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2. I will be consistent on rating, and will be brutally honest :)

3. Not many rules, but just be kind, please

The ones with a * are optional



Meaning for name;





Are they good in that rank?;

Description (detailed.)

Personality (detailed.)










Name; Sparkecho

Meaning for name; Spark because her pelt is ginger, and Echo because I imagine that echo is grey, and she has grey on her

Age; about 29 moons?

Gender; She-cat

Clan; Galacticclan

Rank; Deputy

Are they good in that rank?; Yes, she works hard everyday

Description (detailed.); a Golden/Ginger she-cat with light grey dapples, grey ears, and a white tip of her tail, with blue eyes

Personality (detailed.); She is adventurous, kind, Sarcastic, believes in what is right very deeply, and when she is angry, something snaps inside her, and anyone who gets in her way...... *imitates blood gushing out of neck.*

*Strengths; Hunting, running, jumping, climbing

*Weaknesses; Fighting, dealing with anyone who does bad things to her, as it puts her in a sorta depressed, determined to prove herself state

*likes; Loves hunting, caring for other, her clanmates, kind cats, and her family

*Dislikes; Hates fighting, mean cats, annoying cats, rude cats, snappy cats, and so on

Mate; Blazingrush

Family; Hare- mother, Streak- father- dead

Kits; Goldensun, Violetdusk, Kindleblossom, Dawnfeather, Ravenbreeze (adopted.) Ashwind, Firejay, Flarespring, Flintstalk (adopted.) Clawkit (deceased)

Backstory; She was originally a rouge, alone and sad, until she got in a fight with some other cats, and it was 5 to 1. She nearly died, when 3 other cats came into the scene, and fought the cats away, then they invited Spark into their clan. She hesitated at first, then she joined them, and was named Sparkecho. She soon realised she was expecting kits, from the rouges that had attacked her. She had 2 kits Goldenkit and Clawkit. Clawkit soon died from a weird sickness. When more cats joined the clan, she finally found a mate, Blaze. He was soon named Blazingrush, and they became mates quite soon. By this time Goldensun had become a warrior, and she is soon expecting more kits. She has Kindleblossom, Violetdusk, Ashwind, and Firejay. About a year later, she discovers 2 kits alone in the woods, and she takes them in, as she is expecting herself. She names these kits Ravenkit and Flintkit, and her own kits Flarekit and Dawnkit. Later on they become Ravenbreeze, Flintstalk, Flarespring, and Dawnfeather. (The there is a prophecy about her and blah blah blah...)

Other; none but the prophecy is 

'It only takes a spark to light a fire, and that fire will echo around the forest until it leaves nothing but burnt, Dry destruction.'

Have fun! Also-please put a form in, even if it's just a random Oc

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