Chapter 1: Simple Times

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Breathe in. Breathe out.

Light began to filter into the quiet dim room, casting it in rays of early morning sunlight as the farm awoke by the day's heed. It, however, did not stir the only occupant in the said room, who currently had their leg dangling by the foot of their bed, undisturbed and peacefully snoring away in their slumber. That wouldn't last very long however, as the sounds of cloven hooves tapping against the earthen floor from outside their window became more prominent, followed by the sounds of something much larger in stature, and a quiet, exasperated snort being heaved into the morning air. 

They tapped against the window, making themselves known to the occupant in question bundled up in thick fleece. One was impatiently clacking their hooves against the ground, youthful and clearly seeking out attention like any other youngster would, while the other only seemed mildly amused by the former's behaviour, a soft whinny trailing softly through the farm, trying heartily to awaken their sleeping keeper.  The steed's hearty action went unnoticed however, as the person tucked into the relatively small bed only shuffled on their side, not wishing to leave the comfort of their soft duvets. 

Clearly upset at the lack of attention, the lamb baas in frustration loudly, jumping up to press their cloven hooves against the window sill and tapping against the glass keeping it from jumping inside the little bedroom. Not enough to break the glass, but certainly loud enough to cause a racket to stir the only occupant in the room. The stallion whinnies in response to the younger, scolding them for causing such a loud ruckus so early on in the morning. The young sheep only responds with a soft baa, downcrested by their fellow animal's reprimanding, who simply snorts softly and leans down to gently nudge the lamb, reassuring. 

A quiet tapping from the window catches their attention, snapping up to look at the farmer, who evidently looked disheveled and tired, but nonetheless, bid the two quietly with a small fond smile. They tap the window once more, to which both mutually respond back with sincere affection by leaning in closer and making small sounds, expressing the same sentiment as the human. They watch as the human makes a move to leave the room, tucking away their blanket to the side and putting out the fire from the corner of the room.

This was Y/N. Specifically you. 

A simple farmer on the outskirts of the forest, far from civilization, but close enough to where it would only take a few days to ride out into the city to sell your goods. You've built this farm from the ground up, having found it to only be a simple abandoned cottage when you first laid your eyes on it, but you made do with what you had and what you could find. The house was much larger now in comparison to before, not big enough to catch attention, but certainly cozy enough for one or two people. 

How you came to be here on the outskirts is a bit of a boring tale. You were simply young and and uninterested in the bustle of the city, the buzz of excitement for adventures that drew everyone in was simply another tale to be put into history for you, and although taking a name for yourself would be appealing, you'd rather not go through all that trouble to prove yourself when you've already seen countless young adventurers seek out the same temporary high for glory, only to come back crestfallen and ashamed.

With no titles to their name and a town full of mockery.

Or worse. They don't come back. At all.

While everyone else had craved for more, you simply desired for less. Less unintelligible talks of high and mighty warriors, less boasting, less brawls-- just less of everything. You didn't even like legends or histories gloating about heroes and villains, always talking about black and white like morals stood on the mere concepts of black magic or spirited innocence. Heroes, whether they like being referred to in such a way or not, are glorified murderers bounded by the chants of the people and dignified by their own sense of justice-- whether that tipped off to peaceful intentions or vengeful retribution didn't matter. 

Blood being shed is still blood shed. No matter who the person may have been. You huff quietly into your coffee, the thought bringing you back to your youth when someone had stood up for some nameless hero you didn't bother remembering, throwing profanities as though you had just sung wicked magic into the air. You weren't bitter, far from it actually, you had simply connected two dots together and had formed the analysis. 

Whether or not that statement had left a sour taste in their throats didn't matter to you. The only thing that had mattered to you was that men, women, and or otherwise alike would turn their noses up at your statement, refusing to slander the name of a "good person". 

That was fine with you. You never really understood their objectified morals anyways, much less the heroes they loved to worship. 

You preferred to talk about general history bounded by facts and logic, and although you certainly wouldn't call yourself smart, you've had a good reputation of thinking more with your head than you would with your fists. As calloused as they may be.

You turned your head to the right, eyes drawn to the open window giving you a gorgeous view of your farm being illuminated by sunlight. A familiar calling from the world telling you that your farm needed tending to. You blink lazily, pulling up the ceramic mug to your lips and taking a long, drawn out sip of coffee, sighing. 

The day was long for a farmer, the usual tasks always seeming mundane, but you truly wouldn't ask to change it for the world.  It was routine, it was constant, and it bordered on something akin to attachment and tenderness. It was a warmth that rivalled no other.

It was home, and it was yours.

A/N: Hello! I've finally returned after that long awaited break. Apologies to the old followers who were anticipating updates on my old books, I couldn't find the motivation to finish those fics anymore. I tried to push myself to finish one of them at least, but I had gotten too attached to lore and world-building that I never found an end to any. 

I bid you welcome to this new series, however, there will be no romantic plotted fics from me for a while I'm afraid, I've been too burnt out by them in the past to make more. 

To my new and old readers alike, I hope you enjoyed the first chapter so far! Comment down below what you thought about it. I'm still a crackhead, so ya'll don't have to worry about being formal around me! 

Please Don't Forget to Vote, Comment and Follow to await for further updates and new books. Until then, Bye! 

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