Soraru's birthday

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Nobody's POV (I wanted to write nobody instead of third-person POV for some reason)

"Hey, Mafu. Do you know what tomorrow is?" A blonde girl going by the name Lon asked an albino called Mafumafu. Apparently, tomorrow was something special. Mafu and Lon were texting each other as Lon was currently out-of-station.

Mafu: "Eeeehh? Is tomorrow something special?"

Lon:  "Yup! Tomorrow is Soraru's birthday!"

Lon: "and since I'm not here, it's up to you two to celebrate!"

Mafu: "Fine, but I'm gonna need your help! 

Lon: "No problem! >wO

Mafu fell backwards onto his bed. Encouraging Soraru~san to wake up tomorrow is going to be hard... NO MAFU YOU CANNOT BE DISCOURAGED!! He said to himself as he suddenly got up, suddenly full of energy. I even need to bake him a cake without it looking suspicious He plopped down onto his bed again in defeat. 

Time Skip!! Next morning

"Cake..cake..!~" Mafumafu quietly mumbled to himself in a sing-song way. He was whisking all the dry ingredients together. "Mmmm...So I have to add the wet ingredients to the dry ingredients" Mafu muttered as he looked at the website he was referring to. There lay two cups of around him, one for Soraru when he wakes up and one for the cake. Looks like he forgot that coffee becomes cold, huh? 

"There! Almost done!" He said as he placed the cake inside the oven. "Time to make the icing~" He cheerfully said. As he was finished with the icing and kept it in the refrigerator, Soraru had just come out of his room.

"What are you doing so early?" Soraru asked as Mafu slightly jumped from surprise. "N-Nothing!
I was just making coffee!" Mafu blurted out as an excuse. I don't think anyone would believe that  He thought, but to his surprise, Soraru bought the lie. "Can I have my cup then?" He asked.

"Did you brush your teeth?" Mafu asked him. 

"Yes, Mom.," Soraru replied in a lazy tone. "Can I have my cup then?" Mafu then gave Soraru his cup. "It's.......cold," Soraru commented. Mafu had just remembered that coffee goes cold.

"I'm sorry! I'm really sorry!" Mafu apologized and bowed continuously(as what I'd like to call Tohru Honda style) "Didn't I tell to stop apologizing for everything" Soraru playfully scolded Mafu."Anyways, what's that sweet smell?" The raven-haired asked the albino.

"Oh! It's done!" Mafu said and told Soraru to go take a shower so the surprise doesn't ruined. After Soraru came out of his room he saw that Mafu was not there. "Mafu where are you?"He asked but when he got no reply back he started to get worried. What if someone broke in and kidnapped Mafu. He does seem like he'd be easy to kidnap. He started looking around the house. In his bedroom, in Mafu's bedroom, basically everywhere. 

He sat down on the couch after half-an-hour of searching. He started to hear soft snoring and looked behind the couch to see Mafu sleeping with the cake beside him. So he was baking me a cake instead of sleeping huh? Soraru thought with a smile on his face and carried Mafu to his bedroom. "Goodnight" He softly whispered in the sleeping albino's ears and left the room.

Time Skip!: Evening

A small breeze made the curtains flutter, making the light of the setting sun fall on the sleeping albino's face, waking him up. "ughhh.........THE CAKE!!!!!" He shouted as he got up. "Aaaaahhh! How could I fall asleep!?!" Mafu scolded himself. He went into the living room to see Soraru playing with Iroha and Potato. "Umm...Soraru~san?" He said in a tone that sounded like he was a little worried. He got a yes back from the raven-haired who didn't bother turning to face him and continued playing with the cats. "Happy Birthday," Mafu said sounding a bit less worried.

"Thank you" Soraru turned to face Mafu and he gave him a warm smile.


I'm back and happy birthday to Soraru~san! I didn't draw yet fanart but I'll do it sometime later this evening.

 I also have to do homework! Why does tomorrow have to be  Monday!?! Well, hope you enjoyed this chapter! 

Word count: 690 

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