Chp.6 The Talk

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As we left off, Enji and Shota were both alone in the living room as Enji soon wanted to have a talk with her daughter...

Enji: Shota...there's something I wanted to talk to you.

Shota: ...And what is it that you want to talk about, old man??

Enji: *deep breathes* If you don't know...there was an incident that happen back at the city not too long ago...and when I arrived...I realize the villains were beaten up and taken down already, not even the pros know how it happen when they arrived.

Shota: ...And what does that have to do with me??

Enji: ...Were you somehow involved in it?

Shota: ...

Enji: Shota, don't even think of lying to me, I saw the ice around the floor, no other I know heroes that has ice powers but you. So tell me...were you involved to the incident??

Shota stood quiet as she replies...

Shota: ...And what if I was?? What, you're gonna punish me??

Enji: ...Please, don't say that. Why would I?? And why on earth were you in it?? Do you realize you could have hurt yourself?!

Shota: Tch. I can take care of myself you know, that's a reason I got my license no?! I earn it!

Enji: And you aren't ready! Shota, even if you are skilled enough, your still aren't ready to face off the real thing! I mean look what happen with Stain?! If it wasn't for Deku and Iida, you would hav been done, and I wouldn't know what will I do if I have lost you!

Shota: ...Tch. Since when did you started to care.

Enji was trying his very best to be the father he wanted to be and change and forget his past self and be the future...

Enji: Shota...look, I know things between our family...didn't work that well...but I am trying my best okay?? *sighs* Anyways...I'm just glad your okay...and not hurt.

Shota: ...

Enji: Oh...and also...I notice one of the villains said that a student almost as your age was the one that took them down, you know who it was??

Shota soon stood quiet for a she soon didn't wanted to mention (YN) around her father...knowing that he was the responsible one that ruin her life when he made him and his mom move out with force....but, then again...she then wanted to put on her father's place, teach him on what he she soon replies...

Shota: ...if you remember of was a old friend of mines...that you sent him away from me...

Enji: What??

Shota: ...That friend...who happens to be (YN) remember him?!

Enji: (YN)??? ...Wait. (YN)??! That kid who was your-

Shota: Friend?! Well no shit! He was! He was the friend I could ever have in my life! He was the reason I kept smiling! He was the reason I kept laughing and he was the reason That I was happy to be with! I've never had a friend like him before back then...but who's fault was it to split him up from me?! Who's fault is it that you and no right to ruin that for me?! ...You...You out of all people, it had to be you, the father I had to be with....

Enji: ...

Shota: So yeah, it was (YN), and he saved me from those villains...he beat them down...he did save me, the friend who he knew me very well.

Enji: ...I see.

Shota: Why?? Is that a problem??

Enji: No...not at all. I'm just...shocked and relief that he's...still around here-

Shota: Tch. And all of the sudden you're caring about him now?!? After what you did to him and his mom?! Forcing them to move out close to our neighborhood all because of what you wanted me to be?!? Tch...look, even if you did mention you were gonna change after the horrible things you have done, I accept it...but no matter what...I still won't forgive you...not even close.

Enji: ...

Shota: Now, if we're done here, I'm gonna be in my room. Oh, and one more and him are gonna meet up after these years. And if you have a problem with it, then I suggest you mind your business about it.

Soon, Shota walks away from the living room as she heads back to her room...soon Enji was he walks over and clenched his hands as he says...

Enji: ...Shota...even if you still don't forgive me...I'm still trying to be the best father I can, I'm trying to change...and even so...I'm glad (YN) is still around here...but...I know that boy really well back then...and the way I see it...he'll just get Shota distracted on her studies and classes...and not having her get the chance to be the hero she wants to be...he's a bad influence on her...and I cannot let her be with him that much..


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