Cat 7

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Name: Moonstream
Gender: she-cat
Rank: Medicine Cat
Mate: no mate (not allowed)
Parents: Mother-Angelfish and Father-Watersplash
Littermates: Sisters-none and Brothers-Pebblestorm and Icehawk
Appearance: white, gray spot around your right eye, short fur, black eyes
Personality: smart, skillful, kind, thoughtful, has a good memory                                                                   My note: she is one of the nicest cats in this book

Kit Life: "Moonkit, where do you think you're going?" Your mother asks. (you turn your head to her) "I want to see what Leafcloud's doing." "Alright, but if he's busy don't bother him. Okay?" "Okay." You dash over to the medicine den to find Leafcloud right outside." Leafcloud greets you. "Hello, Moonkit. What brings you here?" "I want to see what a medicine cat does?" Leafcloud smiles softly and tells you to follow him inside to his den. Just then you hear Silvertail call out to Leafcloud. "Leafcloud!" Leafcloud looks towards where he heard his name and you follow to where he was looking. "My joints felt stiff when I went hunting today." "Alright sit there all get you a poultice for that." He walks inside his den and stops. "Do you want to come and watch me?" You nod happily and follow him in. You see him make the poultice out of comfrey root. He then applies it on Silvertail so her joints don't get anymore stiff. "After this got to take a rest. You've been working nonstop. No wonder your joints are stiff." "Fine I'll get some rest, but it won't be for long," Silvertail says in a complaining voice. Once she left you asked Leafcloud, "Is being a medicine cat fun?" "Yes. To me, it's the best thing that's ever happened to me." "I want to train to become a medicine cat just like you." Leafcloud looks surprisedly at you. "I can't wait to have you as my apprentice then." You jump excitedly and run to your mother to tell her the news. "I going to be a medicine cat!"

Apprentice Ceremony: It's your time to become a medicine cat apprentice. Your leader, Reedstar, jumps up onto the Highledge to address the clan. "Let all cats old enough to swim gather to hear my words!" Everyone gathers underneath the Highledge waiting for the apprentice ceremonies to start. Once everyone was quiet Leafcloud spoke. "Cats of RiverClan, as you know, I will not be around forever. So it's time I took an apprentice. I have chosen a cat who shows skill, kindness, and wisdom. Your next medicine cat will be Moonpaw." Reedstar then turns to you and speaks. "Moonpaw, do you accept the post of apprentice to Leafcloud." "I do." " Then at the half-moon, you must travel to the Moonpool to be accepted by StarClan before the other medicine cats," says Leafcloud proudly. "The good wishes of RiverClan will go with you." Those were the last words of your ceremony until you travel to the Moonpool. The half-moon has come and you will journey with Leafcloud to become a true medicine cat apprentice. You meet up with Goldenheart of ThunderClan, Shadefur of ShadowClan, and Rabbittail and Willowpaw of WindClan. You have arrived at the Moonpool and are now continuing your ceremony. "Moonpaw, is it your wish to enter the mysteries of StarClan as a medicine cat?" You reply back, "It is." "Then come forward. (you walk forward) "Warriors of StarClan, I present you with this apprentice. She has chosen the path of a medicine cat. Grant her your wisdom and insight so that she may understand your ways and heal her clan in accordance with your will." You drink from the Moonpool and then you and Littlecloud lay down and have a dream from StarClan.

Apprentice Life: You and Leafcloud come back from your journey to the Moonpool. You are now a true medicine cat apprentice. Leafcloud whispered, "Let's get some sleep before we start training at sunrise." You nod your head and follow your mentor to your new den. It is now morning and the sun is shining down on your face. "Hey Moonpaw," says Pebblepaw. You reply, "Hi Pebblepaw. How are you?" "Fantastic! How about you?" "Great!" "Good. Well, I got to go I'm going on a hunting patrol." "Ok. Bye." Once Pebblepaw was gone Leafcloud came up to you. " Today we'll be gathering some herbs to stack up against our supplies before leaf-bare. You went out with your mentor and he taught you all about herbs and where to find them. "What are cobwebs used for again?" Littlecloud asks randomly. You pondered for like two seconds then answered back, "You can use it to soak up and stop or slow down bleeding." "Excellent!" Littlecloud was so proud of you to remember so quickly. You both head back to your camp and pick up fresh-kill on your way to your den. Moons have past and your littermates are both now warriors. Pebblepaw is now Pebblestorm and Icepaw is now Icehawk. A terrible spread of greencough is in your clan. You and Leafcloud are almost out of catmint. "Moonpaw can you go out and fetch more catmint. Bring another warrior with you so they can help carry some back. You nod silently and run to get a warrior. You choose Snowstripe to come with you and you both run to get catmint. By the time you come back a kit, Mintkit has gone to join StarClan. A couple of days have past and the spread of greencough was no more. It was time to go to the Moonpool. There you will finally become a true medicine cat. "Before we share dreams with StarClan I have something to say to Moonpaw.

Medicine Cat Ceremony: "I, Leafcloud, medicine cat of RiverClan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on this apprentice. She has trained hard to understand the ways of a medicine cat, and with your help, she will serve her Clan for many moons." You look stunned and surprised to see that your dream was coming true. "Moonpaw, do you promise to uphold the ways of a medicine cat, to stand apart from rivalry between clan and clan, and to protect all cats equally, even at the cost of your life?" "I do." "Then by the powers of StarClan, I give you your true name as a medicine cat. Moonpaw, from this moment you will be known as Moonstream. StarClan honors you for your bravery, skills, and ability to heal, and we welcome you as a full medicine cat of RiverClan. Leafcloud rests his muzzle on your head and you lick his shoulder. Goldenheart, Shadefur, Rabbittail, and Willowtail all greet you and call you by your new name.

Medicine Cat Life: A couple of moons have passed since you became a true medicine cat. One morning you were collecting chervil since you ran low. You then suddenly hear someone crying out loud. "Help! Someone, please help me! Help!" You run in that direction only to see a WindClan kit drowning in the water. You follow your instincts and jump into the water. You grab the kit and quickly swim to your border. The kit was coughing and its breathing was shallow. You tried to find coltsfoot as fast as you can before the kit was on its way to StarClan. "Coltsfoot. I found some." You chew the leaves and give them to the helpless kit. Soon the kit coughs out the water it has swallowed and you breathe out a sigh of relief. Soon you here Icehawk. "Moonstream, what's happened?" He asked worriedly. "I was collecting chervil when I heard a cat mew for help. I found out it was this kit who was drowning in the river." You suddenly see several WindClan cats worriedly looking for something. You figure out they were looking for the kit. "Graykit! Graykit where are you?!" A WindClan she-cat was calling for her lost kit. "I've got him!" You call out to the patrol and they race over to you. "It's alright. He will survive." "Thank you so much." The she-cat starts licking her kit with swift swipes to warm him up. They soon take the kit back to WindClan's camp and you return to yours. Life continues on and rescue lives and share more dreams with StarClan.

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