Losing to Zelda/Hyrila

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I gets back to my empire after secretly escaping without been seen and using a clone of myself to be sealed away.

Pyramid head helped me return to the empire after I teleported back to the desert after escaping from hebra.

I turns ganondorf back to normal and have him taken to the infirmary just incase.

I thinks to myself for a moment after healing some of my wounds that could be healed and what couldn't be healed just turned into a light wound

I growls lightly angry that my only child was killed but I have away to bring her back but not yet

I know I have to go into hiding and I was going to take ganondorf and pyramid head with me

I have the perfect place to go where no one would think to look for me.

I feels the ground shakes again as I growls a bit knowing there angry and want revenge for there sister.

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