chapter 19

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Okay update on the universe this takes place,during watch dogs 2 in case your wondering why horatio was alive. Alright,just to let ya know.

Nago:you finally showed up! Thank god!

Tendou:my path has led me i suppose.

Nago:i suppose so.

Adain:and whats up with hiccup?


Astrid:his own father died




Adain:(looks at his phone and picks it up)t-bone?

T-bone(on the phone):adain! Holy hell man! Where the fuck have you been?

Adain:ive been in a prison cell for qoute awhile,but dedsec saved my ass.

T-bone(on the phone):wait,dedsec? Hah! I knew there will be hope! Anyway,i figured out that the intire world,even the places that dosnt have any singal will be hacked! All thanks to a triangle guy

Adain:triangle guy?

Grunckle ford:triangle?!

Mabel:it cant be!

T-bone(on the phone):listen,ill be heading on my way right now.

Someone was watching them from above


[Daimen's Garage]

Daimen:(on the phone)yeah,i would like that. Heh,this will be perfect. Thank you mr.galvatron(hangs up)

Someone then showed up

???:your daimen,right?

Daimen:of course,and you must be shaina?

shaina:how did you-

Daimen:heh,galvatron told me. And you made a contract with bill awhile back

shaina:yeah,something i regreat now.

Daimen:i didn't regread it.

Shaina:back then i only made the contract just to make sure i end seyia
,and now i regreat it

???:yeah,but now,you gotta do what ya gotta do man!



Shaina:wait...that voice!

???:(laughs mechanically)


Bill cipher:well,well,well,well,WELL!

Shaina:bill chipher,the triangle golden saint!

Bill cipher:saint? No way,im no saint.


Bill cipher:im just some-

Daimen:demon that can actaul help us

Bill cipher:that is correct!

Shaina:how did you-

Bill cipher:both of you deserve a prize. Here! Have a head thats always screaming!(summons a screaming head)

Screaming head:(screams)


Daimen:ive seen worst.

The head then dissapeared

Bill cipher:(chuckles evily)

Shaina:but i have a deal,you can destory whoever you want,but you are not hurting seyia...only i am.

Bill cipher:whoever i want huh? Thats a deal,ill let you do what you have to do in exchange of helping me


Diamen:heard of galvatron?

Bill cipher:oh yeah,i know him,hah! He's a really good friend of mine!

Diamen:we are working for him.

Bill cipher:alright,thats good! Now we can focas on world DOMINATION!(laughs)

[Saoris manson]

Grunckle ford:how did you even know about bill?

T-bone:alright,there i was,looking lesbian porn.


Grunckle stan:ugh!



T-bone:then! All of the sudden,a pop-up appeared which had a triangle guy

Grunckle stan:that means-

Grunckle ford:bill.

T-bone:wait,thats his name?

Grunckle stan:yeah.

Grunckle ford:he is very dangerous!

T-bone:more than blume,huh?

Grunckle ford:he is more dangrous than anything else in the world!

Ben:is he always like this?

Mabel:you have no idea.


Astrid:do we have to go now?

Adain:yes,we have to.

Astrid:but stoick died!

Adain:i know.(walks off)


Adain:i know what its like to lose someone you care about...i lost my neice long ago...she died when she was 6...she died because someone was protecting their friend from blackmail.



Wrench:im so sorry man...

Adain:but here's the thing...we must move forward,even if most of us are suffering.

[Appartment roo.]

Chihiro,usagi,momoru,t-bone,and adain went inside


Usagi:this is the police!

There was someone who was knocked out and was covered in duct tape

Usagi:what the?

Adain:theres a tape.(plays it)

Jordi(on tape):well,well,well,if you are hearing this,yep. This guy may or may not be the final hope...or i must be crazy. Whatever. Anyways,3 months ago,i fought him,he got knocked out and yeah,thats basicully it. But still,in case your wondering why...heh,its because i know it might be my final momments before you know what,so yeah,ive been here,checking this guy,just to make sure he isnt dead,and also there is one more thing you should know. Im not even the damn pizza guy. Jordi out

The recording stopped

Adain:so thats what he does when he's not arround. Making sure this man survived

T-bone:that's our final hope? A cyborg?

Then the man started to wake up

???:w-what ha-

Adain:calm down,your alright.

??? long was i out?

Adain:3 months.

???:3 months?! What-GAH!

Adain:...whats your name?

???:Hitoshi Hidaka...(gets up)

Adain:is there anything you remember?

Hitoshi hidaka:yeah,i fought this guy he,he had pepper spray and duct tape...then he knocked me out for 3 months...


Usagi:who are you?

