Roleplay plot lines

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1-You are walking in your territory by yourself and are attacked by someone. You are about to retaliate only to discover that your attacker is a clanmate who only wishes to play.  Are you upset? Or do you simply just join in and relax a little?

2-You and your friends decide to sneak into the Twolegplace next to the clan's territory. Someone gets lost! Do you search for them in the endless maze of twoleg den's or abandon them and hope for the best?

Mentor and Apprentice
1-You go on a walk with your mentor/apprentice and they divulge some of their thoughts and parts of their history. How do you respond? Do their thoughts and past actions turn you off to them as a mentor/apprentice?

2-Your mentor is trying to teach you a battle move that you know isn't going by the warrior code. How do you respond to this?

3-Your apprentice has suddenly gone missing! You know where they've gone and why but they've asked you to keep it a secret, but do you tell the rest of the Clan to appease their worries or hold your tongue?

1-You suddenly realize that you have feelings for another clanmate, but you aren't altogether sure about them. You decide to casually ask them out for a walk in the territory to get to know them better. How does it go? are your feelings unfounded? Do you feel the same?

2-You and your friend have been growing closer over the last few moons, but it seems as though they have also been growing close to someone else! How will you fix this mess? Can you win your friends heart or will you loose the game of love?

1-You have decided to ask your longtime best friend to be your mate. At first you were just friends, but now you feel stronger. You finally gain enough courage to pop the question. How do you react? Do you feel the same or do you want to remain friends?

2-You and your crush do not live in the same clan. Every night you sneak out to meet them. Will you be able to keep the relationship a secret? If times get hard will you be betrayed by the one you though you could trust?

3-You have recently met an attractive cat; the only downside is that they are a loner/rogue with no interest in joining a clan. Will you leave the clan for them? Staying together while you are in the clan is considered breaking the warrior code; are you willing to deal with the punishment, should you ever be caught?

Verbal Argument
1-Someone insults your friend. How do you respond?

2-Someone has accused your clan of being weak! How do you respond?

3-Someone in your clan has threatened your friends and family. What will you do?

Physical Argument
1-You were already in a bad mood and the smallest thing has set you off. You explode on someone else and attack them in an unjustified way. Do you realize your hotheadedness and apologize or do you decide to not admit you were wrong?

Scars and other injuries
1-You've had spats with this cat before, but this fight is particularly vicious. You gain a fairly serious injury from the fight. How does it happen, where is it placed?

2-Your clan is at war! But...with who? No one except your leader and deputy really know; all they said was to be prepared to fight. Do you pressure them into revealing the invaders? Or maybe you wouldn't dare question the higher-ups...?

Lover's Spat
1-You thought you knew everything about your mate, but they have divulged something that makes you question your relationship. How do you deal with it? Do you confront them or decide to pretend it doesn't bother you? Will you stay together?

2-Two cats fall in love, they have been mates for a few moons. One finds out the other has been sleeping with another cat. Which one of you was it? How will you handle it? Can you get through such a challenge?

1-Your parents have a second litter. Are they fine? or do they have an injury, or could they possibly be stillborn?

2-Your Sibling runs away after thinking that they are "Hated" When they aren't, you follow them only to find out they are creating a new clan! Will you tell, or keep it a secret?

3-Your Leader/Med Cat/Deputy starts paying less attention to their duties, and going out more. they come back one night with "abandoned kits" When really they are forbidden love kits! How will you respond?

4-A band of disloyal warriors in your clan are seeming to try to spark up a rebellion because of absence in leadership! How will you protect your clan and the cats in it?

5-You come to the moonstone with your supposed mentor to become an official medicine cat apprentice. Eager as you go to delve into the depths of StarClan, your attitude suddenly plummets once StarClan has rejected you for the position. Would you throw a fit and become a medicine cat apprentice anyway, or sadly accept your fate to become an ordinary warrior apprentice?

6-A plague begins to spread. The clans have never seen anything like it! It has already caused several cats in your clan to go insane. Will you fall prey to this? Can you and your friends risk staying in the clans? Will you abandon everything you know to avoid the illness?

7-A loner wants to join the Clan and they have been getting strange dreams - a con or a prophet? What kind of messages are they getting? How will you and your family react?

These will be updated as time goes on.

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