Cat 2

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Name- Darkstar (Darkmask)
Rank- Leader
Clan- WindClan/RiverClan
Looks- A pure black she-cat with light blue eyes
Personalty- Ambitious, misunderstood, neglected, bloodthirsty, fierce
My note- Remind me not to get on your bad side!

Kit life-
You had a sister named Patchkit and friends named Beekit and Skykit, but other than that your life as a kit was anything but ordinary. Your first memory was watching a cat named Grayheart, the brother of Snowleaf the medicine cat, drag a RiverClan tom named Shadowmask into camp and murder him in front of your mother, Dawnstar. That cat named Shadowmask was your father. Grayheart was quickly exiled, but not before he shot you and your sister the evilest of stares. This cat wanted with all his heart for you to die. While many cats would be ashamed to be half clan (like your sister was) you were not, instead you embraced it, even when Flintkit called you fishbreath and tuna-tail. Instead, you would threaten to push him into the river, which ended up with you stuck in the nursery getting scolded by the queens. Sometimes you would get in trouble on purpose, just out of hope that your mother Dawnstar would come into the nursery and scold you herself. You understood that she was clan leader and couldn't spend time with you every day, all day, but sometimes it seemed like she hated you, like you were a disappointment to her. It wasn't your fault that she chose to be mates with a RiverClan tom! Some days, when you would run over to Dawnstar with a ball of moss to play with and she just turned away, you wished with all your heart that something would happen to her. Something painful.

Apprentice life-
Your bitterness carried on through all your kittenhood, growing with each rejection. By the time you became an apprentice, you would fantasize about all the ways to kill your mother. You were apprenticed to Dusteyes, who was your uncle and a senior warrior. Right away the thing that stuck out about you was your stalking and fighting ability. Dusteyes often praised you, saying that Dawnstar also had much potential as a fighter when she was younger. It disgusted you to think that you were anything like your weak, idiotic mother. One day during battle training, Dusteyes paired you with Flintpaw, who was much bigger and more muscular than you. Despite your amazing potential in fighting, Flintpaw was flinging you around, crushing and swiping at you. His claws slid out and dug into your shoulder, a smug look covering his face as he whispered RiverClan insults into your ears. Overcome by rage you flung him off and leaped at him claw unsheathed, and sliced his belly open. He died immediately. Dusteyes was horrified, though he was convinced that his apprentice would never kill on purpose and that it was an accident. That was the way he explained it to Dawnstar, but you could see that he had his doubts. It was time to get rid of him. One day you told him that you smelled RiverClan cats at the border, and it seemed they crossed it. He went with you to check it out, and you pushed him into the river. WindClan not being good swimmers, Dusteyes drowned and when nobody could find his body, they assumed he was kidnapped. What you didn't know was your best friend, Skypaw, saw you commit the murder. Skypaw confronted you about it, wide-eyed and afraid. You couldn't take any chances, so you attacked her, bashing her head against a rock until she was knocked out. When she woke up in the medicine den she couldn't remember anything.

Warrior life-
You were named Darkmask, in memory of your father Shadowmask. Your sister was named Patchsky, and Beepaw was called Beetail. In every battle, you were the most feared cat, but mostly because the other clans knew you wouldn't hesitate to kill. You grew a large hatred for kits, with their loving mothers and perfect lives. They didn't know how it felt to suffer, to have a dead father, a distant mother, and to be made fun of all day. That's why you would kill at least one kit from each WindClan litter in secret. When you weren't hunting or patrolling, you were plotting. While yes, you were a good fighter, plotting and mysteriously murdering were your real skills, for you were quite smart. One day, when you felt it was time, you called a clan meeting. Your mother came to ask you what you were doing, as the clan gathered below with curious gazes. That's when you pinned your mother down and slit Dawnstar's throat, so deep it stole her remaining 3 lives. The clan went into a state of panic, only calming down once you started to yell at them. You had done it. You had killed your mother. You were Darkstar. That night, you and Snowleaf (the medicine cat and your mother's best friend) traveled to the MoonPool, where you received your 9 lives, much to StarClan's regret, but you didn't care.

Leader life-
The first thing you did (after making your sister deputy) was get rid of all the unloyal WindClan cats, killing them with blows to the neck. Second, you attacked RiverClan camp, killing Troutstar yourself (but not without losing 2 lives) and merging WindClan and RiverClan together to create DarkClan. You were unstoppable. You had dens dedicated to keeping and torturing prisoners, which you would kill a few days later. You hunted kittypets for fun. One day, while grooming yourself in your den, Patchsky walked in. You asked her what she was doing when she attacked you. She called you a horrible, ungrateful, bloodthirsty leader. In your surprise, you couldn't fight back, and even if you could, you loved your sister and would never lay a claw on her. She flung you into the rock wall of your den, and you felt your spine crack. Beetail walked in, and you thought he would help you, but instead, she twined his tail with Patchsky's and glared at you. They betrayed you. The last words you were able to gurgle out before you died were, "She never loved us Patchsky..." The dark forest welcomed you.

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