Prologue: From the Weakest to the Most Ruthless

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In his office, Warden Jaune Arc, sat with a rather thinking and serious look.

While mostly he was thinking of new ways of ensuring security within the prison, he was also looking back on the previous events that led up to the present, on how he became the warden of this place.

Jaune is the Leader of Team JNPR, a Student of Beacon, and the "Weakest Student in Beacon". His records when it comes to combat are severely low and everyone expects him to lose. Even though Pyrrha trained him, Jaune knew it wasn't up to standards, as Pyrrha was only skilled in tournament-based combat.

Not to mention it was worse when it came to Team RWBY, prominently Weiss Schnee, Blake Belladonna, and Yang Xiao Long.

Weiss, who Jaune had a feeling toward, already treated him like garbage ever since his arrival to Beacon, made his life much worse. When his secret of faking transcript was out, he first thought it was Cardin, but turns out it was none other than the heiress herself. Ever since then, Weiss began to torment him and made his life into hell. During the combat practice, she would make sure attack him even though his Aura was down.

As for Blake and Yang, Blake was bitter and cold toward Jaune, while Yang would regularly beat him up and threatening him to stay away from Ruby.

To make matters worse, he was going to be replaced, by a transfer student from Haven, who was seemingly more charming than him. But the truth was that Alistair was even far more despicable individual than Cardin was to Jaune.

But luckily for Jaune, Nora Valkyrie and Lie Ren, two of his teammates, stood by him. Nora and Ren felt disgusted that Pyrrha would abandon Jaune for another guy who they KNEW wasn't a good person at all, given how Ren's Semblance allows him to detect any kinds of emotions, and he knew Alistair's was seriously foul. Nora would never give up on her "fearless leader" while Ren would never leave his friend's side.

Even others, Ruby Rose, the leader of Team RWBY, were also there for Jaune too. She ended her friendship with Weiss and Blake, and was cold and distant toward Yang, much to her anger and sadness. Team CFVY, the second years, and Team SSSN, team from Haven, sided with Jaune as well.

Despite this, Jaune was forced to leave Beacon, while Nora, Ren, and Ruby decided to leave as well. Ozpin sighed in sadness as he watched the four leave, now going by Team RNJR.

As for his family, that was a different story.

Now, you might think that the Arc family would disown him, but they didn't. His beloved brother Noah and his loving sisters: Saphron, Olivia, Bianca, Aqua, Jade, Violet, and Marilyn stood by him, and his parents, Charles and Isabelle, although scolded him for lying, were not mad, as they felt ashamed that they could've trained him more and saddened of Jaune's misery back in Beacon. So after some hugging and crying, they made it up.

But what awaited for Jaune was something no one expected.

After grabbing a lunch with his parents and grandfather, Liam, Jaune met someone he did wanted to meet: Weiss.

Weiss was heading to the same restaurant Jaune and his family were dining in. They got into an argument soon enough, with Weiss insulting Jaune as a faker. Eventually, Jaune angrily lashed out at Weiss as he slapped her, telling her that she is someone worse than her father. Fed up, Jaune decided to leave.

Weiss, fuming, pulled out her Myrtenaster, before blasting a wave of fire at Jaune. Although luckily enough Jaune dodged... only for the fireball to head straight toward the restaurant.

A massive explosion erupted, as Jaune and Weiss were both flew away by the impact. Jaune looked up in horror, the fire spreading. Screaming his parents and grandfather's name, he ran inside as Weiss quickly fled.

Inside, Jaune found the charred remains of his parents. Jaune, hyperventilating in shock, though this was a dream. As the fire surrounded, Jaune lost consciousness.

As he woke up, he was in the hospital. He learned that his parents did not survived, and died instantly from the explosion. He cried, now knowing they were gone.

What made this worse, was that Weiss managed to escape, along with few people there, so there weren't any witnesses that claimed. Not to mention there weren't any security cameras that caught the event.

As Jaune recovered, he was greeted by his siblings, who cried together, grieving their parents and grandfather. Ren, Nora, and Ruby came as well, comforting their friend.

During his parents and grandfather's funeral, Jaune learned that his last will stated that he and his sisters will equally inherit the Arc family fortune, but also Jaune will become the newest warden of Arcanus Prison.

Arcanus Prison, or officially known as Arcanus Super-Maximum Penitentiary, was the prison officially founded by Jaune's great-grandfather, Ephraim Arc, and ironically, Nicholas Schnee, Weiss' grandfather.

Although the exact reasons weren't stated, but it was a tradition amongst Arcs that whenever the Arc clan's male reached the right age, they would be selected to become the warden of said place: A tradition he found strange.

But Jaune did not wished to refuse his grandfather's will, as he accepted it of course, before heading to Arcanus.

And so, Jaune's new story as the warden of Remannt's most cruel prison began...

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