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Third-person POV

"Soraru~san!" Mafu yelled to get Soraru's attention. "I'm going to the convenient store, wanna tag along with me?" Soraru let out a 'no' not even bothering to look up from his book. "Fine! I'll go on my own then! Don't regret it when someone kidnaps me!" The albino said with a pout. "Why would someone kidnap you?" Soraru said with a slight smirk on his face before going back to his book.

"Why wouldn't someone want to kidnap someone as cute me?" Mafu asked Soraru "I'm cute aren't I Soraru~san?" This question made Soraru look at Mafu so quickly that his head hurt afterwards (I'm sorry but this ever happen to someone except me?) "O-of course not" Soraru said as he turned to face the other direction. "Besides why are you asking me?" The raven-haired questioned Mafu.

"T-that's 'cause...'cause...Anyways, I'm going to the convenient store!!" Mafu said fumbling with his words and started to dart towards the door. "Oi, Mafu!! Don't forget to take an umbrella..." The last part went unsaid as Mafu was already out the door. Soraru just sighed and got back to his book.

Mafumafu POV

Uwah!! Why would I ask him that!?! Anyways, I feel like I'm forgetting something, but I don't know what I forgot...Then I almost ran into a lamp post. Well, time to go shopping~

Time Skip (Very short paragraph, I know)

As soon as I got out of the convenient store it starting raining. Oooh! So what I forgot was an umbrella! Now to the real do I get home without getting wet coz of the rain? 

Guess I have to make a run for it and get home and hope I don't get too wet... It's cold and rain like, what else did I expect? But it's really cold.

Soraru POV

This book is surprisingly good. Ooooo, that character's gonna die, I know that my favourite character always dies and... yup they died. I guess I'll read another one for now. I got up from the couch and went to pick up another book from the self. Mafu...really likes childish things, huh? Cinderella, Snow White, Beauty and the Beast...I say to myself as I browse the small shelf which is used as a bookshelf 

Nothing I would wanna read, right? Maybe 'Beauty and the Beast'... That sums up how I ended up reading 'Beauty and the Beast'. What am I doing with my life? I don't even know anymore. As these deep and philosophical thoughts filled my head, I heard the doorbell ring.

"Who is it?" I asked as anyone who can't see me would be shocked to see the door open on its own. "It's me!!" I heard Mafu calling out to me and I went to open the door. I saw him drenched with water, I knew this would have happened...I sigh as I let him in. I immediately told him to go take a shower. 

"Well, how do you feel?" I asked him after he came out of his room. "I'm fine Soraru~san~" Mafu replied. I asked him, again and again, he replied that he's fine, this time stressing on the 'fine'. I asked him one last time. "I'm fine, really." He replied with a smile on his face. 

Mafumafu POV

As soon as I finished my bath and came out of my room Soraru~san asked if I was fine and I replied with a 'yes'. He asked again and I replied the same. He asked me one more and I told him that I'm really fine with a smile on my face. I flail my arms around a bit. "See! I'm alright Soraru~san" It feels nice having someone except Ama~chan, Uratan or Sakatan care about me so much. It feels somewhat familiar though... After that thinking about that though, I blacked out.






I tried opening my eyes, they feel heavy for some reason. I get up bed? Soraru~san noticed me getting up. "Don't get up yet, you need to rest." He said in a gentle voice. "I even told you to take your umbrella, but you bother listening to me" He scolded me in a motherly tone. 

"Come on, Soraru~san~," I say as he lifts up one of his eyebrows. "I'll be fine!~" I try to convince him but to no avail. A burning scent catches my attention and I question Soraru~san about it. "Ahh! I forgot about the soup!" Soraru~san said in a rattled way and ran towards the kitchen. I giggle, its the first time I've seen Soraru~san so panicked. He's usually calm and collected so seeing him like this is fun. 

"Thank god it didn't burn a lot... I'm sure it's still edible." Soraru~san guessed. Well, it smells like it's not completely burnt, but who am I to say, I've got a cold right? Anyways, time to taste it~. I took a bite and it's not that bad. "I'm sorry if it's burnt" Soraru~san apologized. 

"As long as it's edible I'll eat anything you cook Soraru~san"


I'm back! I'm also sorry and sick! 

Well at least me being sick gave me 1) A plot for this chapter and 2) A reason to not go to school today so that I could sit at home and write this chapter~

I actually had a different idea for this chapter, but I couldn't think of anything for the chapter... I may write it later sometime, but I am not gonna specify the time as you have seen, I'm horrible at doing stuff by deadlines! 

Well, hope you enjoyed~

Wordcount: 930

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