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Back to present day...

Farad put one step forward but then immediately retracted it. He thought that the line had moved, but he was only imagining it. It had been quite some time since he first arrived at the base. How much longer did he have to wait for his turn? 

Well, not long, it seemed. Someone in a uniform, looking more important than the others around him, started at Farad, and Farad stared back at him. The man asked while his hands were behind his back, "Tell me, why would you want to become a soldier?"

"Because I want to." Farad replied with a smile. The man studied him for a while before asking him to follow. Farad trailed behind him and then reached a room that had a label on its door, "General Rommel". 

"Do you know about the Gazeraic's and Rommulen's?" He said as he sat on his chair. 

"No." Farad said. 

"Simply put, there are two factions in Salic's army. One's wants me to become the chief general and one's with Gazer."

Farad stared blankly at him. Wondering why he was telling him about the inner politics of the army before he had even joined. Rommel seemed to realize it and he smiled a little. "You know, it takes a special someone to discard their comfort. Why did you come here, Faraday Aveler?"

Farad was surprised, but he did his best to hide it. "Because I want to know what it feels like to be in Faran's shoes."

"So the nephew wants to be like his uncle? Thats cute. Give me a real reason."

Farad hunched forward and joined his hands together. "I dont have one."

Rommel started to look at him in the same way as before. Judging him, and then finally saying, "You're in."

Farad sat back in his seat, "But remember, you're now a Rommulen, and your loyalty lies with me from this moment onwards."

In the heat of a battle...

Farad's running had gotten sloppy, because he had been running for half an hour, and shooting as well. He believed that he was ready for war, but no one could have prepared him for this frantic and crazed bloodfest. 

The war with the Verisian's had commenced a day ago, when The President had unveiled irrefutable evidence for Versia'a involvement in the festival bombing. Of course, Farad had already known that it would come to this. Or else, why would he have chosen to join the army a couple of months ago when everything seemed at peace. 

Farad pulled up his rifle and looked into its sight, perfectly hitting the Verisian in front him, right in the head. He reloaded and then shot a couple of more times. None of them coming close to the accuracy of that shot he had made before. 

Farad was starting to lose all of the feeling in his legs, so he searched for a cover and then ran for it. 

He hid himself behind the completely battered car and attempted to catch his breath. The Rommulens in their army had to show some kind of achievement. It wad the only way their leader could become the chief general. Farad was given the task to capture twenty prisoners. 

He was about to move when a small object hit his shoulder, dislocating it instantly. Farad saw that it was without a pin... 

there was a large blast heard afterwards.

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