Chp.4 Reunion

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After dealing with the villains, (YN) soon decided leave them there for the pro heroes to deal with them and take them for good. Soon he and the girls soon escape from the action as they realize the pros were already arriving on the scene...they ran far away from the scene...

Mina: Phew, that was close.

Jiro: Yeah, I mean I don't know what to do if we even handle those villains by ourselves, I don't think they'll even let us fight them off even if we already have our license.

Momo: I guess we have to wai then till we are actually ready.

Ochaco: Yeah, but hey, thanks for saving us back there, especially Shota of course.

Tooru: Yeah! And wow! You were so cool back there! Like totally!

Tsuyu: Yeah, you pretty much handle those villains like if they were nothing, Ribbit.

(YN): Heh, it's what I do when I see villains tryin got hurt the city and the people here as well. But first off, thanks, it was nothing really...and second...

(YN) soon sees Shota at the back, behind the girls as she soon was kinda flustered seeing him and yet happy to see (YN) at last...(YN) soon gave off a huge smile on his face as he chuckles, soon he stretches both of his arms as he then grabs Shota, brings her towards him and gives her a huge happy hug...

Shota: (Y-YN)!?

(YN): Shota!!! Oh boy!!! I'm so glad that I finally found you!!! You cannot understand how much I miss you so much!! I'm so happy to see you again!! At first I didn't knew who you were at first when you said my name, but it hit me when I saw your hair!!! I'm so relief and happy!!!

Shota blushes as she replies...and yet she felt so happy somehow the fact she's being hug by the very first and best friend she met as she replies...

Shota: H-Hehe, I-It's good to see you too..!!

The girls were soon concerned about the friendship between (YN) and Shota...

Jiro: So that's Shota's childhood friend??

Mina: For a guy like him, he's the only boy to ever talk like that to Shota.

Tooru: Yeah, and Shota seems to be flustered about it. Never seen her like this before, not even when the boys from our class talk to her, she's never like that.

Tsuyu: Yeah, Ribbit.

Momo: Maybe we should give them some time, Hey Shota, we'll be waiting for you here.

Shota: O-Okay...!

Soon (YN) let's Shota go...

(YN): I-I mean look at you!! You're even prettier than you were back then!! And you look so much better with that long hair with yours!

Shota: *blushes* O-Oh! W-Well, thank you (YN)...! A-And...

Shota started to observe (YN) of how much grown he got, knwinf he still the same as he was back as kids, and even having that smile on his face as she replies...

Shota: Y-You...You really still the same like back then, and I'm happy that you are and glad to meet you after these years.

(YN): Hehe! Yup! So how's it going?! And- *Gasps shockingly*

He soon realizes of the uniform Shota is wearing...

(YN): No way!!!! That uniform! The school badge! And the design!!! Did you happen to be in UA!?!

Shota: Y-Yeah, I'm in UA High, especially my friends back there.

(YN): So cooooool!!!!! I'm happy for you Shota! You deserved it!!

Shota: Heh, thanks, (YN). got a lot better with that Rubber quirk of yours.

(YN): hmm?? Oh! Yeah!! Hehe, yeah I've been training pretty hard on my powers! And so far it's going better! And I'm guessing you've been working hard on your ice and fire quirk??

Shota: ...Yeah, I have. And well...I've always train hard to become the hero I want to be...

(YN): Hehe, that's good. Seems like you still remember our pinky promise.

Shota: ...Always.

(YN): Hmm. Hey Shota...

Shota: Yes??

(YN)'s facial expressions went form a bit serious when he realizes about the scar Shota has on her left side of her face...

(YN): ...Ima sorry for what happen to your face...I know I didn't get to say it back then...but I hope it's okay for me to tell you right know? Cause of your-

Shota: Yeah, I wasn't my moms fault...serious...she didn't mean it...I-It was...I-It...was...

Shota stood quiet for a moment as she didn't even wanted to say "his" name...not even mention him at all...soon (YN) place his hand onto her shoulder as he replies to her...

(YN): I know Shota, I don't blame your mom, she wouldn't never do such cruel thing to you like this...I know who it is, don't worry.

Shota smiles and blushes as she replies...

Shota: Y-Yeah, thanks, (YN)...

(YN): Anytime...Well, I gotta go home now, don't want to have my mom worried about me.

Shota: O-Oh! Right

(YN): Yeah...but don't worry, we can see each other again if you want.

Shota: Y-Yeah! U-Uh I mean...Sure, that...sounds good.

(YN): Hehe sweet! Oh, give me a sec!

(YN) quickly takes out a little piece of paper and pen as he started writing down something on it..and soon handing it over to Shota's hand...

(YN): Text me when you get home! Well, see ya! Glad and happy to see you again!!

(YN) soon started running down home as he yet started to stretch his arms and swinging on the buildings...afterwards...Shota soon blushed a little as she takes a look at the paper (YN) gave her...and yet to see a phone number written on it...

Shota: He...gave me his phone number...*blushing and then smiles* dummy...

Soon, the girls walked up to Shota behind...

Momo: Shota.

Shota: O-Oh, hey girls.

Mina: Hehe, seems like the two of you were happy to see each other again, and he seem very happy especially seeing you too.

Shota: *blushes* Y-Yeah, I know.

Ochaco: So? What happen?? What were the two of you talking about??

Shota: Well...we talked some things, and well...we were happy to meet each other again...and...well...I guess you can say we will see each other again more and more.

Tooru: Aww! That's good for the two of you Shota!

Tsuyu: Yeah, and glad the two of you reunited together after these years, Ribbit.

Mina: That's awesome to hear Shota!

Shota: Yeah. Well, we should get going on, I have to be home and rest for today.

Ochaco: Yeah, I have to study as well.

Momo: Same goes for me. Very well then, let's head home.

And so, the girls soon started to walk for Shota, she soon was still holding onto the piece of paper of (YN)'s number written on it, as she smiles and says in her mind...

Shota Mind: I'm glad I've finally found him after these I can be happy.

Meanwhile, back at the scene where the villains were taken down by (YN), the pros and the officers came in and arrested the villains, and yet, the new number 1 hero has arrived as well, Endeavor as he came a little late...

Endeavor: Sorry I'm late, I had to catch up with some work back at my agency. So What did I miss?

Pro Hero #1: Well we heard rumors about these villains causing havoc here in this city, but when we got here, seems that someone has taken them down for us.

Endeavor: So, you didn't handle the job??

Pro Hero #2: No, we just arrive and found them on the ground. All we're doing is arresting them. Whoever did this, gotta give them props.

Endeavor: Yeah, props.

Endeavor soon started to look around to see anything suspicious...suddenly, he then found some pieces of ice on the ground and observe it...

Endeavor: Ice...then that means...Shota was hear?? Why?? Was she the one that took care of them??

Soon, he heard one of the villains complaint to the officers...

Villain #1: I'm telling you! It was some teenage bastard that did this to us!!

He soon walks over to him and says..

Endeavor: Does this "teenager" happens to be a girl??

Villain #1: N-No!!! It was a boy! He suddenly appeared out of nowhere and took all of us down! But he got lucky!! I'll get him soon!! You hear me!?! So-

Endeavor: Shut it! Take him away.

Officer #1: Right!

Endeavor soon walks away and stood still was confused on who was this "boy" the villain was talking about, and why was his daughter here as well...

Endeavor: If it wasn't Shota, then who?? And why was she here in the first time?? Tch. She better give me some answers. I don't care if she has her license, she could have gotten injured! ...I need to talk to her.


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