Final Chapter

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5 days have passed...during those days, (YN) soon receive a call from UA, if he was still interested in going to UA...and his answer was always yes. He is now part of UA and yet to become the future number 1 hero like All Might...and on top of that...he and Shota were now a couple, Shota has told her family about it...Rei, Natsuo and Fuyumi were happy to hear about for her father, Enji...he was okay with it, knowing that he wanted them to keep on smiling together and be happy together...and soon focus on what's important on his life; his family band supporting it as well...and yet continuing being the number 1 hero as well...and yet, (YN) has told Shita that he'll be in UA with her as well, Shota was happy to hear it and can't wait to be with him as well. One Monday morning, (YN)'s mother, Reimi was on the phone, talking with Rei as she was happy to hear Rei was back home and yet soon to meet each other and talk again...

Reimi: Well it's nice to know you're back home, Rei. Hey, I'll call you later, I have to head to work in a bit.

Rei: Okay Reimi, it was fun talking with you again. Bye.

Reimi: Bye.

She hangs up as she notices (YN) walking down the hallway and yet having his own UA uniform on...

(YN): So, how do I look?

Reimi: You look great sweetie.

(YN): Hehe, thanks.

Reimi walks up to him, gives himself a kiss on the cheek and hugging him...

Reimi: I'm so happy for you (YN), very.

(YN): Heh, thank you mom.

Reimi: You're welcome sweetie.

she suddenly sees (YN) being a bit sad for a moment...

Reimi: What's wrong honey?

(YN): Nothing,'s just that...well...I just would have been here...he would been happy for me too.

Reimi: Oh sweetie...don't you worry, he is happy now. He's on the cloud...looking down...and happy to see his son making progress on becoming a great hero.

(YN) smiles...

Reimi: Well, I gotta get ready to work now.

(YN): Yeah, I gotta go now, I have to meet Shita at the park at 8:40am.

Reimi: That's nice sweetie. I'm also happy that you and Shota are now together. I knew you two would have ended up together as a cute couple.

(YN): Hehe, yeah.

(YN) soon grabs his backpack on the couch...

(YN): Well, I'm off.

Reimi: Good luck on your first day honey. See you later.

(YN): Okay, love you.

Soon, he exits the house as he then smells the fresh air, and yet the beginning of the future of his own on being the future number 1 hero...

(YN): Today...will begin the journey of me being the number 1 hero in the future! Now, I gotta get to the park or I'll be the one to have Shota waiting for nothing hehe.


Minutes later, (YN) has arrived to the park as he was sitting down at the bench, waiting for Shota to come and walk to UA together...he waited and waited for her....until suddenly.
(YN) realizes a pebble tossed aside from he ignored it for some reasons...and yet...another pebble was tossed aside from him he looked behind...and yet no one was there...

(YN): Weird...

As he turns forward...this time...the pebble hit directly at he stood up and looked back...

(YN): Okay, who's out there?!?

No response...sudden silence...

(YN): Tch. If you're not gonna come out...then I'm gonna have to come and get you instead!!

(YN) soon rushes through the bushes and soon getting out from them...arriving from the other side where there's bunch of grass only and yet a puddle as well...and one to be seen...

(YN): What the hell?? Nrgh! I know you're here whoever is been tossing pebbles at me! I'm not scared! So you better come out and-

???: Easy friend, no need to be all hasty.

Suddenly...(YN) then heard the voice from the tree aside from him...soon...the one talking appeared behind the tree...and yet revealing his meld...he had black spike hair, with nasty burn scars on his body, he has undoubtedly patches of wrinkle gnarls, purple skin that covers much from his lower face and neck, piercings on both ears, with a dark blue jacket, with a white shirt on and dark pants and boots as well...

(YN): ...Who the hell are you??!

???: Who am I?? Hehe...well, let's say that I'm just a forgotten figure from the past. Or...just call me Dabi.

(YN): ...

Dabi: Now, I know you're wondering: why is a stranger like me, talking to someone like you?? Well my friend..I just came here to talk, no trouble at all.

(YN): Tch. If I know seem bad news.

Dabi: Like I need to be hasty friend, and I'm not here to cause trouble, if I was...

Soon, this stranger, Dabi lift his hand up, aiming his palm towards (YN) as he yet emitted blue flames...

Dabi: I would have done it and end you here already.

(YN): ...Talk you say? Hmph, just what you wanna talk about??

Dabi: ...I just wanna say...keep Shota happy.

(YN): Wh-What?!

Dabi: Now before you say anything else, and wondering how I know her. Don't worry about it...I know Shota cause.........She's a friend of mines back when we were little.

(YN): ...

Dabi: ...Now, like I said...Keep her happy, I've been seeing her happy ever since you came back and met her again, after all these years of the her father did. I've been spying on the two of you the whole day, not on the night, the days are more better. So...yeah, just keep what you're doing, and keep Shota happy. That's the only thing I came here to tell you about.

(YN) was speechless and yet confused about what was Dabi talking about, and how he knows about her and the past they had....suddenly, his phone started to vibrate...and yet to know it was Shota calling her, he looks behind and can see her arriving at the bench...and as he turns around...Dabi suddenly vanishes and was no where to be seen again...

(YN): ...Dabi..Just who is he?? But nows not important. I gotta get back to Shota.

Soon, he then walks away and goes to Shota...soon Shota realizes to see (YN)...

Shota: Oh hey (YN)!

(YN): Hey, Shota.

Shota approach to (YN)...hugging him as the two gave each other a kiss on the lips...

Shota: Ready to go?

(YN): Yeah, Yeah, totally. Can't wait...

Shota: ...(YN), you okay??

(YN): Yeah Yeah, I'm fine babe, don't worry. I'm just...nervous, you know?

Shota: Aww. No need to be nervous.

Shota reaches to (YN)'s hand and holds it...

Shota: You and I will work together and become the best heroes in the future. Just as we pinky promise as kids.

(YN) then forgot about having that conversation with Dabi...and yet was focus on his he smiles at Shota and replies...

(YN): Yeah, together, we'll be the heroes we want to be! So, shall we?

Shota: Yeah, oh and just a heads up, you should be careful from a friend of mines name Bakugo, I'll let you know who he is.

(YN): Hehe, okay.

And so...the two of them walked together to UA...and yet...Dabi was to be seen again, hiding behind a tree, seeing Shota and (YN)...happy together as he says...

Dabi: Hehe, keep smiling, Sis.

The End

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