Chapter 6

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I pounced onto the tom that was attacking Berrytail. The white tom staggered back and fled away. Next, Berrytail and Sliverpaw advanced onto the Brown tabby that was crushing Molewind. The brown tabby had half an ear, bulky shoulders and was bigger than Rinopelt!

All of the cats fought with their lives on the line, but with the tiniest bit of strength left they managed to push back the rouges.


We got back to camp ready to tell Silverstar what had happened, but instead we saw cats leaving from what I think was a clan meeting or naming ceremony? But I didn't really care much until I saw Cloudpaw puff up her chest while looking at me. I guessed that she had her naming ceremony, but we just missed it. I felt very bad for missing her naming ceremony.

I walked up to her and congratulated her. " thank you so much Silverpaw!" she said while rubbing her nose on my cheek." What is your name now, since I missed it?" I mewed. "it's Cloudear." she said smiling. Oh how that smile brings me back home, the place that I wish I could go to when ever I feel down.

"well I have to go to the moonstone now catch you later I guess." she mewed turning herself towards Skymist." were not going anywhere until these filthy cats are clean and healed up" Skymist spat. I smiled in her direction, laughing in my mind.

That conversation also remained me that I must go to the moonstone as well. A lot has happened since my naming ceremony. I padded toward my mentor and greeted him. I had a hunch that he knew that i wanted to talk about my moonstone visiting. " yes, we will go but not tonight, since Cloudear and Skymist are going." he said answering my second question."do you want some pr-" he was cut off by a distant yowl into the woods. He flicked his head toward the direction and fled.

We just came back from a battle, why would he just charge into the woods like that?!" wait for me." I screamed behind him. We trotted in unison, and jumped over fallen trees. The yowling was growing and growing. We had to squeeze between some tress, but i think it was okay.

"oh no." Ashpelt mewed. I had to look very closely because I didn't see anything until my eyes locked onto the young kit. I was pretty sure that it was Ashpelt's and Poppyheart's son. Ashpelt dashed for he young kit before I could even say a word! I tried following behind, but he was way out of my league when it comes to speed.

I finally reached the kit, but when I saw it's battered up leg I knew for a fact that he would never become a great warrior like his father. Sorrow broke into my heart as Ashpelt sobbed for his kit. Ashpelt finally sighed and took the squealing kit by the scruff and ran back to camp as fast as lighting. Well I guess on the way back to camp I could catch some prey for the elders or cobweb for the medicine cat.

I heard distant mews coming from Riverclan camp. I turned my head that way ready to fight the intruder. But it was only a rouge i was guessing because she didn't smell like Riverclan, Shadowclan, or Windclan! I pulled down into a hunting crouch ready to fight the intruder. But I didn't know was that, the intruder was a beautiful golden she-cat. My heart skipped a beat when I saw her. The she-cat looked around my moon. " wait so are you one of the those clan cat thingy?" she asked twisting her head in confusion.

"what if I am" I replied not trying to sound rude." oh, ok I was just wandering around." she mewed. there was something weird about her but I couldn't put it together." well see ya around,I guess?" she said. I should just continue my task and not go the other direction. I said ok and pretended to leave but I just hid in a bush watch her.

She was the most amazing thing that I have ever seen. I wished this day would never end but it will and it will hit me hard, like a claw raking threw my throat.

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