Night out

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Tigers POV

Lewis took us to a bar, and we had a lot of drinks, even Tia's cousin, IS-2 or Issa, (the girl next to the nurse) joined us, and it was kinda fun.
Lewis got a lot of drinks brought to the table, we all realised that we didn't have a lot of money but he just smiled, "I wouldn't have even thought about making you girls pay for the drinks, I'll buy them for tonight" he said.

He excused himself and headed to the bar, there was a lot of music, and only a few people were dancing, Sally tried to get him drunk by making him beat her in a drinking contest, which we all took part in, there was 50 shots of clear whiskey and Vodka each, the drinks are very powerful, but there are about 25 vodka and 25 Clear whiskey, then somebody has to ask a question, and the others have to answer, if they refuse, or doesn't answer it properly, then they have to drink, two shots, but if they answer it properly, then it is one shot.

It was a game where being truthful or a good liar becomes handy, and we all planned to find out more about Lewis, so we all played the game.

Tia went first "ok, what is the bravest and craziest thing you've ever done ?, mine is accidentally blowing up the locker room" Then Issa said "fighting a fight when I was outnumbered and outgunned" then Sally said "The time I spiked the Gunnery sergeant's water with Vodka", I said "the time I dented sergeant's car","that was an accident" said Tia, "still counts, he was pissed off at all of us" Said Pan, and she then said "and mine is stealing Sally's Milkshake and throwing it at the Gunnery sergeant's car" said Pan, (Panzer IV) smiling at Sally, and Sally said "that was you ?!".

"Enough, so Lewis, what was the bravest and craziest thing you've done ?" Asked Tia, we all looked at him, "well, I would like to have said Jumping over a balcony to save someone, but I guess since you were there, so I'll go with.... *his expression changes to a dark, silent mood*.... Salam Camp"

Lewis's POV

I saw all the girls go pale, "wait, you mean that insurgent camp that had 1000 insurgents, that were wiped out" Said Tia, "oh, yeah, it's said that one man killed them..."said Pan, I then drank one drink, the girls seemed to get the picture, "wait, so you were there, and saw everything right, so was it one man ?" Said Sherman, and the others felt like slapping themselves, I just rolled my eyes and downed two shot, "already, we have gone off topic, so I'll ask next....what are your deepest desires ?" I asked, "mine is for some companionship, someone to love me for being me, and yes Sally, it's one of you, it could be Tiger, but it is one of you" I said, then looked at Sally.

Third person POV
"Well, who would that be ?" Asked Tia, Lewis put his finger to his mouth, with a grin, then winked to us, "spoilers" he said, "Spoilsport, fine, a... Loving night at the beach in the dark, with a romantic fella by my side" said Issa, "Mine is a romantic dinner, followed by a long night, and I want my man to be mysterious, strong, brave and truthful" said Tiger, blushing wildly, "Same" said Pan, and Sally said " a long day in the bedroom, with a longer night" she said, taking a drink. Then Tia said "I desire having a hunk of a man, strong, courageous and loyal, I'd have him tied to my bedroom for a lesson on why I like them traits" which seemed to be the most surprising of the lot.

"OK, what about... Darkest secrets ?, mine is that I've cheated all my test" said Sally, "well, I've betrayed my family by stealing from them" said Issa, "I have stole lots of money from my father" said Pan, "I killed the Gunnery's pet, by accident" said Tia, "I... I was the one that shot up the school after the holidays, I just wanted more days off, I didn't mean to set the rest of the place on fire" said Tiger, then they looked to Lewis, "well... It's a secret, if I told you, it wouldn't be one anymore, will it now" Lewis said.
"You can't do that" said Tia, then the girls talked about why, then Lewis cut them off, "fine, fine, it's... I not afraid to die, hell, I even pray or hope that I do get hit and die, as a lot of men die in war all the time, so why not me ?, what makes me so special to them ?" He said, the girls were quiet, "is that why you jumped to catch me ?, because you are not afraid to take the fall ?" Asked Tiger, "Maybe it is, I just don't have control of myself anymore, not since..." He said, then just stopped talking, then drank another couple of shoots, the same as the girls did.

"Can we just stop with the questions ?, and see who can't drink all these drinks without passing out ?" He asked, "your on" said Issa and Tia, as the others just sipped on their shots, and handed all there extras out, and watched The three to see who drank the most, Pan watched Issa, Sally watched Tia and Tiger watched Lewis, and after 5 minutes, Issa was out after 57 shots, 40 being Vodka, and then Tia was out after having 59 shot, 47 of them being Vodka... And Lewis had 65 shots, 59 of them being Vodka, and he was still stable.

"I win" he said with a smile, Tiger laughed, then Lewis kissed her on the cheek, "that's for being my lucky charm" he said with a smile, and instead of blushing, Tiger smiled back.

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