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/Share tongues with___ (boosts relationship)(costs no energy but can only be used a certain amount of times a day)

/Talk with____(boosts relationship) (you get to choose what they talk about)
(costs no energy but can only be used a certain amount of times a day)

/Share tongues and gossip with____(boosts relationship) (you get to choose what they gossip about)(costs no energy but can only be used a certain amount of times a day)

/Share freshkill with___(boosts relationship)(costs no energy but can only be used a certain amount of times a day)

/Sleep next to___(boosts relationship) (nearing the end of the moon if they have no energy left)

/Cuddle with___(boosts relationship)(costs no energy but can only be used a certain amount of times a day)

/Kiss(lick)forehead/ear/nose/face/cheek etc. (boosts relationship)(costs no energy but can only be used a certain amount of times a day)

/Feel for kits (Costs no energy and can only be used by med cats) (this gives the medicine cat an idea how many kits a queen is having)

/Watch clouds with__(boosts relationship)(costs no energy only used near the start of the moon)

/Stargaze with__(boosts relationship) (costs no energy can only be used near the end of the moon)

/Mock battle with__(uses energy)(kits and apprentices use this although warriors and other cats can if they want) (may also help battle skill)

(This one below is inspired by other Command Games)

/Come out as ____(sexuality/gender here) (costs no energy) (this may lower a relationship depending if a cat supports it or not!)(If a cat supports it, the relationship level doesn't change!)
(Does not matter when the cat comes out however it's recommended the earliest they can come out is apprentice!)
(Elders can come out too! Each cat takes their own time figuring themselves out❤️)

(Only for command game admin)
Will announce a kits eye colour! As kits are born with blue eyes

(Command only for PM's)
/Force breed with___
This will make a cat r*pe another (any sex can breed) (has a chance of trauma/scarring a cat) (also has a chance of impregnating a cat if the cats are opposite genders!)

This will make a cat to attempt to kill and eat a cat, sometimes even alive. (Mostly used of a cat is starving or not mentally stable)

When a cat is injured enough for a scar or things such as: ticked ears, mangled/broken body parts, blindness, missing limbs etc. They will permanently be apart of the cats appearance, however scars will no longer say. "A scar along /on____" but instead. "A faint scar along/on___"

/Lay herbs to dry out (used by medicine cats/apprentices and other cats if they're currently helping the medicine cats)
This will make herbs last longer and won't shrivel up for a few moons. (Can be used on regular herbs but mostly for collecting herbs in the rain)

When a cat dies the admin of the game puts a "mourning chain" (admin might put the name of said dead cat for the chain) for people to put in commands of their cat to mourn. "/Mourn __" (This is probably gonna be used mostly by cats who were close to said dead cat and or related. However any cat can mourn. Cats can also rp while they mourn.) This makes it more realistic and so a cat just doesn't die and that's it.

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