luna knew she'd been opposed to the sneak attack Clarke had orchestrated.

'Brinley-' Bellamy sounded worried.

Brinley continued on her path, ignoring Bellamy's protest.

'Told you it was a stupid plan.' Octavia commented snarkily to Bellamy, to which the elder Blake gave her a disapproving sideways glance.

It didn't take Brinley long to find Jasper. Luna's camp was large – but not so large that she couldn't track someone down if she tried.

Shay and Jasper were talking amongst themselves, both of them smiling. Brinley's annoyance softened slightly at the genuine expression on Jasper's face. He looked younger – more like the boy full of life that had stepped off the dropship all those months ago.

Brinley's heart hurt as she realised how much of a difference there really was in Jasper's expression alone.

'It's nice here – trust me. I'd just mess it up.' Jasper's smile turned sad.

'Jasper.' Brinley hated breaking the moment between the two. 'It's time to go.'

'Of course it is.' Jasper sighed.

A sudden sound startled the three. Brinley's eyes zeroed in on the grounder man she'd seen with Luna... then moved to the calm, emotionless expression on the other grounders faces...

'Run.' Brinley murmured to both Shay and Jasper.


'Shay! Run before...' The grounder man was knocked out before he could finish speaking.

'She's here.' Jasper realised as he turned to Shay. 'Go. Tell your people not to take the chip. Run, now, go!' Jasper shoved Shay lightly.

Shay only made it three steps before an arrow shot her in the back.

'No!" Jasper gasped out. He turned to hit the man who'd shot Shay, punching him in the face.

The grounder didn't flinch.

Jasper was punched to the ground before Brinley could reach him. Brinley's heart lurched as she realised Jasper wasn't moving.

Brinley looked between Jasper and the way out, indecision in her eyes.What about the others? 

But her decision was made for her as someone grabbed her from behind.

Brinley kicked and screamed, but not one of the grounders flinched, so Brinley resorted to using a different tactic.

'I know you're there A.L.I.E! I know this is you!'

The grounder in front of her turned his head to the side as though looking at someone, before he nodded, bringing his fist up and hitting Brinley over the head, knocking her out too.


Brinley's ears rang and her vision blurred as she came back into consciousness.

As her hearing gradually came back, and her vision cleared she was aware of the sounds of a struggle around her, and a familiar monotone voice.

'-He's not himself, it's the chip in his hand.'

The fog in Brinley's head cleared and panic rose up in her throat. A.L.I.E.

Jasper grunted in pain as one of the chipped grounders hit him repeatedly, holding one of the chips near his face.

'Leave him alone A.L.I.E.' Brinley's voice came out far clearer than she'd anticipated.

Brinley blinked and suddenly she had her own grounder guard, whose expression was blank and his movement's stiff and rigid, when he spoke – his voice held no emotion. 'Take the key.'

'Fuck you.'

Then grounders expression didn't change as he lashed out – dealing Brinley three powerful blows,

Brinley grunted at the impact, feeling pain envelop her instantly. Her shirt had risen up enough for the scars on her stomach to be visible, leaving nothing cushioning any of the impact from the assault.

Luna was being tortured only a few metres away, and Luna's lover – Derrick - was clearly having trouble watching the scene as he struggled against his own binds, looking desperate to step in and save his love.

Eventually it became entirely too much. 'I can not take it. If you stop, I'll do it. I'll do it.'

The reaction was immediate as Luna's assaulter walked towards Derrick purposefully.

'Don't do it. You won't be you anym-' Brinley growled out before she was silenced by another blow.

Brinley refused to watch Derrick take the chip, but she knew he had from the sounds of chains falling to the ground.

'Derrick.' Brinley opened her eyes at the soft sound in Luna's voice. It was apparent that the girl had yet to realise just how A.L.I.E's chip worked.

'You just need to take the key.'

Luna's face changed as she heard Derrick speak before he pushed her head into a tub of water, holding her down, making her struggle.

Brinley struggled against her binds – though her legs were free she was unable to move without causing herself a considerable amount of pain.

Finally, Derrick pulled Luna out of the water, as a young girl was lead into the room, looking completely terrified. The girl's eyes widened as she saw Luna's state. Luna's own expression changed as she noticed the new addition to the room.

'No. No.'

'Take it and the child will be fine.' Derrick bargained.