Cyborg guy:im cyborg guy. You all need to come with me to the GGG

Adain:why should we trust you?

Hitoshi hidaka:wait...i suggest you all fall back.


Hitoshi hidaka:(pulls out a dagger)

T-bone:what the hell?

Hitoshi hidaka:(pulls out a mini dagger and taps on it)

Chihiro:you are a...kamen rider?

Kamen rider hibiki:yeah,im kamen rider hibiki.

Cyborg guy:fine,lets settle this.

Kamen rider hibiki:(pulls out his weapons and looks at chihiro)go.

They ran off


Kamen rider hibiki:(charges towards cyborg guy)

Cyborg guy:(charges towards him and fights him)

Kamen rider hibiki:(doiges and blocks his attacks)

Cyborg guy:who are you?!

Hibiki:a man who fights for justice!(breaths fire on him)

Cyborg guy:GAH!(puts of the flames)not bad...(charges towards him)


T-bone:(sees purple flames arround the building)seesh,didnt know one of them can cause a major fire.

Usagi:(contacts ian)TELEPORT US!


They teleported away

[Saoris manson]

Adain,t-bone,momoru,usagi,and chihiro

Saori:did you find him

Adain:yeah,but someone wanted us at this GGG?

Saori:i never heard of it.

Usagi:what about seyia and stanford?

Grunckle stan:which one? Me or my brother?

Saori:you were the first ones to make it back.

Soos:yeah dudes,mabel wanted to go,buuuut...

Dinger and lori were trying to restrain mabel


lori:calm the hell down!

Dinger:trust me,it will alert the goverment even more.

Saori:...seyia,please be okay.

[New york city]

Seyia:(punches delta)

Kamen rider delta:GAH!

Seyia:seesh,you dont know how to fight well do you?

Kamen rider delta:...I DONT CARE!(charges towards seyia and kicks him in the face)

Seyia:GAH!...alright,you asked for it!



Kamen rider delta:CHECK!



Kamen rider delta got hit

Kamen rider Delta:GAH!


Delta got up

Kamen rider delta:fire...


Kamen rider faiz(dipper) was fighting grunckle ford

kamen rider faiz:(fires at grunckle ford)

Grunckle ford:(doiges the attacks)

Kamen rider faiz:(battle cries and attempts to punch grunckle ford)

Grunckle ford:(blocks the attacks)

Kamen rider faiz:(growls and pulls out a his sword)


Grunckle ford:you really want to do that?

Kamen rider faiz(now has a voice changer):i have my ways.



Kamen rider faiz:GAH!...ugh...

Kamen rider delta:you okay?!

Kamen rider faiz(now with a voice changer) fine.

Grunckle ford:(sees bill)oh no.

Seyia:(sees shaina)shaina?!

Bill:well,well,well,well,well,well,well,well,well,well,well,WELL! Good to see ya agaim stanford!

Gruncke ford:bill.

Seyia:whats going on shaina,why are you-

Shaina:i did this awhile back,i thought it was just a myth,but it was true...NOW DIE! THUNDER CLAW!

Seyia:shaina no!

Shaina:(attempts to kill seyia)

Kamen rider delta:LOOK OUT!(pushes seyia out of the way)

Shaina:(almost kills delta)

Kamen rider delta:GAH! Ugh...(reverts)


Kamen rider faiz(with voice changer):YUDAI!

Yudai:ugh...i dont wanna die...i dont wanna die...

Kamen rider faiz(with voice changer):your not gonna die! Hold on!


Kamen rider faiz(with voice changer:(carrys him)

Yudai:gah! I dont wanna die man!

Grunckle ford:WAIT!

Kamen rider faiz(with voice changer:(uses deltas gun)3-8-2-1!


Deltas jet slider came in

Kamen rider faiz:*gets on with yudai*just hold on!(starts driving off)

Grunckle ford:NO! WAIT!


Bill:oh darn it! Thats no fun! Someone running away,i hate it when that happens! Come on lets go.(leaves)

Shaina:seyia...(runs off)

Seyia:Shaina! Wait!

[Abonded building]

Yudai:...(slowly wakes up) i?

Dipper:good news,your not gonna die,bad news is that they found out who you are.

Yudai:(sighs)thats not a problem for me...

Dipper:wait what?

Yudai:heh,ive been exposed once all because of Smart Brain. I killed them as well.

Dipper:yudai,look,im trying to keep my identity safe. If anyone else finds out-

Yudai:your family doesn't know. Your safe...

???:but you will die with no funnel


Dipper:who is that guy?!

???:(presses 0 three times)





Dipper:oh boy.

Kamen rider orda:...come at me! Let your rage consume you...

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