Luna refused to submit, still gasping in breath of air.

'Luna.' The girl's voice shook as a knife was held to her throat.

Luna looked between the girl and the chip in Derrick's hand before she leant forward-

Biting into Derrick's wrist.

Luna stole, and threw, a knife from Derrick's person towards the grounder holding the younger girl without looking – hitting her mark neatly.

Brinley was impressed – Luna was fast.

Luna continued to fight, killing anyone who came towards her in quick, practiced movements until Derrick was the only one still standing.

The two began to circle each other.

Derrick broke the pattern first, beginning to advance on Luna who stepped backwards, her hands up in surrender.

'Derrick, this isn't you.' Luna tried. 'Please, Derrick, don't-'

Derrick struck first, leaving Luna no choice but to fight back.

The two traded blows, and Brinley watched as Luna and Derrick got closer and closer to where she and Jasper were strung up-

Brinley caught a glint of silver in Luna's hand and moved without thinking, using all her strength to kick Derrick towards Luna and catch him off guard.

Brinley's assault caused Derrick's concentration, and footing, to slip – making it all too easy for Luna to deal the final blow.

Derrick went down and Luna went down with him, her expression already full of grief though Derrick's breathing was still shaky.

'O! Be careful!'

Bellamy's voice sounded as Octavia broke through the doors, the Arkadians surveying the room with cautious eyes all the while.

'Oh no, oh no.' Luna was crying as she held Derrick's still form in her arms. 'I'm so sorry.'

'You okay? I got you.' Bellamy immediately went to the young grounder girl, who was watching Luna and Derrick with wide eyes.

Luna screamed – a broken, drawn out sound that made Brinley's heart hurt for the girl. In order to survive – she'd had to kill the person she loved most.

Octavia pulled Brinley down first, Brinley releasing a hiss of pain as the blood flowed back into her wrists. Her body was sore from the beating she'd received and from the effort it had taken to lift herself up enough to kick Derrick towards Luna.

'You okay?' Clarke placed her hand on Brinley's shoulder.

Brinley resisted the urge to shake her hand off; opting for a short 'I'm fine.'

Clarke turned and stared at Luna, who was sobbing again as she held Derrick's face in her hands.

'Give her space.' Brinley's voice was tight as she spoke.

'Brin, we need-'

'I said give her space Clarke. It wasn't a suggestion.' Brinley's eyes narrowed at the blonde. 'Whatever you need - can wait for a few minutes atleast.'

'Clarke, she's right.' Bellamy's voice was rough.

Clarke glanced between Bellamy and Brinley, eventually nodding her head in understanding.

'Make sure no one else is chipped.' Brinley looked to Octavia who nodded her head, ushering Jasper out with her.

'Take her back to her people.' Brinley spoke to Bellamy and Clarke, nodding at the frightened little girl.

'What about you?' Bellamy questioned.

'I'll be right behind you.' Brinley shrugged. Bellamy gave her a suspicious look but Brinley didn't care.

Brinley watched the trio leave, the door shutting behind them sounded loudly in the room.

Luna's sobs had quietened, though her body was still shaking. 'Why are you still here?'

'I don't know.' Brinley answered simply.

Luna's hands still gripped Derricks still form. 'You helped me, even though you don't know me. Why?'

'A.L.I.E wouldn't have stopped, she would have killed you.'

Luna's eyes drifted to Derrick again and Brinley sighed. 'It wasn't him, you know.' When Luna looked at Brinley in confusion she added, 'The person attacking you – it wasn't Derrick. A.L.I.E had taken over his mind. Derrick gave himself up to save you, Luna. You shut A.L.I.E down, you killed her, not Derrick.'

Luna stayed silent for a moment. 'You knew of Clarke's plan, to force me into taking the flame.' It wasn't a question, yet Brinley still answered anyway.


'And did you agree?'

'No.' Brinley's jaw was tight. 'No I didn't.'

'I thought as much.' Luna sighed, her eyes shining with tears again suddenly. 'I need to be alone with him.'

'Okay.' Brinley nodded, hesitating as she turned to leave. "Clarke won't stop until she puts the flame in your head.'

'I know.' Luna's voice was grim.

'Okay.' Brinley turned to walk away before Luna's voice made her stop.


Brinley waited.

'Thank you.'

Brinley nodded to Luna before she slipped out of the room, closing the door quietly behind her.


Brinley found Bellamy, Clarke, Octavia and Jasper easily. They stood out amongst Luna's clan, who watched them with wary eyes.

Brinley ignored the questioning glances sent her way, simply stating that Luna needed to be alone.

Eventually, Luna – looking as though nothing had happened – advanced towards them. 'The ceremony is about to begin.'

The group were handed cups, Luna held one in her own hand. Brinley caught the girl's eye, watching as Luna's finger tapped her cup twice, followed by a small shake of her head.

Don't drink.

'Luna, wait. I'm so sorry. But now you see what we're facing. An enemy who will do anything to win. She won't stop until she has everyone.'

'People I love, died today.' Luna held the flame out to Clarke. 'Needlessly, at my hand. I can't let that happen again.'

Luna turned to her people, catching their attention immediately. 'As we prepare, to give our brothers and sister to the sea, we honour their lives. From water we are born, to water we return.'

The sentiment was repeated, and everyone drank.

Everyone except Brinley, whose lips barely touched the rim of the glass.

'If we're gonna do this, we have to hurry. A.L.I.E will send reinforcements. And we have to find someplace private to perform the ascension.' Clarke sounded eager.

'You believe that to defeat an enemy who will stop at nothing, you must stop at nothing. How is that different than blood must have blood?' Luna gave Clarke something to think about.

'Wait a second, Luna, you can't just-'

Octavia swayed before she hit the ground, followed quickly by Bellamy, Jasper and Clarke.

'You and your friends will not be harmed, but you must return to where you came from.' Luna spoke to Brinley.

Brinley nodded quickly as Luna motioned for people to move the unconscious Arkadians.

Luna moved to walk away before Brinley spoke. 'Luna.'


'For what it's worth – I'm sorry about Derrick.'

Luna paled slightly before she nodded, turning and disappearing from view.


Brinley nodded warily to the grounders who had placed her friends on the cool ground by the water, in the exact same place they'd left previously.

The ride back hadn't been exactly pleasant, and while it had felt like an eternity to Brinley – she guessed it really hadn't been that long at all.

Brinley's hand gripped her sword tightly, even as the boat disappeared from view. All she could do now was wait and hope that A.L.I.E didn't find them – for Brinley wouldn't be able to fight off a group of chipped people alone.

Brinley sat down on the ground, Bellamy was closest to her and Clarke was the furthest away, even from where she was sitting Brinley could make out the tin holding the second A.I placed neatly in Clarke's hand. Brinley could hardly believe that Luna would give Clarke such a powerful piece of technology back, but she supposed having seen only some of what A.L.I.E was capable of – Luna would want her distance.

Bellamy was the first to wake, his hands curling instinctively around his gun as he sat up, getting to his feet slowly. He blinked a few times, taking in Brinley's watchful – and alert – gaze.

It was only moments later that Clarke stood up, followed quickly by Jasper and Octavia.

'Now what?' Bellamy's tone was coloured with exasperation.

'Now, we find a new plan.' Brinley didn't take her eyes off of the water as she spoke, only turning to glance at her friends as she turned and walked away from them, twirling her sword in her hands all the while.

Bellamy watched her go, his lips pulled into a thin line. Clarke noticed the expression on his face, and only once Jasper and Octavia had moved to follow Brinley did she speak.

'Do you think she knew?'

Bellamy didn't move his gaze from Brinley. 'Knew what? That Luna was sending us back here?'

Clarke nodded. 'Yes.'

Bellamy didn't hesitate, his eyes not leaving the figure of the girl he admired. 'It's Brinley. She's always two steps ahead of the rest of us.'

There was a sort of bitterness in Bellamy's voice, and not for the first time Clarke wondered what was going on between the two. She knew something had been different since she'd sent Bellamy to distract Brinley from finding Luna, and she couldn't help but think that her actions had halted the healing of Bellamy and Brinley's relationship.

'I can talk to her. I know she's angry at what we did.' Clarke offered, sounding guilty.

'I don't think talking will help.' Bellamy shook his head. 'Besides, it's better if it comes from me.'

Clarke nodded in agreement, a small smile on her face. 'She'll forgive you. She always does.'

Bellamy glanced at Clarke with saddened eyes. 'I hope you're right.' 

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